The tutor [3] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Unfortunately, life went his usual passage and you rushed your head how to arrange further meetings. It was extremely difficult to master everyday life as usual, the thoughts were constantly with new erotic games with Simon.

The fact that Simon would not see this as a game, but as a kind of help or sex lessons, just did it. He would participate, even ashamed of his excitement and consider it weak because he didn’t have a grip. The scenes from the bathroom as he excited about your smell, his virgin tail jerked how fast he came and that he was his orgasm It was embarrassing that these pictures couldn’t let you go in the coming nights.

Just how and where should you meet? At your home it was not realistic, someone could come at any time, and Simon himself had school himself. Somewhere outdoors did not work either, so no atmosphere of the strict and seriousness would be created. Nice dilemma.

The saving call came on Thursday evening, you were pretty desperate because Simon would come on Friday and wait for instructions. The phone rang and your sister -in -law Katharina was on the phone and wondered if you could take care of the flowers in her apartment for the next three weeks.

The two children of Katharina and yours Brother Were at school yet, so they didn’t have to stick to the school holidays on vacation. The neighboring woman, who otherwise did this, was just a cure herself and since you lived quite close, she wanted to ask you. Your heart almost exposed to excitement and in your thoughts you already saw Simon and completely undisturbed in your so -called lesson.

These light, pleasure-volume cramps in your abdomen, which made your cunt wet and your breath faster, they almost became a nice habit of thinking about Simon.

Of course you said, no problem, even pour in this heat every day, maybe even blow up the lawn, no problem, you could also send the children. You drove right away, read everything, give the keys and took the thanks to Katharinas amused. Saturday morning they would break towards the North Sea.
Friday, 15.00 a.m., it was a not so nice day, which is why Jan wasn’t particularly grumbled when Simon came to the tutoring.

You didn’t want to create a special situation this afternoon, on the one hand to increase the tension, on the other hand the whole was Family in the house and the risk accordingly. Jan opened the door, Simon came in and you said Jan that he should go to his room because you would have to give Simon the money for the last month.

You asked Simon to go to the kitchen, close the door and a look at his pants said everything. “Hello Simon, beautiful. To see you “” Hello Mrs. B.“He was well brought up. “Did you mean that with your offer really seriously on Tuesday?” “Of course.

You help Jan so well at school, so I would like to help you. What are you doing tomorrow in the evening?”” So at 13.00 a.m. we have a game, but from five o’clock there is nothing left.““ Great, then come to Walderseeestraße 146 at five, so I’m waiting for you. Don’t worry, nobody knows you there and we will be very undisturbed there “.

“And they really don’t say it? Nobody at all?” “Rely on me. It is and remains our secret.

Promised”. Simon took his money, looked at you shyly, thanked him well and went up to Jan. “Tomorrow in the afternoon. Tomorrow afternoon I will have fun with him and he beg, I shouldn’t tell anyone anything.

That has to be a dream, ”you thought cheerfully and looked around in the kitchen for something that could steam your lust. Chocolate was good, very good even.

As expected, the night from Friday to Saturday was extremely restless. You had clear ideas about what you were going to do with Simon, but you couldn’t suppress your excitement. “I go over to Katharina, flowers and lawn – could take a little for” you harmlessly called through your garden “ok, I’m there!“Your husband answered as desired.

Simon came shortly after you and you asked him in with goosebumps. “Where are we?“He asked shyly in the face of the foreign house“ This is my brother’s house, he is with his family on holiday.“You went into the living room, where you sit on the piano stool.

Simon looked around uncertainly.
“So Simon, first I noticed on Tuesday that it was very difficult for you to talk about things that have sex with sex. Why is that?““ Well, at school with the boys, we make big sayings and so when they actually dealt with something like that on Tuesday – it is very embarrassing, almost as if they were mine Mother. And then I sat there half naked and ..

Oh well. You know what was.““ About something like that, I know it, big sayings, that doesn’t work that way. If you want to get a grip on yourself, then you have to be cool enough to pronounce things.”” But “I’m sorry, there is no but.““ Passes up, the worst are expressions such as penis, vagina or even vagina or something. We are not at the doctor here, but you want to get a little fun of sex.

So we will meet the following language regulations for our meetings. You will see that is very easy.“Simon swallowed, but he nodded in agreement.

“First come up, here is a beautiful bathroom”. You went ahead, he came after, it was like last Tuesday. This time you had prepared the bathroom, you had darkened and a few tealights were infected.
“Ok, we start with you.

We also call your tail tail and your eggs are your eggs. If you satisfy yourself, that means jerk off And a highlight is an orgasm. Everything is fine so far?“Simon sat unhappily, but he nodded again. “Then repeat the words,” you said strictly.

Silence followed. Simon looked to the ground, but at some point he started very quietly and hoarse, ”mean … We call my cock tail and the testicles are called eggs.“” Very good, and what do you often do with your cock? And why?““ So sometimes, I jerk myself and in the end I have one… Orgasm.

Oh, shit, that’s really difficult, believe me!”.
“Pull off your pants,” you said out of the blue “I want to see your cock” “How please? It doesn’t work that way!“He was pretty indignant.

“Take a look at your pants, there is a giant base and that can only mean that you are pretty horny for me at the moment, or at the moment?”” That’s right, somehow already, but … “” Now stop with these constant wreaks. You are horny for me and I want to see that, so do it!“He still didn’t react, so you went to him, pulled him up from the chair and opened his belt. “Mrs.b!“He cried, but let you do it. First his shorts fell, then his T-shirt and finally you pulled out his underpants.

Gently you can strain over his eggs “What am I doing right now?”Breathed he stammered” You, you crawl my eggs “and that’s good?”” Yes, damn “your voices were getting louder” What else could I do? You can think of something?”You have now become so horny that you would have loved to deflower Simon on the spot”!” “Where exactly?“You whispered in his ear now“ What did we have just learned?”” I can’t “cried” and then he got it ready “Oh please, jerk me off, put my cock on, I can no longer stand it anymore!“You don’t let that say twice, comprised his cock, but after just a few seconds, you just started jerking off, Simon moaned loudly and poured out in your hand and in the bathroom.

Simon almost cried with relief and immediately wanted to go to the sink to washing himself.

“Stop!”Said loudly” You don’t have a washing force! There is no reason to wipe everything up after an orgasm. I don’t find it disgusting but rather exciting. Look here, I have sth on my hand. Come to me and rub it on my hands and arms.“Simon carefully approached, stretched out his hand to you and touched your arm trembling.

As if you were a fragile doll, he started to caress your arm very carefully “Ms. B.”He said stunned” You have goose bumps … “You were hardly able to words and whisper” Yes, I like that, that stimulates me “. “It stimulates them when I touch her?”” Yes, just keep going, you do that very well. Women like that when the man is tender and gentle “. Simon grabbed your hand and started timid sperm Distribute on your skin.

Grandiose hormone storms played in your stomach that what was happening was the best sex that you had had in a long time.

Simon was as careful and inexperienced as you had never experienced it before and you kept close to your eyes all the time. The idea of fucking him flows into the background more and more and you started to enjoy this new, gentle eroticism. “Simon” you said carefully, “I will now move out my dress. Then I only have a panties and you can see my breasts.

Have you ever seen or touched naked breasts?“There was no answer for a long time, the only thing left was to stroke your skin. “No, I have never seen that, but I would love to do it“ A look down showed you that his cock was already tall and stiff from him again.

“I will jerk off your cock again. This time you splash your sperm on my chest and then distribute it how you just did it on my arm “.

“But …” You put your index finger on his lips and said with a smile “but yours bored me a little”. Actually, the desire to blow him was huge, but more meetings should follow, so you started to massage his cock again, in the hope that this time he would endure longer. But he came again after less than a minute and when his cock began to twitch and his eggs cramped, you keep him on your tits and his hot, tough juice poured out ..

Simon slowly became braver, without another request he started rubbing his sperm. He was quite clumsy, of course did not know how he could increase your excitement and after a while he started crying.

“What’s up?”You asked him gently” I really wished to touch a woman for a long time and was terrible fear that it could be a disaster. But with you here it’s just incredibly beautiful … “” So Simon was for today. At the next tutor we make a new appointment, OK?““ Actually I would like to meet again earlier, how about tomorrow?“It was spoken to you – the boy was really brave. “Ok, tomorrow afternoon, the same time.

Until then I will prepare the next lesson “.
“I’m back” you called out loud when you went into your garden. “Hello, all right with Katharina?”Asked your husband. “Everything fine”. Tomorrow we could go on ..

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