Lustful hours for two women | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Visit to Sandraseit our invitation at Bernd’s business friend and my first encounter with Sandra had passed for weeks. I wondered a hundred times why I hadn’t just given her my cell phone number or she asked her about her, but none of it happened. When we said goodbye we looked deep into our eyes and she gave me another kiss on my cheek and said: “Tschüs see you soon ……” yes, until, one evening my Bernd came home and almost told me that he had jochen todaymet and they were together at lunch.

“Nice for you. ”I thought and asked him,“ Which Jochen, Treasure?”” “Please excuse my business friend, we are now by you. You already know the garden party a few weeks ago. ”A smile scurried over my face, Sandra! Maybe I was lucky and she wasn’t disappearing from my life forever?“Yes, I already see, you can think of it again. By the way, he applied to me, I should order greetings from his wife and she would be happy if you would report.

He said you got along quite well and she would like to do more with you. “My heart made an air jump. “Yes,” I said in an almost bored tone, “she is nice, I can call her. ”“ Oh again, you get to know someone and do so bored. You have to persuade you to everything. Where did I have the note with the phone number? Yes there he is.

Here please, be so nice and call them. What else should she think if you don’t get in touch. “I could already imagine what Sandra would think about me, but what I couldn’t even have imagined in my wildest dreams at the time was the fact how much my and our life would change from now on. What would mean, it had already started at the garden party when I gave up my sexual desires for the first time in my life.

Maybe at some point I will tell my daughter how it came about in Summer 98 When a revolution began, my own, a sexual that made me very open to many things and let me discover the most beautiful moments of life again and again. But for a long time short sense, I shot at the time, just call Sandra the next morning. But it wasn’t as easy as I thought it was. My heart hit me to my neck when I chose the number and my fingers trembled, as I actually didn’t know it from myself.

“Hello!“, She reported on the phone and I felt a lump in my throat …“ Hello, who is there?“, I heard her again ….I took a deep breath … “Hello, that’s not strange, who is there?”” ….I….. I am Martina. Sorry that I didn’t get in touch … ”“ Martina???… Oh it is nice, I’m so happy to hear your voice … how is it …… what do you do it all the time …

“The ice was broken and the words bubbled out of me. We make calls for almost three hours as if we’ve always been the best friends. For next Wednesday she had invited me to coffee and joyfully I accepted her invitation. Yes, and now the time had come, I had lunch Quitting time made, had hurried home and was now more or less perplexed in our apartment. I was too excited about swimming, although I had made a firm job to take a relaxing bathroom.

I felt like a 16 year old before her first rendezvous with a boy, but somehow it was much easier back then. Now I knew that it was not a boy, but a woman I wanted to meet and I requested her like that. So I had no choice but to take a cold shower to take me down a little bit!Thank God at least this old home remedy still worked. Then I creamed myself and got my wet razor out of the drawer.

My hand trembled when I gently distributed the shaving foam in my genital area. In my thoughts I already painted Sandra with joy with a smiling face if she saw my work. I had never needed for my intimate shaving so long and I have never been so excited. I looked at my work with a small hand mirror, let my fingers slide over my labia. The thought of my upcoming meeting with Sandra and the excitement that had been captivating me for days broke out of me immediately when my fingertips sought their way to my pleasure pearl.

My clit had been swollen hard for a long time and seemed to put on my fingers magically. I sat on the edge of our bathtub and cried out with lust when the first shower of lust chased through my body. In unstoppable, my fingers inflamed one impulse after the other, which turned my love grotto into a burning inferno. Wave around wave branded around my body, tore me out of reality into a world of breathtaking feelings and sensations. I haven’t had the game of my fingers under control for a long time.

The pure lust Had become the mistress of my actions. My fingers became independent beings of my lust and gave me one moment of ecstasy after the other, until I could no longer endure it and broke out of me with a loud cry, the beginning of my climax. Like a rodeiter that is shaken in the hustle and bustle of the horse, I found it orgasm. A bunch of misery, whimpering with lust, I came back to reflection.

Couified together, kneeling on the bathing in front and still in the memory of what has just experienced, a goosebumps covered my body, let me shudder again and again and again. The sensations were so beautiful. What was done with me? ** I had never had the desire to satisfy myself so uninhibitedly and now I was about to meet with a woman I knew. For a long time I was in front of my wardrobe and couldn’t decide what to wear.

I was so agitated, so informal. Something daring? No, it’s definitely too sexy. She thinks right away, I’m a bitch. But when I come to Bieder, she still believes I am jammed. What should I do?I finally found a dress that covered my ideas and so I set off. The taxi turned into the driveway and my pulse began to lawn. I gave the driver a generous tip and went to the front door with shaky knees.

A short hesitation, then I resolutely pressed the bell. Whatever would happen, I wanted it. Sandra opened me, only dressed with a silk house coat. She had bound it so easily that I got the impression that he would go up itself right at the next movement. We warmly greeted each other and I followed her into the living room. She gently pushed me into an armchair and asked: “Would you prefer tea or a cup of coffee Martina?””You!“I replied cheekily and was amazed at myself.

she laughed. “You’re cute, but first we drink coffee. “She brought a tray with cups, pastries and fragrant coffee. When she wanted to turn it off, her house coat opened and I was able to catch a look at her body. As I thought it was, she was not wearing anything underneath. No piece of fabric covered her beautiful body. I felt how the pleasure of me took possession of me and the choice of my words repeatedly turned to eroticism. Sandra smiled at me again and again, but skilfully mastered it to avoid me again and again.

I started to doubt myself slowly. She only played with my feelings or did not want me anymore?Suddenly she dismissed her cup, leaned back and looked at me. “Jochen finds you cute. He would like to watch if we love each other. “The blood seemed to me to freeze in my veins at that moment. I couldn’t believe the words I had just heard. Sandra smiled: “We have a very open relationship and talk about everything.

I told him about our adventure and he was happy for us. He has known for a long time that I like women and has no problem with it. “She laughed. “I like you when you look so at a loss. And because we were looking at it, you’ve ever watched someone who was …, I see, you’ve never have. Watch out, I want to show you my lust. “She closed her eyes and opened the belt.

My eyes fell on her beautiful breasts, which she started to massage gently. With wide, circular movements, her fingers slid around her two hemispheres and I could clearly see your excitement. The two nipples were steeply forward and I had the feeling that they were bumped from minute to minute. Every time she pressed one of them between her fingers delicate and twirled, I heard her up loudly. It was a wonderful sight to watch this beautiful woman in her lovemaking and I felt how the first harbings of my lust were noticeable for me.

Now she opened her bathrobe completely and I had the opportunity to take a first look into her lap. She slowly slipped forward in her armchair and spread her thighs to put her on the side of her armrests. A breathtaking insight happened in front of my eyes on. My view of the center of her lust fell unhindered. Her labia were already slightly swollen and opened a little. Her moans grew even louder when Sandra now let her fingers hike over her thighs.

She began to massage the edges of her labia with both hands and I realized how her clit more and more swelled. She pushed herself back and forth more and more restlessly and I noticed that I too began to moan quietly with her in time. Almost on its own my hands were looking for their way, also began to knead my breasts violently. I pressed my breasts hard and demanding through the thin fabric of the dress.

I believe that it was due to the orgasm that I had only experienced an hour ago, because at that moment I wasn’t after tender finger games. The passion had taken possession of my body again within seconds when I did the hard nipples to mercilessly between my fingers. Sandra’s love juice was clearly recognizable, who ran out unstoppably between her lips. She cleverly distributed him over her pleasure center, which was already shining from moisture. Almost checking she kept diving one finger after the other in her grotto to get even more from her nectar.

Now she began to edit her clit with her index finger of her right hand and I immediately realized that she could not hold back for long. I dragged my dress up a little further to get between my thighs by hand and now began to massage my pleasure grotto through the fabric of my underwear. I have long been wet again and my panties soaked from my love juice. Sandra’s movements became more agile and her moan had become a loud gasp when I realized how her body stiffened and she experienced her orgasm with a loud cry.

For a while I watched her twitching body, still violently massive my own intimate area when Sandra opened her eyes, rose and slowly came up to me. Fascinated, I looked at the little trickle of her nectar, which ran down on her thighs. She knelt down in front of my armchair and immediately I raised my pelvis a little, hoping that her wish is the same as mine. I hoped that she would take off my wet panties.

Yes, infinitely slowly she grazed the panties, looked at my shiny column. But after that I wasn’t at all. I raised my pelvis even more and stammered: “Come on, I want to feel your tongue!”I cried out loudly when I felt the first delicate touches of her tongue on my pleasure pearl. Immediately I reached into your hair with both hands to press her head even more firmly between my thighs. Sandra seemed to feel exactly what I wanted at that moment, because she started working faster and harder with her tongue to edit my clit.

Every time the game of her tongue decreased a little, a whimpered over my lips, whereby I pressed my shame a little more towards her. I groaned, stammered and shouted my lust out of me. Words came over my lips, which I never thought of I would ever say them that way. I had heard and saw nothing for a long time, only felt the game of her tongue on my pleasure button, like thundering the surf at the harbor wall.

As with a spiral, I screwed myself unstoppably higher, up to the summit of my pleasure. I started to tremble, my body vomited with addictive desire when one shower after another flocked through me. As in a vice, I kept her head clasped, just not that Contact to lose. Long before I reached my climax, I started screaming, became louder from second to second, until I could no longer hold myself and a gigantic orgasm took possession of me.

Wave around wave flushed me up, let me shudder, searched for her way to the last fibers of my body. Very slowly I was able to tear myself away from these feelings and I managed to find back into reality. Sandra had risen and gently stroked my face. I would not have noticed it. “Hello Martina. ”Her voice penetrated my ear from far away. “I was already afraid you will pass out of me.

“I smiled at her and shook my head:“ No Sandra, it was only so beautiful. I have probably never experienced anything like this in my life and would like to thank you for it. ”“ It was also beautiful for me. “For a long time we stayed in our arms this afternoon, custody and stroked ourselves tenderly until we finally separated and I still went back home completely in my thoughts. End….

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