Spontaneous parking garage fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My hornest sex adventures were once again a wonderful summer day and I was at my friends to make a brunch. We hadn’t seen each other for a long time. There was really almost everything about eating even scrambled eggs with bacon. Brigitte had thought of everything. We had a great talk and I had drunk four or five glasses of Hugo. I don’t know why but whenever I alcohol I just get a drink. It’s a shame that my boyfriend has been in Switzerland for four weeks, I thought in myself.

After a few wet happy hours I went to the parking garage alone and then I noticed that I was persecuted by a man. I went faster and he got faster too. I was really afraid and started running, when the man called me in an Italian dialect that I should stop because I would have lost something. Since I couldn’t anymore and he had a really nice voice, I stopped.

He apologized to me with his beautiful lips that he did not want to scare me and ask if this car key belongs to me. I was totally relieved. He was a really sporty and very good -looking Italian for around 20 years. His black hair, his well tanned body, his strong arms and not to forget his beautiful blue eyes let me melt away. I thank you and wanted to give him a twenties as a finder, he thankfully declined and told me that he would have another wish.

I looked at him with big eyes. “I’m honest now and I hope I don’t scare you with it,” he said. Now I was really curious about what he wanted. He has been solo for 6 months after a long relationship and had no sex during this time either. He would find me beautiful and very attractive and whether I wouldn’t blow him!Something like that happens to me at the age of 38, I thought to myself.

I don’t know why, maybe because my friend hadn’t said something like this for a long time or because of the Hugos or because the guy looked totally cool and also smelled incredibly well, I took my hand in a word and went into it with himParking garage. We went into the staircase in the basement and disappeared behind the stairs. He kissed me passionately and he could kiss very well. His big hands were suddenly everywhere and I noticed that my pussy was getting wetter and wetter.

My hand went deeper and I noticed that his pants were really well filled. I slid down his muscular body on my knees and opened his pants with a mischievous smile. To my astonishment, he had no underwear on and I stretched out a really big, thick and extremely tough one tail in contrast to. I haven’t had that in my hand yet. I put this horny spanking in my mouth and it tasted so wonderfully bitter as a cock just had to taste!His hard hammer kept disappearing into my mouth and I really had problems taking up in.

In between I took out again and jerked it out. It groaned louder and faster and faster. It was so far!I took him out of my mouth three or four times and he injected his load in the high arc on the wall. There were unresolved four violent splashes. This Egg Were really full. He pulled me up to kissed me and thanked me for this incredible Blowjob. Now he wanted to say goodbye, but I took his hand and lead her under my skirt.

He noticed that my panties from my pussy was totally wet. I whispered in his ear that I was now on and took back to my hand and went to mine automobile. I was about to open the car door when he pressed me against the van and his hands kneaded my big breasts. I was so extremely horny that I let go of a little loud cry. He rubbed himself and more firmly and I noticed that his cock was already hard again.

Now he pressed me down on the bonnet tore down my skirt and panties and licked me from behind. I heard him moan and mine cunt Tasted really juicy and horny. I became dizzy with lust my nipples became really hard and mine Legs always weaker. Someone had never licked me so extensively and horny. His tongue circled my clit and kept penetrating my column. At ever shorter intervals he licked my bud until I almost crazy.

It took me less than 2 minutes until I got to the climax. Exhausted as I was still very cool, he grabbed me on my hip, got his remarkable cock out of his pants and sank him without asking in my damp cunt. I thought of a rubber briefly but I was just willing with lust. Oh my god, what was that thick tough cock. At first he fucked me slowly.

It was totally exciting, we could have caught us at any time. His big, beautiful hands pressed and kneaded my breasts that fucked me hard and deep into my smacking pussy. No cock has felt so good yet. He just felt full and completely. I noticed how my pussy water was getting more and more. Now he grabbed me, raised me and fucked me while standing. He kissed me passionately. Always harder faster and deeper his stiff hard cock penetrated into my wet horny cunt until I turned my eyes and an incredible orgasm had.

Then he pulled out his cock covered with pussies and sprayed a large load on my stomach. I have never been fucked so horny and so hard. So young and already such a good fucker I thought. We still exchanged the numbers and said goodbye with a tongue kiss. What a day, eaten well, drunk and extremely fucked …

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