A stranger makes me really horny [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“I know where you live” was the last sentence before I finally deactivated my account at the time, which I and others have a certain way of satisfaction delivered – sensual mysterious conversations, anonymous video chats created many highlights of strangers, two three spontaneous Meet without eye contact. I loved the kick in the evening that made me forget the strenuous work and some worries forgot. Today I lead a normal family life, I don’t have to be fulfilling sex and senses for the stranger but only strive for one tail in contrast to.

All around everything you want as an ambitious boy for four. I don’t have a perfect body, but I hardly paid the tribute of two children – my waist is still slim cut, the belly flat and scars -free, the bosom no longer youthful but still shaped despite breastfeeding. My loose mouth creates an enjoyable satisfaction every day and also my buttocks with everything it has to offer enjoys every daily caresses every gendres.

My husband, as I call him lovingly, sent me a strange message about a month ago – sitting in any bar in distant Hamburg and apparently already tried a lot of drinks. It doesn’t matter who I am, what I did back then. A heart and a kiss. A lot confused I asked him how he mine. At that time I said to him when I came closer than that I was sexually open and had already done a lot in the direction of living out sexual fantasies, which he found completely fine.

The written conversation spent hours and made no sense for me for a long time. He talked confidently, wrote strange things for me, but he said his love for me. It was stirring for me when I finally got a few direct words and already very acidified from him why he behaved so strange. He reported on a man that was inconspicuous for him in his mid -30s next to him at the bar counter who asked for me – without a hinge to explain to him that he recognized me on the cell phone display of my future.

When it comes to the surprised question, since we both did not come from Hamburg, he received the information that my body is familiar to the stranger from videos and streams … *** I felt a warm breath in my neck. I have no ambitions tired and broke from my day, but press myself, in the assumption that my future, close to the body behind me. A slight groaning took off my lips behind me and I almost sank into my dreams when I noticed that he was probably wearing a new perfume next to the strong smell of cigarette.

I sucked in the fragrance several times before I try to turn around to tell him that it somehow very strange for chamomile, chlorine and something acidic smells. But I didn’t even get that. When trying to move my arms, I noticed how my body didn’t seem to follow my will. Also the attempt mine Legs It was unsuccessful to move and fear spread in me.

A quiet laugh sounded behind me and I felt a hand in my hair. With firm Train my head was torn back and I felt like one Tongue drove my neck. As soon as she came to my lips, she pushed between my teeth and demanded the task. My heart raced and the adrenaline shot into my veins when I ever realized that this was definitely not my friend but a stranger.


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