His 1. Pussy | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was a sunny Saturday in April and the day that should completely change my life. I am Michael, live with my parents and mine Sister in Kassel. When the story started, I went to high school last year. I had bicycled the 20 km to Anne, who Mother of my dad on her property the first time To mow the lawn for this year and to help her all the preparations that you have to meet on a large property for spring.

Around. I was finished 4pm and after I was putting anne 50 euros, I said goodbye to her and drove off. It was still early in the day and I felt like an ice cream. I took a different way than usual because I know a great ice cream parlor in a neighboring town. On the way back home I drove through a piece of forest through which I had never driven. I came to a large forest parking lot that was completely surprisingly full of cars for me.

Ca lung on the benches and tables. 20 to 25 men around. Something seemed to be in progress here. My curiosity was awakened and I decided to turn off my bike to wait for what happens here. After half an hour I slowly lost my legs to stand in my stomach longer. I grabbed my bike and wanted to go home. At this moment, a large Mercedes sedan with tinted windows turned into the parking lot.

The car kept in the middle of the square and a man in chauffeur uniform got out. He looked around, then went around the car and opened the fond door. He stretched out his hand and helped a woman out of the car where I almost hit me. At first I thought what does my mom do here. At second glance, however, I found that it wasn’t. I let my appearance and outfit be fooled.

Like my mother, she had a fashionable short hairstyle and was a slim slank. She stood there in a tightly geared gray costume that gave her an elegance and sublime that seemed almost scary on me. The skirt ended shortly before the knee and her legs were emphasized by black high heels that were laced around their bonds. In her right hand she held a dog leash and in the left a stick that looked like a short riding crop.

The chauffeur continued around the car. and opened the other fond door. Then he continued around the car and then stood on the trunk. The woman now also stepped around the car. It looked like she was floating. She leaned into the fund and her hands disappeared from my point of view. Among the men present, unrest spread and the necks were raised so that nothing. I too put my bike on a tree again and moved closer to the car.

There was an uncanny expectation in the air. Her upper body came out of the car again and in the right hand she only kept an end to the dog leash, which now led to tension in the car. Now two legs next to the car appeared in Highheels. However, these were red. Then a woman’s head came out of the car. The face of a woman around 30, with slightly Slavic trains, evenly and unspeakably beautiful, framed by long black hair.

The short -haired man pulled on the dog leash, and the long -haired thing now came out completely. A dog collar was attached to her neck on which the leash was attached. She wore the same costume as the short -haired, but in bright red. More unrest came into the surrounding men and some went closer to the car. The short -haired lifted his hand with the riding crop and said stop. That had such an effect on everyone that had had the feeling that the time would have stopped and nobody could move anymore.

She asked the long -haired off to her costume jacket. Below was a transparent, black, tightly sitting blouse, which painted her figure quite clearly. From my place I was able to see their big breasts wonderfully and saw that the nipples were tough. That in turn gave me the hardest tail which I had had in my young life so far. The short -haired man now gave the long -haired crowd on the butt with the riding crop and the stumbled off.

Once around the parking lot. When she came by with me, the short -haired man stopped for a moment and looked deep into my eyes and pulled an eyebrow slightly up. Then she went on. My body was now completely bloodless. It had come together in a single place. I couldn’t breathe or move. The two women now reached one of the picnic at the edge of the parking lot. Here the chauffeur, unnoticed by me, had spread out on the table blankets.

The long -haired stood with his back to the table and now pulled her skirt up until it only formed a narrow ring around her hip. Then she sat on the table, let the upper body fall back so that her head lay on the other end of the table top and raised her feet on the edge of the table. As a result, her lower body was completely exposed and from my place I was able to see her cunt shine in the evening sun pink and snack wet.

The short -haired now spoke the floor. >So my master the rules for today;First of all, one of you should come up with the idea of touching me up this event here immediately. For that you may my girlfriend Here fuck as long as you want. < She now put a large box condoms on her stomach. Then she put her between her legs and pulled her labia apart. >Everyone can use here. The two holes down here belong to you< She just put a finger in the rosette of the long -haired.

Around me a few of the men had already brought their cocks out of their pants and started jerk off. I wasn’t able to do that. I was still paralyzed and also sure that it would come to me immediately if I only touched my cock. >Condoms are used to fuck. However, you can cum without a condom, but only in your face and on your upper body. My chauffeur will take a photo of my girlfriend after each injection without seeing a face from you.

You don’t need crowds either, it stays here until you are all injected empty. O. K. From now on it belongs to you. <It takes a long time before the first trust and came to the table. He had his cock in the hands of which was not overly large and grabbed the condoms with the other hand. When he had put on the thing, he pushed his cock into the cunt of the long -haired man and started hammering into her without having to do it for a long time.

Two impatient people went to the head of the long -haired and with a few wanking movements they hurled their juice on their face. I could still see a thick chunk of sperm ran down the neck over her chin and caught in the dimple under her neck. The two quick sprinkles packed their cocks back into their pants and then disappeared into their cars and dusts. After that I saw nothing more of the scene that was playing on the table because a narrow circle of men had formed who held all their cocks in my hand and were waiting to come for it.

Although my cock was still hard like a baseball bat and I couldn’t think of anything else than injecting, I was neither able to get my cock out of my pants nor push myself into the amount of men to see more and maybe also cum on the long -haired. I stood undecided on my place for about two minutes when the group of men suddenly shared and the short -haired one hovered on me. She stopped for about half a meter in front of me and looked at me.

She had very dark eyes that fixed me. > Well my boy, you have certainly not seen anything like that at your age? Don’t want to come closer to watch the horny bitch as it is pulled through by all the guys? If you do a little favor to me, you can get your tail out of your pants at the end and also over your juice My horny girlfriend spray. Do you want?< I was only capable of a nod and she grabbed my hand and just pulled me behind.

The circle of men went apart again. I saw the hottest picture of my short life so far. The long -haired one had a cock in the ass who fucked her hearty and one in the mouth that just started to twitch. She released it out of the warm cave and he injected into it in a high arc in her, already a few loads, fully grown face. A lake had already formed in the dimple under her neck and the originally black color of her blouse was a white stain sea sea.

The short -haired man had now also gotten her skirt up and sat on the corner of the table. >Hey smaller, don’t let yourself be distracted, you are guilty of me. Come here and kneel in front of me. < I obeyed like a remote -controlled robot. One last look at the scene on the right of mine showed me that the ass fucker had pulled his cock out of the rosette and was on the way to the head of the long -haired. Between her legs there was now quite an old man who, however, had a cock who was soon twice the size of that of his predecessor.

He just put on and then he pressed his cock into her hole with a jerk. The bricked screamed like on the spit, but what didn’t seem to disturb any. But that was also the last thing I hear from the fucking for some time. >I said on my knees, and then you can spoil my horny cunt with your tongue. I assume that you have never licked a woman so give you trouble.

< I automatically got on my knees and now had a pussy in Natura for the first time in my life in front of my eyes. It was slightly open, the outer labia were swollen and the little ones were out in between. From above, a perfectly styled hair triangle pointed to the otherwise completely hairless cunt. The coronation was a ca. 1 cm round not very long Knuppel the one at the top of the end. The whole thing shone moist and was somehow very inviting.

However, my consideration was immediately over. One hand lay on my back of my head and pressed my mouth on the slot. >Make it up, lick my pussy and give you an effort otherwise you will feel my whip. < Since I had no idea how to do that right, I started licking just like an ice cream, although I quickly noticed that when I drove my tongue over my knuister, the woman flinched heavily above me.

After a while I lost my uncertainty and completely rely on my prices. I put my tongue deep into her horny hole and tasted the slimy liquid that was now ran out of it more and more. It tasted better than any ice cream and I couldn’t get enough. In addition to the screams on the left of me, an increasingly louder moan mixed over me. That spurred me even more.

I now kept moving between the tongue deep into the hole and licking over the knuister. When I came up with the idea of sucking the knupple between my lips and licking my tongue over the tip with my tongue, I heard the first pointed screams from above. Now I wanted to play around at the pussy entrance with my fingers and raised my hand. I ended up with my fingers exactly in the ass cleric, which was almost as moist from her mucus and my spit as her cunt.

Since that was the safest way to my goal, I drove further forward in the notch. When I arrived at the wrinkled rosette of her ass and researched what I had found there came from above only long -pulled tips and I felt her hand on my head again. She now pressed me firmly on the cunt and then I happened what I had never expected and I didn’t know that there was something like that.

She sprayed my cunt directly into my mouth. I wanted to twitch back but my hand held me tight. The screams above me sounded like a hurricane. The mucus that shot me in my mouth came in such quantities that I had real effort to swallow everything. It was now more fluid than at the beginning and there was a slightly salty taste. When the river waned, I wanted to pull my head back but my hand held me up and she cried me> Next, continue, just stop not otherwise I’ll kill you.

< I didn’t dare to stop and I continued. Her whole lower body twitched and jumped back and forth and the moaning and screaming did not let after. I had no sense of a sense and I don’t know how long I was lying between her legs. At some point she pulled me up my hair looked deep into my eyes> That was absolutely great. As much effort as you have been there for a long time. < She leaned forward and kissed me.

In doing so, she pushed her tongue into my mouth and played with mine. When she free me again, she said > So my sweeter now you deserve your reward. She put me on my shoulders and turned me around. I found that the penultimate car left the parking lot. Only the Mercedes was in the middle of the square. When I back to the short -haired stand, I saw the long -haired one again.

She knelt in front of me and looked at me from below. I would not forget the picture of my whole life anymore. Her face, her hair and blouse were fully grown over and over with sperm. Some chips ran down on their face and then dripped from the chin to the blouse. With her tongue she tried to get past the drops that run past her mouth and to create as much as possible from the sperm into her mouth.

Suddenly I felt hot breath on my ear. > Open her pants and spray your young bull sperm on her face and into her mouth <And to the long -haired > My little friend here I had a lot of fun so I would like to give him something back. He is definitely charged so that he is injecting you immediately. If you don’t manage to let him inject twice, you will get the whip at home tonight that you hear and see you.

< In the meantime I had opened my pants and wanted to get my cock out. However, it was so hard that it was impossible, i.e. pants up and down to the knees with the underpants and down to the knees. The long -haired grip for my cock and as soon. The first time that I came more than just a few droplets. I splashed her real flap in the face.

I got soft knees and fireworks burned down in my whole body. I was briefly black before and if the short -haired man hadn’t supported me from behind, I would probably have fallen over. Two sparkling eyes smiled from below and she opened her mouth and almost completely disappeared my cock. So far, thanks to my youth, he had lost nothing of his hardness. I bumped into her suppository with my glans directly to that, but she didn’t seem to disturb because her head pushed her head forward.

My glans felt as if it were pressed together in a vice. Then I went through and my glans had space again. For this, the shaft has now been squeezed. The long -haired man didn’t even have to chop even. On my legs, 2 hands crawled up from below and met my sack. From behind a voice whispered in my ear >Come on my little spray your juice in your throat. The horny sow is waiting for your gravel< Suddenly I had her tongue in my ear.

I was just a cock. I started to see stars and had the feeling that my cock swelled huge. I wanted to inject, but because that I had only sprayed a minute ago. The long -haired man loosened a hand of my eggs and continued to move backwards. With one finger she played on my rosette. Suddenly he stuck deep in my ass and she found a point where I thought her finger was in my cock from the inside.

I had the feeling that he would swell even more and then the lights went out with me. My cock exploded and twitched like crazy. When I look down I saw that my cock was still completely in her mouth. I had to inject directly into her stomach. After a few more moments, she slowly pulled her head back, which gave me an insane sparkling on my highly sensitive glans. >Disappear into the car and just dare to clean you clean.

Your husband is looking forward to seeing you like this and punishing you for your lust< and turned to me> Well, the bitch has crazy your cock really empty to you?< My knees were still shaky. She turned me around to see me deep in the eyes and kissed me again. >Thanks for the joy you made me. Give my chauffeur your email address then you will get a little gift from me.

< She pushed me aside and hovered to the car in which she disappeared. The chauffeur wrote down my email address and then disappeared. A minute later I had the feeling of dreaming. If my pants hadn’t still hung on my knees and my cock burned slightly I would not have believed that something like that had happened to me. When I heard car tire heard I came back to myself and hurriedly pulled my pants up.

I ran to my bike and drove home as soon as possible.

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