FKK families vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

We were last Summer driven on a nudist beach for two weeks. The girlfriend, my wife Helga, Inge, has a big caravan, and our children wanted to sleep in the tent. Your husband Alex, 39y old, approx. 1.82m and strongly built

Inge is 38 years old.

She is very slim and has little tits

She is approx. 1.69m tall, and weighs a maximum of 52kg.

She has long copper -red hair and a sweet face with freckles

In contrast to my blonde wife Helga. Helga is 37y old, not thick, but she has beautiful female curves, and big breasts.

She is approx. 1.70m and weighs approx. 73kg

The children of Inge and Alex, called Thomas 17J and Sarah, 18J

Our Daughter Claudia is also 18 years old, she has the body of her Mother, and is already very far developed with its 18 years. My name is Peter and am 38J old

What happened until now:

We have been on a beach at the campsite for a week now

While my wife fucked with Alex and his son Thomas, I have ours

18J daughter and her 18y girlfriend Sara fucked

I watched my wife several times as she blurred with Alex

Thomas also had the opportunity to fuck my wife several times

The Inge fucked with the old Bock Walter.

The 63J fucked her regularly while Alex fucked my wife

Everyone made it more and more striking, so that I had to notice it.

But I pretended to be blind.

Part 2

It became more and more difficult for me to hide that I fucked the two girls, because my daughter was almost on my thighs while eating

She reached under the table mean tail and jerked him

Then when her mother went to “shower” with Alex, I fucked my little daughter

Although I fucked my wife every night, I was able to fuck Claudia properly in the morning. Every time I had to tell my daughter as I fucked her, how it was with her mother the night before

I also wanted to fuck the Inge when she fucks as well as her little daughter Sara, I still have something to experience.

The opportunity would arise if Walter leaves with his Hannelore on Sunday. Saturday on Sunday, the weather was not so good, the girls didn’t sleep in the tent that night. Claudia was in bed with us, and so I couldn’t fuck with my wife that night.

In the middle of the night, Claudia slept, I noticed how my wife got up carefully, and crept quietly to the door

Careful, with a little distance, I followed her

In the half -darkness I could see that Alex was waiting for her with his giant cock

They kissed for a long time and I saw that my wife stroked his stalliontail

Suddenly Thomas also stepped out of the shade and reached my wife to the tits

I could hear how she groaned

Then the three disappeared into the forest. I wanted to follow, but the undergrowth was so dense that I could follow it without causing noise

So I turned and went back

My cock had become very hard at the thought of how my wife rode the beating of Alex while sucking Thomas’s tail

I looked at the Walter caravan and saw a weak light

I quickly stood the window and looked inside

Just as I suspected, I saw that the old goat fucked the Inge in the ass

I heard her steamed moan. Grinning I went closer to the window and peeked through. Less than two meters away from me, Inge knelt on all fours on the bed and while her Walter rammed his cock into her ass with all his strength, she even smacked the cunt juice from Hannelore, which was wide in front of her.

I greedily looked into it wildly

Now I also wanted to fuck, the two girls slept, and I thought about which of the two 18J girls I wanted to wake them up to fuck them

My choice fell on little Sara, which I hadn’t fucked for three days

I would fuck my daughter tomorrow morning anyway

So I went to the caravan and quietly opened the door

Little Sara slept in her parents’ bed.

I turned the light on the bedside table and I carefully sat on the bed.

Sara only had his pajamas.

I had struck the duvet aside and looked at it.

I actually thought a child when my eyes wandered over her body.

But I knew how well she could fuck.

I rode the little 18J Sara myself.

In this thought my hormones immediately stimulated.

I couldn’t avoid touching her barely recognizable tits.

I put my other hand on her thighs. Sara did not react.

My body all the more for it. I noticed how my cock became more and more harder

I started to stroke her thighs.

Made sure that it wasn’t too violent so that she didn’t woke up. Sara fell silent. My pats slowly came higher and higher. I no longer just stroked my thigh, but also included my belly to restore on the other thigh.

How accidentally she stroked her pussy with the forearm.

Sara made no stir up to wake up.

Through the thin pajamas I could feel their labia

I let my hand slide under the rubber of the pants and felt myself to hers

Blank girl pussy. Another testing look into the face of the girl.

She still seemed to sleep.

Slowly I pushed my finger into the sweet lust grotto. Sara suddenly became awake. She lifted her head and looked at me asleep. Then she recognized me.

Sara let her head sink back into the pillow and closed her eyes. The expression in her face told me that she had not been awakened against this way.

I understood this expression immediately. She is awake and it is ok for her that my finger was in her minipussy it went through my head.

This idea banished my inhibitions in the back angles of my brain.

“Do you want to massage me a bit?”I whispered.

“Loyal” Sara breathed back. She sat up.

With nimble fingers she got my cock out of her pants and

While she wiped my pants completely and then pulled out her pajamas, she greedily sucked my dick.

After sucking him and I was there for a while the first time to

Coming, she lay down under his cock and licked my glans.

It didn’t take long and I came under her caress.

I splashed a whole load over her sweet face.

Sara opened her mouth far and I unlocked myself in her mouth and on her tits. Then she took my cock in her little mouth and jerked it until the last drop was outside.

Thick, white drops ran sluggishly from hers, face down

I crouched on her face and she started to blow my cock hard again.

A short time later my strap was ready again to fuck the little 18j Sara.

I let myself down on my knees and knelt between her thin thighs.

Then pulled me and clutched me with her slim, thin legs.

“Hey, do slowly.“I laughed. “You are just as if we had never fucked.”

Then I let myself fall on her, directly into her spread legs.

When I landed on her I quickly picked up my cock and introduced it to her wet wet with a skilful movement. Immediately I penetrated deep into the very tight girl pussy without any problems and started finging her hard.

My lust knew no limits

“Maybe it’s the thought that my parents do the same for a few meters away.“Sara groaned and pushed her little hips towards my hard cock. “Somehow that makes me incredibly hot.”

“I notice that.“I laughed. My cock pushed into smacking

Sara’s small, dripping, bare pussy. And Sara’s confession that she

Happed up to her fucking parents, let my cock

become even harder than usual.

“Oooh … Jaaah … firmer … even firmer ..!“Little Sara groaned.

She screamed so horny that my cock threatened to inject but I was still holding back

I fucked her hard and relentless.

We both moved jerky and wildly.

“Oooh … Jaaah … firmer … even firmer ..!“Little Sara groaned again and again

I fucked wildly into her bare pussy

The bed rattled and the springs in the mattress gave in.

Sara got hotter and hugged me even more closely.

In doing so, she kept asking me to fuck her even harder

I did my best, my cock raced in the narrow, hot column and out,

A rhythmic clapping filled the caravan

The sight of how my strap hammered into the bare pussy, and how the little body returned my hard bumps

Ca. It went for a quarter of an hour until I came back

I rammed my strap into the tight hole until it stopped,

And I faded wildly in her little pussy

Oooh … Yeah ..!“Sara groaned when she felt my sperm in herself.

“Finter … firm … Yeah … fuck me … fuck me … even firmer … aaah … is the Geiiil ..!”

Not half a minute later she came and it didn’t seem to want to take an end at all.

Sara went off like a rocket

“Oooh … Yeah … I come … I come … yesaaa … yes … oooh … aaah ..!”

Sara’s tight pussy cramped around my cock. The little body winced wildly below me. Then Sara was panting falling behind

It took a while for Sara to open her fluttering eyelids again,

And a pleasant sigh escaped your throat.

Your legs relaxed increasingly.

I reached back, covered her little ass cheeks with both hands and stroked her. Both of us whine around the bet

“That was great! Craziness!“Sara gasped,“ I thought I would die right away, that was so nice.“Sara sat up. My hands still easily massaged their little ass cheeks

She let herself sink back and asked: “And now? What’s next?”

She spread her legs, putting three fingers into her pussy,

and my sperm quoll out of the bare pussy. What a sight

“Do you want it to be different now?”I asked her.

“Oh yeah.“, Sara sighed.

She pulled her smeared fingers out of her wet pussy and slowly stroked my ass chunk and rubbed my anus with it.

My juice ran out of her little hole, and along her rosy rosette

Both holes shone and their pussy was still widely widened.

Then she pushed a finger into my ass and began to fuck me

“Well, Peter is awesome? she grinned, “lean back!“She continued and I did it.

I leaned back and before I knew what was going on, she already had my limp cock in my mouth again.

She made it so damn horny that my belt awakened again. I carefully put a finger in her slimmed pussy, then I put this finger on her rosy rosette and pushed it into the tight asshole.

“Oooh ..!“Sara groaned. “Mmmh …


In the meantime she already had three fingers in my ass and bumped hard in my anus.

Suddenly we heard how steps on the door approached.

I quickly pulled my finger out of the little ass

Too late, Thomas opened the door and saw us.

He stelled frightened, but then Thomas recognized the situation

After all, Sara still had her fingers in my ass and fucked me with them

simply further. I took a step back

Sara’s finger slipped out of my asshole.

Thomas grinned at me at first, and then his little one Sister

“Which a surprise!!“Grinning he called

Then Thomas said to his sister: “What do you think of it when we fuck again, Sara?“Sara hesitated something, but then she looked at her brother’s stallion tail, which was slowly stiff. “Agreed.“Sara Lüstern laughed.

“You haven’t just fucked with my wife?”I asked Thomas

Thomas looked at me in astonishment and asked: “You know about it?”

I nodded and said I had already watched her.

Thomas nodded relieved, then he stepped in front of his sister, who greedily stuck on his cock. “Can you again?“Asked Sara curiously

“If you help a little bit.“Laughed the boy back

“But before you go to see if Peter can crush himself inconspicuously.”

“Peter can go out calmly, our dad still fucks with the Helga in the forest, and our mother can be licked her pussy from Hannelore.”Said Thomas

I left the caravan, and sneaked towards the forest, it may have been about one shortly after one

Leisen’s smacking and moaning on the other side of the hedge let me

ancest what was going on there.


The moaning got louder again and I was allowed to take part in this time

Stop looking before I saw through the branches again. My wife knelt in front of Alex, and while she eagerly tried to set up the half -hard giant tail with tongue and fingers, Alex had pressed his face between her legs.

“Keep going.“Alex groaned. His cock had now grown to full size again.

How could a man have such a strap, I thought jealous

At that moment I also had to step back because Alex turned my wife around,

so that she could support herself to a small tree with her hands.

She immediately spread her legs and groaned when Alex was pushing his cock from behind. Since I had to hide myself, I could only hear the two of them now, but that was exciting enough. “Oh, you’re so wet and so good to fuck,” Alex grumbled behind her and I heard he clapped against her ass cheeks.

“Fuck me harder, replied my wife and shook on the tree in the rhythm of his bumps. Apparently she wanted him to get together faster.

“And when you come, I want you to splash my face.“As soon as Helga had spoken out, Alex groaned, which he would come right away. I regretted that it should be over so quickly. The sounds stopped and the next thing I heard was my wife’s sucking. I was able to imagine how she knelt in front of him and sucked on his giant cock.

Alex howled when he came and then I heard nothing but the loud breathing of Alex and my wife’s snorting through my nose.

“That was super Helga.“Alex groaned, I heard how he clapped my wife softly on the ass. “We’ll do the next round tomorrow morning.”I heard him say” promised?”” Word of honor.“Answered my wife

Alex said goodbye two minutes later

I quickly ran quietly towards the caravan to be there in front of them

The next morning, after breakfast, Walter and Hannelore said goodbye to us my wife, like every morning, for “showering”, and as always she was accompanied by Alex. I looked horny after the two

Then I went to my little daughter with half -tire cock to fuck her, like every morning. My cock was getting tougher and thicker and yet

My girl put her lips over it and let him deep in the mouth and throat

Slide until her nose rubbed against the tightly tensioned scrotum.

Then she moved her head up and down at growing speed.

I rubbed your little clit violently in the beat of her movements

“Oooh … Jaaah … Jaaah … oooh ..

Is that horny … oooh … Yeah … ”I groaned.

“Mmmh … I spray ..

Oooh … oooh … yes … now … now ..

The announcement was superfluous, because with my words a thicker

Blow sperm between the lips of the lips closed around the tail

Girls out.

She quickly raised her head so that only the thick, red, red

Eichel stuck and licked the thick white drops with the

Tongue off. My twitching cock hadn’t come to rest when she was

Guarded his head loudly threw the head and also came

Panting, I let myself fall on the bed next to her.

“Man, I’m done …”, I groaned. “What do you think of it when we go outside now? I absolutely need to cool off.” “Agreed.“, Said Claudia. “She deteriorates my sparrowers over her breasts.

“Yes, I also think that is better.”

I got upset and opened the door and then went outside with her. Inge and their children were already together in a cozy round. None of them showed through any gesture what had happened tonight

My daughter and little Sara greeted each other very warmly, and put their heads giggling together. I was sure that Sara was still of hers tonight Brother has been fucked.

Both girls still disappeared giggling in the caravan.

Thomas got up and followed the two

Inge greeted me kindly, she was already naked despite the morning coolness

I greedily stared at her little tits. My sleeper penis twitched

With a glance she had grasped the situation and looked at me.

Then she opened her thighs and I could see her shaved cunt.

She looked the same as with her daughter, I thought

I was a little ashamed when I felt the blood climbed into my head.

My cock was still getting tougher, but slowly I felt that he would shrink right away due to this embarrassing situation. But my attempts to hide my growing dick would have been in vain.

These thoughts paralyzed my brain and the time seemed to stand still.

I could now only wait and see how Inge would react.

Her gaze was still resting on my cock and finally she took the floor:

“What’s going on with you?“Inge asked me and pointed to my cock

“Do you think I wouldn’t have noticed what you did last night and the day before yesterday night? And do you think I wouldn’t have seen you when you were on Walter’s caravan when I did it with Walter and Hannelore?”

Inge leaned back and looked at me grinning. I was startled

Inge knows that I fucked her daughter

But then she said: “You tensioner if you want to fuck why didn’t you dare to say something?“Your hand slipped between her thighs

You wanted to watch, that’s right?“Her voice did not allow any contradiction and I was quietly affirming quietly. “And it made you horny?“Again I nodded silently

“What is?”, she asked.

“Before Helga gets you completely finished, I would also like to have something from you.“Inge whispered and rubbed my cock

“And what if Alex and Helga noticed what?”

I looked unsafe towards the footpath.

“Oh what, the two shower, that can take a while.“Inge gasped

I leaned down to her little breasts and sucked on the hard nipples.

“Who could say no to that? I grinned

Where are we going?”” In your caravan.“, Petra replied.

“Nothing can happen.“She pulled me behind my cock through the door, to the bed by laying my daughter a few minutes ago. On the bed sheet you could still clearly see our traces.

My sperm and the pussy slime of my daughter left wet spots.

Inge saw the spots and said: “Your wife takes care of you.”

Inge got up and went to the fridge and took out a bottle of Livio oil. She dripped a load on her hand and lubricated my plump stake. Then she knelt on the mattress in front of me and simply let the kim run down over her tight ass over her tight ass. Come here and massage the oil in my ass and grease my asshole properly for your beautiful belt “.

Of course I did this immediately by kneeling and spoiling my ass and the anus extensively with the exhausted oil

Inge grabbed my rhymes. “Uuh, it’s hard.“Your breath was difficult.

She still only held it up with a very easy handle, but my cock was already winctering

Lusty. Suddenly Inge reported in front of me: “Come on, my intestinal channel is greased enough, fuck me through now properly.“I wanted to carefully attach my belt to her asshole and penetrate tenderly, when she was brutally moving back that I was just piled up by her ass. “No caution, hit my piston hard and firmly into my tight ass canal he is injected”.

Inge groaned loudly in the clock of my bumps, she reached through my eggs at the bottom

At the same time, she started stroking my ass cheeks with the other hand and pressing the middle finger onto my anus vigorously. When I looked at her, she showed me the middle finger, licked it with his tongue, went back and pushed it into my ass without warning. She turned it around in my intestinal channel and started fucking me hard with her finger in the ass

My cock pulsed in her intestine and she pushed her finger more and more violently into my intestine. I couldn’t stand it for long.

I was injected just before the door opened when the door was opened. First I startled when her son Thomas came into the bedroom.

“Hello mom, Sara, Claudia and I want to go to the beach, and ………… Oh ….

cool……………. You are just pushing a number, you would have something if I join you?”

Thomas Langer, thick cock was very quick which distance from his body.

His sack hung down heavily on him and seemed to be full border.

“My son is growing up” she noticed. Thomas knew what she alluded to and

Was red red. He tried to cover that with a smile.

“Once it is time too,” I said Keck about the thing something


“You don’t need to be ashamed,” said Inge

Now his cock was very stiff, and slowly Thomas became more and more restless

“Ok, come to bed with us.”Said Inge to her son

I pulled my cock out of Inge’s intestine

Inge rose and came towards him. “Well Thomas, how did you imagine it!”

In her words, Inge began to stroke her son’s tail.

Thomas came out hot: “Yes mom, I’ve always wanted to see you naked and fuck with you, I want to lick your pussy and suck on your horny tits, I’m so cool on you!“I noticed that Inge became more and more excited about his words.

“Ohhhh, that’s so horny when you talk about Thomas, your mother loves dirty and shameless speeches“ that you are so messed up at your 17 years, I couldn’t have imagined in my most beautiful dreams, because I know Thomas nowSometimes very sex and with you I probably made a good catch. What would you think of licking your mother a little bit of pussy!“Thomas greedily looked at his mother, who rose and took a seat on the bed

He took his cock in his hand and put his cock in position on her cunt.

He pushed into his mother’s cunt with a bump and started fucking her with hard bumps. Inge groaned and whispered the hottest words in his ear when he fucked her with all his might. We heard steps outside and Thomas stopped fucking. “Mist, the dad comes back!”” What’s going on Thomas, why don’t you fuck further? My cunt needs a few bumps!“She almost shouted at him

I ran out quickly to distract Alex and Helga

The two naked girls stood in front of the door who looked at me with a grin

“Thomas probably doesn’t come to the beach?“Asked Sara omnisciently

“No, he’s busy.”I said grinning and snapped with one eye

Both girls turned and ran giggling to the beach.

I stood directly behind the entrance to take off my wife

Alex went straight to his caravan while Helga hesitated her to our caravan, and when she didn’t see anyone she was turning around

Apparently inconspicuously they disappeared into the caravan

Grinning, I turned around and went back to the two fucking

Thomas still rammed his mother into his ass from behind

I jerked myself next to the mother and son, and greedily looked at how the son fucks his mother in the ass. Inge reached for my cock and pushed it into her horny mouth

Thomas fucked without taking a break, “Come to make us make a sandwich with your mother.”I said to Thomas. He immediately agreed and we changed positions. He lay down under his mother and introduced his spanking into her cunt while I stopped and continued her mouth.

Inge pulled her head back and stammered:

“Go now you can fuck me in the ass”

I didn’t let me say that twice. I pulled my beating out of her fuck mouth and pushed it into her fully -grown hole. Thomas had probably hosed

“What a wonderful feeling to get both holes fucked at once.”Said Inge to us

You fill me out quite a bit .“She gasped and groaned loudly again and again.

After a long fuck, Inge and her son reached their peak.

At the same time they shouted. “Yeahaaaaaaaa I come.”

At the same time, I also sprayed, I poured out loudly in Inge’s intestine

“What a fuck.“Said Inge Leiseer, we first sank into the sheets and wanted to repeat this horny orgy.

Maybe with a few more pussies and cocks more ………….!

Mother and son got up after a few minutes and left me alone

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