Extremely cool vacation fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I enjoy the moment. An intensive orgasm Throws through my body and I look down and see how I distribute my juice over three, close -together, beautiful faces. My tail Pumpt and I wish I could spray more sperm on these girls. Willingly stretch your tongues towards me. The juice of some of other men already sticks around her lips, chin and on the throat. One of the three girls has collected a considerable amount of seeds in their mouth.

She plays with it and now hesitates to swallow everything. But I would like to tell the whole story of how it is to be this climax of one encounter came which I surprisingly in mine Vacation could do. I relegated in a quiet hotel on the Italian island of Elba. Actually, I don’t like Pool, but in a sluggish afternoon mood I just settled on one of the sun loungers. Since they are always in pairs on small, terrace -like heights around the pool, I have a good view of the pool.

At least when I lie on my stomach. I noticed three blonde beauties from the corner of the eye. For the abdomen on my sun lounger, I have been watching these perfect girl for a few minutes as they indulge in the warming sun rays with their eyes closed. Leave your feet in the water of the pool, while the rest of your flawless, only with a panties were shining in the sun. How I would have loved to have applied the sunscreen to these wonderful girls who are so similar that they could be sisters.

My gaze wanders back and forth between the three, I look at her hair, her smooth faces and look extensively on her beautiful stretched necks. Every now and then one of the girls swallows, and I am amazed that this sight is already exciting me. Maybe because I am unconsciously imagine how I stand above one of them and watch how I fill up with my pipe with my pipe. Of course I also take a close look at the girls’ breasts.

They are different in detail, but each very well -shaped and taut. The girls all three have a flat belly, a nice waist and thus appear graceful and graceful. What a wonderful sight. I ponder for a while, I also take that all men who lie by the pool or run past these girls stare at these girls, even if they are obviously accompanied by their partners. Finally the three of the three of them are entertaining.

They giggle and whisper behind the scenes. At times they also look in my direction, I quickly close my eyes in the reflex. When I open her again, one of the girls looks at me directly. I now reply and feel how I get nervous. Finally she turns away with a smile and continues to talk to her friends. That was it then, I think, turn on my back and try to think of something other than these inaccessible girls.

I have to fell asleep. I notice how I come to full consciousness and find it frightened that a woman sits next to me on the couch and looks at me. “Hello, I’m Judith” says she smiles to me and I recognize the smile again. It is the girl with whom I already had eye contact. “Hello Judith” I say mechanically. “I watched you the way you watched me,” says Judith. I am ashamed of myself, for my voyeuristic looks from before “sorry, I couldn’t resist your sight”.

Judith smiles, “Already okay, what do you actually mean?”Marek” I answer. “So Marek I and my friends are looking for some fun and variety here, you like drinking something with us tonight?”” Clear “I answer promptly. “Very nice, then we meet around eight in the apartment 15?”” I’ll be there, I’m happy “I answer. “Well then until then,” says Judith, smiles, gets up, waves me briefly and goes away from me.

Oh man, I think. But that was an unusually direct address and obvious invitation to a date. I can hardly believe it how I get this honor. Of course I am excited to see what awaits me and at the same time a little intimidated. Sleeping with three women at the same time, or in a row, turns me on, but I am also queasy at my thoughts. I have never been wrong with a woman in front of “audience”. But I have to push these thoughts aside, I finally have something to prepare something.

I eat slightly and balanced in the hotel restaurant. Make sure you eat with garlic, or something else that could create unpleasant smells. I finally get different fruit from the fruit counter. When I discover the pineapple, I have to smile and also take a lot of it in my bowl. When I got back to my room, I shower and shave again. No hair should stop, so I set no leg, hold my cock with the left and shave every conceivable curve around my eggs, to my anus and along the thighs.

The thoughts of Judith and her friends are exciting me again. I get a stand. It feels comfortable under the warm water jet of the rain shower and I start to jerk off something. I quickly have a real hard. I imagine how I sit relaxed on the sun lounger, put on the elbows, with loosely spread legs between which Judith kneels. We look into our eyes while sucks in even movements on my glans.

It sticks to my thighs and turns her head slightly with every up and down movement. She skillfully controls the depth for a few minutes with which she picks up my cock in her mouth. He pops out briefly. I stretch and relax the muscles a bit, Judith follows my back and forth cock tip with their outstretched tongue and smiles at me. She caught Again the glans and put their lips over them.

It now blows faster and deeper, tensing her mouth more than before. I imagine the pleasure that she prepares with her mouth, jerk off faster and come. At the same time I press the dam and penis root to avoid ejaculation. After I have something under the shower Relaxed and then dried, I think I was well prepared and dress. It’s exactly eight o’clock, so I’m going.

Apartment 15 is the last in a number of apartments at the top of the hotel complex on the slope. I press the bell and feel my inner excitement. One of the girls from the pool opens me with a smile, it’s not Judith. “Hi, I am Alex” she introduces herself. “Marek, Judith had invited me,” I say clumsily and she laughs something. “I know come in Marek!“I discover Judith, go to her and greet her. “Hi, I’m Theresa” greets me the third girl in the round.

You sit in a comfortable sofa, three boys sit on a second couch. The boys are familiar with partially, everyone seems to live in this hotel, I only greet them through a short time. They are average types like me, which seem to be as curious and insecure as I do. Alex sits down between the boys, I sit down between Judith and Theresa. “Well then let’s get to a nice evening,” Alex states the tone.

There is a glass of Prosecco in front of me, which I grab. So we drink something and I get into a small talk with Judith and Theresa where we come from, etc. After some time and a few glasses, I see, since Alex, especially Alex is always relaxed and louder. Finally I see that they are shouting up with one of the boys and they come closer and closer. He has already put a hand on her leg to her. The mood is also solved on our side.

I get along well with the two and the physical distance is getting less and less, I decide to take the first step and touch Judith on the leg at the next opportunity. She looks at me a fraction of a second, which of course I register. To my surprise, Theresa is also clearly approaching me. She keeps roaming my leg and turning up to me. Both look very sexy. Since I see that Alex has now started to kiss with one of the boys and someone else has permanently put on his hand on her thigh it is now clear what this is all about here for everyone.

I compliment the two girls by my side, they are happy and come even closer to when they laugh. Now I would like to know, praise Judith her beautiful hair and start to stroke her back head at the same time and to stick something in her full hair. She looks at me, now trustingly,. I keep looking through her hair and she now closes my eyes. I take the opportunity to bend to her and kiss her on the mouth.

An enormous warmth and energy goes through me when she returns my kiss passionately. When we let go of each other, I turn to Theresa and we also kiss. I feel a hand on my chest without knowing whom this one is. With my right I hold Theresa on my hip, my left is still at Judith. I turn Judith again, kiss her and keep her face. One of the two pulls on my shirt.

So I let off Judith and let the shirt take off Judith. I take courageously at the top of Theresa, she lifts her arms and I brush off her top. I kiss her cleavage and grab around her. I already open your bra and patrol it from it. I knead her breasts and kiss her nipples, she breathes heavily and says: “But you are research”. I love her and finally kiss her back on the mouth.

Now I turn Judith, she too grazes her top with my help, I just push her bra up. Kiss her breasts and nestle on her pants. I notice how Theresa pulls my pants down and patrol out of my legs. Everything is now faster and faster into our rising passion. We kiss and stroke ourselves alternately and I will soon no longer know whose hand where I touched, our three bodies form a kind of pitch.

I also roam their pants, or both girls. the skirt. First let my hand slide into her panties at Judith. Theresa pulls on my slip, now I’m completely naked and Theresa sits down directly on my lap. She holds my head and pulls me to her, we kiss and I feel her heat and friction on my cock. She rides me a little and cleverly uses her hip. Judith is pushing between us, now I’m kissing her for a while and touching her breasts.

We kiss passionately and Theresa moves off and holds my cock with her two little hands and jerks it. Judith climbs something in front of me, I hold her breasts and am with one hand between her legs, glide again into her panties and patrol through her wet column. I no longer notice what the other guys do with Alexa. See the Theresa down to the floor and now kneels between my legs.

Similar to my dream in the shower, it starts to blow my tube slowly and with relish, while I now finger her pussy. Theresa really sucks me to me. I feel her lips on my glans and how she works with my hand at the same time. Now Judith lets me off and go to her knees next to Theresa. She reaches for my shaft, Theresa lets my glans pop out of her mouth and Judith begins to suck immediately.

Now I have a free look and watch the two beauties as they alternately spoil me. From the corner of the eye very much I am that two of the boys are busy with Alex and that the third, already come naked. He nods with and begins Theresa, who kneels on the hip on all fours as he kneels behind her. She looks around him briefly, but he looks at her butt, who is invitingly stretched out to him.

He now keeps her ass spread and leads his pipe through her column. Theresa has my rod deep in my mouth when I hear her groaning and she makes a jerky movement. She closes her eyes and wobbles back and forth, so that it moves my cock back and forth. I hear that the hip on the guy on her ass. Nevertheless, she continues to blow until Judith replaces her again. I bend and hold Judith her head with both hands.

She looks at me, I start to lead her head up and down. She lets it happen and takes her hands off my rod. I push her far on my cock to dive as deep as possible. In between I pull her head up very high, so that you slip my part and take a deep breath. Files pull themselves, I push my glans again between their lips. Wow is awesome. In the meantime, Alex is fucked by at least one of the boys, I hear them moaning.

Theresa is taken from behind. The guy holds her narrow waist, it has put her upper body on the floor. I get up, Judith breaks through and also wants to get up, but I press it down, form a crest from her hair and stretch out her neck. I lead my staff to your face and touch something about Judith. My part disappears into her mouth. I hold them fixed on the head and press them vigorously. She doesn’t seem to be used to it that I hear her choking.

She has her hands on my thigh and presses something. I let my cock slide out of her neck. “But you are decisive,” she says. “You don’t like that?”I ask you. “Yes, that’s cool, just unusual,” says Judith. “You can trust me,” I say and push her back on me, but let go of her hair again. “Put your hands on your legs!I take control. “I say dominant. Judith follows my instruction.

I let my glans hit her cheeks, Judith opens her mouth and I push my glans into her while she looks at me. I penetrate her throat again with rising pressure, now understand her hair again and hold her on the back of the head so that I can penetrate deeply. Bit by bit I drive my cock deeper into your neck. Finally I almost sink it in a row in Judith several times. I have fun with her with breaks.

Before it comes to me I let off from Judith, list them the couch And she lies on the side. I lie behind her, lead my cock between her legs and look for her pussy. A few times I rub through their column with the glans and finally penetrate them into them. While we fuck I hold her breasts, she goes backwards and holds me on my head. I penetrate them in alternating angles and vary the speed, straighten me up a little, it turns a little on the back so that we can see and kiss.

Suddenly there is one guy who had just taken Theresa next to me and taps me. Partner exchange, is something unusual for me. I don’t really like the interruption, but I don’t want to be a spoiler, so I glide out of Judith’s Pussy and get up. The other turns Judith properly on her back, press her thighs on her stomach and begins to lick her directly, which she immediately acknowledges with a moan. Great I think that is exactly why I was unsettled before this meeting.

I become aware of Theresa, she is next to Alex. Both are heading on their backs and one of the boys alternately puts their cock into their invitingly opened mouths. Everything is fucked by the third guy. So I approach the quartet and walk between Theresa’s legs. She opens her thighs smoothly and surrounds me when I get closer. With the thumb I slide over her clitoris and grab for one of her nipples.

It begins to moan and I grab their chest a little stronger. I also increased the pressure on her clitoris and at the same time directed my pipe towards her column. Around the same moment as I penetrate in Theresa, the guy releases her mouth and I hear her moaning loudly. I learn a little back, drive over your body and then hold her on her knees, I press them apart. I can see that I dip into her smooth shaved pussy.

The room is now full of uninhibited sex, everyone indulges in their partners and all the barriers have fallen. The two guys around Alex change positions, with Alex taking the chance and turning around, so that she now presents her perfect butt behind the guy behind her. He looks at her extensively, strokes her ass, drives his hand through her column and then clutches her hip. He already starts penetrating her and now holds onto Alex on her shoulders.

At the same time, the other strokes her blonde hair back and watches us suck her cock and sucks her. I started looking at Theresa again while I fuck her, she was already groaning and breathing hard. I bend forward and concentrate entirely on her again. We kiss in intimate and I increased the pace. Theresa is the first to get violent and screams her orgasm. In several waves it goes through it, I only interrupt briefly, change the angle and penetrate them a little more slowly.

To go one step further, after a while I let off her, bend her thighs back and lick through her pussy. She groaned again, I specifically irritate her clitoris and notice that she will come again. She keeps me wrapped and I look her in the face, but she has closed her eyes. From the corner of the eye very much I was that the guy has inserted two of his fingers into her ass behind Alex and she also stimulates it.

He continues to sink his part persistently in her pussy. Finally I observe that he is changing and now squeezing his glans into her back entrance. She groaned, he continues to drive his hammer into her channel. I love something with Theresa, who also watched the two, or better the three next to us. “Do you also feel like anal?“I ask you directly. “Not really” answer me. “But I want you to take me in this position,” she adds.

Hardly on all fours they press their back into the hollow cross and look at me provocatively. I penetrate her pussy, look down on her pink, hair -free rosette and think a shame actually. Your tight vagina is also good and I feel how the friction works on my shaft. Every now and then I see my glans slide out before she disappears deep into Theresa again. Nevertheless, the lightness leaves me, I don’t get rid of Alex anal and I also decide to request my advantage from the partner exchange.

So I give the guy a sign in her ass because I want to change your back entrance to Alex. Without hesitation, or forgiving the expression, he lets his part of Alex slide her anus and makes space. So we understand each other. I am now standing over Alex her ass, one leg next to her, one leg behind her, with the body something on the side of her. With the right, I control my stand in the direction of their moist shiny rosette.

I pull the foreskin back and slowly press the glans on Alex her sphincter. The tip disappears slightly in the Alex of her butt, I already penetrate deeper and deeper. Alex is really easy and obviously the most experienced of the three blonde girls. After all, she can be fucked in her ass by stranger boys. I always dive deeply and evenly and one in their wonderful splendor. Spread your ass cheeks a little and now watch groaning and breathing heavily with a clearly noticeable heartbeat as I penetrate anal.

Since I use my weight a bit uncoordinated, Alex always brings it up and my pelvis claps on her ass. I can’t stand that for long, the tight ring that her sphincter forms around my shaft stimulates me considerably together with this sight. I can’t do anything anymore, there is no stopping, I pump my juice in a violent orgasm into your rectum. I slip briefly and see that sperm sticks on my belt and in your entrance, I already dive into a powerful one again.

Slowly my climax sounds and I straighten up. Another guy comes next to me, Alex looks at me, I very much stuck to sperm on her face, which does not seem to disturb it in the least. I’m looking for Judith and discover them sitting on one of the guys. I take a seat next to the guy on the couch and watch Judith ride the neighbor and move your sweet breasts up and down.

I also look at Alex, which is still fucked in doggystyle. Theresa smooches closely with another guy. Now Judith grabs my cock and begins to jerk off, to my surprise I feel that he is getting hard again and touching me up in Judith after my neighbor obviously doesn’t do that about Judith. So we both smooch as she continues to ride on the boy. It is hot and a little sweaty.

This heat that she exudes turns me on. Now Judith changes the cocks by taking a seat on me. My part leads her to her pussy, pulls the foreskin down, her labia slides apart and she descends her sharp frame. I dive into your warmth. With her free hand, she continues with my colleague on the tail where she had interrupted. Springs now lets her immerse my hard, lay back with your eyes closed and fingered her clitoris with her free hand.

I help her something with my thumb, she immediately pulls her hand away and leaves herself entirely to me. It supports her hand on my leg with her hand. After a short time she becomes faster in her movements and breathing and finally comes to the climax with an elongated moan. For me it takes longer, I straighten up, hold Judith on the back and turn it over so that she is lying on the couch.

Now I fuck them powerfully. The other girls have now laid down next to Judith, on the flat part of the couch, where the feet should be, the heads of the three girls are now. I observe how the guy who first took Alex anal jerked his cock and occasionally sunk one of the girls in the mouth. Finally he grumbles on Theresa her opened mouth. Some splashes also clap on the faces of Alex and Judith.

What a highlight I think and before I come, I glide from Judith of her pussy and go around her. I jerk my stand, stand over the three girls and finally inject myself. My juice is distributed a bit over all three, with Judith gets the most. Alex collected seeds in her mouth and presents the pride and with a dirty smile. Finally she swallows everything while Theresa gets a load with your eyes closed, with the guy spreading everything around her mouth.

Theresa awaits even more, which she stays like a while before she registered that we really can no longer be able to. The girls giggle now and push our sperm into the mouth, suck our fingers and look at us with an imponement. We also have to laugh and I see because we all have pretty red faces. “A cooling would be good” says one and Judith answered him: “Sure, off to our whirlpool!“Not badly equipped, I think and follow the other on the terrace.

There we guys climb into the big whirlpool and the girls shower under the outdoor shower before they also climb into the pool. Now it will be very tight, but none of us have a problem with that. We laugh and talk, also drink from Prosecco and enjoy the warm summer evening of the Italian south.

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