The school party | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I lie on this table in a corner, my tight black cord pants hang deep on my hips, my spaghetti straps have long slipped over my shoulders. The school party rages around me but I don’t get anything from that. The two sweet boys from the upper level, which have given me all evening and who have deliberately bottled me, are in front of and behind me. One, I don’t even know what his name is, sits behind me.

I have practically lies in his arms, actually hang out more stretched over the table, mine Legs are spread apart, in between the second boy, bent over me. His hands are on my sensitive belly. He doesn’t need to push my shirt up at all because it is stomach -free anyway. Its wide palms circle around my navel.

He is incredibly clever.
Then his hands wander again and again. I still wear my black bra, Nevertheless, he processes my breasts under the thin fabric, they are very, very hard and sensitive. Two hands on my back.

The other roams my spine up and down.

I’m getting goosebumps. When the boy knead my breasts in front of me, the other drives over my stomach from behind and grants my sensitive belly button no relaxation. I start to moan. My hair, which had previously been tautly stuck, begin to dissolve and fall on my face in wild strands.

They drive me crazy. I don’t know what happens around me anymore. Next week is my reputation in the School finally ruined. With 17 already two boys at the same time and then in public.

scandal!My best friend who otherwise cares about me, so that I don’t crash too hard again this time is busy with a boy who smooched her violently.

There is no rescue. They have long since taken control of me, conquered me and now start to enjoy their young prey. The boys continue their plan, they finish me, start kissing me.

As soon as one is ready, I get the next exuberant kiss. They continue to process my completely helpless body. Just pull through the young middleman meat and now they had found their weak victim. But I enjoyed it.

The alcohol Dulls my senses but that was just too horny. you look good. Large, well built, dark -haired and absolutely popular in the upper level.

Now open me, one on the right of the other left. How to take me through the room.

The other boys look knowing about us. Another chick that went into the trap. They harvest the appreciative looks of the others. Then I’ll be taken to an adjoining room.

There are empty beverage crates around and a wooden table in the middle. Now take me between you like a sandwich. Hands slide under my top again. But now they roam it up, higher and higher.

I voluntarily stretch my arms up. It should happen now. I want to be taken, go down between the two. My top glides to the ground.

Already fiddled with the button of my sexy impact trousers. They roam them down without resistance. My adidas sneakers and socks fall. Then my bra.

You do it very slowly. You want to enjoy your victory slowly.

When the bra fell, my breasts are massaged immediately from behind. I put my head back and just moan. In the meantime, the other grazes my thin tanga.

Now I’m ready. Completely naked in front of two 19 year olds who enjoy having me under control. But I want it. You should just do it, hard and dirty.

And that’s how I get it too. You will only see a little 10 in me.

Standant who spreads her thighs under everyone. I do not care. I am pressed onto the table.

While one lets his pants down in front of me, my arms are captured from behind from behind above my head. He takes a rope that is certainly not by chance in the corner and captivates my wrists. I am now completely resistant. They caught me, killed like a prey that they want to miss now.

This bondage excites me even more. I want to succumb to you totally helplessly, be fully delivered, exploited and be finished. Now the first penetrates into me. And he fucks me so violently ..

Hard relentless bumps.

I moan, completely heated up by the foreplay. Everything is turning. I am taken raw on a wooden table in a back room. Afterwards I will appear like a bitch.

But now it should go on. Me and my lover come almost simultaneously. My young body shrugs back and forth on the table. I’m already sweaty.

But it goes on. The next, still “fresh” boy falls over me, penetrates me super deeply and fucks me for body strength. I don’t know what happens anymore. I moan and moan.

Certainly they listen to them, but I don’t think about that anymore. I sink slack together in a hammer orgasm, completely finished and sweaty.

“Do we want to finish them now? For two? You in front and me from behind?”Asked one of his buddy? I hardly got anything left. The alcohol, the hammer sex, the loud music of the party in the background.

They could do everything they wanted anyway. Would go out to the last hammer strike against my exhausted body?But the boys knew no mercy, they weren’t finished with me yet. If then, the little one should really feel something that she remembers for a long time. When did they have so helpless tied up and weak in front of you.

They wanted to show me. I get down from the table, naked as I was. One has to support me because I was still too shaky on my knees. The other now lies on the table with his back first.

His still hard cock was ready to piss me up. I am a little desperate now, because I get a little panic. But they did not give me a chance to pronounce my contradictions, because now I am suddenly pushed down on the boy from behind on the boy. He penetrates deep into me with a hard shock from the front, which remains the air to me.

The other grabs me from behind on the hair, which had now loosened completely and pulls my head back hard.

Then he pushes himself behind me and puts just as relentlessly into my back to the pushing. Now it happened to me. Two boys who had already taken me through a lot were both in me at the same time. And they did not consider my youth and my delicate body.

I am mercilessly fucked hard. A mixture of pain and unimaginable pleasure. They alternately push deep into me at the rhythm. I felt like in a machine, two pistons that pump me like clockwork.

I can hardly moan anymore. There is no longer any force in me. I hang like a sloping doll between the two boys. They finally give me the rest.

Now that they are about to be high shortly before their most powerful climax, they both encountered together, each at the same time from the front and back in me.

I think they pull me up, stoj3en out of my abdominal blanket out again. And then I feel them come in me. A tremendous quake shakes my body. I open my mouth, a stummer cry than I get under mighty twitches, just like the two deep in me.

Then everything is over.

They pull their cocks out of me and let me weakly sink with their belly first. Now I lie, completely fucked, legs are still spreading, my arms floppy and tied up over the table edges. I am close to the consciousness, they have finished me! Both get dressed again and let me lying down so naked and completely fluffy over the table, not without before mine Tie up to solve and make some ironic comments. I didn’t care.

It was the hottest bondage of my life so far, even if they only used me as fuck meat.

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