Hard sex with a dominant young man | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I am now 27 years old, look good, I am sporty / athletic and prefer sex with women. Actually … but sometimes this overwhelming desire to drive it with a young man / boy. Now exactly this time had come again.

The thought of letting me pop by a younger guy and to be available as a pleasure object – it was precisely this thought that followed me again for a few days. I was always horny because of that.

It was very happy to get down to business this time. Sometimes I need a hard hand.

It just turned me on. And it shouldn’t take place in the city in which I live in. After all, I don’t want to fly up and besides, I am on the road one or a lot, so it offered to let it happen in another city. It should take place in Duisburg.

I had to go in the direction one way or another. In almost two weeks it should be so.

On a well -known platform for gays I looked around for appropriate profiles. Contact But I haven’t recorded yet.

Most want or. can only meet spontaneously and depending on your mood. The selection was definitely very good and sufficient. The saved profiles were also online very often – so everything is fine ..

The days passed very slowly, I had to keep thinking about the upcoming. I didn’t know yet whether a meeting would take place at all. Maybe I’ll take a back on ..?

The time had come, Friday morning, the trip to Duisburg was up. I grabbed my suitcase for the weekend, I sat down in mine automobile and drove in ca.

3.5 hours to Duisburg. I checked in at the hotel and went to my room. I logged on to the said page and now checked the profiles again. I was also written to some, but what I was looking for was not there.

I discovered a young Turk profile. The profile name sounded very dominant, I liked that. He wrote that he is bisexual, 18 years old, 173 tall and 58 kilos weighed. He also stated that he was built athletically.

When positioned was “only active” and he stated that Safer sex is practiced after consultation. Actually, I never meet people who do not attach great importance to safe sex, but something was fascinated by this profile. I definitely wanted to meet the person behind the profile. I wrote to him and told him that I would like to meet, I am in the hotel and that I want to be popped and that it can also be a little harder.

I also sent two pictures of myself. Now it was time to wait for the answer … After a fairly long 20 minutes, an answer came from him. My pulse rose right away.

He wrote that a meeting only takes place with him and that everything should take place without much talk and without much agreements. And I should behave inconspicuously. After all, he was Turk and nobody should know that he is bisexual. In his German I could see that he is not really powerful for the language.

But that didn’t bother me at all. On the contrary. After a few more messages it was clear that we will meet with him 8:30 p.m. He sent me the address.

At this time it had been dark for a long time, which was also a prerequisite for the meeting. It should only be right for me. I went extensively have a shower and spent the remaining two hours in my hotel room. I was really damned now.

I still looked at his pictures that he sent me several times. I was excited to see how he would look live. The pictures were not the best, very dark.


45 minutes before I made my way. After all, I didn’t know myself in Duisburg. I drove to the said stop and when I got out I got over a queasy feeling, I didn’t really know where I was, my pulse rose and I hardly heard German anymore. It’s good that the north of Duisburg is not one of the noble areas, it was clear to me, but that was very unusual and different in this area.

After I had oriented myself, I went towards my “date”. There was garbage and dirt on the streets everywhere, some of the houses were very run down, people were heard loudly, the police were present and groups of Turks, Romanians, etc. That was very noticeable. Now I had arrived in the street written to me.

I went towards house number 43, past people said groups. Some looked at me strangely, one or the other called me a little and mobbed in his national language. I was really afraid now. I didn’t know myself why I did the whole thing at that moment.

Something moved me to the said address. I just needed this kick and I wanted to take my imagination. I was there, two or three minutes before 830 p.m. I could see from the bell signs that no German families live here, which also matched his description.

Most of the names could not be pronounced. I am not powerful for the Turkish language. The house was very down. I thought my part.

I discovered the name on the bell shield and pressed onto the button, but the bell didn’t work. I tried again – in vain … but well, that wasn’t really surprising when I was conditioned. I waited in front of the house.

After all, there were no people in front of the house and mobbed. It was five minutes after half past eight, I just wanted to log in on the platform via my cell phone, when the door opened. A young Turk stood in front of me and looked at me. Of course it was immediately clear to us who was in front of the other.

His description was right and the young Turk described above stood in front of me. He had a baseball cap with the sign back, he had a good figure and looked very young. But what fascinated me was that he hadn’t said anything yet and still radiated dominance. The way I wanted it.

And from that moment I was really excited. The whole environment, the language barrier, the ignorance of what will happen immediately and, above all, what awaits me behind the door. He gave me to understand that I should make very quiet and that I should just follow him. I ran up the stairs behind him.

He had a tight shirt and a tight, gray jeans. At the sight of his really hot figure I noticed something in my pants. The house looked almost worse inside than from the outside. Here too there was garbage everywhere, the plaster crumbled from the walls, lines hung from the ceiling ..

Shortly before the last floor I should wait in a small storage room on half floor. He indicated that. I stood in this mini room and heard how he opened the apartment door half a floor further up. He called something in Turkish through the apartment and I heard several room doors squeak.

I heard someone going down on the stairs. After two minutes he opened the door and brought me into the apartment. In the apartment it looked like in the stairwell. Unimaginable that someone lives there.

It was a bit scary to me, but at the same time it made me horny. He told me in bad German that he was his little one Brother sent outside and that we are now alone until 10 p.m. In the apartment it looked like it was like in the stairwell ..

He stopped the apartment door and went with me from a hallway to the next hallway.

A staircase led behind a door. It was exciting what happened there … When we got up, we went into a small back room. I was amazed at the size of the apartment.

Very old and broken furniture stood in the room. Among other things, an old, sagging couch that I actually didn’t want to sit down on. The fabric was broken, there were spots to be seen and the duvet was no longer washed for a long time. But okay, I still got involved in the game.

In addition, as already written, the little Turk radiated this dominance – I already had respect for him. Despite that he is almost 18 years younger than me. In the light I could now see him more precisely. He had a beard float over the upper lip, still looked very young and I could see a black hairline.

He had this baseball cap on. Now we were there, I was damn excited and horny. He looked at me, but somehow not either. His eyes were so empty and his gaze almost a little scary.

He made it clear to me that I should move out – complete. But slowly. He had something slightly aggressive in his expression. But that was certainly due to his accent and his whole appearance.

You could see that I was horny when I was still on my tight jeans. I also moved them out and now I stood in front of him in my tight shorts. He watched me take off while sitting on the couch. My heart beat as anything else.

I felt that I had to tip over at any moment. He literally fixed my big bump on my tight shorts with his eyes. Now he got up and came up to me. Oh god, now it starts.

I still didn’t know what would happen … he stood in front of me, grabbed me quite firmly and pulled my shorts down. It was now in my back of my knee and I stood naked in front of him with my stand. He eyed me again very well again.

He looked at my eyes very deeply, grabbed my face with his right hand and spat on my face without warning. I did not expect that. But well, he said that it should take place without much agreements. So far we hadn’t spoken or.

Something agreed. He pressed me on his knees. I now knelt in front of him and he held my head with both hands and pressed my head into his crotch, very firm. He groaned, quite loud.

He pushed my head back and sat on the old couch. With wide spread legs and he still had his clothes. He gave me to understand that I was going to the couch Between his legs should kneel. I opened his really tight jeans, while he took off his tight shirt.

He let his baseball cap. That really made me hornier. Now he was sitting in front of me. Crunchy body, maybe not athletically as stated, but slightly trained and no gram of fat.

And his somewhat darker skin color also made a lot of things! He was hardly hairy. I could see that he had a light stand. I should now be around his tail take care. I could not wait for it.

I stroked his thighs into his shorts. He was hard. I pulled out his shorts, which he pushed into my face right away. Then I licked his eggs.

He was not shaved intimate, but his eggs were hairless. The specified tail size with “XL” was also not lied. He wasn’t particularly thick, maybe 4cm, but quite long for that. I guess 19 cm.

And he was uncircumcised. I am amazed because he’s Turk. I licked his eggs extensively and blown his cock properly and as deep as it went into my mouth. He groaned again and again and raised his pelvis.

In the meantime he fucked my mouth without consideration and groaned again violently. He just dropped. He seemed to have had it really necessary. I particularly attracted the situation that he sometimes didn’t know what he was doing, he just found it cool and took what he wanted.

Horny feeling. And I was amazed at his perseverance. I spoiled him with my tongue and mouth for some time.

I was now on the couch with my upper body, my legs kneeled on the floor.

I felt that he was standing behind me. Now my ass should believe it … He spread my ass cheeks and spat on my hole two or three times. He put on ..

I turned to him and asked him if he didn’t want to use a rubber. He then spat on me again and said in a “German-Turkish-English mix” that he determined the rules and put on … I have to admit honestly that I didn’t care that he didn’t use a condom at that moment, my lust was just too big. I let it happen.

He put on and pushed his bare cock into my hole quite rusty. I groaned loudly this time, he was also when he pushed him in. Two or three times he pushed his cock into my hole, then he pushed closer and pushed it in until the stop. What a feeling…

I couldn’t really believe all of this yet … He started to moan loudly at every push and he said something in between in Turkish again and again. Then this sound when two bodies clap together … that made me even hornier.

I enjoyed this madness that pulled my body through and just enjoyed his cock. Still very impressed by his endurance. At the age of 18, I was by no means as persistent as the “little one”.

I could hear from his quick breathing that he was already well exhausted. He pushed briefly faster and firmer and then pulled his cock out of my hole.

Now I should sit on the floor with my back on the couch. I did that too, because he could really grab it and hurt me if I hadn’t done it. He hadn’t gently tackled me while popping. But he shouldn’t.

He crouched in front of me and pushed his really horny cock into my mouth. As deep as possible and he started fucking my mouth again. A few bumps were so violent and deep that I even had to spit. But that didn’t really interest him.

My eyes watered, I was really well done. From time to time he clapped his hand in my face. But the lust still won over this … it was like in a dream for me.

He grabbed me and put me on the couch with my stomach. Now I was lying on this dirty, old and broken couch. When I looked behind the couch, I suspected which stains I was lying on. There were a few porn speeches and handkerchiefs and towels.

These were wanking stains. But I thought that before. But as you say so beautifully: The Show must go on 😉 I had nothing to report on the “Show”. I no longer had any other choice.

I lay on my stomach on the couch with spread legs. The Turk knelt in between, grabbed his cock, spat on the hole again and then pushed it back into my hole. He fucked me quickly, deep, uninhibited and loud. It clapped properly again.

I was shortly before the cumshot. I felt that I won’t be able to endure it for long. And a short time later it was time. While I was ramming I realized that I would come right away.

Now I got louder and finally I sprayed everything on his already dirty couch in several, violent bumps. Wow, what orgasm! In the meantime he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. For the first time I felt pain as something horny … I was totally finished and sweaty, I was more or less defenseless and still let myself be bumped into.

At his bumps, on his breathing and volume, I knew that it would be so far with him. He gave me to understand that he would come right away and I could hear that he would inject into my mouth. I thought that this would no longer play a role, since he has been popping me without a rubber since a felt eternity. He pulled out his cock, grabbed me to turn my back on my back.

He knelt over my face and jerked my entire load in my face and mouth in several bumps. His moaning almost let me come again. He had already distributed half of his stomach “on the way”. The cargo was worth it.

But of course, if you are so horny, you usually spray a little more than usual. Who doesn’t know that 😉

For a minute or two we were still breathing heavily on the couch. Mine stuck on my ass sperm, That I had distributed on the couch and his sperm was distributed on my stomach and on my face. I wiped his sperm out of my face, I just left the sperm on the other regions of the body as it was and put on me.

He put on his jeans and shirt, looked that nobody was in the stairwell let me out of the apartment. We said neither “bye” nor anything else. There wasn’t quite as much on the street now and I went to the tram like in a trance. In detour.

I didn’t know where I had to go. I could still smell the sperm that was still stuck on my body and I felt dirty and disgusting. I still couldn’t really understand that happened. It was like in the film.

And the guilty conscience came now because I had a stranger popped without a rubber. But now I know that everything is okay. After an hour’s drive through the city, I was back in the hotel. I was an eternity under the shower and then logged me back on the page again.

I had received a message from my “date” shortly after I went. I just stamped the message as a compliment and didn’t answer anything. In the news there was only “Fucking Bitch …”.

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