The European Championship celebration – from a woman’s point of view | Erotic sex stories

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The EM celebration

Sometimes I’m really a horny little bitch. Oh, sorry, I haven’t really imagined. So where should I start? Best with my name. My name is Nina, I am 27 years old and 1.72 tall.

My weight? This is distributed exactly where it belongs. 75b, slim waist and a buttock that I am really proud of. My stomach is nice and flat thanks to years of training. I am mostly seamlessly brown because I lie on the sunny bank in winter and im Summer At my favorite excavator lake, where there is a fairly extensive nudist zone.

Actually, I’m a natural blonde, but at the moment because of the variety, red -haired. My eye color, on the other hand, is the way it was, namely blue. I can afford to be lazy and to set up my life as I feel most comfortably as long as I do not neglect Frank, my gods.

Through a happy circumstance, I am financially independent of him. While he takes care of his small company, I have an infinite amount of time to indulge my desires during the day.

And to take it away right in front, Frank grants me all. He is not jealous, which is also due to the fact that it looks damn good and does not let anything burn himself. I treat him that in turn. It also happens that we are in three or fourth.

For me this is the only conceivable form of being married in the long term and happily. Well, I am now sitting in front of the PC and thinking about what to tell you about myself. Maybe it is just after 12? I just climbed out of the shower, wrapped myself in my cozy morning coat and my hair was piled up. After that I put on the slight “war paint” and go with a cup of coffee in Frank’s study to browse a little on the net.

I looked at a few sharp pictures from different newsgroups and somehow I got in the mood to show a little initiative myself. A tingling feeling. Speaking of tingling, Frank’s office ulfine is great. Especially when I sit around it upside down.

So that my breast presses against the backrest and the chrome -plated metal rod is exactly between my legs.

In the beginning it is always quite cold, but after a while it gets pleasantly warm. My pussy hugs the metal and I can rub myself gently on it. By the way, while I write that, well, you know, the bar suddenly got such a wet shine. Uh, now I have to stop, otherwise I will not bring a single word.

TZZZ, I just can’t let it be. My thighs always cling this bar, damn, Nina, now take a little together. It doesn’t help, I have to sit down on this chair differently. So, now hide the legs on top of each other and the morning mantle closed again.

Good. A sip of coffee, and on. That’s nothing either, now it picks it. The day before yesterday, my pussy was flashed with lightning, I look around the bottom like a ten-year-old.

We stood together under the shower, When he suddenly holds his wet razor in his hand and grinning at me. I knew what he wanted and sat on the tub with wide -spread legs. I fully trust him, he has a very quiet hand. Slim long fingers with short nails.

This is very important to me, because I also got to know men whose fingernails were uncomfortably long. I thought two days later that she mine pussy would have treated with a steel brush. Not very pleasant, I can tell you. For the same reason, fingernails should be clean.

No woman loves to let this dirt go inside.

Frank is allowed as long and deep he wants to browse into me. And he did that while his other hand shaved me. Finally he put the razor away and checked his work with his tongue as every time. He checked very urgently and precisely.

I stood above him, his head between my legs and almost tore down the shower curtain and the bar when I came. Little Frank stood hard from the great Frank. Dark red and full of expectation.

I turned the water off and climbed out of the shower with soft knees. Completely as if nothing had happened at all.

Frank looked at me a little disturbed, but immediately caught again and followed me. He knew that I was always good for a surprise. I dried myself with a large bath towel and stood on the mirror to comb my long hair. Frank put his hands on my breasts from behind and gently stroked me while nibbling on my neck.

I felt his hard press his hard against my buttocks. “Do you cream me, darling?“I didn’t need to say more, he already had the sun milk in his hand, opened it and sprayed a huge load down my back until between my baking. He massaged the sun milk into my skin with infinite patience. In such moments I sometimes wonder if I am married to an octopus, because Frank’s hands seem to be everywhere at the same time.

On my breasts, between my legs, on my back, my stomach. I enjoyed it to the fullest. Frank needed almost half the bottle. I was slippery like a fish and pretty wet.

He rubbed himself and more violently on me and I noticed that he started to tremble easily. That was the right moment. I spread my legs and stood on the tips of the toe. Frank would slide into me even without my help, as slippery as our bodies were now.

Suddenly my inner devil jumped at me. I grabbed his stand behind myself, rubbed it briefly in the column between my cheeks to find the right place and relax as best I could.

Frank kneaded my breasts as if from his senses and pressed his pelvis firmly against me. His thing slowly slid into me. But not in the usual channel.

I watched in the mirror how Frank saw down and grinned.

I put my head back on his shoulder and we were passionate about. “Please, come deeper into me.“I felt it as big as rare in me. He almost stretched me to tear when he started to fuck me from behind. The feeling made me almost insane.

I reached between my legs and rubbed myself as tight as possible. Shortly before the big bomb exploded in my head, Frank came. It almost tore me off my legs. We clawed into each other.

After a while that we panted and quietly spent in well -being, Frank withdrew from me. I turned to him and hugged him. My hand slid down over Frank’s muscular belly to its half -day masculinity. I played slippery moist acorn with his glowy red and Frank shrugged slightly as if under strands.

“It is so nice to be creamed by you, Frank.“I smiled at him, kissed him and let him stand in the bathroom.

When I think about what and how I have been doing it with him and others so far, then it urges me scary to turn the chair again and take the metal between my lips. My nipples have become hard and, ups, a dark area on the seat has formed between my legs. I’m going to put my legs up for a while now. On Frank’s desk, and spoiled comfortably and spoil my jar.

My little animal screams for satisfaction.

Part 2: On Sunday I was invited to friends to an EM party. Our men had planned to look at the big game together. In the early evening, there was a grilling in the early evening despite the lousy weather and we girls pulled back to the spacious garden house with the less football -loving men, where we were sitting together with wine and beer. I have to admit to my shame that I am not particularly for football In contrast to Frank, who has not yet missed a game, in contrast to Frank.

Babsi and Dietmar, the hosts, are old friends of ours. Dietmar, who is just over fifty, is a kind of mentor of Frank. He helped him build up his business. Babsi, Dietmar’s second wife, is 36 and what can I say, she is more than my best friend.

Most in our circle of friends think they are Bieder and arch -conservative, probably because Babsi does not laugh at every stupid joke, has her own opinion and is preferred to be dressed in a classically elegant manner. But behind this stiff facade there is one of the most shameless and greedy women I have ever met.

Last but not least, Dietmar got married for this reason. I would not describe her directly as a nymphomaniac, but when she gets going, she no longer knows taboos. She doesn’t even stop at her stepson Timmy, who lives with her and Dietmar.

The boy is only sixteen and has a lot of his Father get. He is one eighty, dark -haired and has so intensely radiant eyes that it becomes very different when you look at them too long. Timmy is the absolute swarm of girls at his school, but thank God he has not gotten to his head. That only makes things worse, because it is nice, courteous and flash.

Babsi told me that she had long since nibbled the little one if he were not her stepson. She would always be damp when Timmy pulls his lanes in the pool, and the boy often trains and persistently what you can see from his figure. Babsi trusted me that she tried for a while to seduce him with all conceivable means. She cleaned the house, only in a T-shirt and panties, sonnen in the garden, let the bathroom door open when it was in the tub or showered.

Sometimes she didn’t even close the door when she peed. She was sure that Timmy often watched her, but the boy got into nothing. Even when she asked him to massage them, his hands did not touch their breasts, nor were they between Babsis legs.

And that, even though she was lying on his stomach with slightly spread thighs in front of him and Timmy had enough time to look at her pussy and the wet shine between her lips. However, Babsi had not missed at the time that Timmy had an immense stand in swimming trunks.

But as much as she wanted it, the boy remained steadfast. When the football game started, Timmy joined us into the garden house, in the living room with the other men the air was too smoky, as he said. He asked if the square next to me on the beer bench was still free and triggered an avalanche of pictures in my head that showed me and it closely. The animal woke up between my legs when Timmy sat down and our thighs touched.

Oh god, this magnificent boy really got me sweating.

While he was friendly with the others at our table, I spoke curiously down into his lap. The fabric of his light linen trousers had a rather striking bump. If the Timmys tail Was in idle state, you my goodness, how big he would if the boy got in the mood?

I was wearing my green summer dress. It has a button bar from the rectangular neckline, which shows a little more than the approach of my breast.

Usually I only open the lowest four buttons to be able to sit comfortably in the figure -hugging dress.You may see my knees then, but nothing more. Now, however, I opened four more buttons as inconspicuously as possible and pushed the fabric of the dress from my thighs to the side. I looked down at myself. My black string was clearly visible.

The narrow strip of fabric covered my jar extremely sparse, you didn’t have to have a lot of imagination to imagine how I look under the thin fabric. Maybe that was a little ordinary, but certainly not without attraction for the viewer. I leaned back a bit and opened my thighs a little further. Then I mingled back into the entertainment to give Timmy the opportunity to send his eyes on the trip.

And indeed, from the corner of the eye, I saw that he looked in my lap for a moment. He nervously slipped away from me a little bit. I enjoyed his sudden uncertainty. Over the next ten minutes I caught him more and more how he risked a look.

His earlobes turned slightly and when he spoke to me now, he avoided looking me directly in the eye. I pushed my pelvis a little further forward. Now Timmy could really see every detail. So far it had to have had the appearance for the boy as if it all happened randomly.

After his next page glance, however, I asked him directly if he wanted to have more of it. For the others at the table, however, my question was more about the wine bottle I held in my hand and whether I should refill Timmy. They did not suspect the slightest suspicion. The boy nodded, then he looked me in the eye, smiled and said, but please not too much, I quickly get dizzy of it.

We got on.

I half full of his glass and put the bottle back on the table. Our table neighbor got Timmy in a conversation about his last competitions and the boy willingly gave information. I took the opportunity to push the string from my pussy and open my lips with the middle finger. I was wet.

I couldn’t resist and pushed my finger deep into my hot pussy. A pleasant shower ran through my body when I had my fingertips circle slightly in me. In the meantime I was so horny that I would have loved to lie on the table in front of everyone present to satisfy myself completely unabashedly. I cook inside.

Somehow I had to get rid of this pressure.

In order not to heat me further, I let my finger slide out of my column and put both hands on the table slightly trembling. I don’t know why, but suddenly I caught how I started to stroke the stem of my wine glass with your thumb and index finger.

When Timmy saw me between my legs again, his blood shot his head.

The sight of my open labia was probably a little much for him.

I noticed how his cock straightened up in his pants. What an enormous tent. I was not allowed to think about it, I was almost dripping with lust anyway.

I just had to have his thing, touch, feel in me, no matter how old he was or how I did it.

I couldn’t help it and slipped closer to him. I felt his whole body trembled with excitement. Timmy tried to take himself together as much as possible and continue to speak to his counterpart. Careful, almost millimeter, I pushed my hand into the pocket of his summer pants.

Due to the thin lining I felt the material of its underpants.

I tried to slowly pull it down until I got the covenant. Shortly before I believed myself, the covenant got caught on Timmy’s stand.

Damned. But then something happened that I hadn’t dared to hope.

Timmy reached into the other pocket of his pants and helped me free his cock. I felt how he grazed the covenant of his underpants over his balls and hung there.

I kept the fraction of a second later to his stand with my fingers. I didn’t feel his skin directly, but pulsating the blood in this huge thing was enormous. That had to be at least 22 centimeters. Oh god, Timmy, fuck me with it, please, I want you, shot it through my head.

There were a good six centimeter diameter in my hand. Now I understood why Babsi was so sharp on the little ones. He was even better equipped than his father.

My hand pushed up to his glans. It alone was so big that she would fill my mouth.

My fingers massaged his glans gently. I felt like Timmy’s pelvis began to twitch. What? Well, oh please, hold back for a moment, Timmy, I thought and let go of his cock again. My hand lay on his plump balls.

If the boy came, every woman would drown. While I hooked Timmy’s eggs tenderly, his hand suddenly slipped under the table on my bare thigh and stroked me gently and almost reserved. I wanted more, much more and pushed his hand up my leg directly over my wet pussy. When I felt his fingers there, I almost came.

I forgot the world around me and forced his fingers to push himself into my column. My knees trembled, the blood rushed in my head, I bit on my lower lip so as not to get rid of it. No, it didn’t work here in front of everyone, I wanted him immediately, I needed him. With a wanted clumsy movement I pushed my wine glass.

The red wine poured over my dress, Timmy pulled his hand back at lightning speed and I jumped on my feet. The others looked at me frightened and I stammered almost hysterical that I would need a bathroom that Timmy should bring me into the bathroom.

The boy switched immediately, took me by the hand and we ran out of the garden house. When I got to the house, Timmy quickly led me to one of the bathrooms and immediately got a washcloth he was enough for me. He probably didn’t quite understand what I was going to do.

I went past him with a smile and locked her off. He looked at me with big eyes. His cock immediately knew what I was doing. His pants were far from.

I pushed myself close to the boy and put my arms around him. He just stammered, not please, Nina, but now it was too late for him. I pushed my tongue through his lips and kissed it greedily. Our tongues circled wildly.

As fast as I could I opened his belt, the button, the zipper and pulled the pants down Timmy.

I could see him for the first time.

Madness, I went to his knees in front of him, in the truest sense of the word and opened my mouth as far as I could. I finally felt his glans between my lips. I literally suck the boy into myself. Past my suppository and down into my throat.

I got almost no air anymore, but that didn’t matter to me at that moment. Another or two centimeters and I had it in me to the approach. Wow, I would never have believed that myself. I massaged his hard balls with one hand and circled his rosette with the fingers of the others.

Timmy’s hips float, he groaned deeply. He would come at any moment. I slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth, let him slide through my lips and blew his big red glans.

What a feeling. Timmy’s fingers rummaged in my hair and suddenly his whole body cramped.

Yes, don’t stop yourself, give me everything, Timmy, I whispered to him. My tongue played around his shaft again and then it broke out of the boy. The first load hit me full of my face. I jerked him, he shot an immense beam of his juice in my mouth.

I bathed my tongue in his mucus, opened my lips wide and received the next shot. My whole mouth was full. His juice ran from my cheeks and dripped from my chin. Timmy didn’t stop spraying at all.

I laughed with lust and wanked him further. I had it in my hair, on my dress, in my neckline, just everywhere. I swallowed, licked and blew what the stuff thought, drove my hand over my face and licked his sperm from my fingers. It was divine.

When Timmy had a certain amount of control again, I grinned overjoyed and pretended. Do you have a rag, I think I have a spot here, I asked him and we both laughed off. The jobles of men came out of the living room. Apparently we had scored a goal.

Well, I thought everyone should have fun. With the damp rag alone I didn’t get Timmy’s sperm out of my dress, as much as I tried it too. The boy offered me to wash it in the machine. If he then put it in the dryer, I would have it again in an hour.

Until then, he would borrow something from himself to dress. I accepted his offer and followed him to his room. Timmy sought a jeans and a T-shirt out of the closet and handed it over to me. I put things on his desk and slowly pulled my dress over my head.

Then I let it fall to the ground next to me. I enjoyed the moment naked except for a tiny string and the high -hooked pumps to stand in front of the boy. Timmy’s eyes wandered over my body. He had found his normal self -confidence.

He wanted to bend down after my dress when I took his hand. Not now, Timmy, that has time, I told him and pulled the boy closer to me. I put his hand on my breast. Please, stroke me a little, I asked him.

I felt his hand trembling while she touched my breasts. Timmy’s fingers slid over my hard nipples and chased small straps over my back. I took a step backwards and sat on his desk. Timmy’s hands gently slid over my slim waist, my back up and down and finally down on my thighs.

Yes, that’s good, Timmy, please don’t stop. I kissed him and reached for his shirt. With a jerk I pulled it out of his pants and over his head. The boy had a wonderfully trained upper body.

Fixed and sophisticated, every muscle was recognizable. Our tongues touched tenderly.

Suddenly it was like me as if I had seen something out of the door. Crap, the door to the hallway was wide open. It was quite unlikely that one of the guests on the first floor lasted as long as the final lasted, but still.

I didn’t want to distract Timmy. Not now that it was so beautiful and he slowly kissed over my breasts to my stomach. I held my breath away when Timmy’s tongue slid over my wet pussy. With both hands I grabbed his head and pressed his face firmly against my column.

What a feeling when his tongue slowly pushed deeper between my lips. I heard the boy groaning the boy. Again I saw a movement on the door. I wasn’t wrong, because a moment later, Babsi’s grinning face appeared at the entrance.

Timmy didn’t notice anything about it, on the one hand because he sucked my clit, which made me half crazy and on the other hand because he stood on the door with his back. At first it was a bit embarrassed to me, but then it was even more horny that Babsi watched us. I lay back on my forearms, spread my legs as far as I could and looked Babsi in the eye as her stepson licked me and stroked my breasts with one hand. Babsi grinned at me at the cute and sneaked back to the stairs.

She had something.

Timmy’s tongue played around my rosette. He carefully pushed two fingers into my pussy and started to fuck me slowly and gently by hand. I closed my eyes for a while to leave myself completely to the waves of excitement that ran through my body. When I opened my eyes again, Babsi stood in the door.

She held a camcorder in her hand. The small red light of the camera shone. In fact, she filmed us. Grinning I shook my head.

Babsi drove his tongue over his lips to answer. And then I saw Frank, my husband, behind Babsi. I swallowed. Well, actually that was nothing new for me that he watched me and a stranger, but Timmy was almost a child, even if a child with scary hands.

Frank blinked me up too. I dared Timmy from his position between my legs over my breasts and kissed him passionately. Please, I want to feel you in me, I whispered in his ear. While Timmy opened his pants and pulled out, I watched Frank, whose hand had pushed himself into Babsi’s blouse from behind.

He kneaded her big breasts. Babsi had her bottom circle in front of his pelvis without losing ourselves from the viewer of the camera. I looked down on Timmy’s huge stiffness. He stood away from his body.

For a moment I thought about whether my tight pussy was so extensive to take this hammer in itself, but then my desire and displaced the last spark of my head. I reached for Timmy’s spanking and placed the thick glans in front of my pleasure grotto. Timmy urged me with a lot of feeling. Centimeter by centimeter, his strap pushed deeper into my pussy.

My fingers clawed in Timmy’s back. I looked over his shoulder as Frank Babsi’s rock pushed up over her hips. Turned and willingly she opened her outrageously long legs and leaned her upper body a little forward. I could see how Frank opened his pants and unpacked his hard cock.

Timmy groaned softly when he had penetrated me up to the root. I felt like I got a child, so far my pussy was stretched. I whispered Timmy in the ear that he should fuck me very slowly, and he only had his pelvis circle between my legs. That was enough, because I already felt a approach to my first orgasm from my pussy.

Timmy had also noticed the quake in me. He encompassed my solid buttocks with his strong hands and fucked me a little more violently. My body trembled under his gentle bumps. When I saw that Frank Babsi took from behind, it came to me the first time.

My girlfriend Still steadfastly pointed to us, but her facial expression revealed that she would probably not last long anymore. Frank fucked her hard, and finally she put the camera away and supported the door frame so as not to be overturned by his strength. The muscles in my pussy enclose Timmy’s stand so firm that I’m afraid to hurt him. But the boy fucked me continuously.

His movements became faster, his bumps harder. A second bomb exploded in my head. I tried to suppress my cries of pleasure.

I did not succeed. Timmy also got louder and louder while racing on his second orgasm.

His fingers kneaded my butt wildly and powerfully. His tongue greedily licked my rocking tits. Oh, yes, Timmy, yes, it broke out of me. Babsi and Frank were apparently so far.

Babsi’s knee bent briefly and she turned in front of my husband with a wide torn mouth. Frank pulled his cock out of her cunt and I saw how he shot a huge load of sperm on Babsi’s butt while he jerked himself off with trembling. I drilled my fingernails deep into Timmy’s butt. The boy tore my head back and I felt his juice flowing into myself.

His spanking twitched wildly, I closed my eyes and almost passed out when I came. I don’t know how long I felt the throbbing of his hammer in me and had the feeling of driving on a wide ocean. When I finally came back to myself, Timmy was heavily breathing above me. I could feel his heartbeat on my breast.

I stroked his head tenderly. Frank and Babsi were gone. After a while the boy looked at me. His eyes shone.

We kissed playful. Then he pulled back from me very slowly. A small aftershock went through my body. Timmy’s wonderful cock was dripping between his legs.

“Oh, it was good, Timmy.“Almost ashamed he smiled at me. He kissed my breasts. Tears of voices come up from the living room to us. Steps were heard.

Timmy started to dress. I stayed on his desk with open thighs, completely unable to do something else than enjoy the warmth in me. “I’ll better take care of your dress now,” said the boy, picked it up and left the room. He closed the door quietly.

I dropped my head back and sighed satisfied.

My hand slipped between my legs. I felt that my pussy was still wide open. No wonder, I thought at this giant thing. My middle finger felt my wet grotto, from which a small trickle of sperm ran onto the table top.

I couldn’t resist and licked Timmy’s bitterly salty juice from my finger. Should I wipe the little puddle on the desk? By which? I remembered my little string. I pulled it out, wiped our mixed juice with it and put my minislip as a souvenir on Timmy’s pillow. Then I slipped into the things the boy had put out and went out of the room.

I met Babsi below in the hallway. She grinned at me and pressed me a small Hi-8 casette in my hand. “So that you don’t forget what it was like,” she said. “I certainly don’t forget that,” I replied, put my arm around my girlfriend’s waist and we strolled back to the garden house.

Copyright: Nina

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