Crazy for sex [3] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Jesse Long nodded her. I wanted to talk to him anyway. And what do we do with you?I don’t understand that ..?He laughed. Well, you have a hospital shirt on.

Should we take you like this?Gale became red. What about my things?Sister Mary has her. Wise mingled. But you can’t just get up and get dressed, Miss Gale! Perhaps tomorrow, but definitely not?.

I’ll be in the car of yours Father bring. And at home they lie down again immediately.

Okay, said Jesse Long. The back seat is wide enough, you can lie comfortably, Gale! And then we send the shirt back.
But I can’t just ..
Wise interrupted it. We have bathrobes here.

Miss Long! Now we leave them alone and I’ll send them to them Sister. He gave Long a hint and the two men left the room.
I want to do now with Dr. Sturges speak, said Jesse Long.

Dr. Wise opened a door.

Please, sir! I think we’ll be ready in ten minutes.
Jake Sturges was still on the couch and rose when Jesse Long stepped to him. The industrialist stretched his hand towards him. I’m Jesse Long, Doc ..! he said. Let me thank you, dear friend! I don’t want to do many words ..

please, don’t say anything about it! he fended off when Jake Sturges wanted to object something. We continue to talk to me at home. Mine Daughter would also like to thank you. Come with me! I would like to ask you to drive my daughter’s car.

Sir what I ..

He was interrupted. Doc, no objection please! Incidentally. Malone. And that’s why I want to talk to you in peace, I am not dependent on this gentleman.

Even if I were, I would do that.
What right I think. And now please come, doc ..!Jake Sturges came to his fate. He realized that Jesse Long wouldn’t give in. And then there were two other reasons: Gale, the girl he had saved and that interested him.

Also Long’s reference to DR. Malone.
Gale had already been carried into her father’s car. She was lying in the back seat and saw nothing from Jake Sturges who stood on the Malibu Chevelle with her father.

Drive behind us. said Jesse Long.

I know a few sneaking paths. If we drive over the Alton Road and the Collins Avenue, we are doing badly. At least at this time. After these words he went to his caddy and got in.
Wait, sir! called Sturges, who thought of his own car.

I see. You have phone in the car. I want to call my petrol station. Otherwise I am brought my Chevy to the North Bay Road, and I’m not there at all.
We can do that from home, Doc.

Gave Jesse Long back. We are there quickly.
Jesse Long actually used streets that were almost empty compared to Collins Avenue. However, in order to be able to cross the Surprise Waterway, they had to drive a bit across the Alton Road. They passed the Indian Creek via the 63rd street.

Half an hour later they held a splendid property of Bay Harbor Islands in front of Jesse Long’s magnificent property at Broadview Drive.

When Jake Sturges got out and stepped to the Cadillac, Long said with a worried face: I think she passed out again!It’s not a miracle, sir. gave back storm. Blood loss, short anesthesia and the shock. But you don’t have to worry, that can be passed quickly.

I am sure that her daughter will be as cheerful tomorrow as a fish in the water.
He opened the back door, took the ceiling from her body, pushed an arm under Gale and lifted it out. Long wanted to help him, but he shook his head. Just leave sir! It is not very difficult. It works.

Where should I bring you to?Follow me, please…!Jesse Long went ahead. A butler appeared in the door. Can I help sir? He asked when he saw gallmen on the arms of the doctor.

Already good, Paul! Jesse Long showed Sturges the way. Upstairs! he said and went back.

On the first floor he opened the door to Gales bedroom.
Place them on the bed, he said. I’ll let me know about one of the girls. It can take care of Gale. Our housekeeper takes over the other.
Wait, sir! Jake Sturges straightened up and wiped a strand of hair out of his forehead.

Can your butler get my bag out of the Malibu? I want to briefly examine your daughter again. I may have to give her an injection.

OK! Long disappeared. Jake Sturges stood in front of the bed and looked down at the girl. Gale Long was demonized pretty and sexy.

That only really got awareness of him now. The bathrobe that you can do in the MT. Sinai Hospital put on, it was very short and let a lot of legs to be seen. From his perspective they looked even longer than they actually were.

Gale had closed his eyes, the young solid breasts caught and lowered under their breaths.

So there is her bag! Long had stepped into the room. I’m waiting for you below. Please come down when you’re done, Doc! I had a small snack. Oh yes, which petrol station should I call? Leave your car there, I’ll bring you there later.
Sorry, sir, but I can’t do it ..

He pointed to his crumpled summer suit, which – like the yellow shirt – showed traces of blood.

Long thought for a moment. Then he explained: You are about the size of my son. He is … well, he no longer lives with us.

But there are still suits and laundry in his room. We’ll talk about it afterwards. See you then!Without a new response from Sturges, he left his daughter’s room. Sturges unpacked his standby bag and took out the stethoscope, clamped the ends in the ears and leaned down.
You don’t have to bother yourself, Doc! Sounded her dark, warm and somewhat vibrating voice.

I’ve already come to myself when they carried me into the house.

He pinched his eyes a little and jokingly threatened the index finger. But that’s not the elegant way, Miss Long!Gale … not Miss Long. Please! In doing so, she looked at him mischievously from her big green mermaid eyes.

We are half blood brothers, it is not true? Sit on the bed!So we didn’t bet, Gale. he replied. First I would like to examine you again! Don’t play the strong one!But Doc! She hit her mouth. I don’t even know your first name ..!Jake! he said.

Jake Sturges.
So Jake ..! Examine me! And they will have to state that I have already overcome the shock. As for blood loss – you have provided replacement.
Gale Long had not quite spoken out yet, when she brushed off the bathrobe and her sickness shirt over her head. Below she was naked.

Gale, what’s the point? Delabited it to him.
You want to examine me, Jake! So…?!Both felt the same thing – without knowing it -. One spark had jumped from one to another.

Gale literally heard him crackle. This doctor – yes, that was a man. He not only looked dazzling, but he radiated directly from sympathy. When she looked in his dark eyes, it trickled over her back, and in the loins and deep in the lap of a slight, all the more sweetly burned out.

She noticed how her nipples got tough and the hemispheres tensioned.

Gale was amazed at himself. After all, she had had an accident a few hours ago;According to the situation, she would have had at least suffer from the shock effect. But Jake Sturges made such a deep and sustainable impression on her that the action of the last hours was exhausted.
So I always imagined the man with whom I will be very, very happy, she thought. He stimulates my sexus.

I wonder why…? She asked herself this question without being able to give an answer. Gale Long had experienced many wild and hot night. But every time a bitter aftertaste remained. Of course, my sexual needs have always been satisfied, she thought while looking at sturge.

I gave and I was taken … but it was always just a intoxication, nothing else! It has to be different with this man. Gale felt a cozy matt through the limbs. Yes, he is, she thought, the man who does not just throw me on the bed, takes me full of desire and afterwards lies next to me, full and satisfied, tired, slapped, without trace of tenderness, without a lovely word, withoutGently caress ..

Jake Sturges thought similar.

Kim Fowler wasn’t the only woman in his life. With it it only connected him to the purely sexual. They slept together when the instinct was too overpowering and a valve needed. It was a kind of tacit agreement between you two.

They were always clear about what they wanted and that the day would come when one of them found the right partner. The other women? He had never bound. Love? To date, he had also lacked the time. There were enough girls for the bed.

Before Kim it was nurses, another doctor, any chance acquaintance or a beach bee.

You slept together one or more times, then separated again, did not know each other afterwards or at least did it. And now suddenly the fate sent him over the way to this long -legged creature. Gale Long was racy despite or perhaps because of her wheat blonde hair, which, as he was able to convince, were real.

Because the rather lavish love garden showed the same color. In addition the smooth, deep -brown skin, the narrow face with the green eyes – everything together could already put a man with enthusiasm.

Gale was in complete nudity and he imagined how it would look in a short bikini. This sight was certainly even more attractive because it hid the most beautiful places in her body … surrounded with the light veil of a secret.

Her legs had been closed so far, now she opened the full thighs a little – not much, only so far that he saw something rosy between the hair of wheat blonde fleece. But the thighs are already twitching together again.

Jake … they wanted to examine me! said the girl in a quiet voice. I have confused my sight so much that you forgot your job?He got red, stammered: I ..

It is … forgive! Then he put the membrane of his hearing tube below her left chest. He nodded satisfied, felt her pulse and packed the stethoscope in his pocket.
Astonishing! he said. I would not have thought that possible, Gale! Do sports?She pulled the down cover over, where she had to turn to the side.

He was able to admire her tight back for seconds;Further down it shimmered yellowish-white, the foothills of her so densely forested venus hill. His throat became dry, he wanted to look away discreetly, but the ceiling was already above the young seductive body.

Sports? How to take it, Jake. Swimming above all. Well, and then I use our fitness center behind the house.

Dad thought of everything when he built the house: swimming pool – one inside, one outside, sauna and even more beautiful things.
That explains a lot. Usually they should be much more weakened. You cope with the transfusion surprisingly quickly.
And you? After all, they donated to me.

He waved off. A healthy person shouldn’t make up much.

Dr. Wise from the Hospital was so nice to give me a construction injection. And the sister brought me a large glass of red wine with beaten egg.
Was at least pretty?The sister? smiled storm. Oh yes, but not my wavelength.

So, Gale, now we want to rest and sleep a little! Tomorrow everything is over. I come every day to see the wound. OK? she nodded. Her eyes darkened.

Jake, they come more often, hm? Not just to treat me?A shadow scurried over his face.

I think that can be done – at least as long as I’m in Miami.
That means that they go away? But why?This is a long story, Gale. So far I have been at the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital. The chief doctor, hm, how should I express myself? – In any case, I told him to think of some colleagues and members of the staff. The end of the song: I flew.

In order to do the rest, the old one stepped through the story, so I will hardly get any other position in Miami.

Gale Long straightened up, did not pay attention to the ceiling that slipped down, so that Jake got back to see her wonderful breasts. Although she noticed his eyes, she didn’t bother her. Jake Sturges also looked at her – but unlike Butch Neilson, in whose eyes only lust and desire were read.
You have to be able to do something about it! she said and leaned back. Her breasts seemed to be smaller, but that was deceptive.

Due to the changed body position, only its shape changed a little. Fascinated, he stared at the long dark red buds that grew out of the wide courtyards and seemed to smile at him.

Please don’t break my head, he murmured. Better to rest a little! Maybe afterwards I’ll see you again after you.
Please…! she just said and closed her eyes. For seconds he was tried to prevent himself and kiss the beautiful mouth with the somewhat raised lips.

But then he failed to do so. Gale Long was his patient. Coming comes advice, he thought when he left the room quietly ..

It took a long time for Dave to come back with Joan. When he finally got into the dunes, there was nothing to see from Melissa and Butch.

To do this, they heard giggled from one and lustful moaning from the other side. Joan stripped off the hot pans, slipped out of the blouse and stood naked in front of Dave, who stared at the voluminous, womanly, surprisingly firm breasts of the girl with big eyes, then let the view over his stomach hike down to the broad triangle, thatovergrowed her love mountain and reached far up.
Well! he groaned. I wouldn’t have suspected such forest with you, Joan! You have more hair than Melissa and Patty!She laughed over. A sign that you just don’t know me! What do you find about Melissa? Leave them at Butch! Come on take off your clothes! I’m crazy about you, Dave! Man, how you fumbled around between my legs while driving ..

Class! I am very damp! Melissa once told me about you. Fine! I like that, Dave! Now do it … I pass ..

She stuck the flat hand between the thighs and rubbed a little. Her eyes had covered with a veil, the mouth was half open, the tip of the tongue scurried over the lower lip.

Dave nested on the pants, dropped it, climbed out, the slip followed, the shirt … then he went to Joan, who looked at his phallus as if hypnotized.

Dave, human child, that’s… darling, who surpasses my wildest expectations! And I always thought, Melissa only states eerily! Damn, she said the truth! Come quickly we do it behind the dune ..! She pointed to the left. Dave and they all knew each other here.

They were here almost every day, beat the time dead and loved each other. Each couple had their regular place.
The only exception was Gale Long. Although she drove here, sponge, drank and danced, but from her friends’ love games she joined her. On the one hand, it was not her way of moving out to the other in this regard, on the other hand there would have been no man among them with whom she would have loved herself.

Patty Fisher, Melissa and the others did not know such inhibitions.

I need one man at least once every day ..! Patty had explained her once. And if John is not there, another does it too!You can hold that as you want! Had gales response. Because of my sake, each of its barrels can be blissful! In any case, I don’t need a man every day!She had often raised Gale because of her attitude, but she didn’t get anything out of it. Nobody came too close to Butch Neilson one day and looked at her outrageously, sometimes trying to punch.

Today it had been too much.

Neilson was to blame for her accident indirectly. She had been so angry that she drove faster than usual. Joan took Dave by the hand, pulled him behind the wavy sand hill, threw himself lengthy and let go of the boy. He fell on her and elicited Joan Helle jubilation cry.

Wonderful … do it again, Dave! Man, you are just a force, Honey … We should both have done it together! You brought me to the taste, Dave!Her words spiked him, he lost control and penetrated her with powerful bumps. Dave was so charged that it came to him.

He already thought she wouldn’t come, but that was a mistake. As soon as the first wave of his hot sperm, her climax started. Joan’s hands drove up, clawed into his hair, her whole body reared up, urged him to oppose him as if she wanted nothing but nothing;She flinched a few times, sobbed, whining, whimpered, then laughed again and suddenly fell back.

Panting, she came out: Dave, you are an AS ..! Great … great ..

Man like you did ..! Special class! After again, Honey?He nodded. How often you want. Small! I didn’t hurt you either? She wrapped her arms around him, pulled him on. No you have not! I like hard, darling! I have to feel that a man is with me! So no inhibitions, all right?He nodded, he was unable to speak.

Man … you can do again, Dave! It sounded appreciative. I’ve never experienced anything like that. Heaven, you are the purest potential for potenta! Are you always in shape so quickly? Or did you swallow something?He shook his head.

No, Joan, I don’t need such stuff. I also don’t know how it comes, but with you … I mean, when I look at you, he is standing again.

Oh Dave, you are exactly the right guy for me! Darling, you are wonderful ..!He was a man who had experiences and could pass it on to her. She could benefit scary if she was aware that he had gained this experience with countless women.

But what should it be, now she was on the move!And it was a lot he could give her! She fell from one blessed fumitory in the other, heard herself crying out of sheer lust. Was it really her own voice that cheered him on, more and more to show her what true love was!? But finally she fell silent.

Joan had been the victim of her auctioned feeling. Glowing waves over your body.

She threw herself back and forth, her own I hovered somewhere in heavenly spheres.
Then came the point where his strength also subsided. Glowing needles seem to be rotated in his brain. At that moment he was physically and mentally done. He rolled down from her and threw himself into the warm sand.

His chest rose and lowered his breath. His legs were dressed, his arms lay next to the body. Joan put his face on his stomach and let the tongue slide through the hair reaching from the chest to the legs.
I am better than Melissa? she asked at once.
Yes. Do you know what, Joan?No.

We stay together.

OK?Joan pressed her lips on his navel, then raised his face and explained: I know nothing that I would rather do, Dave! If you want, you can sleep with me tonight. My parents are in New York for two days. And I send the butler into the desert. What do you think of my suggestion?You couldn’t do better, Darling ..!Hey, you two ..! they heard Patty’s voice.

Have grown together? Come here … you too, Melissa ..!A little later everyone met at the warehouse. Not one of them wore a piece of clothing. Patty laughed.

Guys, that’s again a beach party … let’s stay that way! Or does someone have something against it? Nobody made an objection. So everyone crouched in the sand, and Patty played the mouth. Dave switched on the luggage radio again.

What about Gale? I miss her! asked Yo-an.
Patty grinned.

Dave didn’t tell you anything? She has her virtuous day today. But whatever? If she doesn’t want, she should stay away!Actually we should have hit her?! said Joan. She always goes the same way.
Dave twitched with his shoulders. Maybe she drove over the North Bay Road in her anger.

Everything is possible with her.

He was right. Gale had actually driven a distance that it rarely used. As a rule, she drove to the Alton Road, left it on the 47th and then reached the 63rd via the Pine Tree Drive. Since Dave had used this course, Gale had not met him.

They didn’t know anything about their accident. Butch Neilson, who had enjoyed himself extensively with Melissa, said no word. Only after Melissa had explained that she agreed with the exchange and Joan could keep Dave forever, he said: Do what you want! However, I want to tell you one thing: I get Gale … whether she wants or not!Patty Fischer laughed brightly.

Just don’t crazy, honey! I know her better than you! I will get a good advice: take care of you in front of Gale!She won’t bite! he gave back. Who comes into the water? The topic of Gale was done with it. The whole corona ran to Beach And fell laughing and screaming into the Bay ..

N/a? How does she feel? Asked Jesse Long when Jake Stur-Ges was led from the butler to the lunchroom.
Everything is okay, sir! I think she’ll be ready tomorrow that she can get up.
Listening to the pleasant. Come, doc! I’ve checked in my son’s room.

There are a lot of things – something will fit you.
And her son … what will he ..

Long’s face darkened. Actually, I don’t talk about it, but so that you don’t be surprised, I want to tell you. He no longer lives here.

His last sign of life came from the west, Frisco. One day he snapped, fucking something from world improvements, did not go any further to the university and disappeared. He wrote a few times, then we didn’t hear anything from him anymore. I put on a private detective on him, who then told me what was going on.

GA-les Brother lives in a kind of community earlier one would have been called hippies. But that’s not up to date. Well, you will know that. He doesn’t want to know anything about us anymore.

We wrote his things, so we should give away. Even his Porsche, after which he was always so crazy. He’s grown up, I can and does not want to talk him. Maybe one day he will come back and back again.

So, doc, now choose something! Take what you want. You almost have the same figure as he. And then they come to the lunchroom. We both still have a lot to discuss.

And again Jes-Sse Long disappeared, without giving the possibility of an answer.

Jake Sturges chose a light summer suit and a beige shirt. As much as he knew about good wardrobes in order to recognize that longs Son had only carried custom -made products. Suit and shirt were made of the best material. When he moved, he wrapped his things together and went to the lunchroom.

The butler caught him in front of the door and asked him for the dirty cloakroom.

I have instructions to put them in cleaning, he said. Sturges shrugged with his armpits and overlooked him shirt and suit. Then he went into the room. Jesse Long sat at the table and waved him up to him.
Set down, doc! And grab!Suddenly he hit his head with his flat hand.

My sky, I completely forgot that! My sister is at the airfield and will wait for Gale! For a moment please, I just want to let me know that someone picks them up!He was already at the door when he was still in a little one. Tell me the number of your petrol station, Doc! The butler then calls there.
She called storms. Jesse Long went out, but came back after a few minutes.
Everything done, he said and sat down again. Jake Sturges used in such a modest way that Long said: Now they really grab, young man! Do you want to insult me? He looked at him so seriously that Sturges had to smile.

So good, sir! If you are so pushing me ..
While both ate, they hardly spoke.

It was only when they were sitting on the sun -crossed terrace near Mokka and Cognac did Jesse Long come to speak of what was important to him.
Dr. Wise made some hints to me. So I know. What dr.

Malone concerns I think we don’t need to talk about that. He owes to his political friends that a man like him is still the chief physician. Unfortunately there is something like this with us. It has a lot of influence, and therefore I am sure that they will no longer get a leg on earth in Miami.

So I will help you! -You saved Gale, I will never forget that. I know I know …, he waved off when Sturges wanted to object something, coincidence that they were sitting there at this point. What does it matter? Let’s assume someone else would have been who didn’t know how to behave in such a situation. What would have been then? Please, I want you to accept my help! No wrong modesty!

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