Dreier on the beach | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

three at the beach

It was still very early in the morning when Nuria Barfuss was Beach went along. A bath towel and a book in hand under one arm. She breathed in the fresh morning air deeply and smiled unconsciously.

For them this was the most beautiful time of day, right after sunrise when everyone else slept.

In addition, she only loved the beach if she was all alone. It was the best time for her to think about the coming day and life itself. Nuria grinned when she looked at her book. At this time of day, it was simply an erotic story;She loved being excited by detailed sex descriptions.

Depending on how she felt, she sometimes came alone from reading to orgasm. But sometimes not. Half with her feet in the sea, Nuria walked along the lonely beach until she reached a large rock that uprows from the sand. He hid the view of the other side of the beach, so Nuria went there too.

Here she was always alone and protected from possible looks, it was just perfect. But when Nuria walked around the rock, she heard a woman giggling. She became disappointed that she was probably not all alone today, and then she saw the couple. A dark -haired man and a blonde woman lay on a pink bath towel exactly at Nuria’s favorite place.

Nuria appreciated both in early twenties. The girl was below the boy and you knew little of her body. They kissed passionately and the girl stroked the man’s back while the other hand teased his hair. Nuria stopped petrified.

For a moment she thought of apologizing and going out again. But then she was ashamed of herself. After all, the two of them only kissed. Even when the beach was full, you could see people who smooched.

And here it was hardly anything else. So she didn’t have to apologize either. In addition, this position was practically its. She has always come here for a long time, so she had exactly the older rights.

Apparently this place was not as intimate as she had always believed, she could still be happy that it was only two people instead of the few hundred who would be here in a few hours. This was her relaxation every morning and she would not let anyone to enjoy these moments. So Nuria forced herself to appear in sight of the two and to settle down a few meters from the two of them. Both seemed too busy to notice them.

But then the girl opened her eyes. Still her friend’s face over herself, she saw on the side of Nuria. For a moment their eyes met. Even from this distance, Nuria could see that the girl had beautiful dark blue eyes.

Nuria hoped to appear very calmly and naturally, she even put on a very little smile so as not to scare the girl. The girl looked at her further, but very quiet and hardly interested. Then she closed her eyes again and returned to her friend’s lips. Now Nuria had to grin.

So that’s it, she seemed to be desired as a viewer. She felt she calmed down and spread her bathing towel on the sand. Then she sat on it with a small sigh and pulled her huge cotton shirt over her head. Now she only wore a tiny yellow bikini.

For a few moments it was almost embarrassing to get so little (normally she wore larger bikinis), but then in turn she thought with her when the two showed no pubes there, why should she then? So she put her book on her knees, found the side and started reading. Rather, she tried to read, but noticed that her thoughts circled around the couple in the background all the time. It was also no help to read an erotic novel now. Nuria gave up to want to concentrate and took a quick secret view of the couple.

They were still kissing, but the kiss seemed to have become even more passionate. The girl had put on one leg and rubbed the man’s hip with the inside of her thigh. Meanwhile, he stroked her upper body at the waist. But then his hand wandered up and included her chest.

Nuria quickly looked back on her book. She felt her cheeks glowed with shame. That was a bit strong now. Again the thought came to go.

But if the two had nothing against their presence, it was probably not necessary. She also needed these quiet minutes in the morning. She concentrated on the story and continued to read. The Seewind moved the sides a little while concentrating more and deeper on the history of the two heroes in the book.

She felt a bit in her body when she read, how the prince was buttoned up the heroine’s dress and her full breasts came to light, on which he rained the same numberleft until then … Nuria had to swallow hard. This chapter would not exactly help to distract her thoughts from the couple next to her. She tried with all my might not to look, but the two seemed to have a hypnotic attraction on her.

They were still fully there. In the meantime, the girl’s leg clutched the man’s waist and pulled his hip down to her gender. His hand stroked and pressed her chest, which was practically completely hatched out of the bikinio supplement. The girl groaned softly and clung to his long black hair.

Her heads slowly moved while kissing very deeply. Nuria looked closer at the two. Both were well built. His body showed that he thought a lot of fitness.

His muscles were strong, he had a strong back that ended in a firm round butt, only covered by a tiny black tanga. The woman’s body had the right curves in the right places and her breasts were big enough to make the man’s hand appear almost small. Their faces were not clearly recognizable, except for the girl’s closed eyes. Your face framed light blond hair.

Nuria bit her lips while watching the two. She had become really horny now. Again, she forced herself to look away and read on, but it was pointless. She excited them over all dimensions to watch the couple.

As she watched both bodies pressed each other, Nuria felt a tingling in her lower body. At the same time, she noticed how her bikini panties became moist, so moist that the wind cooled her skin on the wet step. The girl opened her eyes. Both women stared at each other.

The man also opened his eyes, looked down at the girl and then on Nuria. All three looked at while the waves in front of them broke themselves on the beach. Nuria knew that this moment was decisive. Either the couple would get up and leave or ask them, go, or they would stop with their lovemaking.

But something would definitely happen now. Nuria expected everything possible, but not with the fact that the girl would put on a cheeky smile. It giggled, but then put a hand on the mouth and whispered a little in the man. Nuria could hear her quiet voice, but the sound of the waves swallowed the words.

After a few seconds, the man smiled as cheeky as his girlfriend. “What are the two plans?“Nuria wondered. She waited that she would be asked to go or apologize … Why did you not? She almost swallowed up when the two plunged together again and continued to kiss.

The man stroked the girl’s chest again. Suddenly he pulled the bikinio estuary down. A naked breast jumped out. Nuria saw the red stiff nipple briefly before the man put his hand on her and massaged the tender meat.

It was difficult to breathe when she became aware that the two would not stop. They knew that she was there and still didn’t stop. Nuria looked back in her book. The letters disappeared from their eyes.

It had no purpose, she couldn’t fool herself anymore. She was so terribly excited that she could hardly move. With slow, almost secret movements, she put the book next to her and stretched out on the towel. Your face turned to the couple.

In the meantime, the top of the bikinis was in the sand next to them. The girl clutched the man’s waist with both legs, her chopes pressed against the back of his muscular thighs. His hands stroked and massaged her breasts, from time to time he took a nipple between his fingers to pinch her tenderly. The two kissed passionately.

Sometimes Nuria saw her nimble tongues that met. Nuria just couldn’t continue. One hand was involuntarily wandering to her lap. She felt the moisture of her lust in the crotch of her bikini base.

Her fingers slid to the side of the panties and found their excited gender. They felt over their little bush and then dipped deep inside their interior. Now she didn’t care whether the two noticed their excitement. She was crazy about bringing her own lust to the climax by watching the two.

The young woman’s hands slid over the man’s back and under the cuffs of his black swimming trunks. For a few moments, Nuria saw the contours of her fingers under the fabric that pressed his buttocks. But right away, the girl pushed his swimming trunks down with a hasty movement and exposed his bare butt. Nuria stroked her hot, wet venus hill as she watched the man moved his hips back and forth over the girl’s lap.

The girl’s lustful moaning and the man’s heavy breathing could be heard clearly and Nuria started to breathe more violently. She accelerated her movements when the man took his hands from the girl’s breasts. He reached under the waistband of her panties. The girl lifted her hips to make it easier for him to strip the bikini base.

She giggled a little and took her Legs From his waist to take off the panties. Then she whispered something to him and he nodded. He let himself roll from her body, stood his back to Nuria and pulled out his swimming trunks. The girl looked at Nuria.

This time Nuria did not look away, but caught her eyes full. Both knew what happened and said it with this one look. When the girl reached down, wiped her panties completely and showed her golden pubic hair, Nuria knew that there was no back now. Nuria spread her legs and turned so that the girl had her abdomen fully in view.

Nuria raised her hips and pulled out the panties. She saw the girl’s eyes greater than she saw her gender. Nuria put the panties next to her in the sand and then lay back. One hand groped down again.

The woman laughed up at the man. He climbed back onto the towel and lay down next to her. they kissed. When her lips separated, the girl leaned over him and let little kisses rain over his chin, his neck and chest.

When she kissed her way over his stomach, Nuria moved her fingers over her pleasure center rhythmically. When the girl kissed his abdomen, Nuria’s movements became more hasty. When the girl’s lips kissed the rod upwards from the root, he began to swell and straighten up. The girl took Nuria a cheeky look and then opened her lips to let her friend’s gender slip into her mouth.

While Nuria had her own fingers circled almost hectically, she heard the noises of sucking and Suck As an erotic accompaniment to increase your own lust. Nuria forced her eyes open to look at the man’s face. He had pressed his eyes together, but his mouth was half open with lust. Nuria bit more on her lips when she felt how her abdomen tense and the heat now concentrated on one point.

The young woman’s head moved up and down over her boyfriend. She ranked her hands on his thighs, who now began to tremble very clearly. Nuria felt how her climax was very close. From their breaths, an increasingly louder moan.

The young woman looked at her. The view of her gender and what her fingers kept made made that Nuria was finally overwhelmed by lustful waves. Her grotto contracted her fingers while groaning, her hips twitched unstoppably and uncontrollably, while the climax kept her trapped. Nuria appeared as if the young woman smiled, also caused that she twitched together again and a last wave went through her.

While Nuria slowly came to breath, the young woman took her friend’s gender out of her mouth. The man opened his eyes and also looked at Nuria. His gaze wandered to her wet, twitching Venushügel, and he too smiled. The woman looked at him first and then Nuria again.

She put on her cheeky smile again and got up from the ceiling. In the riding seat she climbed over the man and then sat on his hips with a wide -legged way over his pulsating gender. Nuria saw how a small drop of liquid loosened from its inside and dripped on the swollen meat under her. The woman looked at Nuria while slowly sitting on her friend’s abdomen.

Now she started her up and down ride with slow targeted movements. With trembling Finger Stroked Nuria again over her swollen pleasure point, because although she had just experienced a climax, she was still excited. She got up spontaneously and took a few hesitant steps to the couple. Both watched them as they were approaching.

The woman didn’t stop with her ride for a moment. Nuria bit her lips and then stood exactly over the man’s head. As she looked into the woman’s eyes, she crouched over his face. His tongue immediately came to light and licked over her excited meat.

The touch drove through Nuria like an electric blow. She shivered when he now licked and sucked her intensely and specifically. Nuria felt like juices dripped from her and wasted his chin. She crouched fully crashed over his mouth even deeper.

He rewarded her with even more intensive touches. Nuria released her hands on his chest and sat on his chin. In front of her she had his girlfriend, whose riding movements had become faster. The woman’s thighs clapped on the man’s hips.

She looked at Nuria with lustfully warped face and raised lips. She raised her hands to massage her own breasts and the Nipple pinch. Nuria felt her leg muscles tense when the man’s tongue slowly brought her to climax. She couldn’t stop moaning and leaned forward spontaneously.

She pressed the woman’s hands aside and now grabbed the big breasts herself. She lifted her left nipple towards her lips and circled her with her tongue. When she sucked the hard pearl and nibbled on her, the woman pulled her breath and trembled. Nuria sucked the nipple and the surrounding courtyard deep into her mouth.

The woman groaned with lust. She put her arms around Nuria and pressed her even closer to herself. Nuria sucked on the nipple and pushed her hips on the face of the man. His tongue researched every corner of her sex until Nuria felt the first waves of redemption and at the same time sucked more on the nipple in her mouth.

The woman rode even more violent and Nuria felt how the man’s mouth cramped in her damp meat. The woman came first. Suddenly she frozen and then fell forward with a loud moan, her head supported on Nuria’s shoulder. Nuria felt the strong twitches of her body.

Nevertheless, she continued to suck on the hard nipple and rubbed her hips over the man’s mouth. His tongue now moved directly to her pulsating pleasure center and after a few playful little bumps he suddenly sucked the little organ in his mouth. Nuria came immediately. Still with the nipple between the lips, the lust waves roll over their entire body.

Almost at the same time the man groaned “I come …… I’m coming ….!“When the man slowly relaxed, Nuria came to herself and for the first time she became aware of what she had done. She looked down at the woman who grinned her. Nuria felt as she got red with shame when she said, “I hope you didn’t have anything against my society.“The grin of the woman became even wider. “But no.

We hoped you would do it. So how is it … you come …more often here?“Nuria rose carefully from the man and still felt some lustful shower. She stretched out on the bathing towel. The man smiled at her pretty exhausted.

“We stayed here because it seemed so lonely. When you came, I feared first that you might be shocked.“The woman laughed at him. “I told you that she wouldn’t mind.”” On the contrary … “Sighed Nuria satisfied. Then she looked at the clock.

“So … I really have to go now. My office is waiting.“She took the few steps to the place where her bikini was. When she put him on, she saw the couple kissed again.

Nuria ignored the new tingling in her abdomen and raised the bathing towel and the book. The woman loosened from the man’s lips and smiled at her. “We’ll be here again tomorrow morning. It would be nice if you also fight.“Nuria pulled her cotton shirt over the bikini and passed the couple, back to the street.

“I will definitely be here. Believe me. This was better than any erotic story.”

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