Spontaneous fuck on the men’s toilet | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Until a few years ago I lived in a southern German city. There I went to a public toilet one one day. After I had closed the cabin door behind me and left my shorts down, I noticed a pretty large hole in the partition to the next cabin. I also did not escape that someone was sitting in the cabin who watched me through the hole.

Whether young or old, I couldn’t see. Was also unimportant for me. To show me to other men naked, has had a certain charm on me for some time, which is why I ‘unintentionally’ stood in front of the hole that the other one has a good view of mine tail had. It only took a few seconds for a finger to push through the hole and to understand me that I should step into the opening in the partition a little closer to the opening.

My cock had already stiffened a bit in view of the rising situation and so I did what the guy wanted in the secondary cabin. I held my cock very close to the hole and since I suspected what the other one wanted, I pushed my best piece through the opening shortly afterwards. It only passed for a moment until I felt someone like that to me foreskin pulled back and then began to lick my Nille with relish. I couldn’t suppress a lustful moan.

After 1-2 minutes I felt soft lips closed around my cock and the guy in the secondary cabin to my stiff suck start. As far as possible, I pressed my stand towards him and enjoyed this great game. When I was a little later but just before that Cum Was, I quickly pulled my cock back. I didn’t want to come yet.

I struggled with my T-shirt, I turned and bent it until the guy in the secondary cabin not only mine ass but also my asshole could be really accessible and openly seen. “I would like to go in there.“I heard him say next door. Somehow I didn’t want to go so far, which is why I quickly raised my pants and wanted to disappear from the cabin. Just when I opened the door, the secondary cabin opened and I saw a Turkish boy of maybe 17 years in front of me.

“Why do you want to go I would like to go in there.“He whispered to me and meant my tight asshole that I had just presented to him. The fact that the guy was so young and so horny surprised me something. But it also appealed to me.

“That doesn’t work here, someone can come at any moment.”I replied

non -repellent. “Then let’s go somewhere else, but let me go there.”He replied.

When I am out of the underground Toilet I hoped the boy would give up, but the opposite was the case. He no longer gave away to me and kept talking to me. “Let’s go to the park, there is also a toilet where only someone seldom comes there.“He pushed me. “Are you so keen to fuck me in the ass?“I replied questioningly.

“Yes, I’m so horny and I have to have you,” he replied to me. Because of the many other passers -by it was not possible to speak so openly. But we made the way to the park together. When we arrived there after a few minutes I let myself be on a somewhat remote

Park bench down.

I enjoyed the whole obvious limitless lust of the boy, who absolutely wanted one more, fuck myself. I deliberately let him fidget a little before I finally got up again and then slowly headed for the little toilet house on the edge of the park. As not expected, the men’s toilet was empty when we entered it. I stood on the pissoir and pulled my short pants down a bit and started piss.

That was probably the moment the boy had been waiting for. All of a sudden and unexpected, he pulled my short trousers down from behind, so I was completely naked. How horny he actually was, I understood a moment later when he already pressed his stiff cock against the column between my ass cheeks and rubbed himself against me. In order not to lose the balance, I supported myself with one hand on the wall in front of me.

I don’t know what the boy used, with which he had rubbed his cock, but after he had pulled my ass cheeks apart with one hand, I already already felt how his cock tip pressed against my asshole,Until this finally gone and his hard cock slowly entered me. “Are you crazy when someone comes in here and that sees that.“I tried to deter him, but it was in vain, the boy just wanted one, fucking, fucking, fucking. Although I enjoyed the greed and lust of the boy, I said to myself, Jürgen, to what extent you have only come that you will be fucking in the ass here on a public toilet by a horny youthful Turk.

“You have a wonderfully tight asshole, it’s fun to fuck in you.“I heard the boy said excitedly while he was boring into my asshole with ever faster and tougher bumps while I was supporting the wall with both hands on the wall. The whole situation and also that we could be surprised by someone at any moment, horny me and I pressed my horny ass inviting the boy, could not get his young cock deep enough into me.

Faster than expected, I suddenly heard him say groaned: “Now I’m injecting off.“Yes, I even wanted it to shot his hot juice deep into my ass, which is why I replied:” Yes, give it to me, spray everything and fill my asshole off me.“I had the feeling that I could actually feel it how he emptied with strong sparkling deep in my ass in the seconds afterwards. When he pulled his cock out of my asshole a moment later, I regretted this. I openly confess that I would have liked to feel it in me for a little longer and could be used uninhibitedly for his lust. “Looks horny?“I asked and pulled my ass cheeks apart with both hands so far that my asshole- from which his juice ran out- was nice and open dalag.

“Yes,” I suddenly heard an older male voice in my back.

I don’t know where the boy got lost, but when I turned around, I saw a ca. 50 years olds stand on the wall next to the entrance door. Correct me forward to lift my pants from the ground, I offered the guy another insight into my fucked asshole. I quickly put on my pants and then fell out of the park.

I still can’t say when the older type had kicked the toilet unnoticed. But at least he had spellbound and still persecuted how I let myself be fucked by a young Turk in the ass.

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