Dream woman towed on the business trip | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The anticipation of the upcoming weekend was limited. The annual meeting of the company management was just around the corner and my boss asked me to represent him there due to illness. Not that this was associated with a lot of work or obligations for me, I only hated such boring meetings. Most of the people gathered there were so addicted and only wanted to profile themselves with their successes, the ambience was usually very stiff and the mood was very cool.

Well, at least the conference took place in a noble hotel in Berlin and Berlin was always worth a trip. So I packed my seven things and made my way to Berlin on Friday noon. After checking in, I first enjoyed a hot shower and threw myself in shell. The meeting and the subsequent dinner took place in the hotel, which made the whole thing relatively comfortable. The dress code Business Casual also loosened up the otherwise stiff atmosphere.

I tried to go to the evening with a positive attitude, but didn’t expect too much interesting things. The meeting then went as expected, many boring presentations of numbers and facts, and the subsequent dinner was also unspectacular. So I tried to withdraw with a feet as soon as possible. Since I didn’t feel like I was yet a bed, I decided to go to the hotel bar on a drink and to end the evening relaxed there. When I entered the hotel bar I immediately noticed an elegantly dressed woman who was sitting alone at the counter and deepened in reading her cocktail.

This appearance immediately got my heartbeat on tours. In her tightly adjacent black dress in glittering velvet look, she has a touch of glamor. She was wearing a tasteful, subtle pearl chain with the associated ear plugs. The sleeveless carriers and the extremely flattering waterfall neckline emphasized their very feminine stimuli. The silky, black seam pantyhose seemed particularly erotic to me, which emphasized the well -shaped long legs. Feest I felt half an eternity in one place and hardly stood up, but so -called this fantastic appearance in me.

Fortunately, she was sitting to me with her back and so she escaped my short -term awkwardness. I took three bar stools next to her and try to get breath away while I let the relaxed lounge music flow through myself. The young barman with the name sign Henry handed me the cocktail card and I can’t decide whether I want to be dry or sweet, creamy or fruity. So he recommends the Bristol Old Fashioned, a honey-colored drink on whiskey-based.

A poem. That was exactly the right mix of stimulating (as if I wasn’t already enough anyway) and aromatic note that I needed now. While I sipped my drink in this calm and stylish atmosphere, I just couldn’t go around and again and again to this fantastic woman. Her dark glasses framed her wonderful, bright blue eyes and her blond curly hair framed her pretty face. I appreciated her in the mid -thirties.

She was still deepened in her reading and seemed to be hardly noticeable her surroundings. When she went up briefly, our eyes met and she gave me a short smile. This wonderful smile not only made my heart beat faster, but caused an emotion directly in my loins. This woman is a goddess and I wanted nothing more than getting to know. Realistically, however, I did not calculate any particularly good chances. Again and again I am looking for eye contact, which became more and more common, as it seems to slowly lost interest in their reading and the bar was not otherwise frequented.

When our eyes met again briefly and smiled at me again, I took all my courage together. “Now or never” I thought to myself and switched to the bar stool next to her. “Sorry, I can briefly sit down with you?“I asked with the most self -confident appearance, but totally unsettled inside. “Gladly, the space is still free,” she smiled at me. The ice was broken and it seemed to be interested in a conversation.

“I watched them for a while and they seemed very deeply in their reading. May one ask what they read there seems to be extremely exciting “. “No, unfortunately not at all exciting,” she sighed, “probably a bit boring and very intellectual. I will give a lecture at the medical congress tomorrow and I wanted to go through everything again in peace. In addition, a small cocktail helps to drive down the tension a little. “” Then you are a doctor?“” Yes, I work here on the Charite and can present our study results tomorrow.

A very prestigious task, but I am incredibly nervous. And what do you do here in Berlin? Are you on business trip?“I told her the reason for my visit to Berlin and that I wanted to end the evening in the hotel bar after the very dry evening program. “By the way, I am Thomas, my friends call me Tom. I immediately noticed how they were sitting here at the bar. I have to admit that your sight for the entire boring day has compensated me.

“She thanked her for the nice compliment, told me that she was called Susanne and we got a little chat. We talked about this and that and discovered many similarities. She had an extraordinarily loose humor and a very contagious laughter. I ordered 2 drinks for both of us from Henry and the evening passed as if in a flash. Loose entertainment was gradually flirting, apparently she found me quite likeable. Also the alcohol let the inhibitions fall.

I enjoyed the deep look of her sky blue eyes, as she looked at me, went through and through. I carefully dared to put my arm into her waist, and she willingly allowed it to. When I got her closer to her, I smelled her beguiling perfume, which was still rounding this erotic appearance. Round up apro. Again and again she magically attracted her cleavage with the seductive approach of her lavish breast. I tried again and again, but in the end it didn’t go hidden from her.

“Nice when you like what you see” she smiled at me slightly mischievously. I felt caught and wanted to apologize immediately for my immoral looks. “You don’t have to apologize because of that. A woman likes it when she acts towards men. Every woman wants to be desired, so no coveting looks bother me. On the contrary, I’m happy about it. “And she changed her seating position that her upper body leaned a little further to me and released a deeper insight into her cleavage.

“You can see more if you like it”. I did not hesitate to comply with this invitation and allowed me to look into her neckline. Her breasts were fantastic. The soft meat pressed a little against each other in their bra and slightly over the edge. How I would have liked to touch it, but of course prohibited itself in this situation. This lavish splendor did not miss its effect, my penis swelled immediately and I noticed how a hard bump emerged on my pants.

Fortunately we were sitting so that she couldn’t notice it so easily. I tried to fight against it, but the more I try, the more tougher my my tail. I fantasized how it would be to go to bed with this mad woman and do really horny things. “By the way, I also find them very attractive. I like muscular, well -trained men and they smell so beguilingly good. “And took a deep breath near my neck.

Then she gave me a short but incredibly tender kiss on my neck. I almost fainted. I would never have thought of getting to know this woman better beforehand because she shows such reactions. We looked at ourselves deeply and penetrating, it seemed to look into my soul. I didn’t hope that she would recognize the whole abyss of my perverse fantasies that I had with her at that moment.

It didn’t need any further words. Slowly she approached her face to think, stayed briefly to wait for my reaction, and our lips found each other. There was a violent explosion in my head. Her sweet lips tasted like the fruits of her cocktail, and the kisses were incredibly soulful. Slowly our lips opened and our tongues began to play with each other. Initially very tender, then gradually increasingly demanding. Her breath went faster and I felt her hand on my thigh.

Her soft breasts gently pressed against my upper body and my pants seemed to burst. My cock had become hard to burst that it almost hurt. While our tongues devour themselves into each other, their hand slowly slid along my thigh towards the step. She noticed how my breath went faster. Grinning on my lip nibbles, she stroked her hand over the hard bump of my pants. “Well, you seem to like it as much as I do, Tom.

It’s a shame that you can’t feel how wet my panties are now. If we continue here, I still run out and leave a damp spot on the bar stool, which Henry then has to wipe away, ”she breathed in my ear with a slight cake. “Then let’s go to the room and continue there,” I groaned her in her ear. “Good idea” she smiled promising. I let the drinks write to my room, Henry gave a tip and we slowly went poor in arm towards the elevator.

“Hopefully nobody will come to us now, your bump in the pants is quite noticeable” and she kneaded my cock with a laugh for a short time. “You a little nasty bitch, you”, I could hardly stand it anymore. Full of anticipation for this hot body, we pressed the elevator button and kissed closely until the elevator announced with a short ring. At this time there were hardly any hotel guests on the road, only an older couple entered the cabin in front of us.

So we stood next to each other, behind us the older couple when Susanne suddenly drove into my pocket under her jacket under her jacket. She didn’t have to look long and she already had what she wanted. My cock in my hand. I totally cramped and tried to check my quick breath, I would have loved to have put on loudly, which was impossible in view of the situation. She knew exactly how to jerk off a cock and scratch the thumb through the fabric of my pants over the bead on my glans.

Reflexively I flinched hard and caught to conceal this reaction. She grinned at me from the side and watched my reaction exactly. “Not that you are already coming now, I want yours sperm For me ”she breathed in my ear. And my tail firmly stroked her thumb over the tip of my glans. I prayed that we quickly got on our floor, because I was about to have a violent explosion and I needed the pants tomorrow.

A redeeming bell sounded when our floor announced itself. Susanne took his hand out of my pants and we left the elevator. After the elevator door closed again, Susanne laughed out loud. “I think there wasn’t much missing and you would have hosed down, right right?”” Right, you also know how to edit a horny cock “I laughed back. We slowly approached her room and I was finally happy to unpack her breasts and hers pussy to smell.

Arrived at her room hugged and kissed me, with her sweet tongue researching my mouth and continued to put me in ecstasy. We were alone in the hallway, so I buried my hands in their soft buttocks and pushed demanding. She acknowledged it with a slight moan. Only from my shoots my hands slowly hiked deeper, one hand spread her cheeks and the other pressed deep into her column. Through the tights I felt how hot and wet it was and she strengthened the pressure even more by pressing her ass against my hand.

“This is cool” she groaned and her kisses became more and more damp. Suddenly she let off from me, stood in front of me and opened the zip of my pants. Without a word, her hand disappeared in my crotch and released my hard cock into freedom. He literally rapidly outside. Now I stood perplexed, in the middle of the hotel hall in front of Susanne’s room and my hard stiff tail stood away from me. She took a little step back and looked at him.

“Entry cock that you have there. Looks very appetizing “but instead of blowing it or asking me to her room, she took my hard beating and pushed it foreskin slowly back. My glans shone out of sheer lust. Wetting her fingers with my drops of pleasure, she locked the slippery film about the front part of my cock and began to jerk off. What should that? I wanted to go to her room and finally fuck her and she rubbed my cock in the hallway with ever more violent movements.

Their thumb and index fingers circled the bulge of my glans and and rubbed gently over the edge. She knew my most sensitive place and continued to drive the game. I almost started to drop with lust. She took advantage of that to make my acorn slippery again and again. Slowly I got an idea. Apparently she wanted me to come here in front of her door. The tension at any time caught To be able to become, the excitement increased into immeasurable.

I would have liked it to blow me, but she just looked me silently into my eyes and jerked my cock. Her movements were getting faster and faster, with my moaning in the same time. I stood in front of her like a little boy, who is brought down for the first time. My arms hung limp next to my body and I noticed how the juice slowly climbed out of my testicles. We looked deep into our eyes, I saw this abysmal depth of sky blue and only enjoyed her demanding movements.

It now overturns the shaft of my beating and jerked off faster and faster. “Spray me on my nylons, yes?“She asked me and she placed her thigh under my cock and pulled her dress up to protect. “Well you horny cock, come on, you want to inject me on my stockings, right? Then finally do, I want to see you injected, ”she gasped quietly, the wanking movements became faster and faster. “But not here in the hallway” I only replied half -heartedly because I didn’t want her to stop.

I got it right away and I just wanted to let it down. “But here, spray beautiful before someone comes to us. “She smiled at me. Then the time came. I wanted to suppress it unconsciously because I didn’t want to organize a mess on the hotel hall, but the thought to cum here was just too cool. “Attention, Susanne, I come …” I just produced and my cock began to twitch violently. She kept her nylon -covered thighs under my twitching cock to catch my sperm, but the first load flew over her leg onto the field carpet.

A loud groan suppressing until I in my lips. I was almost black before my cock injection and sprayed. I totally soothe her tights. She continued to jerk my cock to mine Egg completely unloaded. “Yes, you horny splashes, shoot your whole load. Is that cool. “I hugged her and exhausted my head against her shoulder and looked at her hand as she pressed my last drops out of my cock and distributed my sperm on her thigh with him.

“Well, Tom, your big one needed what? I have rarely seen such a large amount of sperm. “She released my cock from her handle and stroked her index finger over the Spermarinnsale, which ran down on the side of her thighs. “Hm, you taste delicious,” she whispered when she put her index finger in her mouth and licked him. “This is a cool, delicious bedguard. “Now I stood, my sleeping tail was hanging out of my chicken slit and Susanne licked my sperm from her leg.

I looked at her questioningly. “Unfortunately I have to get out early tomorrow, so I have to go to bed now. Alone. Otherwise I would have liked to ask you in, but I need my full concentration tomorrow. I wanted you to keep a nice memory of our evening together. I hope you enjoyed it?“” Very even, but I have to confess, I would have liked to enjoy your wonderful body. It could have been a very intoxicating night “. “Well then I would say until tomorrow evening in the hotel bar.

Then I invite you to celebrate the day after surviving a lecture. But now good night, Tom. I was very happy to get to know you. Until tomorrow. I’m looking forward to. “She gave me a gentle kiss on my mouth, opened her room door and closed her with a last wink. I put my limp penis back into my pants, quickly rub the sperm on the carpet and slowly went towards the room.

The anticipation of the tomorrow evening made my cock a little more alert …

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