A normal family? [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“Do you think it’s safe here?“Anne heard a quiet girl voice asking questions. “Sure, of course.“, Came an impatient answer. “We’re in the middle of the bushes. See for yourself, the next house is there.

Who should sneak through the shrubs here? We would also hear him.“Anne looked around. In the next house she lived with her family. She could just see the upper part of the gable. If you were unable to hide behind the thick blackberry fold in front of her, but the two obviously had no idea that the property belonging to the house reached to this hedge that had been planted many years ago to limit the property many years ago.

And that Anne had put it in his head on this hot day, of all places to clear the dense undergrowth, they knew nothing.

Anne took another step closer and tried to spy through the branches. It was only when she stood on the tips of the toe, holding onto a small tree, could she look in front of her by a somewhat light area on the small clearing in front of her. The girl and the boy were completely unknown to her. Anne did not need to think about why Diezwei was looking for a secluded place, the situation was clear.

The boy pushed a hand under the hem of the short dress and rubbed with the other over the small, firm breasts under the thin fabric. The girl willingly raised her arms and had her dress pulled over her head. Then she grazed the boy on her part and jeans.

Anne looked at the two exams. The boy liked being as old as her big one and the girl was not older than her daughter, rather younger.

However, Anne did not want to make a judgment, because the enormous bust of her daughter her daughter Nicole had inherited, she made it look much older than sixteen. Maybe the two were of the same age.

Anne’s considerations came to an end when the girl wiped off the boy’s panties and her narrow hands over the steep tail let glide. The bright sunlight glittered on the damp, thick, red acorn and Anne involuntarily licked the lips. Slowly the boy sank to his knees and grazed down the girl’s panties.

Sighly sighing, she pushed her hips towards him. Without hesitation, the boy pushed his face between his slim legs. To judge the immediate groaning immediately, he found the right point straight away and probably didn’t do it for the first time. The girl grabbed her breasts with both hands and rubbed with the palms over the steep nipples.

“Mmmh … Yeah …”, she sighed. Anne believed that the touch felt himself, but it was only her old smock that tensions about her full breasts. Because because of the heat, she only wore a tight panties underneath nothing reduced the direct Contact With the rough fabric.

Anne looked around for vigilant again and briefly considered. There was no one to see.

Carmen, the housemaid, lived in the house, but had free at the weekend and would stay in the city for a while. Nicole was with a friend and the two boys, Michael and Andre, probably sat in front of the television as usual. Quickly rubbed Anne with her free hand over the impact fabric and massaged her nipples. It wasn’t enough for her.

Heinrich has been in Africa for two weeks now and would stay there for over five months. Anne has wondered since the first day why she had urged him to accept the job. He was paid well, yes, but without her husband only the well -hidden dildos remained to make her sexual dreams come true. Anne, who had been raised, ashamed of her, ashamed of her desire to flare up and hid her himself from Heinrich.

Almost every day she satisfied herself with her carefully kept rubber quotes. Sometimes even immediately after she slept with her husband. But she was always careful that nobody really could notice anything.

Anne bites his lips, looked around again and pushed her hand under the smock. The tight panties were not an obstacle and the quiet smacking with which her fingers bored between the wet labia was drowned out by the boys of the boy girl.

The boy now slowly let himself slide back and pulled the girl with him. Both groaned behavior when they conducted the steeply upside down between their legs and crouched about it. The girl began with a wild ride almost without anywhere, in which moaning with every shock became louder. “Mmmh..

.Yes.. .Yes.. .Yes.. .Oooh ..

Jannes swirling fingers found the same clock and rummaged deeper into their wet column. Her horny shiny eyes were firmly directed towards the thick, hard cock, which always appeared between the girl’s dark pubic hair and immediately disappeared to the attack in it again.

“Oooh ..!“The girl groaned loudly now. “Mmmh … I come … I come ..!” “Me too!“The boy groaned back. “Oooh … Jaaah ..

.Now.. .Now…!”” Spray off.. .Spray from … oooh … please … Jaaah … oooh … Yeah ..!“The girl sank on the boy twitching and Anne could no longer stick to his feet and sank into her knees with your teeth bitten together and closed. It rustled softly when she let go of the tree.

“What was that?“Asked the girl with a gasping.

“Certainly just a rabbit.“The boy snorted back. “He certainly got a few suggestions.” “I don’t know.“, The girl crossed. “Let’s go.“But nobody is here.“Anne didn’t dare to breathe. Fortunately, she knelt close to the blackberry hedge and even if one of the two had come up with the idea through the branches, she could not have been discovered.

But she was also not allowed to make a sound and therefore she struggled not to continue to work with her fingers her wildly throbbing clit.

“I think you are right.“Laughed the girl. “Can you again?”” If you help a little bit.“Laughed the boy back. The quiet smacking and moaning on the other side of the hedge left Anne what was going on there. Without thinking about how briefly she had escaped a discovery, Anne straightened up again slowly and carefully.

She was determined not to miss anything and besides, she said herself, it was her garden after all and nobody could forbid her to stand here.

The moaning became louder again and Anne was allowed to look for a firm hold this time before looking through the branches again. The girl still knelt on the boy, but she had turned and while she eagerly tried to set up the half -hard cock with tongue and fingers, the boy had pressed his face between her legs. “Keep going.“The boy groaned. “We’ll do the second round tonight.” “Promised?”” Word of honor.“The wet shiny cock was increasingly tougher and thicker and yet the girl put her lips over it and let him slide deep into the mouth and throat until her nose rubbed against the tightly tensioned scrotum.

Then she moved her head up and down at growing speed.
“Oooh … Yeah … Yeah.. .Oooh.. .Is that cool..

.Oooh … yeah. the boy groaned. “Mmmh..

.I spray right away.. .Oooh.. .Oooh..

The announcement was superfluous, because with his words a thick gudderer sperm between the girl’s lips closed around the tail of the tail. She quickly raised her head so that only the thick, red glans stuck in her mouth and licked the thick white drops with her tongue.

The twitching cock had not yet come to rest when she threw her head back loudly and also came.

Anne was not different. They bit on their lips so as not to also reconcile loudly. Her coat gap now and since she no longer had to stick, she massaged her full breasts with one hand and fucked herself with three fingers of the others. All three of them came to rest slowly.
When the couple started irrelevant entertainment, Anne crept very carefully on all fours.

It was only when she had brought a good ten meters between herself and the blackberry bushes. With trembling fingers she closed her smock again and looked around again. Only now did she wonder what she should have done if one of her sons had sought her for some reason.
She would definitely have been caught. Anne shook his head because of her carelessness.

Fortunately, everything had gone well and nobody had come on her ..

Anne hadn’t been able to guess that Michael, her eldest son, wanted to search for a few old books in the attic that day. Nothing would have been located further than looking at the area from there, but since the air in the attic was hot and stuffy, he wanted to get some relief by opening the roof hatch. Snoughing Michael sucked in the fresh air and kept his welding face in the cooling draft. When he his Mother At first he thought he didn’t think about it far behind in the garden, after all the garden was her big hobby, but looked over it longer because there was nothing else to see.

After a short moment, her behavior seemed a bit strange to him and he looked closer to.

His mother watched something behind the blackberry bushes at the end of the garden, that Michael was immediately clear. And when she buttoned her smock after a hectic panoramic view and massaged her breasts with her left, Michael could also imagine what there was to see there. He couldn’t see much more to his anger, his mother’s body was continued to cover the other bushes, but he could think of the rest of her right arm.

Michael stared at the completely unexpected spectacle and only became aware after a while of his already painfully throbbing tail. But just when he had dragged him out of his pants sank his mother behind the bushes and he couldn’t see anything anymore.

Mi-Chana left the attic thought. He had completely forgotten the books, now he had to process the completely unexpected event first.

Of all things, his mother, who otherwise always gave himself so song, did it itself in the garden. Michael thought of how she had done when she and Andre recently with a playboy booklet caught had. For days she had her good for them Sister reserved as an example.

Nicole, of all people, Michael laughed quietly. If his mother knew how fist thick it had nicole behind his ears. Michael called again the past few months ..

It was also on a Saturday. Anne and Heinrich drove to purchases because of the long opening hours and only wanted to come home in the afternoon.

Michael and Andre drove to a friend very early to make his motorcycle and Nicole had stayed alone. She felt very safe and nobody would have noticed anything if Michael hadn’t forgotten tools and returned after a while. In order not to have to search for his key for long, he took the small detour through the open garage and came into the hallway from there. On his way to the basement, where his tool was stored, he passed the living room and stopped as stripped.

Nicole, who had been sitting with them at the breakfast table earlier, was now naked on the sofa.

Michael only saw her naked upper body at first, but when he was looking closely he discovered a mirror on the low table in front of her and in it he was able to clearly observe how his sister worked on with a thick, long candle. Michael was so puzzled that he stumbled across the carpet and of course appeared so loud that Nicole flocked together.

“W … what … what do you do here?““ I forgot my tools.“Michael grin. “Just don’t let yourself be bothered, I’m gone right away.” “Michael!“, Nicole called after him when he turned and disappeared. “Yes?”” Please … say nothing, yes.“Nicole looked at him.

“Well, why should I?“Michael laughed. “Everyone does that. But just don’t let someone else catch you.” “Thanks.“Michael was still getting his tool from the basement with a grin and could not help but a look into the living room on the way back. Nicole was nowhere to be seen, she probably had gone into her room.

According to laughing, Michael left the house and drove off again.

He does not reveal anything about his observation, including his Brother Not, but it could not prevent the picture in mind when Nicole ran into him in the evening. Both became red and grinned in relegation.
“I didn’t say anything to anyone.“Michael confirmed again. Nicole nodded. They stood opposite each other for a long or two seconds and then Nicole suddenly stood on the tips of his toe and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

“Thanks.“, She whispered in his ear.

Later, when Michael was in his bed and read something before sleeping, it knocked on his door very quietly. “Yes?” “Can I ask you something?“Nicole put her head in the door. “Clear.“Michael sat up. “Come in.“When Nicole scurried in her short nightgown and sat down on the edge of the bed, Michael pulled it back to slide a little further under the covers to hide his rapidly growing tail.

“So, what’s on?”, asked he.

“Hm … you … you just said that everyone does it …” “Yes, and?”” Hm … uh … you too?””I?“Michael looked at his sister for a moment amazed. “Hm … yes, every now and then.”” Did you ..?“, Nicole continued. “Hm.” “With Sylvia?“Nicole alluded to Michaels. “Yes too.“, Disused Michael, who had only had experiences with Sylvia.

“Here in the room?””Yes too.“Michael wondered what his sister wanted to go out. “Aha.“Nicole looked at herself in the room as if Sylvia would hide somewhere. “I’ve never done it right.““ You are too small for that too.“, Laughed Michael. “But I’m already taking the pill.“, She replied.

Michael didn’t know what he was supposed to reply and looked at Nicole, who was streamlining back and forth, and obviously chewed on a very heavy chunk. With the best will in the world, Michael couldn’t imagine what that was. “I think I’m going back now.“, Nicole finally said and got up.

“If you mean …” Michael looked after her. “Michael?“Nicole turned again with her hand on the door handle.

“Hm?”” Do … do you do it yourself right away?”” I … uh … why do you want to know that?“Michael felt that he got red as well as Nicole. “Yes or no?“Nicole demanded information. “Maybe …”, Michael gave way to. “Why?”” I … I … oh damn.“, Nicole Mault.

“Now spuck out out.“, Laughed Michael. “It can’t be that bad and I won’t say anything about it either.” “Promised?” “Yes. What is now?”” I wanted to ask you if I … whether I can watch you.”

Michael stared at his sister with an open mouth and Nicole was talking when the breakthrough was finally made. “I’ve never seen a boy before.

And I thought because you saw me today I could … I mean, you understand that.””Stop.“Michael raised his hand. “Sit down again.“He waited until Nicole had taken a seat on the edge of the bed and looked at her vividly. “Is it clear to you what you are asking for?“But if nobody learns anything about it?““ I should now get one down here in front of your eyes?“” Yes, as you say now it sounds stupid.“, Nicole admitted.

“I said if we couldn’t do it together.” “You’re crazy.“, Michael replied, but it was no longer a trouble to push the duvet down over his tail. “Nope, curious.“Nicole grinned when she discovered the big bump. “Yes or no?“She leaned back a bit and pulled her left leg higher to the bed. The hem of her already very short nightgown slid up on her thighs and Michael was able to track the slim legs up to the dark curls that were not covered by any panties.

He swallowed violently and since he did not bring out a sound with excitement he just nodded.

Nicole pulled the duvet away and stared at his bulging pajamas. With a red head, however, Michael pushed his pants down and took his rock -hard tail in his hand. Nicole’s eyes widened. She hadn’t imagined such a tail as big and thick.

With force she tore away from the sight and quickly grazed her nightgown over her head.
She then leaned back further and spread her legs so far that Michael could see the pink labia between the dark curls. He was hastily followed by her example and grazed his pajamas.

Both made sure that they did not touch, but also ensured that their counterpart did not escape anything. It only took a few minutes to get almost simultaneously. Michael grabbed a handkerchief in good time, which he always had at hand for such purposes, and sprayed his full load quietly in moaning.

Nicole didn’t have these problems, but dug several fingers deep into her slippery cunt in her orgasm, so that Michael couldn’t see much more.

“Craziness.“, Michael sniffed heavily. “We … we could do that more often.“Nicole suggested.
“Do you want?””In any case.“Michael wiped his slowly sleeping tail and threw the handkerchief next to the bed.
“But now I’m going.“Nicole got up and reached for her nightgown. “Morning?” “Yes.“Michael Nodte. “Well then …” Nicole took a step towards him, leaned down to him and gave him a fleeting kiss.

“Good night.”

Michael saw Nicole’s full breasts float in front of his eyes and couldn’t help touch them. He gently stroked the soft skin and then felt after the still erected nipples. Nicole had it granted for a few seconds and then turned quickly. On the way to the door she roamed her nightgown and then she disappeared as quickly as she had come.

The next morning Michael first believed in a fancy dream.

The hard -dried handkerchief next to his bed told him the opposite. Michael quickly threw the handkerchief into his laundry basket and put on. He was the last one who was released for breakfast and his mother looked at him in a punishing way, but said nothing.
Michael looked for a hint with his sister, but was disappointed. As always, Nicole had squeezed her full breasts into a fixed bra and in addition she concealed her exciting figure with a wide sweatshirt.

As always, she looked like a little innocent girl. Michael had to giggle. “Is what?”Asked Andre.

“Nope, I only came up with something.“Michael defended. After breakfast, Heinrich went to his study to work up a few more things and Andre had been converted to the kitchen service this weekend, so that he didn’t have to worry about boredom until after lunch.

His mother was already worried about this. When he got up and covered the table, Nicole turned to her big brother.

“Can I sit down on your computer?”, she asked. “What are you up to?“Asked Michael back. “Oh, I just want to play around a bit.

Nothing special.”” I’ll come with me.“Together they left the kitchen and went up to Michael’s room. Only when the door closed behind them they talked to each other.
“Why did you feel like this?“Asked Nicole. “Because you looked so modest again.“, Laughed Michael. “So very different than yesterday.““ I already thought something similar.“Nicole also laughed.

“And what do you like better?” “Stupid question!”” Well, then … “Nicole Neste around under her sweatshirt and then suddenly pulled her bra out of her left sleeve. Michael made big eyes. “I don’t want to move out completely now.”, She said. “But that’s how it works.

“She pushed the front part of her sweatshirt over her head and went to her brother with swinging breasts.

“You come up with ideas.“Michael laughed and shook his head. “I get a revenge again today?“Asked Nicole. “A revenge? For what?““ You touched me yesterday. We hadn’t agreed that.” “You want…?“Nicole was not waiting for her brother’s approval, but pushed her slim fingers into the covenant of his jogging pants and groped after his cock.

For a long time she didn’t need to search for it, because he was already urging her and Michael sighed quietly when her fingers closed. He pushed her to his bed impatiently and lay down right next to her. The wide jogging pants were quickly pushed down to their knees and they explored their bodies with trembling fingers.

Michael already had some experience and since he had also watched his sister carefully he knew what to do and after just a few moments, Nicole sighed under his fingers. “May I kiss your breasts?“Asked Michael.

Nicole did not answer, but stretched out her breasts and held one of the hard nipples directly on his lips. Michael had his tongue circled with pleasure. Nicole had also watched him carefully and soon she had the bow and skillfully massaged his steeply upside down. Both felt their orgasm when the door was suddenly torn open and Andre stormed into the room.

“Mom said .. .Oh shit!“Andre stared at his siblings with an open mouth. The two drove out as if hit by lightning. Nicole was still busy with her sweatshirt when Michael was already jumping up and holding his brother.

“If you betray us, feel bad.“, He hissed.

“No problem.“Andre raised his hands and grinned. “I haven’t seen anything. But still, you have nerves. Do you have right ..?””No!“Nicole Schnell replied.

“A pity.“Andre twitched with his shoulders. “By the way, you should get the table and chairs out of the basement and bring it to the terrace. Mom thinks that we should eat outside today.””Okay, let’s do it. But now disappear.“Michael pushed him to the door.

“Don’t let yourself be too long, otherwise Mama will come up herself.“Laughed Andre and disappeared.

“Do you think he keeps tight?“Asked Michael. “I’m sure of that.“Nicole got up and reached for her bra. “Firstly, because he would not tell us anyway and secondly because he promises something from it. I think it will be an interesting day.” “Hopefully.“Michael waited for his sister to put on her bra and then went down with her.

Andre had not revealed anything yet, her mother behaved as normal and only warned her to wipe the table and chairs well.

Andre, who stood in the background, winked too. Relieved Nicole and Michael brought the devices out of the basement and put them up. Also for the rest of the mornings, her mother had enough tasks for her, so that time until lunch passed together quickly. After eating, Nicole and Michael moved up again and waited for their brother, who still had to clear the table and fill the dishwasher.

Although they both were impatiently, they pinched it down to help him at work so as not to make your mother suspicious through the unusual willingness to help. They were not disappointed. Andre also came up just five minutes later and this time he even knocked on beforehand.

“Nanu, you are dressed.“, He said grinningly. “That probably doesn’t suit you, hm?“Asked Michael.

“Oh, well … the sight of just had something for itself.”Laughed Andre. “But now I prefer to tell me what has driven in you.“Nicole and Michael explained it to him and Andres Grinsen.
“So no, sister, who would have thought of that of you. Okay, Michael and I have always been the black sheep of the family, but you … “and now?“Asked Michael. “You will keep your mouth?”” Logical.“, Calmed down in Andre.

“But …” “What, but?““ He wants to say that he also wants to have something of it.“Nicole mingled. “I can somehow understand.”” You think we should have three … “” Why not? Where’s the difference?”

Nicole chips quietly. “Except, of course, that I can see more.“Michael and Andre looked at each other and suddenly grinned. “What do our good parents do?“Asked Michael.

“They are busy in the next two hours.“, Andre replied. “When I went on a fingership one of these punch films on television.”” If you are wrong, we have a problem.“Nicole grinned her brother mischievously. Like him, she knew that her mother would not miss this film for a second. Without thinking for a long time, she grazed her sweatshirt over her head and stretched her breasts towards the boy.

There couldn’t be a clearer request and they quickly had their bra, pants and panties and even moved out themselves. On the right and left of Nicole, they let themselves sink on the bed and let their fingers hike over the soft, warm skin …

SS: ** Michael shook his head to become clear again. What should he do? Keep the whole thing for yourself? Or should he tell Nicole and Andre about his observation? Somehow he was afraid to betray his mother to his younger siblings, but on his own a secret was not really fun. And besides, what should happen? They all had far too much respect for their mother to behave differently because of this cause.
His decision was made.

That evening he would tell Nicole and Andre of his discovery. Now it was more important that he took care of his books and with a happy grin he made his way back to the attic.

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