Mona and the horny old Bock | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello, I’m Mona and today I want a story from my boy

Tell life. In fact, I’ve been 18 for two months and would like

tell about last weekend.

On a nice warm Saturday in August that was in the garden

organized annual summer festival. Since my parents without me in the

Vacation were driven, which I was very right, I needed myself at the

Eat and that alcohol unhangically brake.

Of course I am 98 kilos

not slim, but as long as mine Mother is not nearby

Doesn’t give me a problem either. After all, my breasts and

My buttocks get a decent pound and already agree

Clearers twisted their head. At the latest since my short affair

I know my advantages of a 31-year-old car mechanic and set them

also like to get in when I want to experience something. Well, so I’m sitting

Between twenty neighbors in the garden, get me the third steak and a

more beer.

I talk to different people who

Most of them are very nice with us and soon notice Mr. Beyer me

more intensively observed than necessary. I don’t do anything about it and

Nasty with the 19-year-old Daughter The walker continues. One hour

Later I sit next to Magnus, i.e. Mr. Beyer, and laugh with him

About an offensive joke. Then the misfortune happens, I punch one

Wine bottle over the table and Magnus pants pours.

It is

I terribly embarrassed, so I quickly get a kitchen roll from

Grill table and start to wipe off his wet pants. Magnus jokes and

Try to take the embarrassment while crouching in front of him and

The paper towel over his trouser bone grater. It doesn’t take long for me

Make sure that something stimulates in his pants. I’m trying from alcohol

as randomly encourages the swelling bump as if possible


The effect is unmistakable tail Always plus

More on and become a hard tent mast in the pants. I will

Moist between the thighs and start to ask me how big

Straps must first be without the pants. The thought of Magnus 67

Retired years inhibits me briefly, but the bump in his pants is crazy

promising. When I appear to him, I notice that he is unabashed

and deep into the neckline of my T-shirt stares.

“You have beautiful

Big tits.“Whisks Magnus and knocks on the bench next to it

itself. I can’t actually stay longer in this position

without being noticed by the other neighbors. So I sit down

Back next to Magnus and proste to him. I leave as inconspicuously as possible

Wander over the other people and make it easier

firm that nobody watched us.

Only now does I notice that

Juliana, the wife of Magnus, is no longer in the garden. Magnus does this

as if nothing was wrong, but puts his hand on my naked knee and

it starts to stroke gently. I have to admit that the

Pensioner increasingly excited me. When I feel unobserved I put

My hand on the hard device in its pants.

“Phew the horny is big.”

I hear myself whisper. Magnus smiles knowingly, pushes his hand on

my thigh up and asks me quietly, “you want to do mine

cream?“His direct question lets me blush, but I nod

wordless. At the same time I can’t resist and start his

Rubbing the tail more firmly, the hot thing is still swelling on.

I can’t stand it anymore and go close to his ear, “Come on me,

into the flat.“Magnus nods in agreement and happily touches me on the


But I don’t want to wait any longer and hurry into the house. In the flat

Arrived, I impatiently pull my clothes off and stem,

that my pussy is pitsch wet. Just when I my shoes in one

Corner throw Magnus enters the lightless apartment corridor. Excited glide

I in his arms, grab between his legs and ceilings, “are you

horny to me?“Magnus presses me tightly,“ very, you do me

Horn for a long time.“I impatiently open his wet pants and get

to grasp his big cock.

My car mechanic already had one

Strong thing in his pants, but next to Magnus he seemed like one of the

Seven dwarfs. “Long time? What makes you so horny?” I asked

While my hand slid over his geriac. “Your thicker

Butt and your big wobble pug.“Respon Magnus and pushed

His pelvis against my hand. “Your cock is so big, so hard, so

cool.”I gave back.

“And your big eggs, just horny.“Added

I and sank to my knees with anticipation. “Yes, you jerk him nicely,

That makes me horny.“Magnus encouraged me and stroked

my hair. Excited I put both hands around his hot piston and

started slowly with a firm grip jerk off. “Good so small,

scrub my club.“Asks Magnus and pumps even more blood into the

round circumcised acorn.

Magnus really had the greatest and

hottest cock I’ve ever seen and must absolutely have it

taste good. The touch of my tongue on his horny glans leaves us

Both groan. I start licking the hard tube and

reach him on the thick cream stores. With one hand in my neck

Magnus leads my head over his cock, the old one always makes me


His cock almost feels like one in my mouth

Tin lock, but totally cool. Magnus enjoys mine Wind concert

Breathing and encouraging me to touch his eggs firmly. I judge

A little and push his piston between my breasts. Magnus

I understand immediately and press my boobs together.

“Horny, fuck

Your opa tail nice in.“Magnus gasp,“ yes, are your tits

Excellent. Really thick fuck pugs.“I go under my breasts

Magnus sack and moans, “So old and so horny, you turn me on.”

My firm grip on his sack seems to make Magnus horny. He

Press my tits around his cock and grin in a grin grinning.

“The egg cream, on the tits? Or what?“He whispers and knead mine

Möpse like a bread dough through.

I donate his twitching fuck giant

and nod quickly. Magnus body is stiffened jerkily, his tail

Starts to pump, what a great feeling. In the next moment

shoots his cream out of the shiny glans against my neck, runs

About my tits and ends up in my face and hair.

I tear my mouth reflexively and get two horny big ones


Magnus is totally looking at me with his cream and me

enjoy it. Then I catch his glans with my mouth and suck

she greed off. For a moment I regret that Magnus does not

has held back longer. But after a minute I notice that his

Horny belt has lost absolutely nothing of his stability.


I ask him little incredulously, “can you still? Uhm, so without a break?”

Magnus laughs quietly, “no, no break. You make me absolutely horny.”

For the first time I didn’t have to interrupt after the first round,

Somehow that gives me a good feeling. I crawl Magnus

Swinging eggs, stirring demands in my pussy and question

him, “we want to finally fuck?”” Glad, I’m crazy horny for yours

young cunt.“I hold Magnus tail tight in my hand, press him

a kiss on the cheek and pull it behind me. I choose spontaneously

The way to the bedroom of my traveled parents, “Come on age

Huge cock, I want you deep inside me.“Magnus wraps me

From behind, his tail presses against my butt and his

Hands whale my rocking boobs leisurely.

I can hardly do it

Wait until Magnus is finally in me, the old man makes me unspeakable

at. “Lay on mums bed.“I ask a little impatient and press

Magnus gently on the back. His stake protrudes me so tapping

contrary to the fact that I take it in both hands and again nicely strong

cum. Then I crawl over Magnus and bring his hard strap

Between my spread legs.

I take care of it briefly, if I

his mighty thing can actually absorb. “Magnus, please

careful, my pussy only knows smaller ones.“Magnus caresses

Soothing about my cheek, “is good, only do the way you can.” So

If I push my pelvis back and heat the huge acorn on mine

Plums and immediately at the entrance to my pussy. I get deep

Air and press me excited against the hard trunk. Slowly slipped

The wide tip and stretches my pussy wide.

I moan,

Stay and touch that my pussy is slowly on the hot one

Gimmicked meat pipe. Magnus now gently massages my rocking boobs

and plays excitingly on the hard nipples. I press piece by bit

his hard cock deeper into me and feel completely

filled. I need to relax for a while, but

The huge cock already sends wonderful pleasure showers through mine


“Horny like that?“I ask Magnus. “Fantastic little, your cunt

is great.“I see the demanding desire in his eyes and take

a few cm run to me the thick fuck tube deeper into the cunt

press. I moan overwhelmed, he fills me out so well.

Another time I have to pause around the huge piston

to accustom.

Finally the muscles of my pussy really relax

and weighed up Magnus ever deeper admission. To be so bad

is a crazy feeling and reveals me more every second.

I start the huge cock very slowly with longer

Fuck pelvic bins. Magnus moans as well as me and praises

Again and again my young pussy.

I tell him that his old one

Dress pussy pipe drives crazy. Magnus sucks and massages mine

Heated boobs, even that hells me more than usual.

My pussy starts to twitch greedily as Magnus eggs against mine

Clap the butt and his geriac cock is completely in me. Three,

Four or five times I fuck him moaning to my eggs, never

I touched something hotter.

Suddenly Magnus grabs my hips

and press me firmly on his piston. I don’t know if I am lust

or horny pain should scream when the heavenly cock in

reared me. I clearly inspire how he twitches, pulsates and his

Hot cream my pussy flooded. I am like that of the feeling

overwhelmed that I hardly notice my own orgasm.

But what I do

Spire is the joy in me as Magnus starts me from below

fuck. Two or three small bumps are enough, I immediately know what he wants

and know that I want it the same way. “Come on Magnus, you old goat, fuck me

now.“I ask loudly and willingly go towards his bumps.

Magnus increases the pace, I adapt and become wonderfully firm


Soon we found the right rhythm and

Start a fantastic ride. Every time I will be horny

Rammed pistons, I love to touch it like our juices

get out. My pussy smacks and sips it than ever.

In the meantime my ride is becoming increasingly wild, long strong bumps

Magnus hard bolts in my cheering cunt.

We no longer fuck, we

Let the lust bang between our bodies. Our pelvis

Plump clapping on top of each other and our cries of pleasure meet that

My parents’ bedroom. When Magnus kneading on my ass cheeks

Packing, I know that I am just before the total finish. As a magnus

Then it still demands that I should slide his old cock there, there

I lose any control.

I moan and scream, bury his

Giant hammer deep in my boiling cunt, crawl into his

Shoulders firmly and explode with a last long outcry of the

Lusty. This time my orgasm is so ardently violent that I Magnus

new cum just perceive as in a trance. I lie down for minutes

His chest, let me stroke me and slowly find it into reality

back. Magnus is still in me, everything is gossip and

feels incredibly horny.

I still let Magnus still in me

Circular, then I can no longer stand the intense stimulus and have to

Share wonderful pensioner tail. Magnus kisses me

Passionate and asks, “Let me lick your pussy, please.”

I willingly roll on the mattress and spread my legs.

Magnus comes over me and starts my irritated pussy wonderfully gently

lick. I can now have his slight tender touch

still enjoy and like to let me spoil.

Spontaneously I slide with me

The head under his body and take his wide round glans into the

Mouth and lick our juices slowly. It is embarrassing to me

To admit, but after a few minutes I have to with his piston in my mouth

have fallen asleep from exhaustion. At some point I wake up again and

lie under my mother’s duvet. Only when my hand incredulously

Between my thighs glides and the moist remains there

Find night with Magnus I can believe that it was not a dream.


Think of Magnus, his horny big cock, his hot cum

and start to stroke my clitoris. While I am increasingly intensive

I jerk off I start painting out how I lure Magnus to me and that

wants to fuck with him all night. A little later my plan is certain and

trigger a sweet climax in me. So I start the day well

Cut in a mood and rose out of bed with a swing.

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