Aunt and cousin jerked me off with leather gloves | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I had a preference for leather. This hung with mine aunt Together, which when I was 18 years old, looked very pretty, was dressed very noble and what I found particularly great, black long, smooth leather gloves. When she visited us and sought her gloves, I sneaked into the hallway and looked for the gloves in her coat, where I found her too. Then I went into the bathroom with a pounding heart.

I smelled at them and stroked my face with it. Then I put them on, pulled them very tight and smooth and got my limb out of his pants and rubbed it with my gloves. I stuck my link between the gloves and always rubbed it up and down between the gloves. I looked at the campaign in the mirror and imagined that my aunt would do it for me.

When I jerked myself so I forgot the environment around me. My eyes were fixed on the movement of the gloves. I particularly loved it when I saw my seeds inject over my gloves. I always smelled on the seed -smeared gloves and then cleaned them and put them back in the coat.

So far my aunt had always stayed long enough that the gloves could dry again. But one day, I had just cleaned my gloves from the seed again, I heard spirit of optimism in the living room. I was shocked. The gloves were still very moist, because today I had caught my seed with my left glove and then got to the second climax with the fully awained seed glove.

As fast as I could, I wiped my gloves clean with the towel and quickly ran into the hallway and stowed the gloves back in my aunt’s coat. Just in time before she came into the hallway. I stood with a pounding heart and hoped that she might not put on her gloves. But then I was wrong.

After she said goodbye to everyone, she pulled out her gloves. At their hesitation I noticed that they irritated the damp gloves. She looked at me questioningly, but said nothing. Maybe she didn’t notice anything I thought.

During the holidays I was often with my aunt and mine cousin. I got really great with the. She also knew about my preference for gloves because one day she caught me how I masturbated when I looked at women with leather gloves in the catalog. She herself was not very active sexually and has so far adorned herself to satisfy me by hand.

One day we just watched a thriller when my aunt came in and asked if we wanted to go shopping. I didn’t feel like it, but my cousin went with. When I was alone, I felt like masturbating my aunt’s gloves. I looked for her in the hallway, but I didn’t find it.

So went in her bedroom. When I saw in the closet, I noticed various pairs of black leather boots. I found her very exciting. I smelled it and licked it a bit.

They rays wonderfully of leather. My member was hard and so I pushed it between the boots that I always rubbed up and down. I looked at myself in the mirror. Shortly before the climax I heard the front door open and my aunt came straight in the bedroom.

She opened the door, stood there and looked into my eyes, then she looked down, saw my link between her leather boots. Some wet areas were already visible. To my amazement, she didn’t look annoying. I stood there and didn’t know how to react.

Then my cousin appeared behind my aunt and just grinned while staring at my limb. I put the boots on the bed and just wanted to stow my limb when my aunt ordered me to stay the way I was. Then she came in my direction with my cousin. .Both sat down on the bed in front of me.

I stood there with an ever smaller member and still didn’t know what to do. My aunt asked me if I had satisfied myself with her leather gloves more often. I affirmed and apologized for it, explained to her that I would always be so excited if I saw her with gloves and boots. My cousin was sitting next to my aunt and still looking at the small -scale link.

Suddenly she stretches out her right hand and touched him. I was irritated that they were so open in the presence of theirs Mother did and that nothing said. She carefully took the limb between her fingers and to my amazement it was slowly getting stiff again. My aunt watched for a while and asked me if I had something against it if my cousin did it.

“No,” I said. “Ok, then we want to combine the pleasant with the useful,” she said, got up, went to a drawer and searched for two pairs of leather gloves. I was rigid before amazement. I had expected everything, but not that.

She gave a few my cousin, the other put on her herself. She pulled her gloves very smoothly and asked my cousin to do it to her. Then she started to explain the male member to my cousin. First she only pointed to everything with her global hand.

The glove was so tight and smooth that their fingernails emerged. Suddenly she pushed mine foreskin always up and down with thumb and index finger. My cousin looked at interest. My aunt explained to her that she only had to do it long enough and I would get a ejaculation.

She masturbated me with her leather gloves for a while. I couldn’t stand it long. She also knew that, so she asked my cousin, who was still very interested in whether she wanted to try it. And whether she wanted it.

Immediately my cousin reached for ´Meinem limb and grabbed her mother’s wanking movements. The gloves were not quite as tight with her, but they almost went to the elbow for that. My aunt did that knowingly. So now I stood in front of my cousin, which slowly brought me to climax in my aunt’s long leather gloves.

She visibly enjoyed it. At first their movements were somewhat hesitant, but became more and more routine and researchers. My aunt sat next to her and explained to her that it would not take long anymore. How right she was with.

More and more liquid stepped out of my member and ran onto the masturbating leather hand of my cousin. She pushed the foreskin up and down faster and faster. Shortly before it shot out of me, my aunt told her that she should make a little slower now. She explained to my cousin that I would be shortly before the seed exit.

She could notice this from the twitching if she kneaded my testicles with the other hand. She took her other leather hand and massaged my testicles and masturbated with the other with slow but long and intense up and down movements of my member. She looked at my damp glossy glans. I saw her the excitement, a boy the first time to bring to the point, on their tense and slightly reddened face.

My aunt was also a slight excitement to be noted. She knew that it would be the same and enclosed the lower part of the tail with thumb and index finger.

My cousin also noticed the twitches that something would happen right away, because her wanking movements became even slower, but she strengthened the pressure of her fingers on my glans. At last it was time. I sprayed on the gloves of my cousin.

The glove that massaged my testicles got three long seeds. I injected my seed to her elbow. Again and again seeds came from the top of the member, while my cousin continued to masturbate. So that nothing drips on the carpet, the seed, which did not land on the gloves of my cousin, was caught by my aunt’s glove.

After each drop of sperm was out of me, both let me off. I stood in front of them with trembling legs. My aunt asked my cousin if she had liked it. This affirmed and still looked at my shrinking link.

Then she looked at her gloves covered with seeds and said that she would not have thought that so many seeds would escape. Nobody asked me if I liked it, but the question had also been unnecessary. I wanted to pull my pants up, but my aunt ordered me to take me out naked. You would have something else with me.

After all, there is not such a good opportunity every day, yours Daughter to be instructed in the dispatch of boys and I seemed to like it. I affirmed it and agreed to her absolute confidentiality. Then, said my aunt, I would also be rewarded more often.

Sit down on the bed and wait, she told me, we go first to clean ourselves from your seed.

We’re not done with you yet. I thought that there was no seed in me anymore, but sat down on the bed and let me fall back exhausted, while both of them went into the kitchen with their inseminated gloves.

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