Lustful Thai massage | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was last year when Margarete and Simon flew to Thailand again to go on vacation there for a long time. But this time they didn’t want to travel around and have a lot of stress. No, this time relaxation should be announced on vacation. And so one day, after a long consideration, they visited a massage house that a friend recommended to them. Both enter the beautiful entrance hall, the floor with white sanded marble and they are greeted in a friendly manner by a young couple.

Shortly afterwards you are shown the beautiful outdoor area and the internal relaxation room, as well as the changing room and washrooms. In addition to them, no other guest seemed to be present, they were amazed, but were very impressed by the ambience. When you saw everything, you decided to take a massage first that you chose from the program of the massage salon. The lady at the reception bowed for the selection and gave instructions to the employees.

So the German couple was led to separate changing rooms, where they could get rid of their clothes. What was strange for Simon, a young man served him friendly and helped him undress. Like if he hadn’t done it alone. Then he got a pure white cloth that he was around the loop band. The same also happened at Margarete. Just that a young girl was standing aside. A white silk cloth around her body was quickly wrapped in her.

The preparations were completed and so they were led into a generous bright room. In the middle there were two large massage tables, or rather large, high loungers opposite. On the one hand you had a wonderful view through a huge glass front in the beautifully designed garden, which you had already admired during your lead. The room was beautifully decorated. There were large palm trees and beautiful, magnificent flowers everywhere. It was orchids how Margarete showed her partner.

Margarete and Simon were led by the companions to the couch, which were covered with soft, white leather. Following the gestures, they lay on it and the staff briefly bowed and drew the room. From speakers that could not be seen at first glance, a soothing, relaxing country music sounded. A short time later, two young men and two young women came through the sliding door, which they closed again. The men came to Simon followed by the girls who joined Margarete.

They had brought some utensils in their hands, such as towels, paper towels different types of oil and a wooden box. They were dressed with large silk towels, which was tied together on the right shoulder. The cloak was around the loins with another cloth, like a belt tied together. What Simon now noticed that the thin cloak was almost transparent. At Margarete, too, two pretty young girls were at work in a transparent silk fabric. As if everything was locked up, the two teams worked almost synchronously.

Now the hands began to distribute and rub something from the oil brought with it to the body. The oil was probably heated beforehand because it felt very pleasant on the skin. Powerful and yet tender, rub it over the tense skin of the two German tourists. Full of relaxation, they fall and enjoy the soothing massage, sometimes powerful and strong, sometimes gentle and smooth. Simon looks out of the window, on the green meadows in the garden, where a group of birds gathered every now and then, then again to his wife, which is just a few meters away from him next to him.

The hands of the servants quickly hike over the back, shoulder neck and neck area. Then Simon feels how someone loosens the cloth around his waist and takes away. A moment later, the second person places a folded cloth on his buttocks, so that he is not completely naked. You can also watch the same thing at Margarete. She looks at Simon and throws a smile at him. Both feel how the soles of the feet and the calves are massaged and their bodies relax.

This is followed by the thighs and from time to time the hands also grazed under the cloth that lies above the buttocks. Simon watches very well how the Thai girl massage his wife and lovingly caress. His eyes also hike through the sparsely covered young bodies, who are trying to provide relaxation. A slight bobbing of the breasts, it can make up and out movements through the massaging back and forth. He tried a little incredulously what he saw there.

Under the cloak, neither seemed to have anything else and so he tried to catch every detail underneath. Every now and then when the girls look at Simon he smiles at them and they reply the smile. In full commitment, bend your delicate bodies over that of Margarete while massaging. And so it is not surprising when the thin fabric occasionally generates an opening on the side of the young bodies or slips upwards.

And a few moments later when one of the two moves forward, the silk fabric slips over the bottom upwards. Simon’s eyes shone as he lets his eyes watchful and quickly wander over his bare skin. Most of the time Margarete had closed his eyes to let the relaxation look deeply, but every now and then she also looked at her husband and could see quite well how he delighted the pretty Thai girls and so she threw onecritical jealous look.

But the longer she looked at Simon, the more the young men actually falling into her eyes. And so it happened that she also began to examine them as they massage their husband. After a short time, they also seem to acknowledge their eyes with a broad smile. After a few minutes of intensive massage, the servants change the sides, so that the eye contact from Simon and Margarete leaves. Hands grasp her head and turn it a little around it to gently put it into a small trough.

Now you can only see your feet back and forth on the ground. The young men from Simon and the young girls from Margarete let off as if in consultation. The page is changed in no time. Now the two young girls are with Simon and the two boys at Margarete. A short time later, a hand reaches for the towels that lie on the buttocks and removes them. You now lie on the white leather naked.

Simon is the first to notice that someone else now kneads his back. Again a few drops of oil are rubbed on the whole back. Gently caress and massage the hands of Simon’s body. Suddenly he feels like a hand on the inside of the thighs, stroking upwards, and closer to his slopes, between the legs. Again and again the same movements until shortly before. But then … after a few minutes he felt his hand on his testicles. Slowly and gently strokes it upwards, along the pofalte.

He then became a bit nervous. He tries to lift his head a bit or turn to the side to get a better overview. He became very restless and his pulse became faster. His eyes stuck to the shapes that were repeatedly showering. Now there was one very close to his head. His eyes penetrate strained through the thin fabric. Yes, now he could see the few dark hair of shame while his excitement increased further.

Margarete still relaxed the massage on the neck and back and actually thought of nothing. She left the necessary freedom to the beneficial hands. Even when the butt was massaged and kneaded, it remained calm. Maybe she didn’t know who was massaging her now or what happened next door. Simon’s excitement continued to rise and he felt his limb began to move. He became really restless in this situation. The two Thai girls also got how he moved restlessly back and forth and supported his hands on the left and right under his thighs or raised his pelvis a little to create space.

They started giggling and stretched their heads into each other, whispered something and then to say something in their national language about Simon. Apriled by the giggle, Margarete also lifted his head to see what is probably so funny there. Only now did she notice the exchange, but it wasn’t really smart what was going on there. The Thai girls repeated the said, but Simon did not understand a word. They then put it on the side and rolled the body on the side, then on the back.

They looked at each other with big eyes and held their hand in front of their mouths. Simon was now there with a half -stiff member that. Margarete also looked at Simon briefly. But she was rather ashamed of what she saw there. “Simon…!?“He didn’t know what to say. The masseusers put their heads together and advised something to tie up the cloth belch under the eyes of Simon, Margarete and the other two men and to roam the shoulders from the shoulder.

Slowly slide to the ground and both stand completely naked. They both had very female shaped silhouettes and one of the girls, a more than lush breast bust, which is very extraordinary, because according to studies, Tailand women and Filipinas have the smallest breasts of the person surveyed on average. According to European dimensions, this would mean a size of just the standard ‘a’ or smaller. The size of the breasts, which has come to light here, is already an exception with the cup size ‘C’, with such a delicate woman.

Then one of the two women takes an oil bottle and rubs their hands well with it. They stood there with a completely naked body and approached Simon to continue with the massage. Before he was aware of his situation, he felt four warm hands on his body. They quickly slid back and forth and up and down. Then one leaned over Simon and the two soft breasts touched his body. The oil made everything even more supple and slippery at the same time.

He enjoyed her with relish how she rubbed himself on him. And again his excitement grew and his limb began to solidify and resort more and more. It drove through it like lightning when he felt a soft warm mass on his limb. Then when he looked down, one of the Thai girl was his limb with him to rub between the big breasts. His cock grew up in a matter of seconds.

The two alternated on the whole body. Margarete’s jealousy seemed written in her face. But even with the two young men, the action did not go by without a trace. Always considering massaging the customers, however, there were certain feelings with them that also caused a swelling of the limbs here. Inspired by Simons steeply on the limb that was massed by hands and other parts of the body, jealousy grew more and more. A short time later, one of the two young girls climbed up to the lounger to sit on his stomach.

Her few pubic hairs stuck on his skin properly through the oil. She bent and rubbed her breasts up over his stomach, up to the neck. Simon Bewed before requesting. He kissed the delicate meat of the oily breasts while he felt one hand on the inside of the thighs that repeatedly grazed over the scrotum. He followed the movement of the young girl’s body very well. And every time she slipped down she pushed her bottom up to his hard part.

The hand of the other girl grazed over his hard cock at that moment, the fast, a little higher, exactly between the buttocks, whereupon she started grinning easily. The hand moved up and down on his thighs and then touched his sack and the tail again. Then Simon felt his hand closed around his penis and slowly began to move up and down. Only slowly upwards and then continued the movement down.

Targeted she pushed the skin from top to bottom. A few seconds later, the smooth red acorn tip shone in the bright daylight. When the young girl, who was sitting on him again, moved down, led by the hand, with the buttocks the tip, which then slipped between the buttocks, or was better said. The young Thai girl sighed out loudly and the penis tip between the labia that has become slippery by the oil was inserted into the warm pleasure grotto.

Even if only the glans tipped into the narrow pussy of the little ones, it was pushing out loudly. Margarete was perplexed. How could he just in front of her eyes. Yes it was incomprehensible to her how he could hurt her. She wasn’t exactly prudish, but to fuck a stranger in front of her eyes, that was too much of the good thing. But the longer she thought about it and saw her husband there as the young girl au and bobs, her desire for more.

She couldn’t think it was true that Simon’s best piece was between strange legs or rather lips. Margarete raised the body a bit and her breasts dangled down. Without getting some of it, one of the boys taped the other on the shoulder and pointed downwards. His limb began to move up and straighten up quickly. The wide cloak was now far from his body. When the boys whisper together, Margarete also noticed the widely bulged gap.

With a smile on her face and full of satisfaction, she stretched out her hand, exactly in this place. Your hand looks for the way under the silk cloak and then enclose the hard cock by hand. She had never had a different cock and certainly no hard in her hand than that of Simon. She licked her lips and the hand moved slowly and then faster and faster back and forth.

The other watched intently. Margarete sat up to immediately push the cloak up with his hands. She literally pulls him out of the silk cloak. The second man intervened and freed his colleague with a stiff latte now. Margarete immediately grabbed the hard cock of the young Thai, who closed his eyes and visibly enjoyed the touch. With a firm grip it encloses the shaft and pushes the hand towards his body.

With the other hand, she grabs the freely poultry tip and roams her fingertips over it. Her blood pulsates and she feels how her vagina changes through the excitement. The labia become plump and the pussy is really moist. With one hand she now jerks the stand faster and faster. In the meantime, the second masseur came to her from behind and began to stroke her neck, the breasts and belly. However, her own lust has not yet been satisfied, and so she lifts one foot up to the couch and angles a little.

Your shame opens slightly. After that, she first grabs herself to let her fingers play between the labia. A brief indecisiveness inhibited their actions. But the hustle and bustle gave her courage enough to continue. She grabs the young man’s hand and leads them between her legs. Arrived there she leaves him with the lead. First slowly, then becoming faster, the boy’s fingers rub the thick labia and occasionally dig through her dense pubic hair.

Simon was so busy with the two girls that he didn’t really notice the action around his wife. First the moaning of her and the young man let him take a look over. His wife actually jerked off the hard cock in his hand, as she had often done with him. Simon had to look at how this boy bowed deeply to Margarete and lowered his head in her lap.

The Thai girl who sat on Simon slipped up again and pressed his breasts into his face. He kissed her and licked around the breast tips, which upgraded with a slight groan. Then he grabbed the warm melons and kneaded her with both hands. The young thing that had previously worked with his hand was fascinated by the Leck Orgie next door and so she lowered her head close to Simon’s fixed part.

She opened the sensual mouth and she had made the red glans to disappear in her mouth. Simon twisted his eyes and bit on the nipple that he just worked on with his tongue. What a feeling, he thought and sighed and groaned loudly. The young woman on his stomach slipped even higher. Now he had the sparingly hairy column in front of his face. She slid down with her hands and stroked the column delicately.

Then she put her fingers on the labia and pulled them aside a little. The little red pleasure button came out. A little bit slide it even higher and she already felt the rough tongue of Simon between the labia across the clit. She stammered something in her language and under his tongue strokes she seemed to be a climax after a very short time. Her body trembled and she pushed her pelvis rhythmically back and forth, ever firmer, faster and faster.

With a loud moan she dropped the body back, supported her arms and folded her legs far out. Her virgin cunt gaped up and the little labia were worked wildly by Simon’s tongue. He dug his tool deep into the shame column to immediately push the tip of the tongue into the moist opening. Next door Margarete couldn’t stand it anymore. She lay on her back and pulled the young man who licked her too.

She put her hands on his head and conducted it in her lap. The young man spread his labia apart with his fingers and licked through the wet furrow. Margarete pulled him a little higher, so he was exactly on the clitoris. She joins the tongue blows by twitching and groaning and always looks at her husband who enjoyed the two young girls. There was no trace of jealousy at the moment. Now the girl also had to deal with Simon’s tail lust for more.

She got up and also climbed onto the couch, swung one leg on the other side and slowly let the body sink with his back to his face. With her hand she conducted the hard penis between her legs. She looked down and already slid the acorn into the moist column. Back and forth twice before and she had already found the right place. She continued to lower her body and with a loud moan the tail slipped into the tight chubby cunt.

Simon’s tail winced briefly and he felt how it was warm with his best part. Then she slowly began to lift and lower her body, faster and faster, accompanied every time with a loud groan. The Thai girl that had already come turned and climbed down from Simon. She started stroking the other and caressing. With one hand she took down where Simon’s big cock kept boring deep into the body of the blood boy girl.

She gently stroked the Krause pubic hair and sometimes slid over the pub. Margarete became more and more excited. How much would she be now in the place of the girl. How much she would have liked to feel the big hard cock from Simon right now. Her moans grew louder and louder, so that the young woman who had already come aware of it and went over to Margarete.

The second young man had now also undressed and jerked his cock himself. With her hand, this girl now pushed the young man who licked Margarete’s pussy on the side and took the job himself. Maybe also because a woman is most likely to know what a woman wants or rather as she is particularly good at her. Her petite mouth quickly digs suckingly and licking over the pubic column.

The two young men are now on the left and right of Margarete. She looked first on the one hand, then on the other and already took the two cocks tightly by hand. Inspired by the extremely pleasant feeling of the rough tongue in her column and the wild fuck opposite she started to jerk off the two tight cocks. The hands rubbed and back quickly, and again and again with your fingers over the damp smooth acorns.

The moaning of the young men became increasingly louder. Now she could no longer rewink herself and so she lifted her head a little to bring him close enough to the firm tail of the one boy. The mouth was quickly opened and the penis in the warm throat disappeared. The young man moved loudly with Margarete’s head. The other also approached Margarete’s body. She felt this and she quickly changed the page to edit the other of the other.

Simon lifted the young girl on her hip with both hands, lifted and lowered the body until the butt claped on his thighs and his stomach. He penetrated deeply into the narrow pleasure grotto. Margarete’s hunters always gave him new blissers. Then he picked up the girl’s bottom with his hand with his hand his stiff tail and positioned it between the buttocks and he already pressed the dagger into her tight hind gate.

He felt closely enclosed how it couldn’t take long for him. His breath went faster and faster. Suddenly the young girl screamed out the climax. Her body trembled. Now Margarete couldn’t any longer. The licking sucking lips on her pussy had done her and she lifted her head again and looked down to the young playmate, who did not want to let go and continued and continued the already dripping wet column and the big clit licked.

Laised alone, the young men now jerked their cocks themselves. Not long and they already felt how the orgasm approaches. First one came close to Margarete’s body to pour a white beam over it in the next moment. The sperm sprays over the big breasts onto the belly of her. Quickly shy away, Margarete puts his head on his side and pulls the splashed tail towards him to take it into his mouth.

She felt his sperm injected his sperm into her throat. The other man immediately followed. He came closer and kept his member close to Margarete’s body. It was only when she now turned to him with full mouth he reinforced the wanking movements. He approached her even further from her. Only when he had arrived very close to her mouth and the tip touched her lips. He groaned loudly and for a long time.

Margarete felt the moist acorn on her lips and she opened it a little around the tip in her mouth. But before she did this she felt like a warm ray across her face. She quickly closed her lips around the lust head and began to carry out suction-wanking movements with her mouth. The head quickly slipped back and forth and she felt her mouth more and more filled with the warm liquid.

More and more sprayed into the throat and so it was not surprising than swimming outside from her corner of the juice. Without betting it off, she kept pushing her tail deep in the warm throat. Simon could watch everything closely. Like the young stallions, only splashed over his mare and then let himself be sucked out by his wife, and how the young woman licked the pussy from her to orgasm. Now nothing kept him anymore.

He pushed his cock hard into the narrow buttocks. The girl put her hand on his testicles and started kneading him. Then he shouted briefly on Fucked again very quickly and under a slight pressure on his testicle he sprayed his sperm into the back gate. The Thai girl felt the warm liquid and joked and chattered something in her language again, whereupon the other three laughed. Simon had a long -lasting violent departure, and before he understood what she had actually said, he felt how she pulled her vaginal muscle together and relaxed again.

Only now that the last source also dried up did everyone come to rest. The boys rubbed the last drop of their cocks that have already become limp. Meanwhile, the young woman divided the Margaretes pussy. She came over her, leaned to her and started kissing her now. But no, she pushed her tongue between margaret’s lips. Suction and fishing with her tongue, she stole the sperm out of her mouth and swallowed it down.

Only when everything was gone did she loosen her mouth from Margarete, smiled briefly by immediately wiping her mouth with a cloth. Slowly Simon raised the pelvis and his cock slipped out of the narrow hole. The sperm also dripped down and the girl tried to stop the trickle with her hand. Again she said something and you could assume that it was a kind of inquiry whether everything was right. Margarete was still there, with the sperm on the whole body when the young men now equipped with towels also began to eliminate the traces.

They rubbed gently over the breasts and sucked the liquid with the towels. Again they spoke something in their language, stood side by side like in a row and briefly bowed. Then they took their clothes and left Simon and Margarete alone.

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