Fuck for four | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Partner replacement and group sex-like it began, 600 km to the north, Saz, quick marriage, official apartment, new Qlique and very good contact with a comrade and his wife. The women spent free time together, bought together, we grilled together, had fetuses and game evenings. He and I were in the same unit, we did sports together, looked at porn together and drove to Denmark together because the live shows were totally cool right behind the border.

There were the first car radios with a cassette and he had a Rosita compact system with which one could cover from plate directly to cassette. So we often had the same hobby for nights. My wife was not thin, quite curvy and had wonderfully hanging big tits (why did so many slim women/girls hanging tits back then?))). His was a few numbers swallow and had murderous tits. These were blocks that made me crazy. At some point we sat in the living room with them.

The women had been to tennis and came home directly from there. Mine had already showered and was sitting with us, his shower was still. We chatted, drank cola and then she came in. Towel around the hair and otherwise only an asshalles of artificial silk kimono house coat, which the belt could hardly hold together. Her tits just pressed him up, almost swell out, their nipples were almost full of size to see and the rest were pressed through the fabric.

I got stem eyes and made some stupid say?“Answered. I scored to him, then to mine. No reaction, they just said grinning and so I said “come here”. She came, I pulled her to my lap and had her tits 20 cm in front of my eyes. Another look to the left, to the right. I saw in faces who grinned grinning what I would do now.

I reached very carefully at first. Let my fingers hike over her tits, then I pulled the fabric away and massaged, twirled the nipples hard, played and then I sucked on them, got a latte. She remarked it “enough played” and got up, ordered a little and sat next to Jürgen. More was not …………. this evening. But in the following time I developed a talent to go to the pugs on all possible occasions and she played along, appealed, grabbed my tail, petted, stroked.

Then I bought a double PL again and wanted to summarize it on a CD 60 for the car. The 90s and 120s did not pull the cassette part, so there was always band salad. At the first LP he was still there, then he went to wheels and just said “Pull your door when you go, I’m flat”. He was away and I was sitting alone on the floor in front of the low table with the system, had the headphones up and tried to get as good as possible pictures when I twitched together.

She had sneaked and sat behind me, again only in this kimono. Headphones down. Should the plate and the cassette make this page alone. Turn around and put them on the back. The Kimono gaped open. The sow didn’t have underneath, knew what was going on me. I saw her big tits, the blossom thighs, the dense crauses bush and grabbed, massaged, smooch with her and somehow I suddenly had no pants anymore.

They hung with the underpants in my knees and then we fucked on the carpet until we stayed out. “Next time you come to bed, then I don’t have to get up and fuck on the carpet”. He stood naked in the door frame, grin and wixxes. “Make a seat”. I rolled aside and he reached into her knees, press her back and threaded in. “Well lubricated” he pushed hard and deep, she groaned and after a short time both came.

“If you want again, then she is completely finished?!”He grinned, I also” no, let’s be good, Hilde can now also use one “. I grabbed my LP`s, the cassette and disappeared, went home, pulled me out and went to bed. Hilde woke up, I grabbed her and before she got what was going on, I was already in. “You already had fun, I can feel it!!!!!“She snorted while I fucked her.

When I fuck I told her in every detail and it made her horny. She only said twitching and groaning “I knew that at some point you fuck, but then I also want” and that started it. The next day we sat together for four, the first half an hour was dressed, then people were not played in trouble. Every time you are throwing out a clothing part. Those who no longer have to be stroked by the thrower, nothing more.

But we talked about our wishes how we wanted to do it. The women knew what they wanted and what not. Only “normal” sex, no cock in the mouth, not fuck in the ass,. The next weekend he came to Hilde and I went to Charlotte. Somehow it was totally exciting for us. No “slip”, no spontaneous cheating, but deliberately go to bed with one or another and the partner knew it. It was totally strange, somehow exciting, stimulating and at the same time with a lump in the stomach.

Hilde had tapped up. Platform shoes, mini skirt, black transparent blouse without a bra. I took her briefly between my legs. No slip. “The first one stands up?”I grinned at” Dining table or kitchen table “. She just stretched out my tongue and pushed me out of the door “I’m looking forward to his cock”. On the way we met, smoked one and chatted something, separated with stupid sayings, so in the direction “Do her good, do it better, do it better and not for that long,” Charlotte was already waiting at the door, opened and closed immediatelyagain.

The old sow knew exactly what I drove. She had the Kimono on again, the belt completely loose and the part fell apart to the belt, she stretched her hands behind her head, her tits quollen out “Like it?”I reached and got a blow on my fingers” Slowly, take your off and wash you hands “. I went into the bathroom, pulled out and washed my hands, she stood behind me, I could feel her pugs on my back and her hands on my cock.

She slowly jerked me and I reached backwards, between her legs. She had smeared well. Your column was nice and slippery. “So that I had a good flake in and let myself be fucked again beforehand, then Hilder has to give himself a little more effort with Jürgen and he can then get longer,” she whispered in my ear and pulled me backwards into the bedroom, knelt upAll fours on the bed, their tits almost dangled to the mattress.

“Do it as quickly as a dog, but not in the back, just quickly so that I can come immediately and then we have time for a second and a ditty time”. She grabbed the column and fingered, groaned, groaned and I grabbed my cock, pushed it in, grabbed her hips and fucked hard and deep. They had to have played scary, because I just slid through to the stop, she groaned and after three or four bumps she trembled and twitched, groaned, fell on the mattress with his upper body, pulled a pillow in front of your face and groaned in.

Then she just fell aside and turned on her back, her tits hung heavily down “Come on, now slowly” I pushed myself on her, my cock quickly found his destination and slid into the moist, warm, greasy opening between thefrizzy hair. She reached into my hair and started smooching, I reached her tits and twirled the nipples between my fingers. In doing so, I slowly fucked her and slid in her loose, soft, greasy, hot column just in and out.

Very relaxed, very gently I could play with my cock tip, completely out, open them again, in and the first climax can be very slow. No syringe, almost without twitching, just swinging a droppings and it took and it took and it was not limp, even the otherwise sensitive glans did not bitch and so I could continue and then shrugged and trembling Charlotte’s female masses under me. I felt her fingernails, who pitch in my back and her legs that snake around me.

God, it was horny. Twice within a maximum of 20 minutes. Then she got limp, breathed deep with open mouth and I continued nice and slowly. “Stop, I can no longer” stay “and then enjoy it” I fuck her slowly when I came too close to a climax I took out speed or just fucked around with the tip of the tail at the entrance, then a little deeper sothe glans was nicely enclosed and it came to me for the second time.

I could feel it up and right this time. With hard deep bumps I fucked her to the stop, let my eggs clap against her ass cheeks and grabbed her tits, kneaded, pressed and then reared up, groaned loudly and came before I was there. She splashed back onto the mattress and then I also shot off, sprayed everything I had and stayed on her. We both needed a few minutes to make it clear again.

My cock had become limp in her. I looked at the clock. I was not here for a hour, we had an appointment for two hours. “Smoke?”” Yes, smoking!“Somewhere from the bedside table, she conjured up an ashtray, cigarettes and matches. The cigarette after that was a wonderful end at the time or a break filler that day. As we smoked my fully slimmed pussy and they smoke and they my flaccid cock, which was brought back to life again. When the cigarettes were out, he was back at “Stand by”.

“One more round?””You are crazy!”” Right, but ………… “I rolled it back on my back and then I threaded again, started very slowly. But as much as I tried to do it, I couldn’t get a climax, but it was completely finished at some point and after she was trembling again, nothing was lubricated. “Stop, you fuck me sore”. We went laughing and then I got dressed, the time was around and I went home, carry jürgen on the way.

We grinned at each other. At home I heard the shower noise and went to the bathroom. When she was finished I held the bathing towel and terry her down, especially the tits. That made me a crossbar and so I pushed her into the bedroom. There was the typical smell of fuck in the air. A kind of predator cage fragrance. I was out of my clothes in no time and then she lay on my back in bed, I grabbed her ankles, spread her legs and say a slimly thread run from her column between the ass cheeks.

That was my slide in happiness. It was always like that later. When it was over, then my hour came. I concluded it, the last one gave my shot ……. Even if it was more or less an empty shot and the last highlight of a horny adventure belonged to us together. Also the exchange of what had gone and how it was, as it was. That often gave the kick for another round. Oh right.

After that, we no longer made “walks”. On the second try there was a couple in the living room, one in the bedroom and from the fourth or fifth time all in a bed. To tension how it was nobled turned me on totally. If you stay here, sometimes there was a lot more possible and later other couples were added. But the best was the men’s evenings (watching how it was flooded several times) and the threesome that took place when one of the women in the old homeland was to visit relatives and acquaintances or one of the men on practice or course or 24-Hour service had …

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