The neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Carol opened the door to her new home. For about a year she would live here now. So long had her boss estimated to get the new luxury hotel really running. That was her job. Looking new luxury hotels until all initial problems removed, the staff is recorded and the guest is completely satisfied. Carol worked in hotels, but didn’t want to live there. She needed distance to her work to be able to make her good.

So she had rented this apartment for one year. The owner also worked abroad for a long time and was happy that he could sublet the apartment. So far, Carol had seen only the description of the owner and a few emailed cell phone photos. The Contact Was completely over Internet ran. The apartment was actually a penthouse apartment. A bedroom with an adjacent bathroom, a separate guest toilet and a large living room with open kitchen and dining room and a hallway from which these rooms went out.

In front of the large glass front of the living room, there should be a roof terrace on which there should even be a whirlpool and a sauna house. The description was great, hopefully she will hold what she promises. So far, Carol has not been able to see anything of all the advantages of the apartment. She was looking for the main light switch, which, as she reminded weak, should be somewhere on the right wall of the entrance area. She groped the dark hallway but only found one door.

Carol opened it. “Wow”, what she saw, inspired her immediately. She was in the large living space of the apartment. The curtains were open and gave a breathtaking view over the nocturnal lights of the city. On the terrace she recognized the whirlpool, whose water shimmered bluish and invitingly. At that moment she knew exactly what she would do next. The first nights in new apartments always scares her a little.

She felt strange, lonely and somehow frustrated. Usually she drank a few glasses of red wine, read a book or looked at a specially brought DVD and tried to fall asleep quickly. Today the book remains in the case. Instead, she would get something out of the suitcase that her friend Angie had given her with a big grin at the last meeting: “He can always do when and how you want” she had said.

Probably an allusion to your ex. Sven and they just didn’t get along. If they both wanted sex at the same time, which was rare enough, he couldn’t satisfy Carol. Your idea of good sex was different from his. Sven found it enough to “fuck through”, as he called it. The “birding through” always ran right away, he sucked on her nipples, rubbed her vagina briefly when she became moist, which was almost a miracle in the clumsy fumbling, he quickly penetrated him and was ready after a few bumps.

Carols tries to bring him closer to her wishes were all in vain. Maybe also because it was difficult for her to put it into words against him. She had the feeling of speaking in a stranger to him. At least that’s how she didn’t want it. They separated three months ago. If she has a relationship again, everything must be right. She wanted to tell the guy what she wanted from the start. No, she didn’t want to say anything, she wanted a man who knew what he had to do without many words.

There was not something like with Sven. In any case, the waterproof, vibrating, dolphin -shaped pleasure donor was exactly what she wanted now. The sight of the pool, the view of the city, had excited Carol’s pleasure. She felt the light throbbing of her clit and the moisture between her thighs. “Patience, patience,” she warned herself, she wanted to enjoy the coming up and delay her climax with pleasure. Carol brought her luggage into the bedroom.

Thanks to the main switch now found, she could now also recognize her entire area. In front of the large mirror cabinet in the bedroom, she pulled out, freed her lush breasts from the confines of the black bras. She couldn’t resist knead her breasts in front of the big mirror with both hands and play her nipples with her fingertips, her nipples reacted immediately. Stiff and lust they stretched forward. Your right hand slid down and disappeared briefly in her panties.

She drove through the moist gap with a finger and circled her pearl. Slowly she pushed the slip over her hips. Her hand disappeared between her legs and she thought about getting to the climax quickly and easily in front of the mirror. Your excitement was great and she would then feel relief. Still, she called herself back. “Wait, it gets much better in the pool. “She pulled her damp fingers back and drew a shiny track over her smooth shaved Venus hill.

The idea in a warm whirlpool, surrounded by air bubbles that play their bodies, searched the climax with a waterproof vibrator, but to have a brilliant view of the city’s lights, seemed significantly better than a quick orgasm in front of the mirrorTo get bedroom. Before she left the room, she took a look at her now completely bare body. What she saw she liked her.

She was slim, her breasts were very large in relation to her stature, almost unnatural. But only almost. Nature had been more than generous to allocate its breasts. As teenager they had disturbed these giant balloons. In the School she was freed from sport because of her breasts. Against her will, she liked sport, her breasts were no obstacle for her. It was only later that she realized that her male classmates and the youthful sports teacher could hardly endure the sight of these breasts without showing this clearly in the sloppy sports pants.

Now, as an adult woman, she loved her breasts. She knew what the lust for her an intense, skillful massage prepared. She also knew how men reacted to these splendid specimens, unfortunately they often forgot the wishes of the owner. Her whole body was tanned. After the separation from Sven, she had booked a nudist vacation. A first step to live out your wishes. She was very long one evening at the beach remained. She enjoyed the sea, the wind that played around her bare body.

The time she had completely forgotten Beach was empty. Only the type that collected the parasols was still there. He didn’t say a word, just stared at her. The exploitation of his shorts was clearly recognizable. Your sight once again did not miss its effect. Carol noticed that she excited this rigid look of the unknown. Maybe he could give her what she asked? She got up and went towards him without thinking, no inhibition, no moral conscience held her back.

She took his hands and pressed her firmly on her breasts. “State me” she signaled him. In his eyes she could read his astonishment, he probably didn’t expect that. His hands slid down to her hot love cavity too quickly. What came then was like Sven. His wild, impetuous, haphazard fingerer did not arouse her. Your brain switched on again. He had just got rid of his shorts and wanted to throw himself about her as Carol lost any pleasure.

Before he could penetrate her, she got up, got her things together and let the stunned beach boy with his really impressive erection just sit. “It’s a shame about this gem but no, I don’t want that,” thought Carol. The next morning she traveled. She wiped her thoughts aside to the beach boy.

“Welcome, a good time and best regards to Tyron” was on the post-it, which stuck to the bottle. Carol had no idea who Tyron was, but now did not think about it either. The throbbing between her legs had become stronger, she was so moist that her juice was already running down on her thighs and she finally wanted to live out her pool fantasy. The water in the whirlpool was wonderfully warm and the rising air bubbles also excited them.

Slowly, with the vibrating tip of the dolphin around her nipples, which reacted immediately to the touch, down to her belly button and further over her venus hill between her widely spread legs. The free hand massages her breasts, tight and hard grabs them, just as she loves it. She pushes her big chest up, with her tongue she reaches the tip of her stiff nipple. She also excited that she did not completely get her into her mouth.

The dolphin played around her hard clit, Carol moaned loudly. With a quick movement, she introduces the vibrating pleasure donor deep into her hot vagina to immediately pull it out and press his vibrating tip again to her throbbing clit. “May I help?“The men’s voice let her flinch, speechlessly put on her legs and tried to cover her big breasts with her arms. The shame of being caught with a slightly forbidden is made, lets her cheeks glow red.

The voice continues to speak of Carol’s reaction completely unmoved: “I am Tyron, your neighbor, you have to be carol. Do you like our whirlpool?“The words slowly penetrate her head. “Had he said our pool? Tyron? Neighbor? He knows my name?“Carol didn’t get a word out. Everything turned in her head. She could only starve him. Your whole body was paralyzed. Tyron had the blueest eyes she had ever seen.

Large, muscular, brown burned and completely naked, he fixed it with a wide smile. She had no idea how long he had been watching her. Obviously he had liked what he saw. A magnificent erection clearly showed his excitement. Perhaps she should have run away, shouting, screaming or doing something that would have been morally decent and correct than this male gem with a matter of course climbing into the pool that appeared that she had been a for yearsCouple.

She did nothing about that, no screaming, no fleeing, no calling for help. Instead, she relaxed. Carol took her hands off her breasts, stretched her legs and looked Tyron deep into the blue eyes. In her inside she knew exactly, one of her wishes was true and she didn’t want to miss this opportunity at all. “You can help me, Tyron. Make me happy”. Carol couldn’t believe that she had said that herself.

Almost seemed to her, she looked at herself like in a film. But then she felt his hands on the inside of her thighs and her lust, the throbbing clitoris and the lustful pulling in her vagina. These feelings were not a film and not a dream. You were real. Slowly his strong hands slide up on her thighs without touching her throbbing vagina. They continue to glide up to their breasts. Her hard nipples stretch towards his hands.

His big, strong hands grip firmly, knead and pressed her breasts, play with her nipples and slide down again to her thighs. Carol lifts her pelvis, pushes it almost with him almost but Tyron does not do this favor. Not yet. With his tongue he plays on her nipples, she feels his delicate penis tip under water on the inside of her thighs. Your lust has almost become unbearable.

Again she pushes her pelvis towards him. “Please, take me”, she almost screams these words towards him. This time Tyron gives her plead. His hand drives into her hot column, with the thumb he massages her pearl while his fingers penetrate her deep into her at the same time. Her lust is getting bigger, almost painfully long -awaited to feel his magnificent penis. Tyron seems to be able to read her thoughts. He turns her slightly on the seat, pressed her legs even further, raise her pelvis with his hands and penetrates deeply into her with only one thrust without hesitation.

Carol moans out loudly with lust, she covers her breasts, massaged her hard. She hears herself scream “**** me, **** me, yes, yes”. And tyron **** she. Fixed, hard, deep, Carol noticed how she could hardly master herself. His magnificent penis filled her fully, he is made for her. With every push she screams with lust. Her whole body seems to glow, a volcano is bubbling into her.

Suddenly, shortly before the volcano exposes, her tyron escapes. “Turn around, kneel yourself on the seat” he orders with a rougher, hard voice. Carol immediately follows him. His commanded tone, his strength and hardness arouse them just like his touches, which without a word, fulfilled their wishes. She kneels on the seat, her thick breasts hang above the edge of the pool. Your hard nipples strip the edge of the wooden cladding. Tyron’s hand drives through her poster, his fingers penetrate her hot, moist vagina, which is now free above the water surface and is dripping in front of him with lust and desire.

His hand glides out, is everywhere. He kneels behind her, pushes his penis again without hesitation into her, keeps striking one hand on her plump buttocks, the other hand pulls her head backwards. She is his slave, his subordinate. The slight pain, its power, Carol’s orgasm is like an explosion. Lightning rises from her vagina that penetrate her whole body, your whole body is fire, his penis is captured by the cramps that you suck through.

He pours into her with a throaty cry. Carol scares out of sleep, as is often the case on the first nights in a foreign apartment. She needs a few seconds to orientate herself. “” What’s the neighbor, I should get you again?”” Get it to me, Tyron, please “. Happy smiling she sinks back into the pillows.

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