My 1. Ass fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I had just turned 18 and in teaching. I had two colleagues from Syria in the department in which I was currently working, who were much older than me and who were actually very nice. During the breaks we often played card or dice games. One day they invited me to get home to play card and dice games from their homeland. I was still pretty naive at the time and thought that it could be interesting.

When we arrived at you, we sat down at a round table and they really picked up cubes and cards and we played. At some point I felt the hand of the one, it was called Jlal (I no longer remember the name of the other, but I call him Ali here) on my leg and she then slipped higher in my step. I pinched them Legs Together and said: “Here, play” and pointed to the cubes.

But of course the two had no interest in that. Jlal asked me if I had already done it with a girl. No I did not. Whether I wouldn’t have fun, a little bit on mine tail to play. Yes, of course I enjoyed it, but of course I meant, at home, alone under the covers. He said that then we could play a bit now, there was nothing. I still remember very well, as he kept saying “just playing” and entering my pants more and more violently by opening the zipper and pushing his hand into it.

Well, it wasn’t really uncomfortable, after all, nobody else had played on my cock until then and I got a stand pretty quickly. His hand was of course very cramped in my pants and he asked if we shouldn’t lie on the floor. I agreed because now I had liked how his hand played on my stiff cock, but couldn’t move properly in the tight pants.

So we lay on the floor, I on my back and he side next to me. Ali stayed in his chair and just watched. He now opened my pants completely and wanted to pull them down. By slightly lifting my butt I made it possible for him too. He pushed pants and underpants down, so that they were now around my knees. Between the pants and the shirt my steep tail was free.

Jlal continued to play around it and I liked it. Then he wanted to move out my pants completely, but at first I didn’t want to do that at all (the sky knows why), after all I had it out. Then he also wanted to take off my shirt to have my naked. I probably had the feeling that it was not necessary to be completely naked when he just wanted to play a bit on my cock, but after all I had it out and was completely naked.

Then he asked me if I wanted to see his cock. I wanted and he unpacked him, pulled out his pants completely and also his shirt, so that he was also naked. He had a decent cock that was very impressed by me. He asked me to touch him. In the meantime he played again and again with my cock. I took his cock in my hand and he felt really good.

He played more and more violently on my cock, really jerked him off and I had the feeling that he wanted me to Cum bring. But it didn’t work that quickly, he didn’t quite the right handle with which I had always done it myself. He finally asked if the cumshot was not yet possible for me. Of course that was very honorary and I wanted to show him that it already worked for me. So I took the matter in my hand – in the sense of the word and jerked me off under the eyes of the two.

For a long time I didn’t need to do this, Jlal had finally done good preparatory work. I thought it was done now, and my lust also let me rapidly. But Jlal didn’t even think about stopping. On the contrary, it really started for him now. He started on mine ass Playing around, which was rather uncomfortable for me, because I was not at all bad -fixed. Finally I felt it slightly penetrated into myself with a finger.

He said he was great fun to play around on an ass. I was probably of the opinion that he was guilty because he had waxed me so beautifully and had him granted. Finally he asked me if I didn’t want to lie on my stomach. Since his playing on my ass was quite a spice, I turned on my stomach and let him play. He crowded to me so that I felt his hard cock on my thigh.

Again and again he said “just playing”, he rummaged more and more in my ass, after all he had two fingers in it. I actually wanted to end it, but I probably didn’t dare because I feared to annoy him. He had now placed one leg over my thighs so that I now felt his cock directly on my crack. I haven’t seen it, but he probably got my ass with his spit or he had fetched flutschi somewhere, maybe Ali had given him, at least his fingers now slipped very elegantly into my ass.

Suddenly he turned completely on me, so that I was now completely below him, and then I felt his cock right in front of my hole and he started to push in right away. This feeling of round, smooth globes on mine rosette Wasn’t even uncomfortable. Since I had already relaxed my sphincter for his fingers, he also got into me quite well. I then felt it completely on myself, felt his body on my ass too.

So then he must have been completely in me then. If I think back about it today, I have no memories of any Pains, neither on the sphincter nor at the upper end of the tube, for example because it would have been pushed against it. So he pushed his cock back and forth in me. Very slowly in and just as slowly out again, without pulling it out completely. As I said, he was completely flat on me, but supported his elbows, and his face was right next to mine.

He wanted to kiss me, but I didn’t want that and turned my head to the side. I also saw Ali sitting on his chair again and watching us. And at that moment I found it somehow horny that we were observed in our hustle and bustle. Jlal took my head by hand and turned it to him so that he could kiss me now. In the meantime, he fucked my ass with very gentle cubs.

Slowly back and slow. When he pushed in, he pressed it in very deep and lingered a few moments before he pulled it backwards. And now in retrospect I have to say that that was a great feeling overall, his Tongue To feel in the mouth and his cock in the ass and there was someone at the top who looked at it all. Then he pulled his tongue out of my mouth, straightened up a bit and ran on his hands, which lay on the floor on the right and left of my head.

At the same time, he started to get into me more and more violently. His bumps and breath became faster and faster. Finally he groaned, pressed his cock deep into me, remained there and shot his full load into me. Then he pushed him back and forth a few more times, pushed him back in and lay flat on me and cut it for a while. He then changed a few words in Arabic with Ali, probably he asked if he wanted to fuck me now too.

But he probably refused because he did nothing more. Finally Jlal straightened up, pulled his cock out of me, had a towel enough by Ali and wiped himself clean. I could see that he had fucked his shit out of me quite nicely. I also got a towel and wiped myself off too. As soon as I got upset, I felt an urge to do it Toilet go. When I asked about it, they said that this would not be possible, they lived to sublet and I would have to walk through half the house to get to the bathroom, and they didn’t want that under any circumstances.

And if such a boy ran through the house on the toilet, maybe one or the other question would have come up if someone had seen me. So I had no choice but to pinch the ass together and keep it inside. In the end, Jlal gave me 10 DM so that I could buy something nice. At that time it was a bunch of money for me, I got 40 DM a month, which I also had to hand in at home and got 5 DM pocket money a week (today you can no longer imagine that)).

And then the offer came from the two to come back next Saturday and then we would “play” again, as they called it, only then they would both play with me. At first I thought, “definitely not”, but then they said that I would get 10 DM from each of them, i.e. 20 DM. That was a little fortune for me, a whole monthly pocket money. That let me think about it all week and the next Saturday I actually went back.

But first I had to by bike (!) and drive back home filled. As soon as I got there, it immediately went to the toilet and I released Babies in the bowl. There I could see what a giant charge I had shot in. He must have saved for weeks. During the week at work, of course I saw them every day and every time they grinned at me quite smugly.

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