Geded lust | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The women always made the farm,

But inside the desire grabs him.

First hidden and quietly thought,

He admires the man act.

In the conflict, the boy is comfortable,

He asked, albeit frivolous.

The Lueste Obligation He was recognized,

but his goal is "perverse", banished.

Unsillable now seems to be desire,

What would he not do anything.

He tries in silent hour,

To test his deep throat.

What is only of the man,

No matter how much the Stoeckchen measures,

Enchants the senses himself,

He desires the meat as quickly as possible.

"Submissive" known, the waer too much,

To be fucked means the goal.

"Desire", no longer, that’s the judicial word,

The love itself always traces it itself.

Wanted now who knows food

and maybe yourself "educated" calls.

He includes the years,

Because it mustn’t be too old.

Who owns such pain his own,

Does well if he knows the words.

That’s why I get in touch with me the Lord,

that is ready to give me more.


Since I was just a bit of a bit of a literature with an old stick, this is me when I wrote my profile description "slipped out". It was the first time, That I tried to write something like this in all seriously and since I don’t find it so bad, I put it in here.

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