Fuck with the new neighbors | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In the late evening I finally arrived at my future place of study. A bad traffic jam after a truck accident had stopped me for hours. The packed old golf was parked in front of the old building, where I rented my booth. School past, Abi, great vacation, my first booth.

I was self -employed. For the first time an own storm -free apartment, where Mom does not look curious, which type sneaks out of my room in the morning. I was looking forward to it, even though I always felt comfortable at home and was able to develop my sex life freely. But finally, for example, a shower of your own, in which you did not constantly struggle with siblings and parents for the best time.

Of course we were often together in the bathroom. But it is more beautiful alone or with plays instead of the F **** y, especially if you want to work on your morning latte as a pubes Sister Therefore blasphemed. But that was yesterday. It was agreed that today, no matter how late, I should get the key to my “own” 60 square meters.

So much space for me alone! Cool. But my mood was quickly clouded.

Somehow the appointment had been confused and nobody opened it. The landlord of my apartment was not there. I rang in vain storm.

First of all, I was still locked out that night. Great start. A little perplexed and abundant I stood in front of a closed door with my transition luggage, sleeping bag and is mat.

At Ikea I wanted to look around the next day to get to bed, closet and other first equipment.

Damn. Mom still had an extra with kisses – hundreds of. “Buy something good,” she said. So now spend the tight budget for a hotel? Or spend the night in the overloaded car? Damn.

Damn. Damn. It started to rain now too.

A young couple came to the door from a party when I was standing up there in my perplexity and swearing around.

It was my new neighbors that I had already seen a few weeks ago when we made ourselves known briefly. Both were also a student, but in other subjects and already second or third semester.

Spontaneously they invited me to get in. I would even have slept in front of the door in the stairwell. But she invited me to her.

We drank a little more good neighborhood And at some point I went to my ISCATTUR, which we between its bed and the narrow kitchenette, separated by a bookshelf, interpreted. The small apartment of the two, Gitte and Tim, was a space miracle. Maximum half of my future “rich”. They had everything in the tiny room, separately only toilet and shower, cleverly accommodated.

Somehow the room consisted of bed with a tiny kitchenette, table, closet, desk and walls around it. But it offered everything that an inexpensive student booth can offer and was cozy cozy.

Gitte first went into the shower because she had to get out in the morning and worked in a snack restaurant, as I learned. “You can score out tomorrow, with me the alarm clock rings,” she was a bit jealous.

O ever. 5 o’clock wouldn’t be my time either. She came back into a large bathing rock and after a “good night” she was already gone. With Tim she had been living here for a year.

Both were very personable to me right away and it actually developed a very nice neighborhood. But let’s stay that night.

Tim also jumped under the shower, only came back in his underpants and then also lay down after we had previously scored two Pils on us. His bump in the underpants was not bad.

I did it and took off too. I hung my thoughts and was happy, not the night in the car To have to spend. The uniform breaths of the new neighbors came from the bed and I had also stepped away soon.

At some point I was awakened by a little bit of certain.

Light giggle. “You crazy, we are not alone …” Oha. The two approached? “He sleeps,” whispered Tim and despite the sudden excitement, I only gave me even breaths. “It sleeps, hear …” Leises moan, light giggling and rustling smacking noises now changed.

So obviously they were accessible. Why not? There was absolutely nothing to be seen. But the vibration of the bed was transferred to my bed. They fucked.

And they fucked violently with groaned moaning. Of course I was getting hotter too. I had never been in a room in addition to a patching couple when you were looking from the parties, where it was clear from the start that you wanted to “get closer” in a two or three and you then just heteroor bongs on it.

But I was involved.

Here I was only a horny tensioner and in the meantime wide awake. My tail hurt almost. Careful not to disturb and notify, I pulled my underpants a little down and jerked off in parallel with their fucking what the stuff thought. I almost suffocated in the effort to keep my breathing and continued to keep myself under control.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long. Obviously we all came at the same time. With a sigh suddenly ended the recently more and more violent movement on the bed. The vibration stopped.

Tim had come clearly. She giggled … “I’m completely sown, old piglets”. I also came and messed up my freshly cleaned sleeping bag with fresh sperm on my part.

What had these two heteros horny me. Gitte crept naked now into the bathroom. I watched the nipples protruding from the corner of the eye on a sweet taut breast and a pretty, just as tight, buttocks. Almost like a boys’ ass.

You couldn’t see much more in dim light. Although I was more on boys, at least it had driven more with boys in my life until then, I would never have pushed this girl out of the edge of the bed.

When she was looking back, I was able to admire Tim in his neckness, he climbed over me completely “without” over me. I continued to sleep.

Sporty guy, half -zealt tail, bigger than mine. Geiler, tighter ass. Unfortunately, he immediately made out the sparkling bathroom light, so I couldn’t see it anymore. He almost stumbled across me when he was on the way back.

The sound of a tender good night kiss could be heard and then only silent and even breathing even my friendly hosts.

The morning after

I wake up when Gitte, now “dressed” with a large towel, also climbed over me and a short time later the front door rattled. We are alone. “Are you sleeping? Come up, ”says Tim suddenly in the silence. “Is more convenient”.

And in fact I went through the cross on the thin mat on the hard floor. “Thank you,” I murmur when I found space on the edge of the couple’s lawn. I just want to score up again when I feel a finger from Tim on my back and the shower of this touch joins myself. It was a coincidence? Of course I don’t soften back.

The hand that strokes over my bare back becomes out of the finger. I’m getting goosebumps.

“Did you feel well when we drove it tonight?“Whispered Tim? Sch …So he hadn’t missed that I had masturbated violently like a school boy without a first partner. So denies useless.

“Yes,” I say. “What did you think of when you got one down?“Tim wants to know. “Well, to you how you fuck”. His hand is on my ass.

“Describe it to me …” dear heaven. What does the guy want from me? I would only have kept my underpants on.

The conversation causes me discomfort and excites me at the same time. “Well, how you push Gitte, I think that’s horny”, I turned.

“So you find it cool when I put my cock in Gitte,” he says. “Do you want your cock into her too?… “I turn off. “Well, she’s your girlfriend..“His handle becomes toughter. “I want to know if you would put your cock in Gitte?..

“Yes,” I moan slightly while his hand goes to my cock and clutching it firmly. “So you get a stiff when you think of Gitte and my cock, the Gitte bumps?“He tortures me. My part is hard under its firm access. “Yeah …”

He begins to jerk me easily.

“Why will he get hard now? Do you think of Gitte?“I’m in the trap. “No, now he’s getting hard because you have him in your hand …” I have to confess. “So it turns you on when I hold your cock in my hand?“He roams my foreskin back. “Yeah,” I moan again.

He throws the blanket back and goes to his knees. In front of my eyes His half -zealt tail. “Have you ever blown a guy?“Tim wants to know. I nod.

“Then take it in your mouth and blas me,” he asks me.

I obey. His tail quickly becomes considerable. A decent sack with two huge eggs dangles on my chin. I knead and massage them.

Tim fucks me in the mouth and I taste a decent portion of juice. He pulls him back abruptly. “Turn over, I want to see your ass. Go to his knees, “he asks me.

I obey. I kneel wide -legged, with my head down into doggy position while he kneads my butt and obviously inspects and faded my ass column.

Now everything doesn’t matter. It is clear to me that he will fuck me. And I will not defend myself, but enjoy it if it should be.

He jumps up and immediately comes out of the bathroom. Cool lubricant runs along my rosette. So. I keep silent, spread my legs wide and bite into the pillow when he put on two fingers.

“Say” that I should fuck you. Like Gitte, ”he asks me. “Yes,” I moan. “Fuck me like Gitte, make me your girl ‘.

His hand claps hard and painfully on my right cheek, while the fingers of the other hand in me make you want. “Louder, I want to hear it” and feel another blow. “Jaaaaaa …“I’m almost shouting now. “Fuck me! FUCK ME.

Make me your bitch … “He is now all over me.

Its thick glans hurts my back entrance. What part. I spread my legs even further and press my hole towards him … “Ahhhhhhhhhh …“He’s in there.

Our lust breaks train. He actually fucks me, as he fucked Gitte a few hours ago. Whether he thinks more about me or his girlfriend? I just think of the other person in his tough cock. My constant shouting “…fuck me ”obviously turns him on.

He comes across faster and deeper. “FUCK ME! FUCK… !!!!” I fly. I freeze when I perceive a movement on the door.

Gitten! “Who fucks whom here?“Gitte is right in front of us. She sees his piston edited me in my ass. She sees my stiff cock, which now coincides with fright. A girl caught Your lover and me in gay sex.

I expect a scandal. That she roars off. And Tim hopped down by me and stammered something to apologize. But Tim just fucks unmoved.

The surprise

I am totally irritated and now completely unsettled.

I would like to be sunk in the ground. He grabs me on my hair and I can’t avoid him. It is stronger than me and fucks harder and harder. Gitte faces us and only observes.

It begins to stroke itself. Obviously it also excites what she sees. I lie relentlessly naked in front of your eyes and are rummaged through. Slowly she pulls out her top.

She doesn’t wear a bra. The little tight breast actually turns me on. And our gay sex obviously turns you on too. In my gaze she slowly pulls her jeans down and spreads her long, great legs in my direction.

On the one hand, I focus on Tim’s bumps, on the other hand, I can’t take a look from the pretty girl strip. It begins to satisfy herself by the panties. We look directly into the eye. She pulls the panties down.

You wixxt- your tail! I’m going crazy. A tail girl. The prettiest I’ve ever seen. Totally feminine.

Guy below.

A picture of a girl. And below you are now a really thick 18cm latte over horny eggs stiff from the stomach. I almost raced out. I have never seen that on a girl in the original and not, as before, only on my wixx templates.

My cock is like a one again. I lick my lips. I want to have this girl-boy tail in my mouth. She is now standing next to me, stroking my head, which is still firmly under control of Tim.

“Do you want him??“Asks Gitte in a hot voice. She looked at it immediately. I can only nod.

It tastes as good as it looks.

While I suck her part, the two start to smooch over me. I lick and get fucked. My hard member hurts and demands relief. I start to jerk myself.

She takes my hand away. “Not yet, please …” What does she have before? Tim pulls his cock out of me. His great fuck strap stands until his navel, just slightly curved, almost vertically up. He has not yet sprayed.

Both turn me on the back.

Gitte massages my cock easily with any oil. Cool. She cleverly goes from my glans down to my twitching eggs and along the shaft back back to the glans.

I shiver with lust. She does it well. Tim turns around and he cleverly pulls me a condom over my now super hard latte. A strange guy has never given me a condom as a matter of course.

So far I have always done that myself. She sits on me. Easily my part penetrates into her sweet ass. Gitte rides me, while Tim in his part is again in me.

I suck greedily on her hard nipples. She also groans. What do the two do with me? I fuck, lick a chest, get fucked and explode right away. I instinctively reach for her hot cock that is bobbing in front of me.

The first comes Tim. “Arrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhh.. “He gets slower in me, but I still feel his latte, which is not yet much smaller and softer. She puts deep in my pleasure hole like a dildo.

I feel his hands. He is now stroking tenderly and not so macho hard our already slightly sweaty body. He is pumped out and relaxed. He leads my rights to Gitte’s tail.

She too seems to come right away. I rub her tight. My actions are successful. She sprays violently.

And how! Large amounts of your sperm wet my stomach. A little beam even reaches my mouth. I lick the drops greedily and now inject myself. I win in my infinite lust.

The condom fills up. She later grins at me: “But you look cute when you have an orgasm …” Nobody has told me that in bed yet. How do I look? “Sweet and totally relaxed” she whispers and nibbles on my ear. Oahhhhhh.

What a feeling.

Tim loosens from us and goes to the bathroom. It rings. “When your new neighbor comes today.

Could you please give him his key? I put a note on him, ”I hear my landlord. Obviously she really confused the appointment. But for that I had a very great night for that. That Tim is really wet, naked and only with a mini towel in front of her doesn’t really seem to be surprised.

“Gladly! I do, ”says Tim, closes the door and comes back with the small keychain. What would I have missed, I would have got it yesterday.

We kiss Tim dry together. He enjoys our lip games.

I lick his cock again. But she knocks on my fingers. “Close now, your guy. Here we go.

buy furniture. Then we inaugurate your bed “tonight”. I am reluctant to get up. We discharge my golf together and rent a van for my furniture purchase.

The three of them went relatively quickly. We jump around and decide on beds in the furniture store and decide and for the largest lawn. The older saleswoman grins one thing when I asked about the stability. “It will be stable enough for her,” she says with a wink.

“For me, but I’m not alone in seeing..“Gitte becomes a little red and the furniture consultant winks too.

As soon as my new “resting place” and the rest were looped, built up with a lot of patron and screwdriver, we had actually chosen the largest available version, as soon Stripper.

The device would be twice as big as my not exactly small bed at home and totally dominated the room. Gitte also insisted on mirrors and red light. A very erotic black and white picture of a copulating couple came to the wall. Gitte also proposed that.

“Like in the puff,” she grins. My F **** y looked at the later inauguration party when she saw the “erotic” booth for the first time and my sister made her usual allusions to my love life …Why does the brother need such a huge bed..?”She blasphemed. “No envy,” I returned. “It’s great for trampolines …”, my little brother explained professionally and hopped around on it.

But first we consecrated my shower with a bottle. Alternately, Gitte and Tim fucked me under the warm water. I only kept my ass there and enjoyed the soapy slippers and hardness of her cocks. We then snuggled up in bed again and at some point penned together.

Good if you have space. At 5 o’clock unfortunately alarm clock rang again, gitten hips out and jumped into her clothes. “Stay good, boys,” she gave us on the way and we didn’t think about it. Hardly among us came Tim’s hand to my ass.

Only now that this hand was already as familiar to me as his cock.

A shame- unfortunately we didn’t have much time today. Nevertheless, my butt got his expense again this morning. Again I also felt the somewhat harder hand.

The pain of my reddened butt paired with feelings of pleasure. After that we drove it without a long gibber and further prelude. His stiffer desired admission immediately. Unfortunately he was “only” active.

I would have loved to fuck Tom once too. But he didn’t like. Never! I willingly opened myself to the other person. We had fun and went there.

In contrast to him, I also need cocks in my ass and not just the “one”. Despite this, Tim was just a great, uncomplicated sexy guy as well as a gifted and potent fucker. But we stopped this time before Gitte came from work. But I still hadn’t spent a minute in my new bed.

A great start to my love life at the new place of residence.

At some point I finally had to go to the university, the bureaucracy. My age and “financier” would have little understanding if I had only studied sex now. But there was still a lot of time for that in the next few months and years.

And in fact we enjoyed studying in every relationship and in every constellation.

Alone, in pairs, in three and even too five. With my future wife Heike there was even a “real” girl. My Ikea bed actually collapsed and we tumbled slightly drunk on top of each other.

But why is there wood glue? Gitte got him on the other day and helped me with the repair. We repaired naked. The part has lasted since that time, although we fucked each other in between and were therefore not completely concentrated on the carpentry work. I fucked her, she me.

Somehow I envied her glowing at the time to be a woman and boy at the same time. In 69th position we explored our cocks.

I pushed the support woods under the bed and she immediately took my ass from behind. We giggled and mixed with their sperm childishly glue. I paid the wooden blocks and the glue with my self -produced spermy paste in it.

We fucked several times in all positions on the hard floor carpet before the thing was finally finished. And then back on the top of the newly straightened bed. Without Tim who was on the road.

For the first time we drove it alone with this bed repair and without him.

But with a lot of fun and totally cuddly, although I also missed his machoma manner again. He took me very differently. She was always careful, dear, tender, considerate. He always took Gitte and me hard, demanding, decided, male dominant.

I, depending on the mood, in between, like that. I like to let myself be fucked and then like to fuck again. Her ass was totally horny. Your tail as well.

It just fit. Our threes were unbeatable. And with every orgasm I continued to look “sweet”, as she repeatedly confirmed to me. Let’s see how things go with us.


It continued until at some point the paths separated due to your work and work. Unfortunately, they took themselves, but understandably, soon, a larger apartment and with the change “over the hallway” it was over at night. Nevertheless, we still had sex with each other, visited, celebrated parties. Tim and Gitte are still a couple, today live in the west of Canada and adopted two children.

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