Submissive girlfriend fucked hard in the butt | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It’s a cool autumn day. A day like any other day of the week too. I come home from work, slip into the training clothes and set off to jog one round. My friend Felix is already at home, in autumn he has less and less work and is therefore often at home in front of me.

We have been a couple for 5 years and very happy with each other. He is 30 and I 26, we are still childless and like to try out sexually.
After jogging I shower long and extensively. I shave every hair away because I know that Felix prefers to shave me smoothly. As always, it is only stretched out in jogging pants on the couch when I naked to him naked Living room come and take a seat on all fours in front of him.

He immediately understands what happens when I fumble around on the waistband of his pants and puts the cell phone aside. “Stand up” I ask him. He knows that I like to be a submissive. With the view of a phenomenal Blowjob Of course he complies with the request and lets his pants fall.

I slowly circle around his tip with my tongue and let his fat one tail slowly disappear in my mouth. He knows that I like it roughly, but gives me time to adjust it. He puts his hands on my back of my head, ready to take the command. When he realizes that my jaw is loose enough and my sucking gets faster and faster, he takes the lead and slowly begins to move his hips.

It becomes faster and faster and leads my head towards his pelvis. I love it when he drops the inhibitions and takes me as he wants to have me.
I know that he can’t last long if I bubble his cock, so I just let him fuck my mouth for a short time. “How do you want me?”I ask him. “I want to bird you from behind,” he answers me.

I don’t let myself be informed how happy I am about this answer, because that’s exactly how I want it to. I place myself on the couch on all fours and put my plump breasts comfortably on the backrest of our free -standing sofa. He places behind me and I stop the air, in happy expectations, on what is coming now. I am very tight and although we have been together for so long, it is always a little painful when he the first time pushed his big cock into me.

He pauses briefly to give both of us, because what comes next is anything but tender. He grabs my long brown ponytail and pulls so tightly that my upper body inevitably goes up. “So you want me to fuck you really hard little one?“He whispers in my ear almost angry. I can’t bring out more than a “Jaaa”, because he is already starting to fuck me in rough rhythm.

With one hand he stops me on his hair, with the other he grabs me firmly on the hip and pulls my pelvis even tighterly on his cock with every push. I moan and only bring out in terms of shelter: “Pack myself on the neck”. He is happy to meet the request and puts his big brilliant hand around my neck. I am already violent to come.

He fucks me constantly and drills deeper and deeper into my extremely moist pussy. When he grabs my hip and his fingers between mine Legs Slide, I think he wants to support me even faster, but I’m wrong. He rubs my pearl only briefly and moistens his fingers only to have a little lubricant. I can’t react so quickly, he drills his thick thumb into my tight buttock.

Oh god, he is particularly rough today and I love it. He spent my moisture generously around my hole and pushes his thumb in the same rhythm as his cock into me. In a wise foresight I brought a vibrator to the living room, which he is slowly pushing me into my already anti -stretched butt. I have the feeling of exploding.

But I know that Felix doesn’t actually make me the vibrator in the ass want to push. He withdraws from me and indicates me to lay me on my back. “I know you Luder wants to have stuffed both holes. The vibrator comes into your wet cunt and I sink my cock to you to the attack in your ass.

I can’t wait and spread my legs as far as possible. He roughly pushes the vibrator into my pussy and orders me to capture so that he has both hands free. He pulls my ass cheeks even further with one hand and puts his thick device on my hole with the other. Slowly it pushes cm for cm further.

I know that he is not so careful to love me. He gives himself the time so as not to spray immediately. When he sunk his cock in my ass in my ass, he takes the vibrator out of my hand and begins to push me evenly. It is hardly possible anymore, but I get even wetter and the wet runs between my cheeks, which makes Felix easy to slide in and out of my butt.

He grabs a chest with his free hand and kneads it wildly. My moan is getting more and more uncontrolled and I fire him to take it harder. Felix pounds his tail and the vibrator incessantly into me. “Fuck, the sight of my cock in your tight asshole and the vibrator in your cunt … I’ll come right away,” he escapes.

I am about to do it myself and rub my clit with my hand to finally find redemption. Everything in me contracts when I come violently and loud his name moaning. My moan and my hole that with mine orgasm Almost painfully pulls around his penis, that’s too much for him. He sprays violently, pours deep in me and falls on me with an animal moan.

We are still sweaty in our arms for a while. He has never fucked me so violently and we both know that it was definitely not the last time.

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