Hard SM coffee wreath [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Actually everything started when I was still a little boy. As far as I can think, I was fascinated by women’s fine pantyhose. At that time almost all women wore tights. Probably the reason is that it is an exclusively female garment that leads exactly to the center of the desire – hers pussy.

The sight excited me very much every time. Of course I always tried to see the ladies under the skirt when it was possible, which was not so easy in the past, but there were z.

B. Rillers in department stores …. When I later had my first sex, I always tried that the girls were wearing tights, which of course had a big hole in the right place afterwards, because they had to be kept on.

I wanted to feel the fabric on the skin or like to mean tail Push under the pantyhose and rub it on it and then spray my juice. If I didn’t have a girlfriend, I would like to put on pantyhose myself, it was totally upset to wear such a female garment and to look at me in the mirror from all sides.

At some point I got a short skirt and pumps and even a long -haired wig. In fact, one day I dared to go to the public completely as a woman and make it up to the public. My heart hit me to my neck when I ran through a large pedestrian zone.

I didn’t notice it at all, everything was probably successful. After that I was so horny that my tights already had stains from my horny juice, it ran out of my tail with lust.

I also often sprayed into the tights and pulled back on days later, the rays are so horny. To come to my story: she is fictitious, but I have had it in my head for years and not yet porn found where my imagination was put in pictures. That’s why I wrote it down here.

It begins with the fact that I want to buy tights in a shop as a man as a man.

Everyone can understand that this can be an extremely embarrassing affair if you are approached by a seller in the stocking department of a department store what you are looking for … (It is certainly no longer a problem today, but many years ago as a man you noticed in this department and was observed, at least I thought). It starts: I’m horny again and now want to make my imagination true and buy tights for me in the shop.

Off to the next department store in the stocking department for women. I stroll around here and the many tights make me very horny.

I get a little warm when a seller looks at me and then slowly approaches me. Smiling, she asks me if she could help me. It may be thirty in the end of thirty and wears a black costume, knee -free skirt and of course black tights with half -high pumps. I get a red head first and finally say: I’m looking for a black tights with 15.

Yeah, she says naturally what size? Now let’s go, I have to go through now.

I don’t know exactly that it should be for me ! Now it is out! At first she doesn’t react right away, after that a little smile flows over her face. She appreciates me very professionally and then says naturally, size 54 should fit, we look … She goes to a stand and takes out a pack.

I’ve started bright red and just as horny. Lets see how it goes on.

She smiles at me in a friendly manner and now says sugar?! (What? I want to flee!))). Come with us, I’ll show you the locker room ! She goes ahead, I sneak afterwards and have the feeling that other customers have long observed me. In the large changing room, some women are already waiting for free cabins, of course there are only women and almost all of the patterns me, which I have lost here.

Since the seller is there, nobody says anything. Unfortunately, she keeps the pantyhose packs quite high and openly visible.

The surrounding ladies see this naturally and smile at each other. I am very ashamed now and want to sink into the ground, but my cock likes it and is slowly reporting. Finally the cabin gets free and I quickly cush with the package. So I take off my pants, the underpants with you, what the hell, and try the pantyhose.

My cock is already enthusiastic and has half size.

Should I help you try it out? She calls sugar. I think if so, then correct: yes, I like to say. So she comes in and examines me how I am now in front of her as a man with tights. She doesn’t seem to impress that I can’t wear a panties and she can see my half -tire cock.

She starts professionally to pull the leg parts up to me, of course she goes to her knees in front of me.

My cock is now right in front of her face, which somehow seems to please her. Mh, but her little friend seems very comfortable, she says. I can look into your blouse from above and the approach of your considerable tits. She is now plucking on the gusset and “accidentally” strokes my penis.

Oh, sorry, she flutes again. My dick thinks it’s great and wants more. That doesn’t matter, I say and a little shyly afterwards, you can do it again?! Mh, maybe another time, she now means very sober.

It suits you very well, I think. You should leave you right away, what do you think? I am a little disappointed and say, yes.

Now she quickly leaves the cabin and calls, please come to the cash register. She is gone. It’s a shame that was awesome, at least. I put on my pants again, the pantyhose feels cool and go to the till.

But now it really starts.

There are three women behind the cash register: an older one, the boss, probably the boss with a strict look and glasses, my seller and a train. The seller has probably already told them about me and everyone was very careful, the trainee holds her hand in front of her mouth and must always laugh constantly. Great ! I want to sink into the ground! You want to pay the tights? The boss asks a little briefly.

Yeah, I say a little little. Would they show us the tights so that we can see if it really has the right size? We are not always so sure about men, they already know …

The boss now says a little more strictly. How do you mean that, I ask. Well, let’s see, down with your pants! How? Here? Now? I ask horrified but certainly, don’t be doing this, we have seen it here many times, so go! She looks very strict now and I no longer dare to contradict.

So I pull in the middle of the shop, fortunately there are hardly any customers, down my pants in front of the 3 women and everyone sees my flash Legs and my half -tire cock ! The boss examines everything with a strict look, especially my cock, the seller smiles at me personally and the trainee has her hand in front of my mouth. I would like to be somewhere else now! The seller comes around the counter next to me and says, Nicole, Come here, have you ever seen a real cock? Nicole also comes around the counter and is now looking at my best piece unabashedly.

This is getting too much for me now, I’m so horny now that my cock is slowly leaving.

A stain is already in the gusset. The boss notices this and says Ms. Schubert, but he was very necessary, help him quickly. The poor! Ms. Schubert, the seller is now lying in the tights with a firm grip, picking out my wet cock and without asking me, she starts slowly jerk off.

He is immediately stiff, especially since Nicole and the boss watch. Ms. Schubert says, Nicole passes now, he doesn’t take long and smiles at me again while she jerks me, that’s all too much for me, I feel how it comes to me.

Ms. Schubert is an experienced woman and also notices it. When I start to twitch, she quickly puts my dick back into the tights. I moan loudly and my whole sperm pour itself into the black tights without being touched my tail.

Nicole looks a little disgusted and interested in my wet cock, the boss seems satisfied and Ms. Schubert thinks, well, but someone was very necessary and disappears behind the counter again. I quickly pull my pants up and now want to disappear after I have paid.

Ms. Schubert is not yet finished with me. Come along, she says very determined and to her colleagues: I’m quickly to the toilet.

What does that mean ?? She goes to the personnel toilet with me. Here is a larger cabin in which she disappears with me. She now says very determined: you just made me so horny, you will now retire, you hear?! But first I have to piss.

She pushes very impartially, as if it were alone, her skirt up, a pair of tights and a black panties appear in the crotch.

She sits down on the toilet, pushes her panties aside and I see her wonderful totally hairy cunt that I can smell here. Cool ! She is starting to piss now and I watch her. I am getting hornier now and asking if I can get closer, but sure, come here and kneel before you can watch. I kneel down in front of her, her cunt smells even more intensely and her thick piss beam runs horny out of her piss.

I notice that her panties already have a spot in the crotch, she is probably already damp.

After she is finished, she says, well, you liked that? I say yes, what can I do for you now? First of all you lick me clean now and then you get it with my tongue, you fold! My cock is already very hard in the fully waxed tights. So I start licking Ms. Schubert with relish.

First I lick her pubic hair, who smell horny of piss and cunt. She has long labia, I can hardly get into my tongue. When I am in there I taste her horny cunt juice, she is totally wet and already moans.

I’m licking her swollen clit now, when she moans, twitches and presses her legs around my head. A gush of cunt juice runs out of her pussy that I stroll out of her.

Cool ! After she has calmed down, she gets up, pulls her panties back on and spreads her skirt smoothly, she looks flawlessly again ! That was good, my dear. As a reward, you can quickly get one down, but get in the house ! She doesn’t need to tell me that twice. Man, what am I horny ! I get my wet cock out and get rid of it immediately.

It doesn’t take long and it comes to me, this time I inject my whole sperm on your roaring feet.

4 thick splashes land directly on your leg. Ms. Schubert is not pleased about this. Are you crazy?! What’s that supposed to mean?! I have to work with your cum on my leg all day here ?! I am now very small and still knee in front of her. In the meantime it knocks on the door.

It is the boss. What’s going on here? she asks strictly. Mrs. Schubert: Well the little wanker here, my beautiful tights injected me, the old sow without asking me !! She is now very angry and everything is very embarrassing to me.

The boss looks at me and says quietly to Ms. Schubert that we should invite the little wanker to our coffee party, then you can teach him what should be for small faster. She says very strictly to me: Leave your contact details here, we will contact you and now go away! I am quickly gone and excited how to proceed ?! sequel follows.

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