His girlfriend’s mother | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Ms. Remmer listened to the rain as she read an erotic novel in her living room. The apartment was quiet and empty, very different than usual on a Saturday evening and she was happy to finally have peace and only to be able to do what she enjoyed.

The ringing on the door scored her up. She didn’t expect anyone. A look at the clock showed her that it was just before eight.

With a small sigh, she put the book on the table. Her gaze through the spy identified the visitor and quickly pulled the bar to the side and opened the door far. In front of her there was a completely thorough young man. “Good evening, Mrs. Remmer,” said the boy while dripping on the carpet in the stairwell.

“But for the sake of heaven, Michael, what do you do outside in such a weather? You will be terribly cold!”She said while letting him go into the apartment. “I checked and improved Jessica’s essay and wanted to bring him by. I promised her, ”he said and brought out a book packed in plastic under his anorak. “Aha, so nowadays this means” Looking and improving …“Susi Remmer said with quite skepticism in his voice,“ Are you sure that you didn’t quite write him for her?“The guilty expression on his face proved that her guess had been correct.

“Well, well, we’ll talk about that,” she said as she put the booklet on the flurt table. “But now I would suggest to take off your wet stuff first. I don’t want you to get pneumonia for Jessica. Go to the bathroom and throw all your things into the dryer there.

A few things from Jessicas hang on the door Brother, that you can put on.“Michael got a little red, but twitched her shoulders and went into the bathroom. As she was waiting for him, Susi made a jug tea. She got angry while she was thinking of her stepdaughter. Jessica has been with Michael for three months now.

But Susi did not understand this relationship from the start, because Michael was exactly the opposite of the boys with whom Jessica had so far assumed. He was intelligent, had good manners and was an exemplary Pupils. Second, he looked very good, but a bit soft and Jessica actually preferred boys who looked more primitive, that is, “more male”. So far, Susi had hoped that Jessica’s taste had finally improved, but now she realized that her stepdaughter only exploited this boy.

“I couldn’t find anything else.”Said Michael when he came to her in the kitchen. He captured the covenant of the short trousers that were much too big for him. Susi tried not to laugh. Her steps son Klaus was definitely twice as thick as Michael, hence the wide trousers.

But at least the incoming T-shirt he had found fit him. However, if he would let go of the waistband, he would quickly be there without pants. She thought about something else so as not to go. “Come on and drink a cup of tea.

That will warm you up.“She said and put a mug of tea in front of him while he was sitting down. “Thanks.”He said softly. They drank their tea in silence. What a cute boy, thought Susi, brown hair, blue eyes and a strong body.

And he was only 16, in a year or two he would probably break all hearts in town. The only thing he was missing was a little more confidence, because so far Jessica had been able to wrap him around his finger, which Susi just found a shame. Michael Remmer was aware of him, Michael felt pretty uncomfortable. At the age of 45, Susi Remmer was still a very attractive woman.

Although she was rather chubby, she had the curves in the right places. However, her breasts were the most remarkable thing about her. Breasts that Michael could not overlook even though he tried to look at something else than on these tight things under her thin house dress. “Since when have you been doing Jessica’s homework?“Asked Susi as she put her cup on the table.

“So about three months,” replied Michael. “I thought that,” said Susi. “If you actually don’t care that she is only with you because you do her homework?”” That is not true, “said Michael,” we really go together. She has proven to me that she really likes me!” “You want me to belive that?”Asked Ms. Remmer,”..And how did she show you?“Michael was missing the words. It became clear to him that he had told too much.

“Do it, Michael, tell me. I’m not getting angry. I have known for a long time what boys and girls do together.” “So so.. We… kissing and sometimes I can touch her, ”said Michael and became completely red with shame.

Somehow it was impossible for him to get out of the cross -question. “… and sometimes she also takes me …” “means she caresses you?”” J..Yes, sometimes.“Michael stuttered and couldn’t believe that Ms. Remmer asked him something like that. “She has ever put your rod in her mouth?” “No….”Shouted Michael. “It would never do that!“Susi smiled amused, the boy was really in love with Jessica.

Apparently she was the first girl to understand him more intimate and these touches did not show him that she only used him. “You would be surprised if I tell you what Jessica does …” said Susi. It wasn’t fair to let his pink illusions burst, but it was only his best. “You actually know that they none Virgo is more and takes the pill for over a year?” “No, that is not correct.

She told me that she kept for the right one. That’s why we never did it, ”he defended Jessica. “Aha, so she told you that,” said Susi. “And what did she tell you where she was going today?”” “Jessica said that she sleeps with her cousin today …” Michael said a little hesitant.

“You want to discuss what you are wearing at the final celebration..“Susi shook his head and rightly lay down what she wanted to say about her stepacher when she came back. “It is true that she is in the village where her kusine lives, but she sleeps with her tonight because she goes dancing with Jens Steenburg.”” No … “, said Michael,” she would never do that … “But even if he quarreled it, he knew very deeply that her stepmother said the truth. For the first time, a feeling of jealousy and at the same time grief increased in it. He started crying.

“I’m so sorry, Michael,” said Susi and took him in his arms as if he were still a child. “Wine calmly, you don’t need to be ashamed of it.“Susi held the boy very tight as he cried and weighed him in her arms. She stroked his hair and he was terribly sorry for her. The first heartache was bad.

After a few minutes in which his head was nestled on her chest, Susi realized that the boy was excited. When Michael realized that she had seen the bump in her pants, he separated from her and began to apologize hastily and stuttering. “It is terribly embarrassed to me … I don’t know why that happened to me …” “Don’t worry, Michael, that’s just natural,” said Susi calming. “Besides, this is actually a compliment to me.“She looked back on the survey under the fabric of the pants and wondered how great this youthful gender was when she even noticed it through these far too big pants.

“I think I’m going better now …” said Michael. “Nonsense,” said Susi, “it still rains outside and your stuff is still in the dryer.“Michael looked around in the kitchen and did everything they could not always stare at Ms. Remmer’s big breasts. “You, Michael, I’m curious … Say what did Jessica actually promise that you did her homework this time?“Michael moved restlessly on his chair.

The question was not exactly to reduce his excitement. But somehow it also horny to respond to Susi’s questions. “She promised me that she will massage me properly …” he said and became redder the harder the thing became in the pants. Susi looked down on the big curvature and smiled.

“Well, that’s really a shame that you have done all the work and will not be rewarded by Jessica now.“Michael believed for a moment when Ms. Remmer simply stretched out her hand, reached under his hand with her hand and took out his hard rod. “Remarkable …” Susi said with a smile and massaged over the entire length. “Jessica has no idea what she misses.“Michael could only moan when Ms. Remmer vigorously worked on his hard meat. She ordered him to get up and then pulled his pants down.

Immediately after that she stroked him. “Do you want me to stop?“She asked hypocritical because she knew exactly that he would never say yes. “No, please don’t, it’s beautiful and cool.“Michael now thought of nothing and left himself all of these new feelings, the Susi’s fingers. He quickly noticed how practiced she was, because after a few moments, he wanted to come.

“I’ll be right …” he groaned and closed his eyes. Immediately after that he felt a soft heat down there, something that was completely unknown to him, so that he had to open his eyes frightened.He almost couldn’t believe it when he saw that Ms. Remmer had put his gender in her mouth and now sucked hard on him. Michael felt the sensation up to the tips of the toe. He was so shortly before the climax that it practically hurt.

With every movement of her tongue, Michael believed to have to explode. He had never felt something similarly exciting. then the time came. He poured into her mouth.

She enjoyed both the taste and the proud feeling that she had been the first woman to get him to the climax in this way. When his rod became softer, Susi let him slide out of his mouth. She licked her lips and also enjoyed the last drops. “Well, you liked it?”” I think it is not the right expression … “Michael Japsten still after air.

“I was like in another world.”So now you know what Jessica has withheld from you,” said Susi grinning and was almost sure that it would not take long for him to forget Jessica. Both heard how the dryer switched off and Michael said with pretty regret in his voice, “..That means that I have to go home now.”” But it is still raining, “said Susi. “I can’t send you outside, you would get wet again immediately. Let me your Mother Call and tell her that you will stay here for a while.“While Susi was on the phone with his mother, Michael looked at her from top to bottom.

Now it was no longer embarrassing to staring out her breasts and her butt. With astonishment he felt his gender moved again. “So your mother has nothing against that you still have a little bit here. Your brother picks you up in an hour when he drives home from work.” “That’s great.”” So, that would be clear ..

And what could we do throughout an hour now?“Asked Susi and stretched out, provoking her breasts to the front. Michael hoped that they would slide out of the dress. “Would you like to see my breasts?“Asked Susi as if she had guessed his thoughts. “Oh yes…..please.”” Well, since you are so polite, I don’t mind.“Susi reached onto her back and opened the zip of the dress.

With a graceful coquettish movement, she then let the dress slide down, climbed out and now stood in front of Michael only in bra and panties. Again she reached on the back, this time to open the closure of her bra. She also pulled it out and finally Michael saw her ripe breasts. Almost twice as large as that of Jessica, with nipples that were steeply forward.

Not even in the magazines that he read secretly and hid under his bed, Michael had seen so big breasts.“Do you just want to watch or touch them?“Susi asked him as she encompassed her breasts herself and high. That was enough for Michael. He took a step to Susi and took a chest in every hand. He was amazed at the softness of the meat and as a contrast to the stone -hard nipples.

He lifted one to his lips and started to do her woolen suck. Jessica had always denied him that too. At first his tenderness was too awkward and almost painful for Susi, but in a quiet understanding voice she explained to him how he could do it better and, above all, how to use his tongue. Then she helped him to pull the courtyard around the nipple between her lips and to nibble on the nipple with his teeth slightly.

Michael went over to the second chest and Susi pleased that he had learned quickly. Susi arched her back and closed his eyes with pleasure, while he sucked and licked on the nipple, almost as if he still remembered the pacifier. Susi was aware that it wasn’t right what she was doing, but at the moment she didn’t care. She knew that his young member would get to know her already wet love cavity before Michael went home today.

“Come on,” said Susi as she took him by the hand. “Let’s go into bedroom go.“Once there, she took off his few things and took a step back to take a close look at him. “I have to say again that Jessica doesn’t know what she is missing..“She spontaneously cried and stroked his hairless breast with excited fingers. “How velvety ..

How sexy …“Murmured and played with his nipples. Michael was surprised that this touch also excited him. He hadn’t known that the nipples are also sensitive to men. “That feels good … mmmmm” “And that’s just the beginning..“Susi said when she leaned forward and the nipple licked the tip of the tongue.

Then she made the other nipple and did exactly what she had taught him earlier. She played a few moments with his nipples and did not forget his penis, which she lovingly stroked. “I feel that you could do again,” she smiled. “Well, I like that.“She straightened up to full size and put her hands on his back of his head, which she stroked.

Then she pushed his head to herself and kissed him for the first time. Very gently and then harder. A second kiss followed, then a third party. Finally she opened her mouth and penetrated her lips with her tongue.

Michael reacted immediately to this warm, wet touch. It was the first time in his life that he experienced a tongue kiss, but instinctively his tongue played with her. The game between them became more excited from moment to moment. “Are you ready for new experiences?“Asked Susi after a last kiss while she comprised her breasts herself and highly asked Susi after a last kiss ..

“But yes, Ms. Remmer.”” Then please do exactly what I tell you, “she said as she stretched out on the bed and opened her legs wide. “What I teach you now is the most important thing a young man has to learn to be able to make a woman happy.“Michael knew what she meant and knelt a little hesitantly in front of her. Except in the magazines, he had never seen a naked woman, and even less his mouth had ever touched the most intimate place of a woman. Susi reached down and opened her venus hill with his fingers, so that Michael was easy to get his tongue into play properly.

He carefully stretched out his tongue and touched her damp inside. He was surprised that he liked the taste. It has become braver, he licked a path to her entrance, where he then put his tongue as deep as it was possible. Susi began to moan ..

This boy was really a natural talent. You mean goodness, how would he be in two or three years … Susi felt how her excitement increased. Even if he sometimes only touched them very tender and hardly noticeably, these caresses were enough to almost climax them.

There was no doubt, the boy was the born lover. Every push of his tongue also made his staff bigger. His only wish was now to get them to climax. The movements of his tongue became more and more passionate and faster.

He could never have imagined that an older woman had him done something like this and apparently freaked out with lust. “Oh yes, Michael, that’s good …” groaned Susi and clutched his head to press him even deeper. He would have always loved to continue and was disappointed for a moment when Susi pushed his head away and reached under his shoulders to get him up. “I want to feel you right now in me..”She said before he brought out a tone.

She reached for his now rock -hard member and conducted it into her wet grotto. Now he no longer needed instructions. He had experienced this often enough in his dreams. But even in his hottest dream he had imagined that his first lover would be his girlfriend’s mother.

He rammed his hips against hers with youthful strength. A few minutes ago Michael thought that nothing could be nicer than what she had done with him with her mouth. But this was still much, much nicer. Susi grabbed his buttocks and helped him to push even more energetic and stronger.

Together they moved like a well -oiled machine, as if they had done it a hundred times here. With each impact, both felt how the excitement was about to be explosion. Susi felt how Michael’s body became rigid, a sure sign that he would come now. She pressed him even more strongly as she raised her hips, a last push and with a loud groaned Michael began to come.

She hugged him so tight that he almost couldn’t breathe when Susi now overrun his own climax. For several seconds, Michael pushed into her with a loud moan until Susi was sure that he had also shot the last drop. Pumped out and exhausted he was heavily on her until she gently pushed him away and he lay down next to her. She leaned over him and started licking him clean.

Immediately when she was finished, Michael pulled her up and kissed her. When his tongue slid into her mouth, he was greeted by the taste of his own seed, something that he did not know, but immediately liked it. He first stopped kissing her when her mouth was licked clean. Susi held out Michael firmly.

He had come as an insecure boy and would leave her house as a confidently young man. “It’s best to take a shower now,” she said and let him go. “Your brother will soon pick you up.“Michael leaned over her and kissed her one last time before he went into the bathroom. While she listened to Dalag and the sound of the shower, Susi had to control herself so as not to follow him.

She thought that the shower offered a good opportunity to introduce it to another sex variant with soap and water. But if she started with it now, they would still be there at sunrise, or rather tomorrow, if yours, if yours Family came back. Ten minutes later his brother honked on the street. After Susi had called him that Michael would come immediately, she pulled Michael again in the hallway, gave him the last tender kiss and caressed kissed tired now a tired member.

When he jumped into his brother’s car and drove away, Susi saw the booklet on the flurt table that Michael had brought up. She tore it into small pieces and threw it into the trash can. From now on, Jessica would do her homework alone. If she asked Michael for help, from now on he would definitely ask for more than just a little wanking job.

Susi smiled satisfied and sat back in her armchair. There was still the erotic novel she had read before Michael had come. She read another heel, but then continued the book. She preferred to remember sex with Michael, that was much more erotic than any novel.

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