Dirty fuck at work | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

This week I had a job again that I didn’t like. One of our sales representatives had become sick and so I had to get out of the electricity meter in his area. And I always had to get out because I was the youngest. “You are good on foot,” it said. None of the others wanted to open stairwells all day and trot down all day. Then I had the eternal theater on my neck. Sometimes someone wasn’t there and I had to go several times, sometimes people didn’t want to let you go into the apartment, sometimes you were told how expensive the electricity was, etc.

Thing, dong. Nothing. I waited briefly and wanted to go again when the door opened. A woman, so around 60, large, sleepy look, grumpy face and bathrobe, set off. Hurt, that was a herb type. “And?“, She said briefly with deeper, scratchy voice and looked at me a little grumpy. “Uh, I want to read the electricity,” I replied a little intimidated. She took a step back and let me in. “Where does he hang?” I asked.

Now she was rough. “Who, the man who tail or what? I am about the reading? You have to know this”. Phew, that started well. “I used to do everything my husband,” she added suddenly. I looked around in the hallway, nothing. Finally we searched together in all rooms and finally found it in a storage room. I wrote down the numbers. The lady had now settled again and looked at me from top to bottom.

“Come with us,” she said. Your voice did not tolerate any contradiction. So I went after her and we came into the living room. And as I overlooked it, there was quite a little baseball here. Unexpected, laundry was lying around and there were a few empty bottles of beer on the table. “Sit down,” she said and went out of the room. I looked around for a seat and sat in an armchair. The furniture was creepy. Old German, at least from the 1950s.

The woman came back with two bottles of beer, took a bottle opener and opened her hissing. Then she put a bottle of me, put herself on the sofa, took her bottle in my hand and held it to the toast. “Prost,” she said and I pushed my bottle to hers. Kling and we drank a sip. Her bathrobe loosened and I got an insight into her neckline. It was dark there, but you saw that lush breasts were hidden there.

Yes, I could almost see her nipples. I seemed pretty fascinated because suddenly she asked: “What’s up?”. I struggled together and said, “Ah, uh, nothing, nothing at all”. We looked at each other, the lady pinched her eyes slightly and leaned back. “Do you know what I did when you rang the bell earlier?”Break. I did not know what to say. “I wanked,” she said then.

I swallowed. “My age has been over for a few years” she continued unmoved. “Heart attack. You just have to help yourself “. I was totally datted, got an occupied neck and cleared my throat. “And a new partner?” I asked. “Am I stupid?”She hissed me up,” again a bum that I always have to serve and who prescribes what I have to do and leave? Thank you, I would rather get one and otherwise have my rest “.

She looked at me a little aggressively as if she wanted to say: “And if it doesn’t suit you, I long for you”. Suddenly she leaned forward, reached for the remote control of the television and switched on. I heard moan and since the TV was behind me, I turned around the armchair. There was actually a porn. I got wet hands and stared on the TV. I saw a stiff cock that a woman had in her mouth and moved her head back and forth.

I got really warm and my cock began to grow. “Come on,” said the woman at once and knocked on the sofa next to her, “Sit down with me”. So I got up, walked around the table and sat next to her. Now we sat and pulled the porn in. “Do you like that?“Asked the woman. I nodded and we continued to look at the porn. After a few minutes, the woman put her hand on my thigh and drove up until she reached my hard tail.

“That makes you horny, what?”She said and stroked the bump in my pants,” but me too. Just look”. With that she took my hand and led her under her bathrobe. She opened her thighs a little and pressed my hand on her cunt. And really, the cunt was not only moist, it was dripping wet. “And since you are already there,” she continued, “you will fuck me now”. She let go of my hand.

“How do you like this here?”. With this she raised her bathrobe and shows me her breasts. Magnificent things that came out there. I got stem eyes. The lady watched me closely. Then she opened her bathrobe, spread her legs and showed me her cunt. My cock hardly had space in my pants. He was excited to tear. The woman noticed exactly what was going on with me. “Stand up,” she said and I slowly rose from the armchair.

She looked at the bump in my pants. Then she picked up to her bathrobe, opened it entirely, spread her thighs wide and said: “And here, how do you like that?“I looked at her meaty, hairy cunt. Long and wrinkled her labia hung down. I started sweating. “Well go,” she said, “now it’s your turn. Now I want to see your cock. So take off “. I hesitantly grabbed my belt to open it.

“Come on,” she said again, “not so bitchy. Down with the clothes “. And so I gave myself a jerk, I took off and finally stood naked in front of her. My cock stuck steeply up. The woman took my hand and pulled me to. She stared at my cock. Then she took him in her mouth and moved her head back and forth. Finally she released him from her mouth. “It’s okay,” she said.

She leaned back and reached under her breasts. She held her towards me. “Well, they are horny?” she asked. My tail twitched. “Grab calmly,” she said, “you can also lick my warts”. I leaned down, took her breasts and kneaded her. Wonderful things, you couldn’t see their age at all. They were thick and firm. I went down further and licked over the nipples. Then the woman pushed me away.

She reached her labia and pulled her apart. “Yes, just look closely. You will put your cock in this hole right away, you horny goat, ”she said and laughed properly. Then she closed her legs again. Then she got up, slipped out of her bathrobe and threw him on the sofa. Then she knelt on the floor on all four in front of me and stretched out her butt. I looked at him. He was full and round like her breasts.

A wonderful ass without wrinkles. Hard to believe that he also belonged to a 60-year-old. I was waiting there. The woman turned her head back. “Come on,” she drove me on, “Fick me finally. First in the cunt and afterwards in the ass. And I’ll tell you right away: just don’t come me too early. It has to be enough for both holes “. So I knelt behind her, took my cock in my hand and pushed it into her cunt.

You groaned you and I started to fuck. “Ah,” she said, “that’s good”. I fucked and fucked and carefully careful that it didn’t come to me. I thought of everything to distract myself. But my cock remained hard. “Well, that’s enough now,” said the woman at once and slipped from my cock, “put it in my ass now”. I hesitated something. I had never fucked a woman in her butt and didn’t know exactly what to do.

The hole looked pretty tight and dry. That certainly didn’t slip. The woman tore me out of my thoughts. “Come on,” she called, “do it. My age fucked me regularly in my ass. It will work. I’m ridden “. With this she spat in her hand, reached back, pulled an ass cheek aside and rubbed the spit over the hole. My cock was excited until tearing. So I stepped behind her and pressed my glans onto her back entrance.

And really, my cock drove into her very loosely. I grabbed her excitedly on my hips and pushed her cock into her hot intestine to the stop. Over and over again. Finally I sprayed in her. She straightened up and my cock slipped out of her butt. Then she got up. “Are a crunchy guy,” she said, “but now I have to go to the toilet, poop and piss”. So she disappeared into the bathroom.

I also got up and let myself fall backwards onto the sofa. I was totally done. I looked at my cock. You couldn’t see that he was just stuck in a butt, only a light fragrance rose to me. Only now I noticed that porn was still running on the television. And while I was watching the hustle and bustle, my cock became hard again. I heard the toilet flushing and the lady came back.

First she looked at the TV, then on my cock. “You like that, what, you little piglets?”, She said and held her tits under my nose,” then grab here again, that’s real nature “. With that she rose to me. She placed her cunt over my cock and let herself sink. My cock disappeared between her labia. And my head disappeared between her lavish breasts. She moved up and down on my cock as she massaged my head with her tits.

I got almost no air anymore. Then she let go of her tits and held a nipple to me. “Lick here,” she said, “and also bite lightly too. I like that”. We did it for a few minutes, then I got restless. “What is,” she asked, “something doesn’t fit you? Get out with the language “. “I want to go into your ass again,” I said, “I’ve never fucked a woman in my butt before.

I liked that and I would like to “. The woman looked at me. Then she got up from me and pulled her cunt off my cock. “So, so,” she said, “the boy has claims. That would fit you like that, hang out the thick Macker here. You had your fun earlier, now I’m back to it. You will lick me now, then we’ll see further. Go, get up “. So I got up and the woman sat on the sofa and spread her legs again.

I knelt and looked at her cunt exactly. Featious and long her labia hung down and her clit stood out above. I was amazed. I had never seen such a clit before. He protruded in the air like a small penis. “Come on,” the lady growled, “not so long, leak”. So I went to her clit with my mouth and started licking. I licked over the top first, then around the whole clit.

Finally I took it slightly between my teeth. I sucked and nibbled, the thing got hot and hard. The thing started to enjoy. I sucked and licked and the lady groaned loudly. I also seemed to do it exactly, because after a short time she let a loud “Ahh” sound. Her clitoris twitched, she straightened up and pressed her thighs together. She had hers orgasm receive. Her thighs loosened again and she dropped back.

I also got up and sat next to her on the sofa. So we sat for a few minutes and the woman breathed deep and closed her eyes. It seemed easy to be done. Then suddenly their spirits came back. “You did that well,” she said and the first time I saw her smile, “You have a second Ass fuck deserved “. She patted my thigh. “Stand there,” she said suddenly. I got up.

“Look at porn,” she said. That’s right, it was still running. I turned around, looked at the TV and watched the fucking there. And my cock rose again. The woman reached around me from behind, grabbed my cock and jerked him. “And now turn back to me,” she said, went to her knees and pressed her breasts around my cock. “Now fuck my tits first,” she said, “we don’t want to leave anything out.

Then you can still in my ass “. So she spat on my cock that was clamped between her tits so that he slipped nicely. And I fucked her tits. I watched my cock go back and forth between her breasts. And that looked so cool that after a short time I was there to spray again. But shortly before the lady grabbed my cock and took it in his mouth. I splashed and she sucked my entire load into herself.

“By the way, my name is Inge,” said the lady after swallowing my seed. “And I Bernd,” I said. “Well, Bernd,” said Inge, turned around and went to all four, “if you can still, push him back in the back”. She stretched her butt. And really, my snap did not want to be really stiff at the moment after the two orgasms. I first had to get something in the mood and started to deal with Inges asshole.

I saw hers rosette more precise. Here too there were hair around the hole. The hole was pink, wrinkled and smelled slightly of ass. I got my index finger wet with spit and stroked it easily about it. Then I pressed something and pushed my index finger in her butt. I jerked a little back and forth, then the entrance had become smooth. Now I added my middle finger and pushed both fingers into the hole. Horny thing, felt good and my cock began to lift itself again.

I pulled out my fingers, took my half stiff cock and put it on. I pressed, but my snap was still too soft to penetrate. But I didn’t give up and stuffed him bit by bit in Inget. Finally he was back to the sack. Now came Inges hour. She rhythmically pressed her warm intestine and sphincter, let it go again and massaged my cock in the most pleasant. That did not miss its effect.

After a short time my snap was rock hard again. I fucked and enjoyed Inges butt while she groaned comfortably. We did that for a few minutes, then I pulled out my cock again. Now I was K. O. We rose and sat down on the sofa again. Inge switched off the television. “That’s enough for today,” she said. She looked at me. “Actually you can go now. But I would like that you would inject back into my mouth.

Who knows when I get seeds from a young guy again like you?“Well, always like to. But after two orgasms I definitely had my difficulties getting an orgasm. I explained Inge my concerns. “Schlapptwanz,” she said, “then we have to be harder. Sixty-nine”. she got up. “Place your back on the floor”. I did that and Inge got over me. She lay down upside down, stretched her butt on my face and grabbed my cock.

“Lick me by the ass or on the cunt or wherever you want,” she called, then she took my slippery cock in her mouth. I stroked her ass cheeks, smelled her asshole and alternately licked her labia and her back hole. I put her labia in my mouth and sucked it, put her finger in the ass, did everything that I could think of. Meanwhile, Inge sucked on my cock, pressed and jerked it and slowly he raised again.

And soon he had become really hard again. And while I was still licking in Inges asshole, I felt the juice climbing up to me. Inge jerked and sucked and finally I actually sprayed for the third time. I sprayed everything in Inge’s mouth and Inge sucked and sucked until the last drop was out. Then she got up from me. She swallowed again, then she said: “Well, so”. She bent down, threw my clothes down and said: “And now get off.

I need my calm. Maybe you will come to read again. And if it is not the electricity, you can read my cunt whether I want to be fucked “. With that she trolled in her bedroom. I got dressed and went. I wouldn’t forget that so quickly. Name and house number of Inge also not. Oh man. The lady was already very old, but an extremely cool sweeper. You had to look for something like that for a long time.

And while I go down the stairs, I already had Ins horny ass in mind …

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