The letter from Mama | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello my Son

You are probably very keen to get a sharp picture from mom. Maybe that’s how it works and you can get one down. Since I’ve secretly at you jerk off I watched and saw what kind of one tail You have and how you sprayed, I would like to let me fuck me, but that shouldn’t be. I can’t let my own son climb.

If I piss Go, I’ve always made my legs very wide and pull the labia apart because I know that you often watch me. I always imagine how your cock is out of my pants and is waxed. It would be best for me to take me by force, then I could say that I didn’t want that. The other day I got so horny when I saw a panties fully waxed by you that I put on it and massaged my sperm into my cunt until it came to me.

So now I’ve already confessed you too much for you.

Your mom

Hello and kiss mom!.

With a growing lust I read your letter in my bachelor apartment and had to look at your picture again and again and played on my noodle.

My Lümmelmann has become very hard and stiff.

In my time in my parents’ apartment, I often observed you secretly how you z.B.

under the shower delighted, wanked on the toilet and how you have blown dad in bed every now and then (but his is not as big and thick as mine).

I also watched you when sunbathing in the garden and watched you swim in the pool.

I always stood behind the window and wanked my lout, when the sight you offered me. I have always suspected that you knew it that I secretly watched you and jerked you.

Even when it comes to sunbathing, you looked around whether nobody sees you and if you knew that I see you, you always took off your bikini and put yourself in the couch.

A look from you to my window and you then started to spill your body with this white sun milk to rub yourself with the milk. The white milk in my Phatasie has always created the thought that it is my sauce that I sprayed on you while you were slumbering on the lounger.

My cock was already bretthart at the sight of you. If you then started rubbing the sunscreen, you have always done this particularly intensely and slowly so that I can see everything and miss nothing.

You have massaged your chest particularly intensely and rubbed everything until the nipples were completely hard and almost drove out to the sun.

You have always creamed your thighs intensively. The front was then finished and you always laid yourself on your stomach and began to rub your horny ass cheeks. Your head was always on the left forearm and your gaze always pointed in my direction. Unfortunately you have always worn these stupid sunglasses and I couldn’t see your eyes.

You hunt your buttocks with your right hand and let some of the sun milk run through your column. Your hand then always massaged behind the milk quickly and the fingers went into the gap more and more often.

I think whenever you have raised your butt a little, your finger has already put in you. That showed me the twitching movement of you and you never endured it for a long time and are then quickly naked by hand on the hand pussy jumped up and quickly disappeared into the bathroom.

There I always secretly watched you wanking through the keyhole. Once you almost have me caught And I stood in front of you with a huge crossbar in my pants when you came out naked.

However, you didn’t embarrass yourself at all, made a big eyes when you saw the big bump in my pants, gave me a pointed-bezel smile and in the words “Oh Micha’du are already *grown *” with the damp wank fingergesture on the nose.

I have never seen your body so close and I would have loved to fall over you. When you went away, you still stripped my upper body with your chest and I still saw how the nipples have erected again. You have done that on purpose.

After that I had to go to the bathroom immediately and I think you also watched me at the time because I heard a quiet whimper. Certainly you watched me how I worked on my “adult” and you definitely had some fingers in you.

And today?

You send me a photo where I see you in your bare splendor with a strange cock bird! Your breasts seem much more huge to me than then and I would like to knead them properly and push my spanking between these hills.

Take me between your thighs and let me be a baby again and suck on the milk bags.

Your clit has never really got to see so close. It’s huge. Almost like the cock of a little boy. You will definitely have a lot of fun with that.

I would like to suck and suck on it while my fingers play in your pussy.

Oh dear, now I have so many thoughts about my own Mother written that don’t belong. I think you understand my feelings and just send it to you like this.

I will visit again for a weekend. Maybe I will “take up” you when cooking, keep your legs safely while cleaning the window, put the body to apply sunbathing or surprise you wanking in your sleep and pamper your hot spots.

If you take part in all of this, I will also show you some of my videos on which I can see how I did it myself when I secretly watched you.

Or I tie you to a kitchen chair and I’ll show you what kind of “kitchen helpers” there is.

Now I have become so horny of writing that I will look at your photo again and get one down. I will print it out and fulfill a long -cherished wish, namely to spray my hot sauce on my mom.

I hope that you will send me some of your pictures until my visit so that my hot fantasies are breastfed and I can make an idea of how I can delight you while visiting.

Your son sends you a thick fat smacker.

Bussy on the pussy.

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