Totalitarian: the subway | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was already late in night and the subway station was deserted, as always at this time. After all, Wednesday was that people had to get up and go to work in the morning, there was a duty to work. There were only very few that withdrawn from this system, which interfered in every everyday opportunity, the people with slogans, from early in the morning to evening, which monitored almost every step of its residents and recorded them agribically and those who do not go to themHoly order of this system kept, via secret police at night and fog made disappeared. Hendrik had hit a pretty good job: he was a garbage collector.

A job that was not too highly socially not too high, as a member of the military, he would have enjoyed more recognition.

But as a garbage collector he had his peace. It was his job to clean the subway at night, mostly alone. It was not an all -excess work, he just had to remove the waste that accumulated during the day in the underground train station, performing smaller maintenance work here and there – the most dangerous at the whole work – the locks., which closed the subway tunnel at night.

Lived in the depths of the earth … people who had not survived the last World War as undamaged as the rest of humanity, or rather most. Perhaps AMN should also speak of the survivors, well, at least that’s why they probably had a certain resentment on their … fellow human beings.

If they still felt something like resentment. Sometimes it happened that they entered the subway shafts and moved from there towards the train station.

The subways themselves were too fast and tasting tanks, as they could have been endangered, but Contact With the tunnel dwellers you should avoid founding for many people. Well, a long time short sense: the tunnels were guarded by soldiers during the day, they were simply closed at night and only opened briefly when a night express came through that was cleared by itself on its own.

It was already at 03:34, two hours and Hendrik’s layer was over and he would pull himself back to his little shabby apartment, drink a diluted synth beer and before watching TV, during the day and night nothing but propaganda, to fall asleep.

Blank, that was what he could think of. He looked around in the empty and quiet halls of the Ustation, in which nothing echoed than his slow steps. Leaning at a pillar, he pulled out a box of cigarettes from his blue man – a true luxury – and lit a gel, which he enjoyed with relish.

They encouraged people to smoke, generally to buy. Buying was great, buying was great, after every propaganda report show came more propaganda that asked people to buy nonsense. Are you this, do you have that, blablabla. He took a train on his cigarette and, suspiciously, looked at the poster with the uniformed, young man, who asked with a smile and look into the distance: “Fight for our cause!“Hendrik laughed and his bitter laugh sounded through the halls.

“Your thing.“, He whispered, when a short signal tone sounded;The night express came.

He quickly pressed out the cigarette, threw it into the bucket, in which he had already expelled the other debris and saw with a slightly fluffy feeling in the stomach to the track bed while his hands clung to his broomstick. There was always a certain nervousness when the gates opened at night. Many of his colleagues disappeared in the tunnels at night because they hadn’t paid attention.

But this time everything seemed good. The hatch opened, the train came in and stopped as jerkily and suddenly as he arrived in the train station. The doors opened and … a woman got out.

He had to swallow at her sight. She had blonde hair that she had bound into a braid was probably in the mid -twenties, wore a short trench coat and high -heeled shoes that sounded in the hall with every step. She was beautiful, really nice, how she stood there and looked at the scoreboard that regulated traffic. The train said goodbye with a noise and the hatches closed with a loud echo.

He was not interested, he had only eyes for this magnificent female, which had just entered the train station, her smooth, bare legs and the large arches of her breast, which was evident under her trench coat, had Hendrik unabashed, although the serious swieircould if it was higher than he was..

Soon she noticed the garbage collector and stepped confidently towards him. He involuntarily twitched when she asked: “Have you fire?“Laying he handed her his lighter and she lit a cigarette. The tilt was of a significantly higher quality that it smoked: the black paper and the golden decorations either showed them as particularly wealthy or as a relative of the military or secret service.

Last -named assumption was obvious, she did not have the jagged appearance of an officer, but also not the arrogant way that was owned by the bonsen and bankers. “Thanks.“, She gave him his lighter back.

“Work so late?“Asked him, and leaned against the pillar with his shoulder. Their appearance was very confident and it was surprising Hendrik that she apparently looked for the conversation.

Since childhood he knew that you had to be careful what you said and especially who you said something. “Yes, my layer will soon end.“She took another train from her cigarette and he was tried to light up again.

“Mine too. Actually I’m just looking for someone.”

She constantly fixed him and looked at him in a way that he got very nervous.

“You are looking for someone?”

She suddenly started to laugh, as if he had said something stupid.

“You know”, she took a train of her cigarette “My husband fell in Tehran. Yes, in these ruins in which they have been working for years.“The last words she expressed with a malignant malice and took a train from her cigarette. It sounded critical of the system, it sounded dangerous.

The urge to light a cigarette has now been added to this beautiful but undoubtedly dangerous woman by a desire for a distance from a distance to this beautiful but undoubtedly dangerous woman.

But he was rooted. “Since my husband has been dead,” she continued. “And I only find this letter together with a widow’s pension and the offer to look for a new, nice man from the ranks of the army as soon as possible so that I can maintain my standard of living and serve the nation as it intended for me,you don’t for me. No consolation, no compassion.“She snapped the cigarette and looked briefly towards the tracks, her eyes were damp.

As frozen, Hednrik stood in front of this woman and looked at her. She was so beautiful … Suddenly she looked him firmly in his eyes and buttoned up the first buttons of her trench coat. Instinctively his eyes slipped into the deep neckline that opened up in front of him.

She smiled slightly and asked: “Like what you see?“Hendrik was banned, stared into her deep neckline, that deep, promising valley and watched with increasing excitement, as she opened even more buttons on the coat as in slow motion. When she opened the coat and presented her full attractiveness to the garbage collector, which was packed in Teute lingerie tail in the pants. Only with trouble the speechless worker managed to avert his gaze from her luxury body and to look at her with a believer.

He was not attractive, he was more than aware of it.

He was old, had a strong abdominal approach and was not exactly maintained, even for a man of his profession. But this woman was a goddess, flawless from head to toe. What did she find about him?

“I’m looking for consolation.“, She said, as if she had guessed his thoughts. “I’m looking for a distraction from this whole shit here.“Again this escape reflex because of the system criticism, but she had now completely captivated him.

Her hands disappeared behind her back and a click sounded when she opened the white pointed bra that fell quietly to the ground. With big eyes and open mouth he looked at her plump boobs that were now naked and he was in front of him full of splendor. Not even in the porn that could be obtained under the counter, he had seen such huge and at the same time perfect couple of tits.

She stepped closer to him, took his hands and pressed her on her breasts.

“Pack too.“She asked and Hendrik followed up with joyful her request. He grabbed vigorously, kneaded her big tits firmly and played nipples with his thumb at her stiff nipples. It became increasingly tight in his pants and the woman came to his aid and opened the pants stable of his Blaumann. Searching her hand disappeared into his crotch and he felt her cool fingers as she closed around his unshaven piston and impatiently jerk off began.

He pressed her against the pillar, pressed on her and licked over her cheek, she tasted sweet, she smelled so beguiling to perfume that she smelled Hendrik, the garbage collector at the moment like a Angel occurred that he had never seen in this world before. “Make it on …”, she gasped excitedly, still editing his cock. “You horny …”, he mumbled and his head hiked kissing and licking down to her tits. “Really take my tits.“She whispered.

He littered her with wild, smacking kisses, licked lengthways over her pugs and bite so strongly into her plump chest, which she groaned with pain. But she probably wanted it that way, her free hand was lying on his back of his head and pressing him when he bite down, her hand jerked his cock the faster and her leg was already caught by his thick hip. Now he alternately put her breast warmz in his mouth and sucked and licked what the unknown answered with a quiet purr.

“I want to blow him …” she whispered, the lust was written in her eyes.

Grazil slipped his grip and knelt to the ground and before he knew his cock had disappeared into her mouth. “Oh my god …”, Hendrik only produced when his cock were surrounded by her wet, hot lips and her soft tongue stroked his glans. She sucked him very greedily, you could almost say: starved. A really horny bitch, thought the garbage collector and looked at how she licked him over the pole and then spoiled her with her tongue again in her sucking mouth.

Her hands slid under his t-shirt and stroked his thick stomach. Her head drove back and forth at a quick pace until she suddenly took his penis out of her mouth and said: “When someone caught do we have a problem. We’ll hurry better.”

She got up, turned her back to Hendrik and pulled her panties down to the knees before stretching out his ass and leaning on the pillar.

“Come on, finally fuck me.”

His tail, that of hers Blowjob Hard as a stick was, joyful excitement twitched to her warm pussy hard in the clock of his faster heartbeat.

She pushed her trench coat aside so that he could see her damp column and briefly fingered the moist cunt, spread her labia apart and looked at him with an unbelievable horny look in the eyes. “Plug it in.“She said, licking his lips. Hednrik put on the tail and gently pushed him into her pussy. He almost slipped into her cunt by itself, it was so moist and yet she was so tight that he didn’t dare to get to the moment for a moment, out of the fear of starting off and ending this wonderful moment too early.

“Your cock is so cool …” she sighed. “Please, fuck me.“He sniffed:

“You can have it!“He pushed violently, sank his thing to the attack in her intestines and began to take her hard. Hendrik reached forward and grabbed her plump tits, which he first worked on while he kept ram into her his cock. She pressed her face on the cool tiles of the pillar and groaned quietly but violently.

“You need it, you bitch.

I see that you need it.“He hissed and smashed his horn even stronger in the narrow column, so that the clapping of her bodies could be heard again in the entire subway station. The sweat was on his forehead and within a very short time the dirty t-shirt stuck to his back, but he did not reduce the hardness of his bumps.

Their fear of being caught was quite unfounded at this time, rarely citizens came down here and they were well hidden in the shadow of the pillar, but if they were caught, there would be consequences. Depending on who he was actually fucking, especially hard for him. But that was Hendrik worth it, life was unfair to him since he could remember, but today he would whore fuck and he would enjoy it, what would you want.

She was good, she always pushed back with the pool and he saw her cunt juice rip off her thighs. The bitch really needed it urgently!

“I’ll come right away.“, She sniffed. Hendrik nodded, he could hardly hold back either. This woman was too horny, she was too good to fuck.

He accelerated his shock rhythm, which dripped the sweat from his nose, clawed into her hips and hammered on her like a compressed air hammer.

“Now! I’m coming! Spray! Spray off, spray everything into my pussy! Oh God yes, spray!“She groaned and began to moan with teeth bitten together when she got her orgasm. In doing so, her vaginal muscles pressed together so firmly that Hendrik could impossible back his juice, even if he had wanted this. He held on to her dainty waist and sprayed on it.

He pumped her in the pumped, sexual frustration of his previous years with a loud grunt in the body and let himself be kept on her big tits, which he thought it was likely that she would keep some bruises as a souvenir. With slow, jerky bumps, he fired the sperm into her stomach, into this wonderful cunt.

“Spray everything you have! Confess me!“She gasped, and milked Hendriks penis in her column, which he really moved into her every drop. It was just incredible how good her pussy was.

As soon as he was done, the spell was already over. She pulled out his slowly sagging spear out of the pussy, caught the outstanding sperm more badly than right with her fingers and hurriedly pulled the panties up again.

Without a word she closed the trench coat and put her bra in her jacket pocket. The garbage collector, completely out of breath, watched her in this spectacle and noticed his viscous, white mucus, which ran down her leg and could not be hidden through the coat. She put her hair in order, got a make -up mirror out of her pocket and briefly checked her makeup. “Thanks.“, She said cool, gave him a kiss on his cheek and went.

She just went and left Hendrik, whose sagging cock was still flipping out of his blue man and who was in silence and unable to say something, looked after how they quickly but elegant step towards exit disappeared towards exit. She climbed the stairs and the halls of her paragraphs became quieter and quieter until it finally disappeared. Hendrik took a few minutes before he woke up from his rigid, stowed his cock back in his pants. Finally he lit a cigarette, his little luxury.

Then he was alone, alone. If he hadn’t had the sweet taste of her breasts on his lips and his empty -pumped tail in his pants, if he had just thought it was a dream, it seemed so unreal to him.

He went and collected the cigarette buttocks that the woman had thrown away. He collected it and threw him into the bucket for the rest of the debris, as he had done all his life.

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