Horny experience with the neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A few weeks ago I was like to spend a while again during a visit to the casino in Duisburg in the numerous roulette machines. I was a little early and walked around a little in the shopping center. After a few seconds I noticed a woman who strolled around here. She was wearing boots, a basket cap and a short coat. It was striking that yours Legs apparently despite the only 5 degrees outside were not covered by stockings or tights.

Looked cool somehow. She headed for an ice cream parlor too. Before she gave her order, she tentatively fingered around under her coat with one hand on the bottom. After a few seconds she had her short dress, which she apparently wore under the coat finally plucked so far down to her satisfaction that her buttocks were sufficiently covered … she would probably not be bare under the dress? She was just running around at these temperatures with a raised dress and with it with a bare ass and bare cunt? What else would she have caused her to pluck her dress over her butt! I have to stay tuned, I said to myself and followed her with my eyes.

With an ice cream noise in her hand, she headed to one of the small tables in the café area of the ice cream parlor. She sat with her back to the outer glass front and licked on her ice cream. She looked around a few times in her immediate vicinity, then kept her ice cream in one hand and fingered with a slightly raised bottom under her coat. Only that this time she did not pull her dress down but over her ass cheeks.

I stood so happy that I could now say it with certainty that she was naked underneath! Because she placed her coat slightly afterwards to sit on the plastic chair with her bare back with her bare back. Even from a distance of almost 5 meters between her and me I was able to hear a tentative groan. Meanwhile, she continued to lick her ice cream. There … now she had discovered me and smiled over to me.

After licking her lips twice or twice … she pushed her short coat a bit higher in front and … opened her thighs a good 20 cm. And yes. In fact, she was completely naked underneath! She even turned a little further to me and opened her thighs properly! Licked on the ice once, a few times over her lips … then her legs closed again. Too bad, damn shame! Because what I saw was an obviously shaved pussy, which also shimmered so seductively … How spellbound I stare at her direction and watched her as a result of the crowds that are now freed from the ice cream ball between her lips in her mouthlet glide.

Pure.. and out … again and again until she ultimately plastered it and she got up. She came in my direction and I didn’t really know how to behave. “Like what you saw?“She breathes too. “Well … already nice,” I answer and make an eye slightly too. “You bad, evil boy you” she says bent over to me directly in my ear. And she adds “Well then … come..“And reaches for my hand, pulls me behind it towards the elevator.

“Your car is in the underground car park?“She asks softly. “Yes, there he is indeed” I answer briefly and we get into the elevator. I press level 2 and the glass driving basket slowly lowers. Arrived at level 2 at the bottom I steer to the left towards my car. Not much going on here and I’m right behind the first partition. I open the doors with the remote control. It stops behind the car and opens the tailgate.

“You don’t even like to look very closely?“Asks her audibly excitedly and immediately leans into my trunk with her hands. I comment on “Wait”. Due to the streamed attitude, her coat and your dress slipped pretty high … “Wow … what a horny ass” I say quietly after touching my hands under her coat and dress touching your solid cheeks and lightly massage. From the immediately tuned, enjoyable moan immediately becomes more how my hands pushing coat and dress upwards over her head and moving over her flanks to the front to enclose your also firm breasts.

Apparently this lady has really long nipples … stone -hard nipple!!! Down vigorously a few times, this breed female even eliminates a small outcry!!Returned back to her back baking I let my fingers of my left hand slide into her crack and a few centimeters later between her labia. Oh dear, I had done something! A sigh from the very finest escapes her how three fingers push into her cunt hole! It is so wet and slippery down there that after a few moments my whole hand puts you! Oh man … now she’s really steep! And how it sounds down here in the underground car park, how my right hand is hard on her ass! “Uhhh … Yeah … get ready … Yeah … just hit it ..!“Croopes.

In doing so, you winced naked against my ass,. Especially how very quickly her lust in a long -drawn “Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” discharges in the form of a gigantic highlight!Smart, I pull my fist out of her cunt to press my now unpacked tube into the widened cunt lobes and her with strong bumps in a very short time orgasm hammer. Her two ass cheeks are now glowing, because my two hands miss her while ramping! “You horny goat … Yeah … do it … uhhhh” she crashes.

The next wave of pleasure breaks, as I pull my joy donor out of her cunt and press your back entrance immediately and without any special pretreatment. It takes just 10 strong bumps until they roar wildly and twitching their lust roars out. I pull mine tail Now get out and pull her up on your hair. “On your knees with you! Get your reward! But … I just let my cock blow from completely naked women! So if you want to have it … down with your clothes! Also the boots!“I say, huge excited to her myself.

She stripes coat and dress over her head in a flash and throws everything including the boots into the trunk. “So right, the Lord?“She whispers and immediately crouches in front of me. “Go, legs apart you horny piece!” Said and done. Broad -legged in front of me, your still welded lips are approaching my wand with a small edge of the ice with a small ice edge. “Hands on the neck!” I demand. Then my cock dives into her mouth.

Slowly, very slowly she pushes mine foreskin With her tight -fitting lips backwards, then put my 22 cm to the shaft in your mouth. With her hands in her neck she also presses against her head, so that her widely torn lips touch my balls. “Come on, lick me Egg Bitch, ”I do harshly at. “Yes Lord, very happy Lord” I get the answer. Your tongue now slides down on my plump lance and over my right bead to the bottom of my shaft.

Immediately afterwards she sucks one egg with her lips, moves it in her mouth hi and here. Then her tongue roams the lance up again and immediately dives deep into her throat. I realize that the rising juices are announced by me. So I reach into your hair and overstretch your neck slightly backwards. “Take this … you sow!“I just get out of it, then it bubbles out of me! A full load of my little sprinter pours over her hairline, her eyes, nose and muzzle!As a greedy fish snaps for food, my fuck piece gratefully absorbs every drop and swallows it with a grunting.

What has not immediately found the way into her mouth, she carefully takes her fingers out of her face and she licks everything well. After a thorough tail cleaning, during which her eyes are upwards, she keeps a firm eye contact. “Did you like that, Lord?“She asks softly. I pull my naked girl up, hug her and kiss her passionately for a particularly long time. Of course, my fingers go back between their legs and I let them penetrate once again for one time or another into their dripping wet cunt.

And even during the still constant kiss … highlight number four is the order of the day!For minutes I hold the naked bitch in my arms, stroke her over her still glowing ass cheeks. “So, fuck piece. Put on! I am now in the mood for casino. You come with!” “Yes Mr. Very much Lord ”she croaks. A few minutes later we enter the machine hall of the casino. I put the two 5-euro gaps in the back of 50 euros in the shaft of a roulette machine.

I press the zero -playing once, add to Zero, 4/7. “And now you.. Just press on a number. Three times please, ”I say. She chooses the 26. Together with my euro and their three, the number 4 lights up on 26. The ball and the plate set in motion. She rolls and rolls, the plate becomes slower and … The ball dances between the zero and the 26 back and forth in the 26! The Jingle sounds and the advertisement says congratulations and the number 140.

“Hey, great! We have just won 140 euros!“I say to her. “Right again … But this time only me,” she says. Then tap them on 5 of the 37 numbers without any pattern. “A little thin” she says.. and press four more times on the 17, there are now 5 euros on it. The ball rolls … and ends up … on the 17!!! Bling bling does it and the number 175 lights up. “Cool! 175 euros won.

Now I’m back!!“I say delighted. I focus on the “small series”. After the 6 jetons are displayed, I increase the use on the 5 by another 6 jetons. The plate starts to move, the ball rolls … and … meet the 5!! Bling Bling won 228 euros!! “So, that’s enough now, our luck don’t want to overuse, or?” I say. “Once again … please … 10 euros on the green 0 please …” my companion will be binding me on.

“Well well” I answer and let them set the 10 euros. You almost suspect it … yes exactly! The zero falls!! “That’s crazy! That is 350 euros!!!“I struck pleasantly. “Enough now, let’s go to the cash register,” I say and print out the profit bon. With the rest of our 55 euro use, there is a beautiful 770 on the bon. Then I have it paid out. I keep 500 of them, I give the 270 to my temporary temporary! “Here, for you … But you get a lot of ice cream for that” I laugh at her.

She literally jumps on my neck and smooches me. “Hey Hey … not here.. And not now … the day after tomorrow, the same time. You will be waiting for me opposite the other side of the street, then you get into my car and we drive into the underground car park of the casino. You will wear black, hold -free stockings and high heels with at least 6 cm. Oh yes.. and your coat. Nothing else, understood??”” Yes Lord, understood, just stockings, shoes and coats. Underneath naked! Very very happy … “Then I show her the exact meeting point in front of the casino and then get my car.

Two days later she stands on the street corner as arranged … I stop and open the passenger door. She is currently wanting to get in, so I ask her “coat!!“She just smiles, loosens the belt. She hadn’t closed her buttons at all! And swaps, the two coat halves work apart and give a view of this beautiful naked body! “Should I take it off, Lord?“She asks and wants to do it right away. “No! Leave it and get in.

But butt him too. It is enough for me if I know that you are naked underneath!! Otherwise they don’t let you go into the casino at all!” “A pity…”. A good hour later we sit in my car again in the underground car park … each of us richer by a few hundred euros! Because this time we brought it to a total of 1000 euros! 400 for my “Lady”, 600 for me. “So … now pull your coat off!“I ask them to.

Naked next to me it goes out of the parking garage, over the highway … to Herne to my little special apartment … for two really horny hours … I then took my fuck piece properly to the chest! Fucked, fisted, beaten and whipped her! They poured with hot wax and with the whip slapped down again. And all of this has enjoyed my accompaniment with great dedication and enormous tenders! “I thank you from the bottom of my heart, my horny goat, my gentleman … something like in the last few days and especially today … I have never experienced before! I am aware that I like pain.

But in these dimensions … it was just supertroupergeil!!!! I thank you, Lord. Oh, by the way … my name is Carolin, and you?”” Just call me Lord. That is enough. Give me your cell phone … ”I answer and write a WhatsApp with your cell phone…“ And now I’ll take you home. Write me tonight and send me a few photos of you … I want to see your streamed body!!“She lived in Duisburg, just a 5 -minute walk from the casino.

“I’ll get in touch with you next week. I expect you that you will not satisfy yourself until then and let a tail or in you. Got it?” “Yes Mr.. It will be difficult for me … but I obey. Promised!“Then our paths separate. I get the requested photos in the evening.. and new pictures every evening. I let her die for 6 full days until I get in touch with her again. “I pick you up on Saturday evening at 6 p.m.

You wear a short, dark skirt, a white cotton blouse, holdingless and shoes. We’re going to eat something first … and afterwards … to the casino in the big hall! Hence the cloakroom as arranged! I will wear a dark suit, white shirt and tie!“Carolin’s nipple stood like spearheads, as they got into me automobile increases. “Rock up and spread legs!“I just greet them. She just does it. The greedy eyes of the waiter in the Italian I chose literally stick to their breasts.

“Come on, put on a second button on the blouse” I say to her. And their tits almost jump out. Much to the delight of the basement, of course! And to mine too! Only in the large casino hall the blousy buttons have to be remained! But before we go in there, I press a small vibrator to be carried inside into her cunt. In my pocket I have a radio remote control for this … which I also turn on at a low level before the elevator in the casino.

Caro groans immediately. “Nice quiet, my horny piece!! Here in the casino there is a special etiquette! If you can no longer stand it, ask me quietly in the ear whether you can go to the toilet. Understood?”” Yes Lord “she answers a little sad. I put her 200 euros on her, for me I have the same thing again. “We each switch to colored jetons. With a minimum deployment of 2 euros you get 50 jetons for this.

Either you set yourself, or ask the croupier to do that for you. I’m sitting next to you and do it that way. If the Jetons are gone, swap the second hunni. But will certainly not get that far … at our luck!! And now come “. An hour later we are at the cash box … From my 200, 600 have become. And from Caros? She brings it to a proud 900 euros!! “Well that was horny, or?”I ask you.

“Yes Lord, it was … but …” replies Caro. I interrupt them. “It’s already good … We’re going to Herne.. This night you belong to me!!!“Out of sheer joy and against the rules of conduct, here she jumps around my neck again. Immediately we harvest misconduct of the staff. I defend it briefly and leave the casino with Caro. In the elevator … I switch the vibrator back in your cunt. Only this time at level 3 instead of 1 like initially! Caro shrugs immediately, bends her fuselage as if shaken by cramps.

“It’s what?“I ask tumbling. “Uhhh … n … n … no..Lord ”she stammered back. When I got to the car, I let you take off. Everything except for the stockings. I now put a small towel in the passenger seat. “What the towel for, Lord?“She asks curiously. “You will see already …” I answer briefly. We’re leaving. As soon as we have left the parking garage, I switch on the vibrator again. Caro goes off immediately! “Now I know what the towel is there for.. I … I run out!!! Is that cool!!!! Goes even more??“Keucht them.

“Clear! And be careful!!! Five minutes of level 6! Full power! Massage your tits there! Pour in the nipples! I want to hear you scream!!!“I say and let the window down on the passenger door! Nobody hears on the highway what she is now doing … but for me this is the smooth madness! This horny bitch just doesn’t get enough!! And one around the other wave of pleasure breaks over her! Completely finished, gasps, snaps for air as I switch off the vibri after 8 minutes!Your whole body trembles for minutes! She trembles in every fiber of her bare bodies! We finally reach my apartment in Herne, where I let her get out naked and let the stairs crawl up on all fours in front of me.

Inside in the apartment she begs me to go to the toilet. You can of course! But since there is only one curtain, no door, I stop in the door frame and look at her at Piss to. Is she uncomfortable to be observed, but a girl must be able to endure that with me. In the night now.. I bring you and me to our limits! I don’t know how many orgasms she experienced that night! But after four times I am fixed and everyone! I have to piss … so I pull her to the shower and let her kneel … brave girl … good, very good!! I then put her back in bed and captivate her on your hands and feet on it.

Twice that night (I had switched on my cell phone alarm as a precaution..) I then fucked her again and lying on my stomach, once on my back, properly flashed out! And this over -horny bitch is all away! Just awesome!!!We were never back in the casino afterwards! But in my apartment in Herne … she gathered every 4 days from time to time! And we spent many horny hours there and one or the other even horny night! I can only really hope that what has started with her in her half -naked ice cream in Duisburg, continues for a long time! Let’s see what else becomes of it …


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