Fucked by a dominant stranger | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A flea market … a flea market like any other. A few gears with stands, in between children sit on their blankets. Some people crowd through the colorful corridors, highlight a little high here, haven it, let their eyes wander. Looking for the undefined super bargain … for a thing that you long long without knowing what it is exactly.

I strolled about the flea market approximately with the same expectation. Watched the bustling hustle and bustle, let me push from a standstill and had no idea how much I would find it here, of which I didn’t even know that it existed, let alone how much I needed it ..

A rather small stand, behind it an older lady with bustling, gray hair smiles at me mildly … a bunch of ruffled vases and jugs on a flower -white tablecloth, next to it a few belts and on the other side..Yes..there … there it is … a small, silver -colored medallion. In addition to this kitsch and climmer, it shines inconspicuously, hardly a cm wide and only a little higher. A small dark blue stone is bordered in the middle of the front..I take the delicate piece in my hand … and take a closer look at it … and indeed, it can be opened ..

When it opens, it is as if a door opens in me, a door in my memory that has long been forgotten so far.

Yes, it is true, my grandmother used to wear the same medallion around the neck exactly. She always wore it and inside was a tiny photo ..

While I still hold it in my hands, a man next to me pushes it to the stand … stands right next to me, his elbow presses against my upper arm. How distant. I look at him outraged.

He doesn’t even seem to notice me. He is wide and big next to me, he wears a black silky, noble shirt, no T-shirt like the normal flea market visitors on this sunny day. He has somewhat longer, brown hair that looks intended to look united and a beard … Among them a very striking chin … if he weren’t such a ruthless troublemaker who tears me out of my daydreams, he would be pretty much my guy.

Slowly he now grabs one of the belts on the table … a dark brown leather belt.

Its fine -limited and very well -kept fingers slide almost tenderly over the leather … checking it slowly strokes the end of the belt … surrounds the smooth material with its hand. I can’t help it and stare at him ..

Now he raises the belt, leaves it between his Finger Glide through … takes it in both hands and puts it together into a kind of loop … let him spend the next moment apart … Peng … The noise cuts the flea market hum ..

Again he forms it into a loop … I follow every little movement from him, as he stands there, with very straight, hard back, an almost dreamy facial expression and now lets the belt whiz through the air ..

A goosebumps pulsates over my back. All tiny hairs on my body seem to have set up. I feel each of his powerful movements – it is still so close to me.

And then my head cinema jumps on. Suddenly … on a large screen and in color!!! I see myself bent over the flea market table with the flower -white tablecloth. My skirt is beaten over my back. I stand there with wide thighs, press my back and present my bare buttocks.

Inside I am horrified at what I think … externally the moisture runs down my thighs.

What all in the world excites me in this scene??

“The man just wants to buy a belt!!“Scream in me.

“Normal men at best lie around their waist to see if it suits them!“Answer it shaking my head in me in me. A shower drives me through ..

At that moment he seems to me the first time To perceive … very, very slowly turns his head to me, looks down at me from above (why around everything in the world I just feel like I would only go to the belly??))). Light blue eyes look directly under my skin as if I were an interesting insect that he just wants to snap from his flawlessly ironed shirt. I freeze to ice, try to avoid his gaze, but I don’t succeed, my eyes stay rigidly directed at his.

How hypnotized ..

He lifts an eyebrow, then he seems to have decided that I am not an interesting insect, but rather to be classified in the category.

“How much?”He asks the woman … his voice is solid, slightly rough …” I would like to have four euros for it … “she says. How calming, she too stares at the man irritated.

I have to go here.

“Ten euros???“I almost scream it to the woman too. Purpine with a 10 EUR glow in front of her. “Yes….Thanks!“She stammered irritated. I stuff the chain into my pocket with the medallion and go … no, I’m more likely to run.

Just away! Shake off the excitement … a coffee? I head for a snack car where a sc *** d hangs with a steaming coffee cup.

A short time later I stand at a standing table with my own steaming cup and rinse the excitement … Why actually excitement? Confusing..

I am stating in my pocket for the chain … so far I have not been able to really look forward to my new achievement ..

Suddenly I feel someone in my back. He doesn’t touch me, but I can feel his warmth through my summer dress … so close he is.

Now I even feel my breath … warm right behind my right ear.

“Are you always so cheeky and fell into other things?

I cannot accept such behavior!”

Quiet … just so quiet that I can hear it, he says it in my ear. And I recognize the voice again … the firm, rough voice. Now not friendly without obligation, no, now it is a voice that does not accept any contradiction.

I don’t dare to turn my head. My neck spans. I listen to his quiet breath, smell his male bitter fragrance … feel trapped by his charisma. I am the mouse, he the snake ..

“How?“I stammered the view of my coffee cup.

Uncertainty that I don’t know otherwise makes me tremble. In the middle of this quirred hustle and bustle, in this warmth I stand rattling, as if winter had just broken out … and accordingly mine are also Nipple Hard away from me and clearly appear under the thin clothing fabric.

“Just talking in between was very rude! Very, very rude from you … it is time to learn a little more behavior.“He hisses in my ear. What does it actually form … Why don’t I succeed in responding to it??

“Can you also wear the punishment for it?“I don’t hear properly? Penalty? I’m not a child anymore … Actually … but I feel like that of it ..

The skin on my back seems to hit small tingling waves, it rushes into my ears … my breath accelerates. I am here on a flea market.

And beg before excitement, outrage and yes, … yes, I am concerned with excitement.

My condition cannot be missed. Certainly I’m looking like a sheep. “Come with me!“He found me.

I put my cup on the table and follow him, without a word … without will ..

Where does he go ..? I stumble across the hunchbacked turf as if hypnotized … can hardly follow his pace.

“Where do we go? What do you have with me?“I push out breathlessly.

“You are too curious!“He throws over my shoulder and accelerates his step.

Finally, there is the club house of the local football club. I stop with the heart throbbing to the neck … keep a piece of distance from him. And now? He has a key, turns it into the castle quickly and then pushes me through the door on the upper arm. He quickly closes the door again and turns the key in the lock.

Suddenly the silence of the rooms becomes aware and its closeness..We are alone. It smells of stale smoke, a bit like in a grubby pub. We are in a cold hallway.

He is going on.

Apparently this is the club’s club room. Everywhere there are dusty pennants and trophies on the shelves … a small counter in oak rustic … behind it a disposal system behind it. He turns to me … and smiles. But this smile is not nice or even sweet..not warm and winning.

Rather like the satisfied grin of a hangover that is sure of the mouse..who will play with her a little bit before he swallows her with skin and hair.

With a scarce, inviting gesture, he interprets the counter..

I look at him questioningly.

He frowns his eyebrows and drums with his fingers onto the bare wood of the person ..

He doesn’t want?? I should? That can’t be serious … so far it was exciting … yes … no question … but he doesn’t want to seriously …

“Come here … and bend yourself …” He speaks quietly but firmly. A command … no option.

The sentence drives the sweat on my forehead. 5 words that completely tear my entire resistance, my understanding of moral, even my entire world view.

I go with stiff knees for the last four steps.

Slowly put my hands on the counter.

Remove your fingers ..

I realize how much I am now presenting my butt in the tight jeans … how round he was going against him. Then I hear it … the bang of the belt. As on the market, he put it together and pulled it apart.

And then a hiss … and Pamm bangs that leather on my bottom. I pull the air between my lips frightened … that’s how it feels? Can I endure that? The pain slowly levels off.

Leaves pulsating warmth. It is bearable…

The next blow bites more violently …, I groan, clapping in the rooms back in the rooms. From the corner of my eye, I see how he puts the belt back into a loop … Suddenly his hand leans heavily on my neck, presses my upper body down, I packed like an animal that you want to fix … and then the next meets me the next onePunch. I shout horrified on.

Let go of the counter and keep the burning ass cheek.

“Forward!“It comes immediately.

I bite my lower lip … I don’t want to show a weakness … I acknowledge the next blow with a quiet groan. I feel how my pussy contracts … warmth flows through my step … a violent, demanding tingling … and a shameful wet … that already soaks my panties shows me how extremely the pain, the situation arouses me.

I’m waiting for the next blow … but he doesn’t come … I try to look around – I suddenly feel his hands on my skirt ..

As a matter of course, he lifts my skirt … gently drives over my butt as accidentally ..

I close my eyes, this little touch felt so incredibly horny..I continue my butt further … He should see that I would need more touches … What I get is the next blow. And without the thin fabric, the leather bites greedy in my skin … I can’t help it … I scream the pain from me ..

Tears run over my cheeks.

It’s like the skin bursts where he hit me. The next blow hits the other side of my pos … and is a little more moderate. Is it intentional? Now follow hell again?

Now he approaches me very close to me ..

It is as if my senses have been sharpened … I feel its warmth on my back, hear his somewhat accelerated breath. His hand again … tender, as tender he drives the red line of the leather next to the panties with a finger ..

Drives under my panties … his hand includes the curve of my pos … kneads ..

Suddenly the hand is gone again … and with her my panties … he just pushed it into my knees … I inherit, feel incredibly defenseless … he presses my back into the hollow cross with the flat hand, pushes mine with the tip of my foot Legs further apart.

My labia pulls apart during the movement … The thawed moisture underneath, runs my thighs down … I am ashamed … He can see it. He can certainly smell it … Now he is standing on my buttocks with his belly. With one finger he divides my buttocks and slowly drives forward through my shame. Testing.

“Are you about? Like this for your little, dirty pussy?“He lets his finger slide through my column. Share my lips … penetrate my finger far into my inner one. Once..and again..I press myself … Enjoy the unusually horny touch. I’m surprised at how incredibly horny she feels.

Hornier than everything I’ve ever felt there. He fucks me with his fingers … now he lets the belt back on mine ass whiz. And finger me on..He pushes deep and hard into me..pain..Lusty..Again pain … I’m just lust. ruffle … the pain kept kicking me..I scream and moan at the same time.

I greedily press myself on his fingers … suddenly rub my fingers away. And also the pain..

Now he grabs my buttocks with both hands..pull it apart. And then I feel him, he widens, fill me out, slowly slowly the first time … not very deep, then far out … then suddenly he pushes deep into me, fills me out to the stop …I lean over the bar and let me fuck me without a will. He pushes into me at high speed … hard, just as I need it now.

His hands on my shoulders, he pulls me over and over again. I scream with every push. Must hold on to me … my knees become soft. I scream screaming in an incredible climax..My entire body twitches.

He holds me..very strong..Presses me on his with full strength tail. And deep inside me I feel how he comes.

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