A horny father son relationship | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I am Emil and turned 50 a few days ago. I wear bald and beard and have blue eyes, I’m 1.78 cm tall and strongly body hairs. My tail is 17 × 6 and uncircumcised because I fully open foreskin standing. I live with my daddy, he has been living with me for 2 years now.

He is currently 72 years old and I have to admit that he still looks very good, also wears bald head, wears a full beard and has blue eyes, and he is also extremely hairy like me, he is a bit bigger, also his cock, … So a real horny daddy bear.

Since childhood I have been watching him when showering through the keyhole and every time I am fascinated by the sight. I appreciated his cock to approx. 20 cm, of course uncircumcised, as is usually the case in Deuteschland.

His eggs are plump and thick, and his fat Nille covers a beautiful foreskin that I would like to play with. I personally like cocks that still have a foreskin, especially on my father’s tail. (Secret, of course, logo, he can still know!) At home he often runs around with half -length, white underpants with intervention, you don’t need to guess what is hidden underneath, a beautiful basket is always emerging in his underpants, especially in his jeans. But the reputation is just not enough for me, I want to touch him.

No! Wipe until he is splitting. Since I was 12, I’ve been sure that I am gay, but I never revealed it before daddy. But jerk me off in my fantasies, often my tail, and think of the greatest hunities with daddy.

When I opened comb from work and the front door yesterday, I heard noises from the bathroom. He was definitely showering, at least it sounded like this.

I thought well that I probably came in time. Look through the keyhole how to tense like my youth. “But first take off my shoes, I thought!“, So that he doesn’t hear me right away, would be really penalty!

“Emil”? Is that you?“, … he asked through the bathroom door.

Crap, he heard the front door when I came, I thought!

“Yes, Daddy, it’s me!”

“Oh, – good that you come.

I forgot to hollow a bath towel. Would you be so nice and bring me one?”

“Yes, wait, daddy!”, …I said.

He has never asked me that, I was happy, now I could see his beautiful cock from close! So I took a bath towel from the closet and went into the bathroom with it. Our shower walls were transparent and I could see his thick men’s tail. He looked so cool that I got a stand in jeans with excitement.

“You look sweaty after work, come under the shower.

We have to start consuming less water anyway, the costs are too high!”Oh what, daddy!“With lust I didn’t even know what to say about it, hesitated and said:“ This is not possible? “But it works, come on, then you can put my back on me, don’t get your back well anyway!”” Okay, Daddy!”

Then I undressed, this was a unique opportunity that I had to take advantage of. I have never been out of my clothes as quickly as I finally pulled out my underpants and also got into the shower. Our shower is not very big, so we always touched ourselves unintentionally, which didn’t bother me. On the contrary! My cock started to grow.

“Crap, what should I do now?”” What when he sees when my skasch grows?”” He would surely ask why I get a stand?“So I quickly turned so that he couldn’t see it that I had a stand. Suddenly he started rubbing my back with shower gel.

“I’ll help you mine Son!”

“Yes okay, daddy!”

He rubbed my back with the shower gel, an unspeakable lust over came me down, his big men’s hands soap off my body, this was just electrifying How strong current. All of this made my cock even harder when he was like that. His hands wander down to my buttocks, which he now skilfully massaged.

He did this for a while, then he drove through my assholes to my eggs, … then I already felt his big daddy piston on my ass cheeks and he reached for my cock. I was shocked! What cares here? Is that real? No matter! Enjoy it, I thought to myself, maybe it is going like me like me, and I want to have my daddy as well as I want to have my daddy?

“So, so, so my son finds it horny when his Father Showering and can then watch me secretly every time?“I felt caught, so he knew everything. He had definitely noticed how I wanked behind the bathroom door and watched his body, since I was a little boy. He turned me around, still wanking my cock and kissed me, full horny longing.

His lips on mine felt horny, his tongue was quickly disappeared very deep in my mouth. Now what I always wanted happened! It went on like this for a while, then he said: “We should get out of the shower and then continue, or then, or?” I nodded. We dried each other, then we went to his bedroom.

He pushed me onto the bed and came up to me. He immediately started kissing my tongue again, this was so horny that I almost got a finish.

My Nille would be totally moist, his kissing just tied me more and more. I felt like in 7. Heaven, so familiar and horny everything was. Immediately after that he kissed my body and continued to go down to my cock.

He took it in his hand and started to wank down to my foresk. What a great feeling, before that I had only wanked with a few buddies, but this was really awesome for me, just indescribable! The gel juice rose in me as he circled my nille with his tongue and jerked my cock with his hand. I became more and more awesome and I realized that I had to come … it just didn’t work any other.

“Daddy, ohhhhh, I’ll come right away, I’ll come!”

No reaction, he just went on, didn’t stop.

I could no longer keep up, I came with such a desire that I almost lost reflection. Now I inject my 6 pushing, thick, white men’s sperm in his mouth. Then he came up to me and kissed me with mine sperm on my mouth. It tasted so cool.

“That totally turned me on having my son’s sperm in me!”, he said!“But I knew now I was on the train, I was full of pleasure to blow one too. I have never had such a delicious men’s tail, ever such a big cock in my mouth. I licked and sucked what the stuff was when he started to fuck my mouth deep, I came again as violently as before, even! He grabbed me on my head and pushed his part to the attack in my throat. After a while he took out his cock!

You are such a good boy, even at your 50 years, you were always!”” I’ll take you now, turn around!”

“But Daddy, be careful, your cock is so powerful and thick, I will scream in pain!”

I was a bit afraid, it would definitely hurt, but he assured me that he was careful.

I turned around and was on all fours and he spread my baked baking apart with his two hands. I felt his tongue on my hairy hole, which now drove up and down through my crack. From time to time he kissed my cheeks and hit my ass. “What kind of horny man did you become, such a great hanger and everything full of cum because you just came back!“It excites me so much again and my cock started growing again.

He caught something to stretch my hole with his fingers and fingered me properly. That feels wonderful, pure lust! Suddenly I felt his oversized and thick cocks press against my rosette. He slowly penetrated me, but deep to the stop.

“Aaaaahhhh!!! Your hole is so tight and warm!”” I have often wondered how it feels to fuck my son!“, He groaned.

“Fuck me deeply, daddy! Please! I can’t stand it anymore, I want to feel it, your big male cock in me, hammer my big nille deep in!” “Please!“Get me ready, give me what you always wanted to give me, yes!”” Give with your daddysperma from which I was made!”

Now he put me on his back and pulled my legs back and started to fuck me slowly and deeply. After a while the fuck was always fitter, and he told me at every bump how deep he was in me, and he also pressed his tongue into my mouth, so I thought he was already giving Bals with his big nille, reaching my neckand thereby blow out his cock in my mouth.

He grabbed me and now fucked me even deeper, but with a lot of feeling for a very long and passionate. My cock got hard again and I took it in my hand and jerked myself. But Daddy took him away Mirv and jerked him and I also scratched my eggs. Daddy treats me like his whore, I wanted to be his dirty shear and become too.

It just feels so wonderful. He became louder and found to whine. Now I felt a thick, large and warm load of daddysperma, sprayed into my hole. I got every movement of his fat Nille, and then I also combed me, and it came and came, I injected to my face.

“OoooooCCCH! Aaaah!“Oh daddy, yes give me your juice!“Yes, deep into my hole, as you fucked the mom back then when you made me and sprayed her uterus with your Nille!”

We both groaned, he licked my face clean, for both of us it was monkey, especially because I always wanted it and my daddy yes too.

After his cock had become limp and he pulled his big Nille out of my hole with a hot sound, his sperm came out of my crack. “He said to me!”” As with the mares when the stallion has injected into them!”” I thought soulful horny time perverse joy!“Now I stayed exhausted next to my father. Pure security, poor in poor, he kissed me intimately, and said!

“We have to do this again more often my son!”

“Anyway, oh-yes, … daddy, you are just my best!”

We both fell asleep immediately with luck, we were very tired, everything was just like in a dream.

I hope I and my daddy have a long and horny time together, I need it very much!

“I love you very much my daddy, without you I am a nothing!”

And if you are now with pleasure jerk off Must, then maybe think of me that I would like to do such games with you too, because I’m looking for …

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