It is way too old | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.


“Well, but please. Try my boy.“She just pours something into my Colaglas.

Old Vettel!

I sniff on the glass. It still seems to be cola, but this stuff is smelled in it. Your grandma smiles at me broadly.

A completely different type than theirs Daughter, I go through my head. She puts a hand on my thigh. “You can drink that, young. It’s nothing bad!”

I nipe.

Hm? Well, it still works … with a lot of cola!

The evening runs like this. Sandra Comes from time to time to look after me (probably to check whether I don’t have a foot between my legs), see with a satisfied face that I only sit with your grandma, demands a dry kiss every now and then – so farWe both already – and disappears again. Your grandma stays and tells while my eyes become glassy after a while.

“This stuff is not that bad,” I think unconsciously and keep my glass up.

“Look at that,” says her grandma, smiles and strokes her hand with her hand over my leg.

She reminds me of Brigitte.

I fix your friendly eyes. Grandma also has thick tits. At least that’s how it works.

I would like to fuck Brigitte now!

I look around. I thought that again loudly?

Nobody reacts and her grandma continues to smile broadly.

Apparently not.


When my glass is empty, Sandra gives me a grandmother.

She has done that all the time and I don’t notice that the mixture is increasingly in favor of the brown stuff.

A peasant does not escape me. Grandma smiles lovingly, doesn’t let go of my young thighs anymore. It is becoming more and more handsome and it is rushed without end. I don’t understand a word anymore.

In any case, after a few seconds I forget what she said. I prefer to look at your tits instead.

She bribes. “… breasts ..

large …”

I notice. “Huh?“I ask much too loud.

“That is in our Family. My breasts are also very big, ”she explains, apparently again for me.

“I know a bigger one,” I Lalle.

She pulls her eyebrows up. “Look, young! Has your Mother Even big breasts?”

“My ex.“I grin wide.

“Oh, you already had a friend?”


“And she already had such big breasts?”

“Not already ..

* Hicks* … she is already older.”

She doesn’t ask any further.

“52.“I laugh out loud.

“Oh rarri, what do you tell?”She says incredulously.

“Ruaaaairiiiiii …” I lift my glass, tip my lips and sip loudly. With a dull deep loud, I put it too tightly. It sloshes.


“Yes,” I speak on dreamy and indulge in Brigitte in memory of Brigitte. I grin sandras grandma. “She had tits!“Grandma still smiles friendly, just like Brigitte. Gaaanz exactly asoo!

I suddenly put on the chest of grandma.

I weigh her in my hand.

Pretty difficult, but still less than that of my girlfriend. I’m proud of my Brigitte a little bit. If the grandma knew?!

“I think you have enough,” says a voice on the other side of the table. It is Sandra’s mother who looks at me again expressionlessly.

Again I hear laughter.

“Whoever he … * Hicks * counts flat wiiitz here?“I call out loud.

Xenia comes to my side, stands behind me and indicates that I should rise.

I throw my head back and look at it from below. “You bit you so shot”, I dream loudly.

She shows no emotion, only says: “Come on, rory.“She presses on my arms again. I raise myself fluctuating.

“And now?“I ask ignorant.

“In bed with you.”

“But I don’t want to.”

She does not respond to my behavior.

“I call your mother and tell her that you sleep with us overnight.”

I look at her in love. How much I would like to put them flat now! After all, I know how to do it and that I am good.

Suddenly Sandra comes into my field of vision with an angry facial expression. “I get it up.”

“He’s too difficult for you,” Xenia warns her daughter. “If he falls over …”

“Leave!“Sandra’s grandma mixes in.

“If you take care of your guests,” she says her daughter and then says to Sandra: “Don’t worry. He can sleep with me.”

“And where do you want to sleep?“Sandra wants to know.

“I’m sleeping on the couch,” laughs the grandma and then says to Xenia that she wants to take me around in the fresh air. “It would be better!“She grabs me under my arm and pulls me along. My head falls through the jerk.

A little later we go like an old couple over grinding surfaces.

I faithe and she urges herself quite tightly, but that doesn’t matter to me in my condition. The walk helps something. She really reminds me of Brigitte.

“Tell me, Rarri, you really had an older friend?”

I nod. She has to hold me up so that I don’t stay.

“And …

how did that happen?”

Yes, how did it come about? I ponder. “She got me seduced“, I confess.


“Naaaa, I wanted too,” I admit grinningly grinningly. “Was only briefly with us.”

“And why didn’t it go on?”

“She just wanted one … my money.“I laugh out loud about my lousy joke.

She leads me back to the house.

“Nice house, Ms. Bock,” I say when it appears in the dark.

“Tell Helga to me, Rarri.”

“Okay and you can call me Ruiri.”

In the house it goes into the basement.

You probably usually send old people there.

They don’t bother there and can play drums in peace! I laugh, not understandable for Helga, whether in my thought.

She has a big wide bed. It muffs a little for old people, but it’s probably clean. We sit on the edge of the bed.

“Should I still help you?“It offers me. I just look at her.


she smiles.


“Do you want to take me off, Brigitte?”

“Well, if you can’t do that alone.“Grandma smiles, does not react to the wrong name.

“I can’t,” I grin, and let me fall back with wide arms.

I look at the ceiling absorption while Helga pulls on my clothes.

She comes over me and pulls the t-shirt over my head. She briefly puts her warm hand on my bare chest. Now I’ll be aware of her again. I watch their tits and subconsciously think of Brigitte’s udder, their wonderful big nipples.

I feel like it now! My tail grows, surprisingly quickly becomes hard. I put a hand on Brigittes … Helgas back and gently caress you. She does not be disturbed and nesting on my pants, stands up and pulls it over my legs.

She stares in my step.

Why does it shot like that?

I look at. A magnificent latte rises up. My red acorn shines thick and plump.

She sits next to me again. I pursue their actions with outstretched arms.

“But you are a prettier,” she says, not quite as confident.


“Well, Rarri, then I want to put you in bed, or” she explains, as if she wants to make sure that I don’t mind either.

“Can you still crawl me?”

“First we lie down in bed,” she says nonsensically in the majority.

I growl while my penis continues to stand up stiffly.

“First crawl.”

She smiles wide and motherly. I feel a hand back on my thigh. I close my eyes satisfied.

Your hand hikes up and down on my leg for a while, then just past my genitals to my chest. Your fingers wipe back and forth on my chest like a brush.

But it is tender. I enjoy silently. Then slide back over my tight belly to my left thighs. In doing so, she bumps into my penis with her forearm, presses it down, moves on, so that he jumps up again.

“Are a pretty boy,” she praises again.

The caress is nice.

But at the same time I am totally tasty. why?

I watch Grandma how her left forearm always unintentionally (?) against my penis and it joyfully twitches every time.

“Show your breasts,” I suddenly say completely calmly out of my lying attitude.

“Rarri!“She is outraged, but thinks about it, looks at my erection for a long time and then to the door. Again she smiles wide and actually opens her cardigan – another look at the door – she strips off, then the blouse and opens a worn -out gerish bra. Your breasts fall out.

That’s not what I had in mind.

It does not meet my expectations. Her breasts almost fall on the duvet. You are flat. Hanging tits.

But the belly is still going. She is just old.

How old actually? I think 66 or it is already 70!? No longer knows exactly.

The alcohol helps across such small incomitations!

I grab and stroke Brigitte in the thought of a nipple hanging from Helgas deeply down. She reacts by stroking me again.

I’m pointed … pointed like hulle.

for whatever reason? I really want sex and … I don’t care … Fuck too.

She prevents herself and her left chest dangles towards me. I take her and lead her to my mouth.

Excited I start to suck. Your hand touches my right knee. It glides along the inside of my right thigh. Keep.

Now your fingers touch both sides of my thighs. They continue to glide. Fingelers touch my testicles. I make a cozy sound because of the pleasant touch.

Again I close my eyes and caress your tits – Brigitte! – Hold them carefully in my hand.

She scratch my testicles, which feels very nice. Suddenly she stops and stands out. I look at. She looks through the door into the hallway.

Then she completely undresses. It looks awkward, almost strange. She makes it too hasty. It falls over immediately!

No, she doesn’t fall.

Slightly trembling she rises to me on the bed. she is nervous. Very Nervous. I look at her very hairy cunt.

You don’t see anything. Her legs are no longer as perfect as Brigittes. It lies under the ceiling and keeps it raised. The sign for me to smoke to her.

I do it insanely and our bare bodies press each other.

Your body is nice and warm! My eyes are still glassy, its highly excited. She sniffs me as much as an angry bull in the arena. Your hands put on my body. She grabs me.

Then she suddenly looks at the door scared … and takes care of me again.

Nobody says something. Sandras Grandma looks as turdy as ..

Yes, no idea actually. She definitely sniffs. It will probably be horny for my young body!

I also take it on, even if it doesn’t make me particularly excited. The touch of my cock on your body is much more built.

He presses hard against her legs. I feel a few of their long pubic hair.

I want to fuck.

I want it. for whatever reason?

I don’t care about the fact that Sandra’s grandmother takes me. She vibrates as much as I did when I climbed Brigitte.

I’m calmer than the first time. Experience? Grandma’s age? Hm! But maybe it is also because of alcohol?!

We caress our bodies. Hands touch our arms, sides, breasts and sweeping sides. Helga drives me nervously over my little buttocks.

I look at her. She looks back at the door. Then to me. She grabs my hair, grabs my neck quite tightly and moves me up.

Your lips greedily press on mine. The old woman sniffs loudly and voluptuous. I reply with my lips your kisses. Brigitte showed me.

We kiss with open mouths. Grandma snorts like a walrus.

She moves her head, touches my face with her nose and suddenly her tongue penetrates. She searches for mine, does not find it, then licks on my teeth, over my palate and along the upper lip and row of teeth. Your tongue does not give up, stretches deep into my mouth – her nose snorts like a blue whale while exhaling – and finds my back.

She advertises affection, keeps pressing mine. I slowly stretch it. Our soft speech muscles are pressing together in a large area. It is not a tongue, much more a palpable, gentle pressing, adapting to the shape of the other tongue.

My penis rubs on her legs. I’m also snorting now, I’m now in your mouth too. It starts to suck immediately. She greedily pulls my tongue in her mouth.

Our lips are firmly pressing together. We are breathing in the duet.

I would probably fuck every woman in my condition now, only Grandma is the one at the moment and use the favor of the hour. She consumes herself after me.

Deep kisses!

Closed eyes.

We smooch mostly.

Sandras Grandma feels my hard genitals on her body and presses more firmly to me. She feels like my penis, trapped between us, presses against her thighs with all his might.

She enjoys this pressure, the young genitals from the friend of her granddaughter.

Their massive, albeit hanging breasts, press softly and large on my breast in the lying down. Her hands rub firmly over my back, not tender, find my buttocks and claws on it. I send my hands to your butt, touch a sunken side and quickly pull it up again. She doesn’t notice it.

She still sucks my young tongue, now so firm that it hurts.

I join in because I want to fuck, kiss the old woman deep and deeply.

My hands lie on their shoulders, stroke more than tender – oh, Brigitte! – and then press on your back. Based on my arms, I lie above her. Your mouth has to reluctantly come off my lips, but tries to grab it again and again. Your old tongue is open to me openly towards me.


I bend down and suck tenderly on her tongue.

Grandma enjoys loud and comfortable. Always neither she lets her soft lips kiss her tongue tip. Our tongue play together. I just want to suck her again when she holds her hand up.

I’m waiting. She looks back at the door.


She turns back to me, kisses me and marveled at my young body, strokes him fascinated. One hand grabs my legs and grabs very tightly. Her fingers put steel cables around my rock -hard young club.

I answer by covering her face with kisses.

“Brigitte,” I moan quietly while I kiss her with your mouth open.

“Yes, my boy,” she also replies sniffing and kisses me with a wide open mouth without letting go of my immensely excited penis. Her fingers feel his hardness, thickness and size, play curiously with my glans and gently weigh my balls in my soft scrotum. She checks the genitals from the friend of her granddaughter extensively and complete, seems satisfied.

“We want to fuck?“I ask quietly.

She groans. “Ohoho …”

“Yes?“I ask again.

She just looks at me trembling, looks at the door and caresses my body dreamily.

I don’t wait for an answer, look for my stiff and sit in front of you. She willingly opens her thighs to me.

No nice legs. Brigittes are great!

“My beautiful boy,” she says cheeky when she persecutes my stiff genital part in front of her vagina, like a lance, ready to piss on her victim.

The victim is willing and nothing is more clear than it wants to be piled up.

I push my penis into your bush. Quite a nice undergrowth! Because of the long hair, I cannot see whether your labia is open.

I instinctively drive up and down with my glans on her cunt. It opens, looks slightly glued. Dark red shimmers it between her legs. I slide closer and press my hard excited limb into the abdomen of Sandras Grandma.

My acorn disappears.

“Ohoho … Ahaha …” She groans.

I lend myself to my arms back on my arms and push too. Surprisingly, it is so easier than the first time when I was on Brigitte on it.

It doesn’t slip properly, but it’s not really tight either. Maybe it’s up to the many hair?

No matter, I want to fuck!

I want to penetrate deeper.

A little pulls on the skin of my cock. Her labia is still too dry, although she is so hot on me. I notice that I have to drive a little bit in and out until it glides properly. Then I come up with the fuel, have been waiting for far too long, japse and plowing through her old body greedily.

My penis doesn’t completely disappear, but still quite deep. Grandma moans loudly.

We fuck!

Helga’s body wiggles up and down. She sticks to me and can be fucked through the friend of her granddaughter. Suddenly she stops again, gets me out of rhythm and looks at the door.

Then she straightens her upper body and puts her hands on my young ass cheeks.

“You are a good one, my boy,” she praises sniffing, “… my darling.”

“My darling?“I ask foggy.

“Yes, my dear.“She quickly looks at the door and then presses on my butt. My penis fully sinks into her body. She cheers up.

“So it’s good, young ..

so it is good.”

I take it extremely willing. I fuck grandma as deep as possible. She greedily grabs my chest.


My abdomen claps loudly against hers. My fuck partner groaned uninhibitedly.

I stop briefly, my cock deep in her vibrating body, reach for the duvet and throw it over us.

for whatever reason?

Go on!

We both fuck covered. The ceiling trembles. Nobody can take this experience more this experience. She groaned out loudly.

“Hach ..

uh …”

Your open moan gives me confirmation. You are good, Rory! I try to fuck them as deep as possible. The friction is good, but I still don’t have orgasm, which is actually strange. Does nothing! The longer I can fuck.

My thin legs gradually tremble.

She keeps her wide open, ready for a convenience for my penis. She enjoys every single impact of her so young lover.

I close my eyes, let my butt twitch and suck in the thought of Brigitte’s thick tits in a relaxed manner. Yes, that’s good! Brigitte shrugs under me, hints at me. I feel your desire, your lust for me, your ..


A crack!

Brigitte Japst frightened and stays while I try to kiss her neck with your eyes closed. She listens to the sound, distracts her horny youth. After a while she puts a hand on my neck and presses me down to her. She kisses me tenderly.

“What endurance you have!“She wonders.

I also myself. “You are wonderful!“She grabs the cunt and fingers while I continue to fuck her.

It sucks my upper lip.

Unusual, but make you calm, treasure! Do what you want with me … Brigitte!

Grandma kisses me intimately.

You won’t get rid of me anymore!

Your tongue tastes her boy.

I’ll just fuck you!

She sniffs me.

You feel my penis in yours pussy … Brigitte? My wife …


I … “I love you”, I smoke quietly.

“Hah … my dear young … I too!“Helga’s mouth greedily devours me.

“I love you”, I’m louder now.

“Me too, my boy, you do that well ..

I too ”, Helga moans trembling all over the body.

I change my bumps. If they were quick and violent, they are now becoming slower and even. I run through with my penis helgas vagina deeply and long. My mouth lies very tenderly on her and a little faith my lips your lips.

Oh, Brigitte!

“Is that nice,” I whisper. She twitches under me. “I always want you.”

She reaches into my hair. “Oh, young ..

Should you, you should.”

Tender kisses.

“Do you want me?“I ask quietly.

“Oh …”

“Just me?”

Grandma trembles more and more violently.

“Do you want?“Kisses.

“… yes,” breathes grandma.

“I want it too,” I confess, “… just want you!”

“Oh, my boy”. She holds my head and presses her lips in love with mine while my cock is still sliding deep and hard through her cunt.

My hands surround your body.

A hand grabs her hair, rummaging. She answers my actions alike. We caress ourselves, kiss in love.

“I love you!”

“Yes, young, yes!”

Consuming kisses!

Deep bumps!

“I love you so much,” I moan with your eyes closed, “will be with you, no matter what everyone else says.”

Grandma suddenly groans up. It seems to me unnaturally, but gives me confirmation.

Loudly she whispers in my ear, claws on my sides and shrugs under my bumps with her whole body for a whole time.

After a while she comes to rest after a violent gas.

I leave my hard penis in her body, crawl tenderly her hair.


My cock will only be in your body! That is certain! I am so sure that I really want that. It is liberating and something so exciting.

Exhausted I jap up and open my eyes. Sandra’s grandma!?

I look between our bodies, feel my stiff member in your body. Why I don’t really inject about everything in the world? When excited I pull my genitals from Helgas abdomen.

Your pussy hair is pretty wet.

“You like older women?“Helga asks me.

“How come?”

“Who would have thought that possible, young? And the age doesn’t bother you? You’re still so young!”


“I want you too, young, but you have to give me a little time. I can’t just take you away Sandra.”

Take away Sandra?

She looks down at my body and sees my still great erection. It grabs them with pleasure and strokes my genitals full of love.

“But if you really want that,” she says, while dreaming of my penis, stroking my penis.

What would you like?

“Then we have to do that too!”She says vigorously.

She moves her old body aside and gets out of bed. “You still have to clean yourself, young,” she indicates me.

“The bed is freshly covered.“She disappears quickly.

I look at my body. she is right. I smell of your cunt. Brigitte, on the other hand, smelled like the expensive red roses.

After a few minutes I lie clean in the musty bed and fall asleep.

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