In the swimming pool | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was a fairly cool summer morning, which made it close to very hot weather. The rays of the morning sun woke me out of my slumber. With my arm I tried to cover my eyes to stay protected from the brightness.

At some point I rolled aside and sat on the edge of the bed.

While I drove through my hair tired, I risked a look through the large window outside. Due to the densely robbed branches of the old tree in our garden, the morning sun seemed and let the foliage light up light green. A black bird was pouring a song and looked over at me continuously. Almost provocative as if he wanted to say: “Well, come it is a nice one Summer morning…”.

So I got up and felt like I was gowned. In this warm weather I was yesterday (or it was already today?) fell asleep very late. I went into the bathroom tired and stood in the shower. From below I heard mine despite the pounding water Sister curse.

The coffee or the toast was probably failed again, I had that now.

My parents were visits to any distant relatives today and I had to be satisfied with my sister’s breakfast now. So today on Sunday the school books were finally put aside and enjoyed the bouncing life. Micked exams exams and exams tests stay today I wanted to have fun.
After showering and putting on, I also went down the stairs to the kitchen. And I was right.

Bianca (my sister, finally turned 16 a few days ago) had made the toast black. Before I could say something, I heard her call, ”Felix, Bettina and I drive away now. Tschaui … “And then the front door banged. A look through the window showed me that she was just getting into a rusty convertible in which a horde of young people was waiting.

I bite brave to the toast and drank some os juice. Exactly the breakfast for a Sunday morning.

When the phone rang, I was startled and tipped the O-juice over the new T-shirt. “Shit …” I said when I accepted.

“I’m sorry, what?“I heard Thomas say. “No, not you, was something else. And what is there?“I asked and was glad that Thomas had called. Thomas and I studied business management together.

And Thomas always had something. He was the center of all celebrations and cliques with him it was never bored. And so I was also glad to hear his proposal in Swimming pool go.

He, his sister and me. So it was agreed for an hour and then we put on.

I quickly moved and already packed my things together. Walkman, sunglasses, swimming trunks, two towels. So everything that you could need in a swimming pool. When I had chained my mountain bike and ended the prayer, which of all things was not stolen or damaged today, I went to the outdoor pool in the direction of the entrance.

As an appointment, Thomas and his sister were already waiting.

I greeted Thomas with a handshake and his sister with a friendly “Hello …” and my PR smile. While Thomas looked as always (his round glasses, the long always uncomfortable looking hair, the eternal grin and its standard jeans) his sister was a feast.
I had seen her a few times first. Mostly when Thomas and I go off in the evening and make pubs, cinemas and night clubs unsafe. I had never noticed it.

I’ve known Thomas for almost a year now and yet his sister hardly at all. But now she almost robbed me of her breath. She was older than him, I knew that (almost as old as me) and when she quickly loosened the tickets I had time to patter her.

She was wearing a short, white t-shirt that was bound in front of her stomach and left her sweet belly button.

She wore a brief jeans, their Legs were separated and the damn tight sat tight. Her long legs ended in white sneakers. On her right, delicate bondage she wore a thin gold chain that somehow attracted me erotic. Her hair, which usually fell to her back, had bound to a youthful ponytail.

Tho-Mas had to have noticed my gaze, because he nibbled me into the side friendly.

“Heh!”He said and I Schrak together, turned red and felt that I was caught. At that moment Bianca (his sister) came back and handed us the cards. I deceived myself or looked at me with her blue eyes particularly long and intensely ..? I had to have deceived myself because Bianca was already turning towards the entrance and ran to it with a laugh. Thomas and I followed slower.

Thomas looked at me briefly and had to have noticed my eyes again. “Well, now get you back in …” he said with a smile and I tried to think of something else, but got the blue eyes, the pretty face and the stunning smiling not smiling out of my head. Bianca had already disappeared through the entrance and now we also followed. We just saw Bianca’s ponytail disappear in one of the cabins and then I also had a free one caught.

I closed the door behind me and finally breathed up.

The big sister of my best friend had never noticed as today. In general, I had hardly noticed a woman like Bianca. Somehow I was blown away and considered how I could best show her. When I moved and stowed the things in the swimming bag, I looked in the mirror and annoyed me not to have used the comb again today.

My slightly brown hair lay a little confused and I stroked her smoothly. When I opened the door and the covered cabins left to step into this sun my breath punched me. Together with Thomas, Bianca stood at the showers and talked to her Brother.

She had solved her hair and it shone in the sun. The wind gently blew through and let it shimmer golden.

When I got closer and the two discovered, they waved and I waved back. When I was close to them, my air almost stayed away. Bianca was wearing a light green bikini that was absolutely tight and emphasized her flawless figure. The high leg neckline of the super short panties emphasized her infinitely long -looking, slim legs and the tight top covered her solid, big breasts.

She had to have noticed my eyes because she spoke to me with her pleasant voice: “Hi” she said and “Hi” said Thomas too. Again she smiled at me (and longer again?))). Certainly only again imagination because shortly afterwards she looked away again and waved two other women, who she knew.

“Well, all clearly old?“Asked Thomas in his relaxed manner. “Yes, of course, all right,” I said a little stuttering and couldn’t let my gaze let from his sister, who slowly went to the two women.

I watched her for a short moment and almost had to be violently disseminated by the incredible sight of her graceful body to see Thomas again. Then we went through the footpeling basin on the lawn, which was already visited a lot on Sunday morning. We spread our back cover near a small group of trees and lay down in the sun. I very much regretted that the Bianca was not our.

On the other hand, I still didn’t know how to speak to them. When Thomas started creamed my eyes searched for the meadows and finally I found them. It was on the other side of the pool on a large, light yellow bath towel that almost had a signal effect and had the lines of its body sharply drawn out.

She lay on her back and next to her the other two women. Her legs bent and supported on the elbows, so she talked and joked with the other two young women.

Despite the lively company and the many people, I was able to hear their bright laughter. Thomas nudged me up and teared me away from her sight again, he wanted to go swimming. “Just go” I said. “I already take care of things*.

When he disappeared towards Springer I looked over at Bianca again. What Thomas would think if I and his sister ..? Oh only mind game. I wasn’t even sure if I had even noticed her. My gaze eyed the slim body of the young woman and I clearly felt a certain desire.

As if she had felt my eyes, she looked over at me at that moment and I would love to be sunk in the ground, so I felt caught. I waved briefly and she waved back.

The two women next to her (also beautiful no comparison to her …) asked something and she replied something. I would have liked to hear what she had said about me. At some point she lay on her back in the sun and closed her eyes.

And I couldn’t let my look from her body even more, groped every centimeter. Only when Thomas came back and a few drops of water splashed in my face did I see away again. “Heh … keep your water for you …” I said played annoying.

“Come on. Off into the water with you, ”he said to me and pointed towards swimmers. “Immediately” I replied and put my sunglasses away. “Tell me, you have seen my sister somewhere,” Thomas asked something too and I promptly fell in it: “Yes, over there, there, between the other two women, on the yellow bathing towel …” I said as if shot out of the pistoland also pointed in the direction.

“So like this …” he just said and then started laughing.

His laugh followed me to the edge of the swimmer. I showered briefly on one of the cold showers and then jumped from the edge into the swimmer although that was forbidden. When I was under diving, the cool of the water was good. I pulled two lanes and just wanted to get out of the pool when a voice called my name behind me.

I sat on the edge and saw Bianca. They swam towards me on slow trains. Her hair had spread behind her head like a flow and she seemed to swim particularly slowly so that I could enjoy every movement from her. “Well you …” she said and swung next to me.

“N/a…?“I answered completely surprised that she knew my name. She threw her head back and her breasts spanned under the thin fabric of the light green bikinis that formed a wonderful contrast to her sun -tanned skin. She shook her long hair briefly and the tips roamed my face. I enjoyed the short tickle.

“You swim well,” she said and put her long legs on top of each other. “So you mean?“I said that a school boy still turned the view of her. What was about the woman, which caused me so confused? I was hardly able to take a clear thoughts so she confused me.

When she was sitting next to me and smiled with a bright smile, I was always hot and cold. “Do you want an ice cream?“She asked me with a brief moment at which we only looked at.

Of course I felt like. I said that too and we went to the ice cream stand, near the entrance. Their gait was smooth and each of its movements is provocative and feminine. And when I went next to her, I wondered how it might be like a woman as a girlfriend.

When we arrived at the egg, we fought for a free place and gave her a giant ice cream and took the same portion for me. While we enjoyed our ice cream and slowly went, we came to a few inviting benches next to a chess board on which a boy played. In the meantime we had started a conversation, laughed, joked and had fun. When we arrived at the benches we sat down.

Something dripped on her upper body from her ice cream.

“Oooh …” she said and slowly took the ice cream with a finger but not without spreading it a little on her brown skin. I saw the goosebumps on her tanned, slim body and felt clear an emotion in my black swimming trunks. So I hit my legs on top of each other and looked briefly over to the chess players. A little boy was happy that he was his Father Had defeated and jumped out loudly.

“Please stop,” she said and handed me her ice cream. Then she got up, went to one of the showers and washed the ice cream off the upper body. She always did a strikingly slow and very body -emphasis with a smile in my direction. All the time I couldn’t solve my eyes and even forgot to lick my ice cream, the sweet juice of which was already over my hand.

Back with me she took her ice cream and wanted to continue.

I indicated with embarrassing, but please wait a moment for a moment. “Why?“She asked and looked at me. Well, I couldn’t tell her what was going on in my tight swimming trunks and cleared me cleared me. She looked down at me, saw my blinded legs, my embarrassed look and laughed.

“I think that’s cute …” she said and then sat next to me again. “Your ice licks …” she still said with a laugh and I hurried to devour the ice cream. I winced frightened. She had now slipped out very close to me and the skin of her hips and her arm striped mine.

In the meantime she had eaten her ice cream and I fought with my last remains. When I was finished asked me “Well, how are you, we can get up” and smiled at me. Yes, we could. Although there was still a lot, I was able to get up from the bank in the middle of the many people without being too clearly visible, how excited this woman made me.

As Wirso stroll, her hand touched my thigh with every step.

I looked at Bianca and she smiled back mysteriously. No now I was sure. These touches were not a coincidence.

We came past the cabins and I just wanted to head towards meadows when Bianca drew me and with curved index fingers indicated her to follow her. “What about everything in the world does she only want in the cabins?“I wondered in breastfeeding and I got hot and cold when I painted the answer.

Like a puppet, I hardly followed her anymore. This woman had captivated me entirely. When we dived in the shadows of the changing rooms, Bianca pressed me onto the wall and was suddenly transformed.

She was very tight in front of me and had opened her mouth slightly. Her hot breath blew in my face. “You drive me crazy …” she breathed and pressed me on the cold concrete wall with my back. Then she pushed towards me and our lips found each other.

The kiss was long, hot and passionate. I did not put my arms around her at any clear thought and pulled her tightly to me. I felt her warm body on mine, her breasts under the thin fabric of her bikini on my skin. The touches and their movements almost completely brought me to the mind, made me crazy and let everything blur.

Our tongues got caught, danced an exciting game and finally we let off hooked off. “Wow …” she said and breathed quickly.

I couldn’t even really take a deep breath when she put her hands on my cheek and pulled me down to her mouth. Again we kissed.

I looked in her face at the Kuj3 and saw her closed eyelids flickered. When we loosened from each other and looked around whether nobody had noticed anything, we both breathed a hard time. Her breasts were very clear under the scarce fabric on each of their drums and I felt a desire kissing, caressing and spoiling them.

We looked into our eyes and then she whispered to me, which I had noticed for a long time but she had never noticed or had little attention. I also said that I had noticed it but I had never dared to address her.

She put her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. “You are nice …” she whispered in my ear and her hot tongue stroked my cheek, she pressed her body closely and I could feel her warmth through the wet swimsuit. A feeling that fueled me even more. Her tongue played on my ear and she bit gently in.

An “older couple went past us and we had to get rid of each other. When the two disappeared we hugged again and kissed each other. Her lips were so soft, so demanding and I felt something I had never felt in other women in other women. This was different here.

A much more intense, deeper feeling. A tremendous tingling made goosebumps hike all over my body. She pressed herself very close to me and I felt the warmth of her skin.

When she her lower body on my rubbing, her eyes widened when she felt my stiff member. Slowly on another kiss her hand wandered down my chest and stopped briefly with the hem of the swimming trunks.

As a matter of course, she opened the loop of swimming trunks and her hand stroked the thin fabric, touched my hard member and her gentle touch made my thoughts mess. “I want you …” I whispered to her, hardly able to master me. I was like senses, could hardly think clearly. But at least we stood in the middle of the aisle of the changing rooms.

At any moment a door could open, someone could get out or come in and discover us. “I want you too..“She also answered whisper and pulled me into the cabin in front of us. Our hug became more wilder and passionate.

Kissing, I only made it difficult to give the door a push so that it fell into the castle. Bianca pushed me to the door with my back and rubbed her body on mine.

I finally manage to close the door behind my back. Breathless we dissolved from each other and our bodies tremble with desires. Our eyes met again. Her smile was just adorable and promised more from her ..

Timmickly slowly she grabbed behind her neck, shook her long hair and then the scarce bikinio was already fell to the ground. It came up softly. She stood there with the naked torso and almost enjoyed my gaze on her body. She stretched her hands towards me and pulled me.

My gaze wandered her slim body. When my eyes roamed her breasts, she pulled me tightly and we looked at each other.

I clearly felt the warm, solid and yet so soft skin, the moisture that was still on her breasts from the wet bikini like Morgentau. I felt their hard -working ones Nipple on my skin and the warm, solid meat. I kissed her and felt her and myself melt under our hot kissing.

I clearly felt her warmth, pulsating her heart so firmly she pressed towards me. My hands wandered along her back and stayed on her bikini panties. When we loosened from each other, she wiped her hair out of her face that had slipped there during our wild action. “That was great …” she said and looked at me penetrating.

I didn’t know what to say and just nodded. “Indescribable …” I tried to put it into words. We both looked at each other, stood very close in front of each other, felt the warmth of the other, our hands tenderly stroked the body of the other. I looked into her blue eyes and we both felt, we wanted more.

As on a command, we fell back into our arms. This time it was their hands that went on a hike.

They slid along my back to my black swimming trunks. Her fingers slid along the hem and then grazed the black piece of fabric on my loins. It was not that easy, because my stiff member was firm and plump, the pants got caught up.

Bianca looked up at me and then crouched. I reached for my pants, wanted to be called her, but she pushed my hands aside and slowly shook her head with her head. Very slowly she pulled my swimming trunks down and slowly grazed over my link. It stood out curiously and hard and I felt her hot breath when she pulled my pants down to my feet.

I stood there and enjoyed every second, every touch of her. When she pushed back up again, her right breast touched my stiff member.

I thought I was crazy. I went through the sensual and tender touch of her through and through. When she was back at the same height with me, our lips found each other again.

But she kept my distance from me, my stiff member couldn’t touch her body. I wanted to push myself to her but she breathed in “Waited …” In the ear. She detached herself from my hug and took a step back. Very slowly she crouched a little and slowly pulled the bikini panties down.

Centimeter by centimeter she pulled the wafer -thin fabric down.

When her pubic hair came out, I noticed that she had shaved very narrowly and at the top with incision. Like a black, fluffy “V”. When the fabric fell to the ground, I noticed for the first time since I knew she knew a slightly unsafe look. “You…

You don’t have to think that I mean with every boy, I mean … “I put my index finger on the red kissing lips and kissed her. This time she pressed back to me and my hard member pressed hard, demanding against her lower body. We love ourselves and our bodies touched. She gently rubbed her lower body on my member and breathed in my ear “You’re so hard, so hot …”.

Her hand scurried over my stomach, caressed my member tenderly. Our kisses were getting wilder and our breath went to a bracelet. We had long since become far too loud for the open cabin below and above, but the power of passion had surrounded us and we forgot everything around us.

I pressed her back on a wall of the cabin and kissed her slim neck. Bianca closed his eyes and leaned back her head.

I kissed her shoulders, her tight neck, the approaches of her breasts and buried my face between her full hills. When my tongue scurried over her nipples and I picked up her breasts. She pulled me up to herself and pressed her lips to mine. My hands were still on her breasts and gently pressed too.

I saw how she was still biting on the full lips with your eyes closed and a small drop of blood came out. “Yes …” she breathed and put her legs around me. When I stood her up, my member found almost as if by itself into her hot inside and when we loved ourselves on the shelf, minibank and standing position, we breathed our mutual excitement into the faces. Our kisses burned and were hot and demanding.

My member was getting harder and I felt that I would explode in her right away.

She moved and supported me as well as she could and took up each of my bumps with a quiet breath. I felt my limb even tougher and she pulled my legs firmly and therefore deeper into itself. I couldn’t hold back my quiet outcry and when it was time, Bianca and bit painful and yet overwhelmingly exciting in the shoulder. As our orgasms, I felt the pain on my back into which she ranged and left bloody streak.

We remained for a short moment and our breath calmed down. Our bodies trembled from the excitement experienced. We loosened wet wet and stopped. The power of the feelings experienced still had ourselves and we looked at each other.

None of us said anything and yet we got on.

At some point we got silent. When I wanted to open the cabin door, she pushed back to me again and we confessed our love. I kissed them tenderly. “And I have to confess something to you …” she said.

There was something in her voice that made me listen to me. “Well, the call from Thomas this morning this morning how should I say it was no coincidence …” She looked at me with her angel face and I had to grin. “I had asked him about it. I really wanted to see you again … “she breathed and we kissed again.

Finally, we stepped out again. With a red head we walked past an understanding smiling couple. “But …” she whispered to me quickly. “That all the cabin and what happened was not planned …” “But it is the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me in life …” I whispered back in her ear and kissed her cheek.

When we entered arm in arm the lounger meadow came towards us, “I was already looking for you …” he said to me. “Where were you just?”.

Bianca and I looked at each other briefly and started laughing. Thomas looked at us without understanding, thought we had lost the mind, but when we kissed and only now our hug was noticed first a short, then a warm smile. Before Bianca and I now lay down side by side and fell in love with Turtelten, he said “everything clear …” and cleared his blanket away.

I saw him to go over to the other two women and lie down on Biancas. Shortly afterwards he was already in conversations and briefly blinked over to me. Well, that was Thomas, I finally found a friend, he had to try two …

Since then Bianca and I have been a couple. Our love is still strong and passionate. We understand how it can’t be and we still like to go to the small swimming pool where we know and love each other ..
The tight cabins in particular still liked it … 😉

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