Born sex slave | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

out of the network


Nina had not yet gained any experience with men at the age of 19. She was unsure because she had read that the first time be so important. She inhibited her fear of being smiled at by her first lover. Nina was the prettiest girl in her grade.

Many of the boys had an eye on them. That made it difficult for her to get involved without being observed by everyone. Nina was a calm nature. The many attention unsettled her.

It was no wonder. She had a very pretty face with perfect lips and big brown eyes. Her long brown hair went over her shoulder blades and shone when the sun fell on it. She was known for her crispy ass, which was visible to everyone in tight jeans.

Her breasts were not very big, but firm. Her legs were well shaped by regular cycling to school. In short, Nina was a bliss to look at.

Nina found that it was time to gain sexual experiences. She wished to be introduced from a man to the delights of sexuality.

With the boys from her school she was unable to gain any experience. That would be immediately the conversation material NR.1 was very embarrassing. Chance helped her: her parents asked Nina whether she didn’t want to make some money for the upcoming driver’s license. A neighbor would like to have some help in the household and asked if Nina didn’t want to help him out a bit.

Mr. Maier lived only 2 houses away. He was early retirement, in his mid -50s and still very sprightly. Nina didn’t have the impression that Mr. Maier was in need of help, you finally saw him on the tennis court or jogging occasionally. No matter, Nina could indeed use some money.

So she went to Mr. Maier one Sunday morning and rang the doorbell. Mr. Maier opened in the morning mantle:

“Ah, you’re there! please come in.”

The formalities were soon clarified. Nina would come to Mr. Maier twice a week, clean, shop, wash the laundry and perform other activities and get 5 euros an hour.

‘Not bad,’ thought Nina, ‘I do that at home and here I get money for it’.

She also liked Mr. Maier. He was always very nice to her.

The weeks went into the country and Nina liked her job, she liked to work for Mr. Maier.

She liked it if he gave her a task. She now came 3 times a week and sometimes more often. Mr. Maier didn’t bother that. On the contrary, he thought it was great to have the pretty girl around him.

Since Nina’s parents were both working and were often at home in the evening, it occurred every now and then that Nina just went to Mr. Maier to afford it to him. Gradually they got to know each other better. Nina told about school, Mr. Maier of his ex-wife. Finally he asked Nina:

“What about you? You definitely have a friend?!”

Nina blushed something.

“No, the boys are all so childish at school,” she said quietly.

“Then you didn’t have sex at all?”

Nina shook her head.

“I don’t just want to have sex with some boy, he realizes that I still Virgo I would be embarrassed.”

“Yes, that’s clever of you, you shouldn’t be yours first time spend.”

The following night, Mr. Maier slept badly.

It wasn’t the first time he thought of what it was like to fuck Nina. The conversation had given him a stand. Fortunately, she hadn’t noticed anything. The conversation had also not passed to Nina without a trace.

She had always felt attracted to older men. It was as if the puzzle parts come together.

Two weeks later, when they were sitting in front of the television again, Nina took heart:

“Mr. Maier, that may be a little surprising now, but maybe you couldn’t … well you already know ..?”

Mr. Maier had often considered at night whether he should not take the initiative.

He had already played through the possibilities in the head and decided to play full risk at such an opportunity.

“Yes Nina you know, it is not enough to put it in. What the girls lacked in your age is not the burst maiden male … Many girls who haven’t had sex yet do not even know how to move so that the man is torn down.“After a short break, he said:

“Well because I like you and we get along well, I want to do something good for you. What do you think of training to become a sex fellow?”

“Sex-female?”Said Nina surprised.

“Yes, sex-nerwoman.

I noticed how willingly you follow my instructions. I think that’s in your nature and you will have a lot of fun. That is what many men find very cool. Unfortunately there are few women who have a feel for it.

I suggest you sleep over it for a night and tell me tomorrow what you think of it.”

Nina went home as well as dazed. Sex. She felt a warmth that went out of her step. At night she was awake and satisfied herself several times.

In the morning her decision was determined. She would do it.

At the hour she appeared quite nervous with Mr. Maier. “We won’t have sex for now. You have to earn that first.

There is a lot to learn.”Said Mr. Maier and gave her a list” rules “that she had to comply with from now on.

1.Every instruction must be followed exactly.

‘Well, we already know that,’ thought Nina, ‘I even like to do that.’

2.If we are in a room together, you should be on knees to demonstrate your submissiveness.

That is new. Nina immediately went to her knees.

“We will rehearse the exact attitudes.“Commented Mr. Maier smiling her willingness to learn.

She continued:

3.For our practice hours you always have to be completely naked. Your body must be free of hair below the neck.

He was proud of that anyway.

“Maybe one or the other rule will be added.”Said Mr. Maier,” In the practice lessons you will answer me with ‘yes mister’ and ‘no, gentlemen’. If you do the household as usual, you can simply call me Mr. Maier again.”

Nina nodded.

“Well, let’s start.

Undress yourself.”

Nina got a little red, so now Mr. Maier should see her naked. She got up and pulled out her thin sweater and was now naked around the top. Nina was not wearing a bra. Mr. Maier had applied to her without underwear, only to come to him with one piece of clothing over the skin.

Then she stood over and looked at the floor. Mr. Maier could hardly believe his luck. It seemed as if this young thing would actually be serious to him. Nina was very warm.

She liked this game. She was happy to accept instructions from Mr. Maier. She started to push her jeans.

“Turn around. You should present your ass when you take off your pants.

If the pants strip down on your legs slowly, let the legs stretch out.”

Nina nodded quickly and did what her was called. She bent her upper body into the horizontal and began to peel the tight jeans from her ass with a cradle of her hips. She had no panties under the jeans and the ass came to light. Mr. Maier had long since had a stiff, but he forced himself to rest.

He wanted to enjoy the little one entirely. When she pushed her pants down to her ankles, she didn’t know what to do now, so she stopped with her head at the knee height and her ass high in the air. Mr. Maier was thrilled. Your body had a uniformly beautiful healthy brown color.

“Ok, stay that way, and make friends with the position where your head is deeper than your ass.

You have to like this position.”

He went out of the room and left Nina. She was pretty excited and wanted to massage her clit, but Mr. Maier shouldn’t see her. 5 minutes later Mr. Maier came back and proudly looked at his obedient student.

“OK. Go back on your knees and pull off your pants entirely.”

Nina straightened up, knelt and pulled the pants over the ankles.

She was now very naked, but felt very comfortable on knees in front of her much older neighbors. She didn’t want to question the rules of the game. She was certainly her experienced neighbor would do the right thing. She was proud that she received an apprenticeship from him.

,What luck!‘She thought, ‘I will surely learn a lot. I have to make an effort so I don’t disappoint him.’

She was eager to learn the teaching units of her mentor. She now knelt with the upper body and thighs upright in front of Mr. Maier.

“Go to all fours, put your shoulders on the floor and stretch your ass up. ……

Do you see, that’s the first posture error, but don’t matter. We are here for learning. If you are in a position where you want to present your ass then over extension your back, go into the hollow cross. Imagine you want to press a hole in the floor with your nipples.

Yes, very nice. So you look very sexy. Spread the legs on something over shoulder width. Stretch your arms forward and lower legs straight back.

Now it’s perfect. What you are currently learning is an attitude with which you can turn men. How do you feel?”

“Hm, a little vulnerable, showed, but also sexy.”

“You are too, I can confirm that. Stay like that and get used to the position.

We will be position no. 3 call.”

Nina tried to go a little more into the hollow back and shaped the position.

The following weeks, Nina and her mentor Mr. Maier spent a lot of time together and Mr. Maier taught her further positions. She was able to kneel on command, on the heels, knees shoulder width, back and head straight, but looks down and hands stretched behind the back. Nina was now completely used to being naked in his presence while he was completely dressed.

She was very eager to have real sex, but Mr. Maier kept her down. After 3 weeks the day came when she was allowed to touch him for the first time. Mr. Maier had announced this day and Nina Knieten in happy expectation naked in front of him.

“You have to learn to caress a man and to be tender to him.”

She sat on her heels, had her hands up on her knees with palms and looked at him with big eyes.

“The first lesson should be to massage the feet of a man. It is best to take your mouth.

Maybe you don’t like it right away. If it costs you overcome, you will benefit all the more of it. It has to be something for you that you like to do. Only if you have the right setting is it pleasant for the man and you and you will learn something.

My feet are freshly washed. try using!”

He sat on the couch and stretched out the feet. Nina was a bit dazed. She rose from her kneeling position, went over to him and sank to her knees in front of his bare feet.

Kissing the feet of her pensioner neighbor … she hadn’t expected that. What was left of her? But she was eager to learn and if that was part of it … Besides, she didn’t want to fail because of her first task.

She leaned forward and relied on her forearms. She stretched her bare ass as far as possible. She had already learned that. Remove your back nicely.

Mr. Maier smiled, she was a good student. Her neighbor’s feet were right in front of her face. She stroked her hair on a side of her head, put her head a bit weird and gave a light kiss on the tension of a foot. The feet ray ok and it wasn’t really uncomfortable.

Nina began to cover her feet with her kisses.

“For experienced women, this is a treat. You say that is a special kus experience. Of course, not every woman is able to enjoy that.“Mr. Maier stabbed.

Nina shot her eyes and drove her tongue over two toes. She was in front of her would kiss someone and began to cover the feet of her mentor with ever more moist kisses.

‘It’s not that bad.‘She thought ‘how to crouch around with feet instead of lips’ instead of lips’.

She took the big toe deep into her mouth, played it around with her tongue and sucked on it. Mr. Maier moaned softly. Nina noticed his excitement and she became aware that she too was a little wet. She liked her submissive position in which she served her neighbor.

Nina thought like a harems slave and groaned into a toe. After approx. 20 minutes of soulful leaks their lips and their tongue were somewhat deaf. She had now sucked and licked on every toe and had been caressing every point of his feet several times with damp kisses.

Mr. Maier gave her a sign to stop. She gave him a long kiss on his big toe and then sat back on her heels. Her hands crossed her behind her back, as learned. With her hands she comprised the elbow of the other arm.

Her open hair partly covered the horizontal forearms.

“We can do that more often, it was fun …”She said with a whipped head. “I like it if you move your toes in my mouth. Then I can play around with my tongue and really smooch it with it.”

She was proud of herself that she was a little fun, which only experienced women like. It wasn’t super exciting, but was ok and not disgusting at all.

She would like to do it again. Slowly she straightened her head a little. She looked at him under her eyelash and said: “Thank you, Lord”.

Young girl is trained by her older neighbors to become a sex winner and likes it.

In the first part, Nina is used to being naked and showing itself in submissive poses. She also learns to spoil the feet of her sex mentor with pleasure.

The day after the footing of the foot, Nina came back to Mr. Maier. Mr. Maier looked away in the living room. She entered, went to him and knelt on the floor next to the couch.

He had stretched his feet from himself. Nina couldn’t resist. She smiled at him, went to his outstretched feet on all fours and gave his wicked great toe a welcome kiss.

“Well, you seem to have liked that yesterday?!”Said Mr. Maier and smiled back.

“Yes! I found it very exciting and nice to learn something new. Thanks.

I didn’t think I would enjoy spoiling her feet right away. I’m looking forward to the next lessons.”

Mr. Maier made an air jump inside. He hadn’t been sure whether she really would do it. Now she also seemed to be liked to find it.

“How else do you like your training so far?”He asked her,” You have definitely learned a lot in the past few weeks!”

Nina briefly considered “yes that is true.

I somehow feel adult and more feminine. I like to be naked when I am with you and I can present my body to you. That gives me a pleasantly queasy feeling. I also like to be on knees in front of them.

I like to look at you. At the beginning my knees hurt a little over time. They seem to have got used to the knees. Yesterday I kneeled next to them for 2 hours at a time and felt very comfortable.”

“Then it’s good! I also like you very well on knees.”

Nina smiled proudly.

“Mr. Maier,” she started hesitantly, “when I make you clean, I usually do it in my jeans.

I find that inappropriate in street clothing. Naked, they said, I shouldn’t do it either. I got myself in Internet Ordered a maiden outfit. May I show you it?”

Mr. Maier nodded a little surprised.

Nina left the room and came back a few minutes later with a deeply cut black dress. It had to be from an erotic shipping because it was very short. Mr. Maier was thrilled. If she leaned forward, Mr. Maier speculated, you would get interesting insights.

He got a stand when she looked at him a little shyly. A white apron covered the short dress in front.

Nina got on his knees with spread legs in front of him and loosely crossed her arms behind his back: “What do you think of it? May I wear it if I do housework for you?”

“I like it. You can wear it, but you don’t attract anything underneath. In the Summer Maybe you will be naked all the time.

I will think about it.”

“Thank you Mr. Maier!”Said Nina and smiled back to him.

Nina knew that he liked it. She had already noticed his stand. She started doing the usual homework and the day passed quickly.

In the evening she called Mr. Maier to herself.: “It is time for us to start your next lesson. Get ready.”

She quickly pulled her maiden costume out of us it brought it to the cupboard at the entrance.

Immediately afterwards she knelt naked and expectantly on the floor in front of Mr. Maier’s feet.

“You are a good student Nina. It is fun teaching you the skills that distinguish a real woman. The next thing you will learn is to spoil my penis.”

Nina slid around the ground restlessly. Finally it went on.

“So that you don’t have to start unprepared, I have put together a small video course for you.

Please come with me.”

They went into the basement together. Nina had only been to the basement once to get something. She did not know the space they now entered. A television was set up and a blanket with a kind of saddle on it.

In the middle of the saddle, a rubber bumper protruded, such as a plum shaped,. Mr. Maier meant her on the ceiling over the saddle to kneel. Nina knelt over the saddle wide -legged. Mr. Maier stepped behind her and started using a kind of pump with his foot.

The saddle lifted off the ground and the plum pressed against her vagina. Nina pushed out a quiet cry with a surprise.

“Allow the little rubber nipping penetrate you. Don’t worry, he won’t deflower you. For that he is too short.”

Nina relaxes and the rubber plum disappeared into it until she came to sit on the saddle.

It hurt something. At the same time, she knew that at that moment she didn’t want to be else.

“Take your hands behind your back and grab the elbow of the other arm with one hand, as you have learned.“With a little effort straight up and obediented what he asked.

He stepped in front of her with a kind of collar.

“What is that, a collar?” she asked.

“An invention of me. You will see.”

He put the wide collar around her slim neck and attached a cable to it. On the collar, one of several small lamps shone.

The saddle on which she was sitting and the collar was connected to a small black box. She now knelt with arms crossed behind her back and a short but thick rubber pulley in her on the floor when Mr. Maier struggled to the box and suddenly the saddle began to vibrate vibration. You were able to moan slightly. She had already been a bit damp, with the rubber heel in her and now he vibrated too.

At the same time, the television went on and you could see a naked girl that an older man bliss. She knelt in front of him, had her hands like Nina behind her back. She took his tail deep into the mouth to pull it out completely again. It seemed to please her, because she kept going quietly groaned.

Something was also going on in Nina, and her groaned too. They focused on maintaining the attitude. She knew that Mr. Maier expected that from her. With a straight back she kept the elbows of the other arm tensed by hand.

Her long hair almost covered her forearms. For Mr. Maier, she offered an adorable sight of how she knelt in front of him. The plum continued to vibrate in Nina and she was excited about the sight of the blowing girl, who, like her, knelt. She couldn’t take a look.

When she thought after 20 minutes she would get an orgasm right away, the plum stopped vibrating and the scene changed. The man started taking the girl from the front. Nina liked that too, but without a plum it wasn’t so beautiful. The scenes changed again and again.

The plum always vibrated in scenes where the girl was on knees when it was taken from behind, for example. If it knelt in front of the man and one blew him, the vibration was the strongest. Nina began to wish the scenes in which the girl was allowed to kneel and blow in front of the older Lord. An hour passed and Nina wished nothing more than getting an orgasm and seeing the girl bubbles.

But every time it came closer to the orgasm, the device stopped vibrating and the scene changed.

She was almost like in a trance when Mr. Maier stepped in front of her and kept his half -erect tail in front of her face. She automatically opened her mouth, closed her eyes and began spoiling him with her mouth as she had seen on the TV. His dick quickly got hard. She wanted to have him deep in her mouth.

Mr. Maier had a kind of remote control for the plum in his hand. If she had his cock particularly deep in the mouth, he gave her a reward impulse with the plum. Nina knelt in front of him, she sweated her nipples with excitement, like never before. With every forward movement she tried to get his cock deeper into her mouth.

He noticed that he would come soon.

He grabbed her hair into a braid and pushed her on to his cock. He noticed a short resistance when he penetrated into her neck and overcame the stranger reflex. He gave her two impulses with the remote control as a reward. She groaned with his cock in her throat.

He pulled it out completely and drove in again. Again there was a resistance, but it was not as big as the first time. He was able to repeat the procedure with long bumps a few times. ‘She learns really quickly’.

Nina breathed heavily and gave a blush moaning when he penetrated her entirely and gave her reward impulses. He pressed her nose tightly into his pubic hair, then put his head back and sprayed a thick gudge. He further gave her impulses with the remote control and noticed how she twitched around his tail and also got an orgasm. He pulled out his cock a little and the second gush filled her mouth.

Nina groaned lustfully. Then he pulled it out and pressed the last remnants on her still closed eyes. Nina closed her mouth and instinctively swallowed his warm sperm down. She massaged her neck with her hands.

Then she automatically took her back back her back.

Mr. Maier registered this with satisfaction. He parked the plum, downloaded the saddle and let himself be fell on a chair next to Nina. Nina could now go down from the plum. She knelt on all fours between his legs and breathed heavily.

He gently stroked her head.

Exhausted she lifted her head to his hanging link and kissed it in awe. A drop of sperm had collected on the glans. She looked at him questioningly and he nodded in agreement. She licked the drop and swallowed again.

Then she put his glans all into her mouth and sucked it with your eyes closed. She looked up again with his head and breathed: “Thanks for the lesson! I even got an orgasm from blowing!”

He had distributed the rest of his sperm on her eyes and eyelashes. Now that she knelt in front of him and looked up at him, it began to walk into her eyes and to disguise her view. She wanted to wipe it away, but Mr. Maier held her from it.

“Let it run in your eyes, it’s good for you.“She believed him. She proudly kissed his mighty cock, which she was allowed to have deep in her throat. She could only see blurry, but enjoyed it because she also felt that way.

Young girl is trained by her older neighbors to become a sex winner and likes it.

In the first part we get used to being naked and showing itself in submissive poses. She learns to spoil the feet of her sex mentor with pleasure. In the second part, Nina is allowed to blow and swallow. Now something is being tapped.

“How do you want to be deflowered?“He asked her a few days later when they were together in the living room.

Nina was naked on the couch and had her head on his lap, “Is there something that you want?”

Nina considered a little. “There is something …” she said shyly. “But I don’t know if you like it.”

“Well, out with it, as bad as we can’t be,” replied Mr. Maier.

“In the past I always had fantasies that I would be tied to the four bed posts of a rear bed with my feet and hands. Do you think that is suitable for deflowering? After all, I do what they ask me anyway, so they can captivate me.”

Mr. Maier didn’t want to believe what he heard there.

This little brat wanted to be tied up by him. You should get that. On the outside, he tried to react calmly and calmly.

“Soso, you want to be tied up. I think that can be set up ..

Now come here, there is something I want to show you.”

Nina got on her knees in front of the sofa and took a learned position with his hands behind the back. So he wanted it. She still found it exciting that such a much older man taught her something about sex. She liked to obey him without contradiction.

He had the riding whip next to him, which she should bring him from riding recently.

“Posier here in front of me on the elbows and knees” he ordered her and pointed to the floor in front of his feet. She obeyed and did what her was called. I left the left elbow in front of his left foot and her left knee in front of his right. Instinctively she stretched her back and thereby the ass up.

“The knees a little further apart,” he ordered her, “that’s how it is good!“He gave her a little folding with her flat hand.

“I have another rule for you.

You can only address the word to me or answer me if your knees touch the floor. With that you show your submission. Did you understand that?”

“Yes Lord, I think so.”

“What do you think is coming now?“He asked as he drove his hand over her perfect ass.

“You want to punish me? Did I do something wrong?“She replied unsafe.

“No, you didn’t do anything wrong. I want to show you another type of game.

You should see what the punishment of a disobedient sex projecter can look like. The best educational method is still sugar bread and whip. It serves to motivate your motivation. You can use this for yourself to internalize the lessons.

Imagine you would have hurt a rule.”

He took out his hand and gave her a folding vertically on her ass. Nina twitched together. The folding was only so tight that it hurt briefly, but the pain disappeared again immediately. A small redness remained at the point.

Then he took out again and hit her from behind the more sensitive area on the ass attachment. She winced forward and pushed out a quiet cry in surprise.

“Is it too much at the beginning? If you want, we can stop again. Maybe you’re not far enough yet.”Said Mr. Maier.

“No, no, I want to learn it. I trust them.

So far I liked everything a lot. I can’t just twitch away either. Maybe you can hold me so that I don’t swink away?”

“Like to” said Mr. Maier and grabbed her hair behind her head to a tuft and pulled her head back. She now had a totally excessive back on how she knelt on his knees and elbows in front of him.

Her breasts hung to the carpet and the nipples rubbed hard on it. Again he gave her a folding with his flat hand. This time there was a white impression of his hand, then a redness. This time she did not make a sound, even though her head was pulled back with your mouth open and closed.

“Must be on the hair?” she asked.

He let go of her hair. “You have to leave that to me.

If I keep you, you can better concentrate on your sensations.” he said. “Or should we leave it?”

“No, no, if it helps me … please keep me on your hair, you know best!“She answered quickly. She covered her hair with one hand into a braid and stretched it towards him.

He took it again and pulled her head back. Nina was excited and unsure. She didn’t want to disappoint her master. Mr. Maier would already know what was best for her.

She concentrated to stretch her ass up as possible and waited for the first blow with your eyes closed.

“Imagine the folding is a punishment for carelessness. You accept the punishment and want to serve me even better in the future. So that you internalize that I only do this for you, I want you to thank you for everyone that I give you.”

“Yes Mr.“She introduced herself that she had disregarded his ban on speech and addressed him while standing although she should have kneel. Her punishment awaited her inside.

-Zack- this time he struck the whip and kept her tightly by hand when she wanted to twitch away.

She breathed heavily for a few seconds with your eyes closed.

“Thank you Mr.”

After 10 other blows, she winced less in his hand when he hit from behind. He drove his hand into her slot. She was very damp. She groaned through his touch.

He pushed her head on the floor and she willingly stretched her ass further into the air. He had already accepted a slight reddening. She commented on each of his blows with a slight moan. She got used to it.

He gave her 3 strokes that roamed her pussy. Nina quit this by cramping briefly, but then breathing deeper with a quiet groan. Mr. Maier had enough.

“Come up, just kne up in front of me, that’s enough for now.”

She rose and took her position somewhat dazed.

“Thanks for the lesson, Lord” she whispered and looked at the ground in front of her.

“Well, how do you feel your” punishment “”?

“From now on, I will only try to speak to you if I’m on knees.”

Mr. Maier had to grin. She had obviously thought of the new rule.

Nina continued: “The pain was not as big as I thought at the beginning.

At some point I got used to it and was just afraid of the next blow. The longer it took, the more submissive I felt. I think I’m pretty receptive to your sugar bread and whip education.“She blushed something. “Besides, I’m pretty horny.”

“I noticed that.“Grinned Mr. Maier.

“It could be that we repeat this a little harder in the future. I’m getting something to drink. Do you want something too?”

“No thanks, sir I have no thirst.” she answered.

He got up and went to the kitchen. Nina remained kneeling on the carpet in front of the couch.

She checked her position again. She sat on her heels, her toes stretched backwards. Her knees were spread a little over the shoulder width, the back stretched out a little, so that the skin of her ass was nice and tense. With her hands, she held the opposite elbow.

So she had learned it and he wanted it. She was proud because she knew that it liked her Lord when she made an effort to adhere to the positions.

He sat on the couch in front of her again.

“You can now kiss my feet.“He bid her.

“Lord” she replied and smiled gratefully at him.

She pulled out his socks and went back to the knee and elbows. She stretched her perfect, slightly reduced ass into the air again to the satisfaction of Mr. Maier. She started to kiss his feet lovingly and suck on his toes.

“Satisfy yourself with one hand yourself.“Was his next instruction.

“Thanks!“Delicately did it.

She took a hand between her legs and began stimulating her clit. She had one of his big toes deep in her mouth and sucked on it.

“Tomorrow is Saturday. Unfortunately I don’t have time for you tomorrow.“He said to her. “What about you with time for lessons on weekends?”

She briefly let the big toe, which she just played around with her tongue and sucked, and replied: “As you wish.

You can have me all weekend. Just write me an SMS then I kneel here naked in front of you within 10 minutes.“She smiled at him from her beautiful brown eyes and then licked over his big toe. Then she closed her eyes and sucked it gently again. She continued to work her clit and passionately sucked on his toes.

Mr. Maier leaned back satisfied and enjoyed his student. After 15 minutes he noticed that she would come soon. He ordered her back in her kneeling position. He liked it when she was excited and has not yet come.

She knelt in front of him with a restless look. He got up from the sofa and stood in front of her.

“When I came, you can come too.“He opened her. “Another rule. You can only come when I injected you in your mouth.

This ensures that you have done your job.”

He opened his cheese slot and pulled out his cock that had long since become hard. Nina immediately rose from her heels and knelt in front of him. She enclosed his glans with her lips and sucked it with your eyes closed. She wanted his sperm, that was noticeable to her.

She breathed heavily. With one hand she worked her clit again, he could see that from above. Mr. Maier was also very excited. He had really shaped this young thing as he wanted.

He grabbed her hair behind her head to a tuft and began to fuck her neck with long movements. He pressed her mouth into his pubic hair and then pulled out the tail up to the glans. Nina obviously had no problem so that he would let him penetrate into her neck. He felt almost no resistance.

He let go of her hair and Nina continued in the same rhythm. Whenever the tail had left her throat, she groaned and breathed heavily. Mr. Maier knew that he would come right away. He pulled her head on his hair from his cock and pressed her down to all four.

He wanted to spray them from a distance. She supported her hands directly in front of her knees on the floor. Nina also felt that he would come immediately. She had her head far her neck.

She opened her mouth as far as she could and stretched out her tongue to catch as much sperm as possible. He splashed a thick beam over her face and the wide open mouth. A second ray landed directly on her tongue. He let the rest drop into her mouth from above.

“Now you can jerk off.”He said to her.

She supported herself with one hand and worked like wild her clit.

She played around the sperm in her mouth with her tongue and groaned and squeaked when she rolled over as several orgasm waves. Then she swallowed several times and came one last time.


Nina had put her skirt and top and entered the kitchen naked naked. Mr. Maier was still sitting at the breakfast table in the morning mantle and read newspaper.

He smiled at her pointed to a stain next to his chair. Nina obediently sank to her knees there. She sat on her heels.

“Take your hands behind his back,” he asked her, “I have a few questions for you. What have you learned in your training here with me?”

He had already announced that to her.

Nina had thought about it in bed at night.

“First they showed me to present me and taught me different positions. They also said I have to have my ass higher than my shoulders.”

“You make the positions very nice and put a lot of effort into it, I like that. Did you practice?”

“At home I practice a lot with a stool. I kneel on the stool, my ass up and supported myself on the floor with my hands.

I often do that naked before falling asleep. I will somehow horny. In the meantime I can say that I have got used to having my ass higher. I’ve been doing my homework since then.

I kneel on all fours and support myself with the elbows. That works very well and I feel like that. I also like cleaning the ground on all fours.”

“How do you like the rules?”

“You do me good. I used to be very unsure about sexual things.

I didn’t know how to behave exactly to Jungs. Because you have put up rules for me, it has become much easier. Now I know exactly how I have to behave properly.”

She smiled at him and lowered her gaze.

“To be honest, it is a little overcoming for me to show me naked every time. I’m looking forward to it every time, but my heart knocks strongly when I go naked in front of them naked.

In the meantime, I can no longer imagine being with you and not kneeling. I think that also shows so beautiful that they are the boss … ”She looked at the ground in front of her. “I always try to confirm this by always trying to make particular effort with the tasks.”

“That is nice. I have noticed the tasks for you?”

“That’s correct.

I learned how nice it is to be obedient. I like that you are my boss and determine me about me. Because I am her servant, I am hierarchically deep among them, so to speak. I like that.”

“What was difficult for you?”

“Most of it was surprisingly easy for me.

Maybe I have a special talent to be a servant. People have always had servants and maids. I just didn’t know that it was fun. Of course there were also things that didn’t like it so easily.

In the beginning I didn’t like to drink the outflows out of her penis while blowing. It smelled strange and was too much for me! I guess I swallow half a water glass every time.”

“Do you mean what comes before the sperm? This is a kind of natural lubricant. I have an overfunction through my prostate tablets. But now you like it better?”

“In the meantime I don’t find this lubricant bad anymore.

I got used to it. I like it when things run directly into my mouth. You just have to swallow regularly every few seconds. I like the idea that something flows from her eggs through the tail directly into my stomach.

I think I get a little wet with the smell. It makes me proud that you let me swallow your sperm. After all, that’s a very valuable and private liquid.”

“It’s nice that you see it that way, I think your training will not have been for nothing. How important is your sexual satisfaction to you?”He asked her further.

She considered and slipped around on the heel a little restlessly.

They made his questions a little nervous.

“I used to think, Man And Woman I would have to be optimally at the same time during sex. In the meantime it is somehow different. When I bladder you, I will be horny;But I also notice that your orgasm is more important than mine. After all, I am her servant.”

“Yes, you have already learned a lot, you can hear and see.

You will soon notice that it is also a reward for you when I get an orgasm. Look, I have something for you here.”

He had a chain with two brackets in his hand.

“Do you know what that is?” asked he. “The jewelry for your nipples.”..

Nina was back at H.

Maier to bring his household up to scratch. She had asked him if she shouldn’t clean naked too. She found that more appropriate. He had only allowed her to wear her high black boots.

The plaster sponge with the size of a matchbox made the soil cleaning on all fours not boring. She noticed how he took a few photos with him for his pleasure. She had her head at the ground height and ass up to be able to clean under the shelf in the corner. For the photo she stretched out her ass further up.

She didn’t bother that she slipped over the floor with her nipples. As always, she liked something humiliating for him.

Something was different today. When she came into the living room, she had noticed that he had placed two chairs unusually in the living room. The chairs had a low backrest and looked stable.

Nina was curious about what Mr. Maier had with the chairs. She didn’t have to wait a long time.

“Know yourself on your chairs,” he said soon, “with every knee on a chair. Quite to the fact that your thighs are on the backrest.”

Obedience knelt nina on the chairs. She had to spread her thighs because she stood more than shoulder width apart.

Mr. Maier band her thighs on the back with a rope.

“What do we do?” she asked.

“A surprise, just got off. Try whether you can still move.”

Nina’s legs were now firmly connected to the chairs. Her spread thighs were tied to the backrests and the lower legs with the boots on the seats. She leaned back and forth with her upper body, but everything was stable.

They knelt upright onto the chairs and instinctively held their arms behind their backs. Mr. Maier smiled satisfied. He drove her hand over her breasts and rolled her nipples between the thumb and index finger.

“You wanted to be tied up, you said. I thought about it.“He took a long rope that was ready and began to bind her wrists behind her back.

He deflowered me now?’Thought she was excited.

Mr. Maier had fixed her hands and now pulled the end through a hook on the ceiling over the chairs that Nina had never noticed.

He pulled at the end and Nina’s arms were pulled up behind her.

“Band forward. The rope wears your weight.”

Nina leaned forward and let her arms tease her arms up. Mr. Maier made a few more corrections and gave a few instructions, then he had placed Nina as he wanted it to. Her shoulders hung on the rope a little below the height of her ass, which she stretched up nicely.

He intertwines her hair with another rope into a braid. He also led this rope through the eyelet. When he tensioned it, her head was pulled backwards. So he fixed her hollow cross position.

“How do you feel?”He asked her.

“Very delivered, but nothing hurts.

I would have expected the poor pain, but I hang it very comfortably in it. What will you do with me now?”

He drove his hand over her ass. “What I want to do, my love.“Gossip – he gave her a folding with her flat hand. She felt through the draft that she was already damp.

“What do you want?”

“Well, maybe you want to deflower me?”She asked carefully.

“Did you deserve that? I think I’ll give you a lesson with the whip so that you become a little more humble.

Then we talk about the topic again. Do you want the whip?”

“Honts, if you think about deflower afterwards. Please, I want to be humble for you.“With that she stretched out her ass a little further towards him.

He worked on her ass by hand and the riding crop until he had accepted the slight color again. After 20 minutes she groaned again and was completely horny.

If he only touched her, she thought. She wanted to feel it. His cock was very hard. He went to her head, hung at the height of hip and stopped his cock in front of her mouth.

She willingly accepted him and immediately sucked on it. He pushed him deep and let him get a little stuck there. He pulled out his cock completely. He was now very damp with her spit.

He went to her ass, gave her a folding and stood behind her. He reached over her and grabbed her braid with one hand. He wanted to check their movements and feel them when he entered them. He put on and slowly pushed into Nina.

She was very tight. He felt a resistance and slowly pushed further. Nina breathed heavily and twitched. When he put in her entirely, he paused and enjoyed the sight of the fixed girl on his cock.

He began to develop a slow rhythm, in which he pulled his cock out in full length and pushed back into it. Nina got used to his cock and began to moan softly. He pulled out his cock and reached into the pocket of his not entirely pulled pants. The breast brackets were now in his hand.

He placed the brackets on Nina’s nipple. Nina, who was somewhat dazed, was startled, but could not avoid. The brackets were immediately hung by a chain connected to their nipples. She breathed heavily, but did not dare to complain.

Mr. Maier went back to her ass and started to push her into her more and more firmly. He was about to come, his eggs clapped against her cunt and he sweated. He saw that Nina was also sweating. She breathed more and more heavily and winced wildly when she came.

He felt her vaginal muscles twitched on his tail. Mr. Maier couldn’t hold back longer and sprayed a large load into her. He pulled out his cock, quickly stopped the Nille. He went to her open mouth and sprayed a rest of the sperm in.

Nina swallowed and tried to lick his tail.

He took the brackets from her, loosened her legs from the chairs and the rope that spanned her arms upwards and raised her from the chairs. She couldn’t stand with exhaustion and sank to his knees in front of him.

“How do you feel?“He asked her as he stroked her head.

She released herself on her arms and looked at him exhausted and in awe.

“What did you do with me? I almost came. Then they put the clips to me and I couldn’t get through the pain. After all, I still became a hornier, so I still came.

I’ve never come so violently. Was the intention?”

“I wanted to see how you react. Whether you can combine pain and sensation of pleasure, as you have already shown it from the riding crop. We will continue to practice.”

He was sitting on the sofa wide on the leg and his cock hung half -slack down.

His and her juices still glittered sticky moisture on his cock. She looked at him questioningly:

“May I lick it clean?”

She knelt on all fours between his legs, took his limp cock in her mouth and sucked it tenderly with your eyes closed.

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