Nicole | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I would like to write what I experienced on a weekend last June. It started with that my girlfriend Nicole, 21 years young, 166 cm, dark hair and very well built, with Katja, her friend, wanted to swim very early on a Saturday. Since I am an early bird, I went at 6. 30 a.m. to the baker.

When I came back, Nicole stood for my amazement under the shower. When she was finished, she went into the bedroom. When I came in, she stood in the bikini panties to see if pubic hair was looking out. I asked her if I should take my hair away.

Nicole took off his panties and lay down on the bed.

I got razors and foam and foamed the labia, Nicole suddenly became pretty cool. I took more foam and smeared everything well. Her pussy I shaved quickly and cleanly. Now she was ready to mean without big words tail Get out the pants and with her tongue -in -cheek.

“Please fuck me,” she said, pulling her labia apart. It became a short but nice good morning fuck, and for the crowning glory I inject everything onto her bare pussy and deteriorate it there. We got dressed and drank coffee.

At 7. Katja came 45 and the women moved away right away.

At 8. 30 I made my way to the city, around 10. 30 a.m. I bought everything and went to a sex shop. There I noticed a black rubber hinge that looked damn real.

I bought him and drove home. At home I put the splendid boy in the closet. So around 17. Nicole came back 30 a.m., I was lazy on the couch and saw away.

Nicole was still wearing the bikini panties and a long T-shirt. She sat on the carpet. I asked her how it was.

And she asked me to sit next to her. She laid her back long, grazed the bikini panties and massaged her pussy.

It was something completely new for me, because so far she had never done anything like this before me. “Tell me what’s going on,” I asked, and Nicole leaned up to make herself naked. “Show me your cock,” she said. Of course I did that immediately.

She started telling: “At the excavator hole, Katja found a place where no one goes. First we did the top, and when we were the first time Katja pulled out her panties and I could see that she was only shaved between her legs.

“While Nicole told, I got the black boy, I showed him, but she continued to say, and I stroked her pussy. Katja said: “Come on, down with it. “I did it and Katja’s gaze almost devoured my bare cunt.

She said: “Nicole, maybe you are a little bitch! Smooth shaved, but it looks chic!“We tacitly sunbathed when Katja suddenly asked:“ May I take a close look at it?” “What?” , I asked. “Well, your shaved pussy!“I interrupted Nicole and asked her if I was allowed to introduce the Negro-cock to her? She said: “Yes, fuck me very gently with it.

“I asked her to continue to count. “Nicole,” she said, “come here and spread your legs. “Katja put herself in between with lustful eyes.

“It looks very clean and gentle. “” Katja breathed a little cool air on my column. I was so excited that Katja saw how a thick white drop ran down my column. Katja brought that to the mind! She greedily drove through my slimy cunt, I waited myself to finally satisfy me with the tongue.

She did it so well that I asked her to get a second and third orgasm.

While Katja licked me, she fucked herself. Actually, I wanted to know what it is like to lick a cunt, but when Katja and I came together, we stayed flat and recovered, then cooling down in the water. When we wanted to get started again, a few people arrived. “I was so horny now that I was faster and faster with Nicole.

Nicole leaned forward and looked at how the black man delighted her cunt. She closed her eyes, took my cock in her mouth and blew. It didn’t take long and I felt how it came up to me because Nicole didn’t swallow a seed, I pulled it out and wanted to inject everything on her chest.

However, before I knew it, she had him back in her mouth and left him there until I sprayed!I thought I wouldn’t stop again. The juice already ran out of her mouth, but it continued to the last drop.

With my cock I deteriorate the running seed on your face. The black boy that was still in her pulled her out and took it in her mouth. She wanted to know what it is like to lick a strange cunt. In the shower she asked if it makes me horny when she has a black tail in it.

“Yes,” I said, “it makes me horny, and I would like to see how you go when two cocks take you.

“Nicole now wanted a lively black boy. The thought didn’t let go of me, and so I remembered that a few blacks lived nearby. So around 22. 00 a.m. I started to get cigarettes.

I drove through the street where these boys lived, and for luck I was one of them outside on the side of the road. With a somewhat queasy feeling I stopped with him. With the foreword to not understand me, I told him the wish of Nicole and me. He liked it and he asked if he should come alone or with friends.

He said he lives with three men and a woman.

I said: “Ok, if everyone wants. “He wanted to see a picture of Nicole. I showed the picture from my wallet. He just said: “Süj3e wife, you get your chocolate tails.

“I gave him our address and said that the next morning at 9. 00 o’clock should be there. Nicole already slept on the couch when I came. So I carried her to bed and lay down.

I almost sleeped on Sunday morning. At 8. I suddenly scored 45 a.m. The boys were on time, and to my delight the woman was there.

Briefly considered how we will continue, I remembered the right one.

The boys all four, while Sarah and I made coffee, beer and bread. I went back to bed. Nicole lay laid on his back, bent leg so that I could see her column quite openly. I looked at her exactly and could see that a wet shimmer was on it.

I kissed Nicole Wach. She smiled and said: “Good morning. “I asked if she had dreamed well. And she said: “Yes, from a few well -built blacks”, which they almost fucked.

I immediately offered her my “luxury breakfast”, which she wanted immediately.

I called into the kitchen: “Once breakfast de lux!“Nicole laughed. But then they came in, all with stiff tails and breakfast. Nicole was very embarrassed and looked at me questioningly. I said: “Now you get four horny black cocks, enjoy it!“I threw all pillows and duvets down.

Nicole lay down in the middle, and two came from left and from the right. Eight black hands touch their bodies. The boys imagined everyone. At first it was George, he put Nicole his cock in his mouth, then Abraham, he licked Nicole a little bit of the pussy.

George went aside and Ben gave Nicole his cock at the expense, the last one came Sam, he sat on Nicole’s breast and pushed 26 cm between her tits.

Nicole was just the pure pleasure. She didn’t notice that I was going out. Sarah was sitting in the living room. She was already naked and did it herself.

I said she should be patient, then she would also be fucked. Nicoles now came from the bedroom. When I came back, Abraham was in fucking her. She greedily devoured the tail of George and Ben alternately.

Sam licked Nicole the chest and the shaved venus hill.

At Abraham, an orgasm was noticeable, he injected a part in Nicole, the rest he injected onto her cunt. George now wanted to do it with Nicole, and Nicole was already looking forward to it. It was crazy to see how the black bodies of Nicole, who only had the desire for sex, fucked and stroked. George also came very quickly, he injected everything into her.

At Ben it should be a change of position, and Nicole knelt and left Ben anihre cunt from behind. He fucks Nicole with violent bumps, so that her cheeks clapped.

Nicole groaned and trembled, she kept coming over. Ben sprayed everything on the ass of Nicole and rubbed it there. Now Sam should introduce his super cock into Nicole, he lay on his back.

Nicole should rental him and take every inch of his cock himself. Slowly and gently she got the prengel until she had 26 cm in it. She started to move up and down faster, more greedy and lustful. Her moans became louder and more demanding, her breasts were kneaded by Sam Wild, everyone watched.

Sarah had also attracted the comedy.

She stood in the door frame and rubbed her clit. Sam called: “It comes, take my juice. “Nicole said out of sheer lust:“ Give me it, let your seed inject on my stomach. ” It was so far.

Sam pumped his juice in Nicole. She got down and licked the cock very cleanly. Lusters asked what would come now. I asked: “Do you want more?”” Yes, yes, “she called.

So I took the position of Sam and let myself be ridden. Ben, who probably wanted again, pushed Nicole’s upper body down and licked her butt rosette, Then he started his cock and penetrated into Nicole’s ass.

Through the thin wall I felt how it came deeper, we both fucked in the same rhythm. Now Sarah came on the bed and sat on my face and cuddled with Nicole. It came quickly to me, so we had to interrupt the game.

Now Nicole was back on his back. Ben, she asked for it, should come back in her butt. Sarah sit on Nicole’s face. Nicole Wimmered: “Oh, it’s horny to lick a cunt!“Sarah leaned forward and also put Nicole’s cunt.

It turned me on again, and so I wanted to fuck Sarah in the ass too.

I said Nicole should make Sarah’s hole moist, which she did immediately. I was in her very quickly. Nicole, who had no quiet minute without a tail, was motionless. And Sam, Abraham and George knelt together Jerk off, Everyone had targeted Nicole’s face.

Nicole massaged her chest and all three syringes onto Nicole to Anörnen. Nicole pulled back under the shower with sperm -smeared face. And the black stallions went home with her mare. I thank you warmly and asked if we didn’t even want to repeat that? However, it never came back.

Sometimes we see our joy donors and we talk, but we never fucked together again.

The story is not just about black!!! It works with all nationalities. So don’t think anything wrong! The story is fictitious, it never happened to me!!.

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