My horny marriage lamp | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Yes she is, my wife, a horny bitch. And yet I had married her. Or precisely because of? Brave women with flower sex were abandoned, and of course I also got to know some of them. But as it says: “No risk, no fun!“Today she is thirty -two. We got to know each other four years ago and were drawn almost immediately afterwards. Two years ago we got married or said more correctly, she had married me. I don’t like marriage and think you can fuck wonderfully without a marriage certificate.

However, I wanted to secure this cream slice of a woman in the long run, as far as that is possible. When I say “cream slice”, then I mean the following: Almost 1.80 tall, slim with long, black hair, so long that they reach over the nipples when it is opened. Speaking of chest, one hand full and I have big hands! It is “all around” shaved or. epilated. This makes her young girl -like shame clearly visible at all times. Only when it is irritated do the inner labia come to the fore.

That always gives the appearance as if you are one Virgo In front of you. From because of a virgin! If I ever got to know a fuck -ready bitch, it was my wife Claudia. But that was exactly what made the eternal feminine. Enough raved. I, my name is Olaf, needed myself with my 1.96 and my still sporty figure for a thirty -six year old. Street dog blonde with slightly longer hair than in the business world.

Every now and then with a three-day beard, depending on how it pussy My bitch just loved to have. The pussy, the cunt, the cunt, the lust hole – she liked it, the more ordinary I expressed myself. Above all, the hornier she became. She also didn’t talk about my penis but of mine tail, my stand, my pleasure bolt or my fucking stick. So she is. She is naturally. And that doesn’t just refer to words or expressions, it is your being.

So fucking, fucking, banging, being carried through, the main thing is orgasm. When we got to know each other it quickly became clear to me that I had a full female or just a bitch. The word “loyalty” seemed more of a foreign word for them. Why I got her still married? That’s why. Jealousy apparently did not occur in her vocabulary. At the beginning of our relationship, I also allowed myself “lash steps”. Jealousy? Zero. On the contrary, she then proved to me in bed that it is the clearly better and inevitable alternative.

And it was so incomparably good, it is called horny that after all, I no longer felt an urge to fuck others. As I said, her body was so proven that I no longer wanted to do without him and this horny being of her. At some point I gave in to her urge for marriage, also in the awareness that adultery, in order to express it legally soberly, would be the order of the day. It was difficult for her to resist a cock if the man hanging on it was only clever enough.

And she asked for it and gladly. For her it was always like that, I had the feeling like a trophy when she had killed one again. She always wore very short skirts that emphasized her long legs together with high -heeled shoes. Your already great breast was emphasized with a push up, and deep excerpts were the order of the day. The first time, That I got it up close was one evening when we were dancing in a trendy club.

All men devour them with greedy looks. I was used to it. At some point she disappeared towards the toilets. It took about twenty minutes to appear again. She climbed the stool at the bar next to me and was clearly heated how u. A. could be recognized by the red cheeks. Suddenly she started kissing me eagerly. Then she whispered: “Take me under my skirt!“The slip was dripping wet. “You don’t have … without rubber?”” No, no … “she calmed me down.

“Only Petting. And when I had come, I wanked his cock and let him spray on my slip. And now I want your sperm donor in my grotto until it comes to me again. Come on home!“She was incredible. And me? I was pointed like Lumpi. I no longer know if I came three or four times that night. But in the morning we drove it again. Fortunately, it was the weekend.

As I said, it was the first time that I had “noticed it”. If I remember properly, we were only together for three months. Today I also believe that one or the other had run beforehand. Whenever she came home hot, lured me to bed or on the carpet in the living room, another possibly another before or in her can. But she always came back to me and seduced me according to all the rules of art.

I lacked nothing, especially not in excessive sex. What did you want, what more do I want. Under no circumstances a house mothers. After about a year I made the decision not to separate myself from her. I decided to enjoy her slut existence and to enjoy it for myself. So she had me z. B. After the first time in the club the next morning, your now dried slip as a souvenir, relic or trophy.

I still own him today and get it out from time to time to smell it when she comes home again later. From now on she no longer covered it up, she didn’t try it anymore. She knew she had me “on the angel”. And I just loved to let myself be lured. Shortly before our wedding, she said goodbye once again with the words: “It can be a little later.

“I did something that you don’t do. I followed her. I knew she had met an old cracker the day before, who showered her with compliments, as she told me. He was an important customer of the company in which she worked. Not only was she extremely committed in bed, she also wanted to get ahead professionally. Since she had named his name, I knew where he lived. In one of the preferred parts of our city in a beautiful old villa on a park -like, tree -standing property.

I had really typed. That was exactly where she led her path. Fortunately it was A mild summer evening. I could sneak from tree to tree, from Busch to Busch closer to the house until I had a good insight into the large windows. As I said: you don’t do that! I didn’t care. In the meantime it had become dark and I didn’t need to fear discovery. It was probably his study in which the old gentleman, I appreciated him for about sixty years, in a comfortable leech.

My Claudia sat around the two, perhaps three meters away on a chaiselongue. She had struck her legs on top of each other. A very erotic sight in her black, short and figure -hugging mini dress. What was of course aware of her. They chatted together, both a glass of sparkling wine in their hands. Finally she put both legs slightly side by side again. Then I saw her legs opened slightly. At the shortness of her skirt it was not a problem and she gradually spread her further.

The old man had a full insight into their kingdom of heaven now. She parked the champagne glass, rose and slowly came up to him with skillfully teasing steps. Just like mannequins do it. Shortly before him, she stopped and started pulling her skirt bit by bit until her girls’ cure was fully seen for him, because she was not wearing a panties!For me, it was not announced for me. She brushed off her high -heeled pumps and took off one of her golden shiny holding -free stockings.

In doing so, she captivated his right hand on the wrist on the right back of his chair. Then his left hand followed with her second stocking. I couldn’t see his eyes, but probably they had already stepped out of the eye sockets. I swallowed up because my throat was completely dry. I saw how she opened his slot and showed a stately jack. All respect, old gentleman! She came over him like the goddaw. She rode him with obvious satisfaction, and when he reared up, as far as it was possible for him, she rammed herself three or four times his cock until she collapsed with a gasping on him.

She loved this position and knew exactly how she could bring the man and herself to the climax. I hurried to be at home in front of her. When she fell home and fell into my living room, she jubiled that she had pulled the order for her company ashore. When I asked how she succeeded, I heard to hear by conviction. That’s how you can call it. Vögeln the business partner senselessly and then dig a signature.

She was just her. And for sure it had also enjoyed her, another cock that, as I could observe, was very impressive to get in. literally. She started kissing me and tied my shirt on. I reached under her skirt and fingered her wet cunt. Then I pulled out my hand again and gave her to lick it. She did it with vehemence and then kissed me even more violently.

We both fell like that Animals one above each other. She knew I knew and I knew she knew that I knew it. This is exactly what made us both so horny. Only those who have ever been lined with such a lustful bitch can understand how sexual abysses can inspire. We were together on cloud seven. We both wanted nothing else than that. In our marriage there was always one night stand by her, and I enjoyed the fruits.

After two years now I had a new idea to fertil our togetherness. I suggested to go dancing but separately in the same restaurant and at the same time not as a couple. We would enter the restaurant individually and settle on the bar on the separate stools. Claudia looked at me a little doubtfully. She had never been asked for the adultery by me so directly. Because of course it was clear to her that I hoped that another man would turn her on.

This time, however, in my presence and that I can watch everything from the start. She wanted to know whether I was sure to want that. If I had suggested it otherwise, I appeased her concerns and I asked her to choose a sexy outfit. This request was actually superfluous, as I knew it. She finally agreed because she likes to dance. But I still had one condition. Afterwards I wanted to know exactly what had left.

In the past I could only guess what had happened. Ultimately, she also agreed. This version was also new territory for them. Her dress was stunning when she presented herself before she got into the waiting taxi. As usual with a very short skirt, about 12 cm high high heels and a night blue blouse through which you could see your push up with imagination. In addition, she had pushed the blouse so far that you could see the curves of her breasts and the cracks in between – even without having to fantasize.

A quarter of an hour later I followed with another taxi. I got the next but one stool from her at the bar. Four young men frolicked in the immediate vicinity who obviously celebrated their Abitur. They celebrated exuberantly and kept looking at my Claudia. Who could blame them. One then dared to ask them to dance. He was large, well built and made a personable impression. He could dance well as I had to allow.

After the dance he joined Claudia to the bar, and his buddies watched him with envious eyes. He sat on the bar stool between Claudia and me, so that I had everything in mind. I couldn’t understand everything, it was too loud in the room. But I saw how he first stroked her hand slightly, only very briefly. At some point his hand fell on one of her thighs, we accidentally briefly fell on one of her thighs.

She put one of her hands on it, kept his hand on her thigh and whispered something to him. They went back to the dance floor. And now I experienced my Claudia in action how she turned on this DAX, ten years younger for a good ten years. He had no chance of escaping her. It was clear to me that she wanted this young cock, now, tonight. I resist the temptation to follow them and as a voyeur to be pressed as I had already done with the old cracker.

Promised is promised and is not broken! About two hours later I dared to go home. Claudia came towards me in one of her seductive negligees and hugged and kissed me. Tom was still sitting in the living room, he was called, and got a high -red head when he saw me. I went towards him, shook his hand and congratulated him to go to the Abitur. He thanked him, stugged and disappeared as quickly as possible. Brover boy and poor pig, I thought with myself, because he didn’t know which game we had played with him.

But I was sure he had fun, as I knew Claudia and how she would tell me right now. That was ultimately our both deal. After mixing two wine spritzer, she only sat down on my lap with the touch of nothing with her nothing dressed. I had her tits with the still erect nipples. Her wet cunt left a stain on my pants. Then she started telling: Of course he was initially unsettled and shy.

But when I slowly killed my blouse, he also realized what I really wanted from him. And I really wanted it. That was definitely twelve years ago or so that I felt such young meat between my legs. He fell through my tits and was not exactly tender but greedy. The way I like it when a man loses mastery. I couldn’t stick to myself anymore and grabbed her balloons as greedily as she was describing it.

“Hello Hello!“She called,“ don’t you want to listen to what he did to me?”” Yes, yes, “I replied Lahm,” later!“I opened her negligee and made an impetuous about her tits. “Just like him just”, I got to hear. Now I turned to her nipples with your thumb and index finger, mouth, tongue and teeth. “Yes, that’s how he did it,” I heard her say. I felt like in a radio play to participate.

“He still got a little more,” she fueled me. I did it. She turned lightly and was now sitting on my left thigh shortly above my knee, turning directly to me. Rhythmically she started rubbing her cunt on my thigh. I just served as a dildo replacement. In the meantime she started to undress me. “I did it with him in the same way. “The radio play continued. Too much is too much. I threw her onto the carpet, spread her legs and fell with my mouth on her still damp column, from which all sorts of things began to drip out.

“You tasted it?“, I heard her questions. I was too busy to answer. But she was right. “By the way, he was very good for what you are doing there – and that in his youthful age!“I consciously stuck me. Then I heard her say, or almost it was a command: “Do you not finally want to operate the fuck hole that was inseminated by him less than half an hour ago?”I fell over her and began to” push mud “.

After it had come back not only to me but also to her, she asked me to follow her into the bedroom. “You will surely want to hear the rest of my descriptions of the previous two hours, or?”.

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