Fuck with my boss! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

After a hard business day you meet in the sauna and relaxed. Hello. My name is Laura and I thought about it for a long time my story should bring on paper. You can read the result below. The story is 100 true and exactly as it has happened as it has to be read. Nothing was left away and nothing was poeted. So as I said, my name is Laura and live in Munich. I am 35 years old and have been happily married for 5 years.

Until recently, I worked in accounting by a renowned pharmaceutical company. Unfortunately a lot of my department of outsourcing and I had to change the department. Now I have been head of the marketing department for 5 months and it is hard work that is still a lot of fun. Since I have to travel a lot in my new job, my private free time has become very scarce and I only see my husband three days a week.

But he gets along very well and does not complain. I actually didn’t want to do the new job, but from a financial point of view and since we have planned to get a child anyway, I accepted the job to go into maternity leave as soon as possible. At the time I didn’t know how much fun I would give me the new job. But I still didn’t give up my desire to have children. That’s why I stopped taking the pill at this point and in the three days when I was at home my husband loved and I loved each other as often as possible.

And when I say “loved”, then I mean that too. He is so incredibly tender and sex with him gently and lovely. My story I want to tell begin with the fact that I had to travel to Berlin with my boss Richard for a 2-day seminar. My husband knew that Richard looked very good for his 61 years, but because of age he was not jealous, which I really appreciate about my husband. We had two rooms in the hotel where the seminar took place.

After 8 hours of training everything had tense with me and I had headache. In addition, I was ready so that after dinner I went to the sauna around 10 p.m. to relax and come back down with my thoughts. The sauna was empty at this time, which I liked very much because I could spread out completely naked, which I couldn’t do in the sauna otherwise. I laid my stomach on my sauna towel and relaxed when the door suddenly opened and Richard stood in the door.

He grinned at me and said that we would have had the same idea and sat down naked and unabashed with a grin next to me. Since we both talked enough all day, we were silent and relaxed. It wasn’t uncomfortable for me that I was naked in the sauna, because I always saw the fatherly type in Richard and very dear and trusted him. I pretended to have my eyes and looked out of the angle so that he didn’t notice anything.

He was very sporty and big for his 61 years and I was very surprised that you could still be at that age. He was hairy on the chest and slightly muscular. But what I saw between his legs hit me. He was at least 3 times as much as that of my husband and I caught my thoughts for which I was ashamed immediately when I was uncovered. My view was also completely wrong that everything is wrinkled with an older man below and rather disgusting.

Richard had a firm sack and no frown at all and be at all tail looked lace. I was surprised and I caught how a hot shower ran down my back. “I’m totally broken and everything hurts me,” I groaned to myself. Richard opened his eyes and said “maybe I can help” and slipped over to me and started massaging my shoulders and the neck. “Ah, that’s good,” I said and enjoyed them massage.

I started to laugh quietly and Richard asked what was so funny. “If my husband or wife could see us now, what would they think, hahaha”. Richard laughed and said that they are not here and even if, he doesn’t think that they would come up with false thoughts and that so far nothing has happened at all. It’s just a massage. On the one hand I was reassured and agreed, on the other hand, what does he mean by “so far”? Since I don’t trust Richard that he exploits the situation, I let him continue to massage it.

And besides, it was incredibly good. It was wonderful to feel his gripping hands on my back and I let myself fall completely. He massaged my neck and shoulders first, then he massaged my whole back to me. His hands knew what they did. He massaged hard and sometimes tender, it was totally beautiful and I enjoyed it to the fullest. Then he massaged my hip and the buttocks. It was pleasant and I read it.

Since we both were very sweaty through the sauna, everything slipped well and the massage didn’t hurt. He kneaded my lower back properly and then started to work on my buttocks, which in his opinion would be far too tense. He became more gentle and I was more and more tingling due to the situation, since his touch now had nothing to do with the initial massage. What did he have before? I misjudged him? I didn’t want to cheat my husband because I was very happy in every respect.

Unfortunately, the tender massage on the bottom was also beautiful and my body reacted differently as it should actually be. I became moist and really moist. And about the rash moan that came out of my mouth, I was surprised and cursed myself for it. But for Richard it was probably a confirmation of his actions and I heard his breath more difficult. Suddenly I felt his thumb on my anus and how he gently massaged it.

Now I should have protested, but I didn’t. I always thought that something like that couldn’t happen to me and that I would have always under control and now and now that. Well, I thought to myself, that’s ok, but nothing more. Richard stroked my back with one hand, with the other he massaged my anus. And the heat of the sauna and the anus massage totally relaxed me. It was incredibly beautiful.

Suddenly Richard loosened from my anus and started to stroke my pussy gently from behind. It was too much for me and I said outraged that he should leave it and that I would never cheat on my husband. However, I probably did not react violently enough, which frightened me, because without stopping my pussy, he said “Pschhhhh”, and Richard meant that orgasm Probably the best relaxation and I would not cheat my husband with it, since we don’t make sex together.

I was very dizzy and since the massage on my clit was really about to come and I still saw Richard as a fatherly confidant, I said “Ok, I trust you” and relaxed again. The stimulation was beautiful and I have to admit that my husband has never managed to stroke me in this way, but this should not be a reproach. How automatically my pelvis started to circle and my breath got faster.

What happened to me? Suddenly I felt one of his fingers sliding into my soaking wet pussy and moaning. “Not Richard” I said. “Please don’t fuck, you promised me”. “But I’m not really fucking my sparrow,” said Richard. “There is only one finger and there is nothing there, no fear you don’t cheat on your husband, now switch off your head and enjoy. I do that too “. Then he introduced a second and third fingers and noticed my light protest at all anyway.

Everything disappeared around me. I should have ended it all. My husband was my great love. The situation was so crazy, but Richard was right. Basically we didn’t really fuck, he only gave me relaxation with his fingers, even if his fingers already gave me more sex than my husband’s tail ever made it. O God, how did I think about my husband. I was always satisfied.

But Richard did that really well. He slowly got me with his three fingers. He turned her and fucked it quickly and then slowly again. Richard massaged my anus with the other hand and slowly fucked it with two fingers. I had never allowed my husband to spoil myself anal but Richard didn’t ask at all and it was so good. Then the time came. A huge flood stirred my body and I had to scream, yes, I couldn’t do anything else.

I have never had such an intense orgasm. Never in my life. It was indescribable, intense and it seemed to me that the orgasm was going on for hours. After my orgasm had subsided again, I was completely finished. From far away I heard Richard talking and he asked me how I was doing? I replied “fantastic” Richard and it was the same. It was bad, but it was like that. “I’ve never had such an intense orgasm,” I said to him.

With these words a lot to me that he still had his fingers in my pussy and in my buttocks. I smiled at him, then he slowly pulled his finger out of me and stroked my back. I was glad that nothing else happened and therefore had no guilty conscience. I was still on my stomach and smiled Richard from the side. Since I only opened my eyes again, I was terrified, the Richard’s cock was swollen into gigantic sizes and I really don’t exaggerate.

He had 20*5, at least. I know that this sounds unbelievable and like to be exaggerated in other stories, but it was really like that. And I’ve never seen such a huge ski jump. Suddenly I became aware that what happened was impossible to just passed Richard. But I still hoped that it was now and that the matter was over now. Unfortunately, I couldn’t let my exaggerated shocked look off his tail.

Every woman always says “it doesn’t matter”. But show me a woman who really means that and would not have stared at this cock as well as I did. I think every woman would have gone like that. Of course, the Richard was not hidden. Richard laughed because I looked so frightened. “What’s going on,” he asked grinning, “your eyes fall out right away”. I stuttered “I have never seen such a huge thing” and lowered and caught my eyes.

“The one of my husband is not even half as big, if at all”. I heard myself say startled. Richard laughed again. “Oh dear, – why did you tell me that, now I will always have to think of his little one when I see your husband. Hahaha, that’s not a tail, joked Richard. That’s enough for you, ”he said mischievously with a wink. “Yes, I’m very happy and I don’t know anything else,” I answered him trembling and defended my husband.

Then I lay back on my stomach. “Now listen,” complained Richard played. “Don’t you want to help me with relaxation”. What I replied that I won’t be a strange cock, even if he is still so big. Never. “How about if I just rub my cock up and down in the dogs position between your buttocks, that’s how jerk off Without you have to touch him. And when it comes to me, I inject everything on your sauna towel.

You still didn’t go to it, because I don’t fuck you properly. Then you don’t need to have a guilty conscience and I have my deserved relaxation that you owe me “. I know you think I’m stupid now, but the whole situation, the mood and the gentle fatherly kind of Richard have agreed with me. And I’m sure you would have been like that too. You have to hear his voice and I admit, his cock also played a small (large) role.

So I knelt on my sauna towel on the lowest level. I support my upper body on the upper level. Richard stood very close behind me and stuck his cock between my buttocks and started driving up and down. With his hands he stroked my back again and massaged it slightly. The sweat ran down and his cock slipped well. “Ah is that beautiful” groaned Richard. I only giggled because I found the situation amusing.

“Hot, giggling is de-stimulating” whispered Richard in my ear. With these words, I suddenly felt his arms wrapped around my upper body and tenderly lifted me. With gentle strength, Richard straightened up my upper body, drove through my arms and started to massage my breasts while still fucking my pitch. It was beautiful and his tender dominance I liked it frighteningly. “Richard, please don’t, I don’t want it that way,” I groaned too weak and unbelievable, because I wasn’t even sure that I meant it that way too.

Richard overlooked my pleading on purpose or not, because he just continued to massage my breasts, gently twirled my warts, stroked my stomach, my neck. His hands were everywhere. He was a man old school. He knew what a woman liked and at that moment I could never have really said no, even if my husband had come to the sauna door, I would have had Richard granted regardless of consequences. And that would certainly have gone like that.

After a few minutes, however, that I got like hours of richard to my clit and began to massage him while the other hand continued working on my breast. “Not” I said more vigorously now. And for a short time he let me start. But my circular end and pressing pelvis had developed his own head and said Richard something else. Then he picked up tenderly again and smiled in my ear “I have you”.

– I didn’t know what he meant. “You also like it, otherwise you wouldn’t push your butt against my tail”. Then he started kissing my neck. My neck. Very soft. It was incredibly beautiful. I closed my eyes, groaned loudly and put my head back on his neck and my pussy dripped, yes, it really dripped and not just in the visual sense. Richard pulled his program through and conducted me without noticing it – where he wanted me to have me.

A slight with 61 years of love experience. But I only noticed that afterwards. I continued to tilt my head to him and we kissed passionately. “Don’t be afraid of what we do has nothing to do with cheating,” Richard tried to calm me down while he kissed me further. He manipulated me without noticing it. I only saw stars. His hand on my clit triggered true storms in me. And his slow movements with his cock between my Posplege almost brought me to the mind.

I was so excited that I didn’t notice anything about us anymore. His up and down movement with his cock was crazy. Every time he drove up again, his cock tip touched my pussy briefly and I had to groan. More than I did anyway. Richard took note of this with a smile. He took his hand away on my bosom and converted his cock with it. Then he only rubbed and down with his cock tip between my labia, while his other hand further worked on my clit.

I almost died so beautiful was the feeling. “Please don’t fuck” I heard like in a trance pleading “Please, please”. “Relax” said Richard with almost incomprehensible sounds. “No Richard” I screamed and tried to push his cock away from my labia. I really managed that, so that his cock was jammed between my legs. “Please don’t,” I said vigorously, “you don’t know what I mean, my husband and I wish us a child and I don’t take the pill at the moment.

It is impossible to happen between us. I blow you one or wank your cock, but we must not sleep more. “. “Nothing will happen that you don’t want,” I heard Richard moan. “We only play more, we don’t fuck”. “But” I tried to protest ….But he had more strength, pulled his cock out between my legs and continued rubbed his tail tip between my labia. And even if I had the strength to push him away, the feeling was indescribable and my pelvis revolved again unintentionally.

Every time I pressed my pelvis backwards, I felt very easy to enter myself like his tip of his tail. Richard groaned a lot every time. I unconsciously press my abdomen backwards, so that more and more of his cock tip penetrated into me. However, I still had everything under control and I made sure that only the tip penetrated into me, so only a few millimeters, so not the whole acorn. I played with Richard.

Richard groaned “Madness”, “my sack has already pulled together completely, I’ll probably come soon”. I frightened my cock, but Richard kept me at the pelvis. “Find Richard, I screamed panically despite the extense,“ I just have my fertile days, you can’t inject into me what would my husband say if you do that Father Our child would be?“He let go of me briefly, pretended and clutched me tenderly and said“ Sparrow, I’m sorry, but I don’t take it anymore and I don’t want it either and your husband doesn’t care about it either.

I wanted to have children for a long time anyway, so why not with you “. With these words he grabbed my hip with both hands and pulled me backwards. His cock was in me with a jerk to the stop, as wet as I was, it wasn’t a feat. I groaned loudly then he fucked me in hard long bumps. “Please don’t Richard,” I tried to demonstrate powerfully, but pressed my pelvis with frilly backwards.

“When I get pregnant”. “If you want I pull it out beforehand, don’t worry my sparrow you just have to say it”. Richard continued to groan. “But my husband” – “just imagine I would be your husband now and let yourself go”. “Oh, that doesn’t work because of your enormous tail size, you totally fill me out” I heard a frightener moan. It was too late and I couldn’t think of anything anymore. He had me so far.

Now I just wanted to be fucked. Pregnant, pregnant. I shouted out my lust and stretched out my back and he fucked me hard. I have never been fucked like that. His cock filled me out fully and his glans performed true miracles. I couldn’t breathe anymore just moan and scream. It was awesome. I felt every vein on his cock. After a while I pleaded “Please, it starts to hurt, I am not used to it.

Your cock is huge and I’ve never been fucked so hard “. Suddenly he paused like the tarantula. He stroked me tenderly over the face. “Please excuse me, I let myself go. I just wanted to fuck you “. Said Richard. “And that was so incredibly long that I wanted to pull it through now before you could say no”. “Oh Richard, you’ve been going to have been ready for a long time,” I said in a trembling voice.

“I also want you to sleep with me, but please gently”. “Voluntarily?“He asked me doubtfully but with a mischievous grin. I nodded and turned around and lay my back on my sauna towel. “Yes, voluntarily” I whispered. “You are so beautiful” he flirted with me. “I would like to make you a child,” he grinned at me. “Now I’m ready for everything my hero,” I said with a wink, “but I don’t want you to pregnain me, I would like to leave that to my husband.

Let’s just love each other in the missionary position that I love and you can just pull out your cock when it comes to you and inject on my stomach, ”I said to Richard. He said “Well, that’s a great idea”. I put my legs on his shoulders and he pressed them down so far with his upper body that we could kiss. My knees were left and right of my head.

Then he pulled his cock up and down a few times a few times and then he slowly penetrated me. In this position his cock seemed so thick again. Slowly he pushed cm into me for cm. When he was completely in me, he paused and we kissed passionately. He gave my pussy time to get used to his pussy thing. He was only on me for several minutes without moving.

It was great. He was now fully under control and enjoyed making me his willing victim. Then his cock slowly pulled out and then back to the stop. His glans spent magical. We kissed and Richard loved me tenderly as I have never loved. “I hope you have yourself under control” I groaned as best I could. “Don’t be afraid, so far I still had a grip.

I’ll pull it out beforehand if you want, promise, ”said Richard. He fucked me in this position for over 20 minutes. As long as my husband has never endured. His thick cock stimulated me so much that I had forgotten everything around me. Every time I was shortly before my orgasm, he stopped until it faded again and then continued. I had completely stepped away and shouted “Yes fuck me, please fuck me my darling”.

I didn’t know myself anymore. So far I have only called my husband my sweetheart and I have never shouted during sex either. Richard had me under control. Our bodies were gossip and dripped. And his cock was the best that ever happened to me. Then there was a huge orgasm. “I shouted out” Yeah, fuck me I’ll come right away “. “What should I do, I’m ready too and this time I can’t suppress him because I will come right away,” shouted Richard.

“It doesn’t matter” I screamed, “Let him go, I want to come, I want to come, don’t pull out” I heard myself screaming. “What?“He screamed and fucked even more violently with a grin on his face. “Say it, say it, I want to hear it from you my sparrow, shout it out otherwise I’ll pull my cock out and you don’t get orgasm” I had never seen such a broad grin. He was completely under control, but I didn’t have myself under control.

I almost faint a lot. I have never had the fact that a cock in me was an orgasm. My husband always had to take me to orgasm and this time it was different. Richard did not massage my clit by hand, but just fucked my mind out of my head. “Yes, fuck me, please. Yes, if you want it that way, yes I want your child, make me your child, ”I shouted.

“And your husband” he grunted wildly fucking and grinning. “Fuck my husband” I screamed with full strength – “I want you to become the father, but please fuck me and give me the orgasm”. “Yes, I wanted to hear that,” he shouted grinning and his fuck movements became faster and harder. Then he pumped the first beam into me and at the same time I screamed my most tremendous orgasm I’ve ever had. His cock pumped the love juice into me 11 times and I enjoyed it.

Pumping in me and how I felt his sperm in me brought me from one orgasm wave to another. I’ve never got so much sperm, it was amazing. Then he stayed on me motionless. “Please sorry,” said Richard. “I’ve never broken my promise, but I just wanted you and if I had pulled out, I would have thwarted your orgasm. I trembled all over. Once from the still sounding orgasm and once because of what I’ve just done.

I didn’t know myself that way. “What if I get pregnant now? What should I do then? I can never tell my husband?“I whimpered. “Then don’t tell him. It’s so bad if I was the father? We understand each other so well and nobody has to know “. Richard tried to calm me down. “Then I would put a cuckoo in the nest,” I replied to him. Richard grinned “Well and” – was it your hottest sex you ever had or not?”.

I nodding silently and was still fixed and done. “Well – a child of sin is something beautiful and what we have experienced is very rare happiness” then we went to take a shower. But there was almost no sperm out of me. My body had almost completely absorbed it. I thought about it for a long time and have to admit that we slept 6 times the following night and the following day and I still don’t have a guilty conscience.

I love my husband over everything, but only now do I know what sexual satisfaction is. Now I have a beautiful little daughter and my husband and I are very happy about it. That the child of Richard should be clear to all of them. Since then I haven’t slept with Richard. But he also knows who my child is and always puts me generously money to buy children’s things. However, I would like another sexual relationship with Richard since I have been since ours encounter I’m no longer satisfied with my love life.

The tail size is crucial. I’ve found that out now. But my husband and I want three children. And since I no longer see Richard, another man has to sacrifice himself ………….

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