The dirty final trip | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Bernd knew exactly. How it was. Back then, during his deflowering. When it was, who was there. It wasn’t difficult either. Almost all people can remember it, but it was particularly easy with him. Of the 28 people of his training year, 24 had held out, the rest had fallen by the wayside. Now these 24 were on the final trip. Even if only 15 of the 24 were taken over, the mood did not detract from the mood.

The two instructors that the horde had to supervise let five, at least as far as they could be responsible for what they could get along. They didn’t get everything, that much has already been said. The railway had not managed to assign related places in the large -scale wagon as required. Instead, eight were found on the front on the train, eleven three wagons on and behind the bistr car another five in the compartment. Since, as I said, only two instructors had been divided into the two large cars, the people in the compartment were among themselves.

What should have followed. In addition to Bernd at the aisle, Anita was sitting in the middle, at the January Jan, her new friend. Both freshly in love, which everyone was pretty amazed, the two have known each other for three years. But sometimes it takes a stop. Daniel and Sabrina had spread towards them. Between the two it cried. They had been together for around two years, but now the Sabrina company had taken over and Daniel had to look for a new job.

He took it quite relaxed for her anger, yes it almost looked as if he were happy to finally get away from Sabrina. The five were friends, so they belonged to the same clique. They had made sure that Großkotz Marvin, who was supposed to go into the compartment, exchanged the place with Bernd. So Bernd was the only untouched one in the compartment, which the others did not know but suspected. Have you never seen him with a friend.

He didn’t look bad, 1 m 80 big, oval face, medium -length brunette hair hair. It couldn’t be due to his glasses either, she stood and Bernd was likeable and popular. Nobody could have guessed the real reason, because Bernd had guarded to tell them about his defeats in the female gender. That something was wrong with him had him that the first time His cousin pointed out pretty bluntly. It started with the usual fumbling under pubescent.

She had put his tongue in his neck and he groped her tits. Normal that he became stiff. Not normal her reaction when he finally had her so far that she reached between his legs. “So what is that?“, She called amazed. “I think it is called a cock,” replied Bernd, still in good spirits. “Get him out,” the girl demanded in his sense. Bernd had no bad guess and promoted his tool. “My God,” she remarked shaken, “where do you want to go with it?”” Where to go? Something wrong?“Asked Bernd without understanding.

“With the thing you are welcome to delight a horse mare, not me!“Language, disappeared and left him completely sturdy. It was the moment when Bernd decided the size of a peniss in Internet research. At first he found his 15 centimeters normal. Until he found that this meant an erect penis and by no means one at rest as with him. ‘Instead of that the stupid cow is happy’, his first reaction was, but after similar things happened twice, he seriously thought.

The idea to simply ask his parents (his father had to be similarly equipped, he took a matter of course) was too embarrassing for him. He was promptly offered penis extensions on the Internet during his research, but he really had no need for that and he now did not want to know anything about shortening. So go into the puff and interview a that it should know? Too expensive. So he pushed the problem onto the long bank and was happy about the puncture.

At some point a girl would appear that also enjoyed the great things of life. If it didn’t exist, he wouldn’t be in the world, or? He had no idea. When they had climbed, the dawn had broken out. In the meantime it was dark outdoors and the mood rose inside, because as meals, there was no solid food. True to the motto “The little bit of what we eat, we can also drink” they had stocked up with Cola and Jägermeister, a mixture in which the parents shook it.

To reassure their nerves, they had pointed out the health aspect: the cola without sugar would have zero calories and the thinner would ultimately consist of pure herbs. Vegan, gluten and lactose-free. The more was drunk, the looser the round became. The seats were exchanged wildly, primarily by Anita, who kept sitting on her new friend’s lap, smooching him and could not keep up her butt. After each campaign, Jan had a decent bump in his pants, which he tried to hide first, then secretly and finally proud and visible to everyone.

Anita had long since pulled out her shoes and when she got down from Jans lap, then her feet tried to play between his legs. The poorest was hardly under control of his latte, just as little as Anita her giggling mouth. Since she had colored her maus -brown hair towards bright blonde, she had become a real eye -catcher. She recently put on her eyes into a narrow line, her lips discreetly red and glossy lasciviously.

She had put her body in a colorful knee -length dress today, base color light green with flower pattern, as it was modern. A small excerpt didn’t reveal much of her cleavage, but since you knew each other, everyone knew that she owned a good handful of milk business. Narrow waist, womanly hips, sweet buttocks, medium -high waterfall. It would have been enough for the cheerleader league if it had only been a little sportier. Bernd and Daniel watched their hustle and bustle, Sabrina, on the other hand, was slightly acidified because her friend didn’t take care of her at all.

Your attempt also take off your shoes and placed in his lap had not brought the desired result. She hadn’t been able to elicit more than a foot massage and a friendly grin, who did not want to miss an out of Anitas Games for a second. In doing so, she could keep up with Anita. A few centimeters larger and blessed with light brown hair, but otherwise you could have thought the two for sisters. She also wore a comfortable dress, a hand’s breadth shorter than Anita.

Now she saw Jan whispering a little in his girlfriend and rising the giggling and leaning against the window. Jan stood behind her, pushed to her, which Anita answered with an upright popowagel. “Don’t let yourself be disturbed,” called Sabrina with a slightly malicious undertone, who did not seem to arrive at the two. In any case, Jan’s hands were unabashedly pressing on Anitas Möpse while she was turning her head and kissing him passionately. Then she turned completely, wrapped her arms around his neck, kept smooching like wild and stroking his chest through the shirt.

Anita was hot, no question, and the others wondered how far she would go. In any case, they had never experienced them as uninhibited as now. Bernd unconsciously licked his lips, which brought him a rib shock from Sabrina, which had grinned grinning him. “You would also like to be in Jan’s place?“She whispered. “Who does not?“, Weighed back Bernd. “How far will they go?“Sabrina wanted to know. “I don’t know,” he replied. “Do you think they fuck the same?”” Here in the compartment? I don’t know.

I can not imagine that. “” What are you whispered there?“Daniel mingled now. “Sit down here,” he pointed to the square next to him. “Oh, my friend is becoming jealous,” grinned Sabrina Bernd, but trolled without contradiction and sat over over. Finally Daniel hugged her and kissed her too. A bit fleeting, but at least. Sabrina took the opportunity, held his back of his head and pushed his tongue into his mouth.

Bernd suspected that the behavior of the love couple had not passed it without a trace and she also wanted to be spoiled. ,Crap. And me?‘, He thought frustrated. In any case, get away and let the couples alone were out of the question. If they couldn’t control themselves – their problem. In any case, he would not clear the field with the tail pulled in. Whereby that was such a thing with the pulled tail anyway. The opposite was rather the case down there and Bernd would have liked to correct the situation, but did not dare.

Then he saw Daniel opened his eyes and Bernd looked curiously towards his eyes. He just noticed how Anita pulled her panties off his feet and carelessly threw her seat. A quiet “Oh” from Sabrina suggested that she too had noticed what was going on, but the scene was too hot when he could break away from it. A quick look at Sabrina had to be enough. She also watched the hustle and bustle on the tensile window.

Anita had turned over again, now leaned against the faster with the elbows. She had spread her legs and Jan slowly pushed her dress higher. Their thighs became visible in centimeters by centimeter, but only a small part, since dress and Jan after Bernd’s taste too much covered too much. Eventually Jan started fiddling with one hand at his trouser stable and a few moments later his butt swung back and forth. ‘The fucking actually,’ thought Bernd amazed.

There wasn’t much to see, Jan’s wobbling butt and Anitas put up high dress gave the imagination enough scope. Bernd felt like in a soft porn. In the meantime, Daniel stroked Sabrina’s breasts towards him while watching her hand over his bump as absent. A quiet smack filled the room, accompanied by Anitas moaning. Bernd saw Daniel whispered something to his Sabrina, but he shook his head violently. Daniel did not give up, hissed her back in the ear and Sabrina confirmed her no, but Bernd in the eye.

Your gaze was difficult to interpret, a mixture of greed, lust and despair. “And what about him?“, She whispered loudly enough that he was bought that he was the cause of the mood. What did they have before? Also wanted to fuck Daniel and Sabrina didn’t dare because he was there?”Bubble one to him,” said Daniel unmoved, an answer that Sabrina had not expected. It showed her how indifferent he had already become her counterpart. To be on the safe side, she hooked again, maybe she had misunderstood him.

“I should do something?“It sounded rather amazed than indignant. “Bubbles him,” said Daniel somehow grumpy. “You don’t care, yes?”” Yes, of course, give him the fun, “was the unmistakable answer. Bernd had understood the conversation well enough, although the rattling of the train and Anitas moaning were very loud. He watched Sabrina, saw her doubtfully looked at him and then obviously made a decision. Suddenly she rose from her seat and leaned over to him, showing her butt towards Daniel.

While she pushed her dress up and nested on his trouser stable, a hand of Sabrina took a step into Bernd’s. She stroked gently over his bump, which was felt to the thigh. Suddenly her whole body made a set forward;Bernd was clear that Daniel had plugged in and that Sabrina was just as fucked as Anita. But what did she want from him? She couldn’t want him to do his tail? And if it does? What was if she was also frightened and would also announce it loudly? But there was no time for further considerations.

“Do it,” she pushed, “before I think about it again. “Bernd avoided every look towards Daniel when he opened his trouser stable and continued to promote his monster. Happy that he couldn’t see anything because Sabrina’s head covered everything, he stretched out his spear and expected the most embarrassing scene of his life. But without the slightest remark, she reached and kissed his spearhead. The first female lips touched his cock and he felt her tongue slid over his glans.

“Au cursed”, he groaned overwhelmed. Sabrina was frightened back. “Did I hurt you?“She asked in doubt. “On the contrary,” he grinned at her. “Keep going. “Sabrina smiled back briefly, then devoted herself to her task again, showing off with her upper body in time. His eggs continued to be in the pants, but she did not fail to stroke her anyway. Her tongue continued to slide around the plump glans, then she took it back into her mouth, until the Glans, sucked gently.

As she managed to prepare such feelings of happiness without rubbing his teeth, Bernd was a mystery, but he had a better thing than to solve it right now. He would have loved to put her in his mouth, but didn’t dare. He preferred to watch as she exposed him, looked at him carefully, easily jerked and then licked the first drop of pleasure. Before she put him back in her mouth, she showed him her tip of the tongue and Bernd took it as a promise that she would swallow.

Anita and Jan didn’t notice anything at first, both of them were too busy with themselves. He was still fucking her, even if Anita had come to her groan at least once. Only when Bernd also took out a loud “Aaaah” did Anita turn and saw over her shoulder what was going on there. “My God,” she called and withdrawn from her friend, who no longer understood the world. “What is?“He asked in the event of.

“Nothing,” Anita replied automatically, “Change of position. “Then she knelt next to Sabrina and watched her from a few centimeters away when blowing. She was sensitive enough to make no stupid remark, but also made no institutions to intervene. But that wasn’t necessary either. A second woman with her face so close to his extent, with Sabrina’s blasmating coast, Bernd almost insanely. When Jan then announced his orgasm and Anita pushed so strongly that she almost touched his limb, he also groaned.

“I am coming,” he warned Sabrina, but as he suspected it did not react. Only a slight nod revealed that she had understood. So far she had waxed him if she didn’t have him in her mouth, she now changed her tactics. She literally sucked on its plump glans while her hand quickly slid up and down with solid pressure. Bernd looked briefly at Anita whether she also noticed everything, recognized her astonished appreciative look, then he closed his eyes briefly and pumped his juice in Sabrina’s mouth.

He failed to groan every loud groan, but thrust around thrust he taught his eggs that Sabrina hardly fulfilled with swallowing. Just the moment she pressed the last drops out of the urethra, she held anita his rod, which licked him well cleanly. He hardly heard how Daniel came and pumped his juice in Sabrina’s cunt, because that was something of something like that of. So far he had been able to avoid any embarrassment, not always out of his own perfection, but at least.

Before the boys could see anything, he quickly stowed his female happiness, because despite his size he seemed to be at least among those present. Jan had now generously distributed handkerchiefs with which the girls could clean themselves. With a grin, one looked at each other. “And then an underberg,” Jan spontaneously quoted an old advertising saying. “Jägermeister does it too?“, Pour Daniel the glasses. Nobody asked why Sabrina Bernd had blown, but he noticed that the girls winked several times and then looked at him so strange.

It was as if they had a secret secret. Bernd got up twenty minutes later to go to the toilet. “I come with me,” called Sabrina and Anita tinted: “Me too. “” Wait “, Anita Sabrina, who was just about to open the toilet door. “What is?“Asked the injurse because her friend threatened to threaten her plans. “If you prefer me, I am then lubricated,” grinned Anita. Sabrina looked at her questioningly, then Anita got a fleeting kiss on her mouth.

“Please very much,” she stopped Anita the door. “But I really have to,” Bernd mentioned as a precaution, while Anita did her business. “Me too,” grinned Sabrina, “I hope you don’t mind. “Then both enter the toilet together. Sabrina had just lifted the dress for a short time without panties and Bernd heard it rippling. He hadn’t seen anything. “May I hold?“Sabrina asked when he was on it. She had a look that Bernd couldn’t resist.

The voice sounded despondent, but his eyes looked at him mischievously demanding. She knew that no man could cut her off something. “Sure, why not?“Bernd replied generously, but then had to put himself damn effort until something came. Sabrina, on the other hand, had a good grip on the matter, her target was flawless. “And now?“He asked a little at a loss after he had pulled off. In his inexperience it was not clear to him what Sabrina actually wanted and above all like.

Sabrina knew exactly what her wish list looked like. “Sit down,” she pointed to the bowl, “I don’t want to take any risk of the latte. “As soon as Bernd had taken a seat, Sabrina put her dress again, held his limb with his other hand on her pussy and slowly let himself sink down. Then, when she thought she had enough, she started a cautious ride. She enclosed his neck and now Bernd also got his first kiss. With her tongue in his mouth, he felt his cock kept surrounding this warm food.

It was tight, closer than he had imagined a cunt and wet. Very wet even, amazed Bernd, until he rose that part of it could be owed to Daniel. ‘Oh cursed’, he thought, ‘my first pussy and then already hidden. Somehow I have myself My defloweration always presented differently. ‘But he was no longer capable of further thoughts in this direction, because Sabrina had started to free her breasts from her dress and held her in front of him.

Missed by so much beauty, Bernd pressed his lips on the buds, always alternately, while Sabrina continued to move him away. “I hope you won’t get that quickly,” she murmured, “Daniel just let me hang. “Don’t worry,” replied Bernd confidently. Experience has shown that the second orgasm was always a little longer. Suddenly it knocked. “Do you still need a long time?“They heard Anita through the door. “Yes why?“Sabrina called back. “People look at me so strange.

“Look back strange,” advised Bernd. “Nowhere you have your peace and quiet,” Sabrina, on the other hand, drew and slid with one hand under her dress. Bernd was not wrong that she had started to stimulate himself. She stubbornly kept her rhythm, he suspected about half of his limb in her pussy until she rose again and only stuck his glans. Finally he felt like she was getting even narrower, a vice.

He saw her face distorted, she heard moaning, even though she had pressed her mouth on his. After a while, her breath slowed down, the movements slower and she got off. “You won’t believe it,” she grinned at him, “but that was the best fuck in a long time. “” For me too “, Bernd did not honestly admitted. On the other hand, it wasn’t a lie either. “Would you have needed a long time?“Asked Sabrina, again with this look, the men’s hearts melted.

“No,” Bernd shook his head, “I would have come soon. “” I’ll get you down like that, okay?“, She suggested generously. “Okay,” Bernd agreed a little disappointed. He would have liked another blowjob much better. “Good. Then come here and sit down on the sink. “There he sprayed his juice into the pool under her expert hands. To his surprise, she even washed the cock afterwards. With ice -cold water. Finally back in the compartment, her friend Daniel then asked in the difficulty: “Where were you so long?”” We waited until Bernd was finally finished, “replied Anita, and had trouble not to let go of loudly due to the ambiguity.

Daniel was satisfied with it and took Sabrina back into fitting. Despite the crisis, she stayed with him for Bernd’s disappointment and at some point in the night he noticed that he didn’t even know whether she was shaved or not. He had neither seen her pussy nor caressed. —Taran he had to think when Sabrina was standing in front of him and prostowed him. It was the twenty year meeting after the start of the training. After the general excitement and greeting, the buffet was looted and life experiences were exchanged.

Now they had settled a little and talked in a quiet corner. In the meantime, both were significantly older and had changed accordingly. Sabrina’s hair was cut shorter, but the clothing size had increased by two numbers. She used to be borne by 38, Bernd now estimated her clothing size to 42. He didn’t know much about it, he simply derived it from his own experience, because on the labels in his clothing there was no longer 48 but 52.

In contrast, the glasses had disappeared, he was now wearing contact lenses. The hair was shorter and began to be gray at the temples. What some women ‘interesting’ called ‘. And something else had changed: the shy boy had obviously become a man with self -confidence. But that was just faltering when Sabrina held a carefully folded note. “You are, or?“She asked with a expectant look. This look, which he couldn’t resist back then.

The paper unfolded carefully. It was the poor copy of a DVD cover. The colors were falsified as if the printer had run out of the cartridges, but it was still clearly recognizable what it was about. The title was primitive, as is often the case in this genre: ‘Hans Lang and the moist hens from Adlerhof’. “Where did you get that from?“He asked back, carefully hidden the note before the eyes of others. No ‘what should that be?’Or ‘I don’t know.

‘. The answer confirmed her suspicion and let her grin. “I don’t know many men who are as well equipped as you. To be precise, none at all and that looks damn similar to that. “Bernd laughed forced. “At some point it had to come out. Who still knows about it?””Just me. No not really. There is still someone. “”Do i know him?”” It is one you. “”Aha. “”Yes. “” You don’t want to tell me who it is?““ You will find out early enough.

But now tell me how you got to shoot porn. “” I didn’t turn it, but played it. “” That makes a difference?””Yes. You are paid for it and have no financial risks if the film flopped. “” Did that happen?””Naturally. Some were simply so stupid that my cock couldn’t save anything anymore, ”he grinned. He had a little worries because of his choice of words, but Sabrina just smiled. She didn’t seem to know moral concerns, on the contrary, curiously she asked the next question about his part -time job.

“How many films did you make?””No idea. Almost ten years in business, sometimes a project every three weeks, a lot comes together. “” Let me calculate. 50 weeks makes 17 films a year. That would be 170 overall. Not bad. “” Rather 150. From time to time you have once in the business Vacation. “Sabrina laughed. “After 150 guys I would also need it bitterly. How many women did you fuck in time?““ You are not curious about what?“Not if I know everything.

“” Three to four scenes per film, i.e. in about 500. However, a number of actresses twice and triple or even more common. Let it be 200. “”Oh my goodness. Don’t be angry with me, but I wouldn’t have believed that at the time. “Now Bernd laughed. “I don’t myself either. “” Did you have a favorite?”” Sure, who doesn’t have it?””And?““ It is called Veronika. A very hot roast. Always ready, even without moisture cream, plus one who really enjoys the matter and does not just lie down and wait until your partner finally sprays.

“” Were you also with her privately?””No. This is considered unprofessional and would not go well either. “” Not even?”” I can admit it. We spent one night together in the hotel. Without camera. The hammer. “” Makes it special?””No. So no perversities if you mean that. She is just a thoroughbred female that is very happy to bird and earn money with her hobby. “” She has a job on the side?””Vice versa. She is head of department at an insurance company and fucks the pension together.

She wants to stop at 40 or 45 and enjoy life. “” Reasonable attitude. How did you actually get it? You don’t deserve bad as a manager either. “” By bad luck. “”Bad luck?““ So if you only hear a ‘get off with the thing’ for women, how else do you want to call that?””Oh right. And there you thought ..?””Yes. I thought, why don’t I make a virtue out of necessity? The initial content in our Klitsche was not as high as you show yourself that you could make big jumps with it and so I looked around and found what I was looking for in Essen.

“” Far enough away that nobody can get anything. “”Correctly. Wig, false beard, everything that goes with it. And yet you recognized me. “” Not at the wig, “laughed Sabrina,” and not at the beard either. “” I have to have made a lot of impression on you, “Bernd smiled. “In any case, it was enough to recognize you”, said Sabrina. He didn’t have to know that she had compared every man with whom she was in bed with him first. She had had some good lovers, no question, but then she had noticed that she was missing something.

At first she hadn’t believed it was always dismissed as nonsense that the size of a man would play a role. But finally she had researched and found that she was not alone. Half of all women couldn’t do much with small pimples and longed for larger things. In the absence of the opportunity, they often drove it with dildos or bottles. However, Bernd was also right. The other half didn’t want to know about oversized. It was obviously one of the rare species, the salad cucumbers and stallions were erotic.

“And now?“Bernd suddenly asked with a serious expression. “You probably don’t want to blackmail me, or?”” You bring me an idea, “laughed Sabrina,” No, of course not. It was the pure curiosity. “So then I am not convicted? No sex monster or perverted with whom you don’t want to have anything to do?““ Would I be here otherwise?”” Also true again. “” No, “explained Sabrina,” at first I even admired you. How many women you may have made happy and so.

Then I thought that it was made with the happy. It is a job and if I see it correctly, the guys get an orgasm, but the women don’t. “” In the rarest of cases, “confirmed Bernd. “Of the few that are shown in the films, 99% are still speeded. “” That must be frustrating for you too, “thought Sabrina. “You fuck her and she doesn’t notice anything. “” That was it at first too. But you get used to it.

As a man you learn to master yourself and not to cum after five minutes and it is not much different for the partners. “” Yes, but a man at least comes there. You have nothing of the fucking. “” Sometimes one fits after the session itself, some are in a lesbian relationship, others go home to their husband. So you are not completely sexless if I can say that. This is more difficult with us men.

“”How come?““ I say like this: The powder is shot. There is not much left for the woman at home. “Bernd had expected Sabrina to laugh, but she just looked at him seriously. “You never got married?””No. Also not a fixed relationship. Not even a loose. “” Also shit, “she stated. “True. But you get used to it yourself. “” And how long do you want to do that?““ So you didn’t research what? No film has been published by me for two years.

“” “Is not true,” contradicted Sabrina, “at least three have come out. “” Take a close look. All old material, newly cut together and set to music and you already have a completely new story. From Hans Lang becomes John Cock or Big Long Bill. “” At least you get money for it?””Would be nice. The contracts do not provide for recycling. Our art is not reported to GEMA. “” That means you haven’t had a woman for two years?“Asked Sabrina in disbelief.

“Yes. What is so unusual about it? Others are not better and they don’t have a moving life as I do. But what about you?“Asked Bernd, who the inquiry was slowly annoying. It was his miracle point. Hundreds of well -looking women, but do not get anything on the chain privately. “What should be with me?”” Your life after the final trip. What did you do?”” I made a mistake out of the world, “she laughed happily.

“What does this mean?““ You remember that it was Daniel, who said I should blow you a blow?””Yes, of course. “” I was not sure at the time whether it was such a good idea. I had the impression that he wanted to separate from me and thought I might make him jealous of it. The opposite has happened. Not only do I thought it was horny with you, he also found it so hot that he wanted to get me again and again.

I even enjoyed it for a while. Young men are not big lights in bed and with two guys I got at least at my expense. In addition, I saw that other boys also have nice cocks and gave him the passport a few months later. “She looked at him seriously, not sure whether she was allowed to tell the sentence that was on her tongue. “I should have stayed with you at the time,” she added.

If she had shown this Dackelblick now, Bernd would not have believed her. But so he was sure that she said the truth. “I would have taken you,” Bernd admitted, “then a lot of things would have been different. “” Yes, sometimes you spontaneously make the wrong decisions. After that I stayed solo for a long time and got to know my husband at some point. “”Is he here?“Bernd looked around. “No, we are divorced. After fifteen years and three children.

“” And current? Are you lined up again?””Yes. She’s just coming there. “”She?“Bernd looked at himself amazed. The only one who headed for her was Anita. She had become a bit thick, fowl on the face, but still pretty. Due to her light summer dress with a deep neckline, she carried out a magnificent bust. Formulated flaps, she had not only preserved her beauty, but even doubled. “You and Anita?“He asked, but the answer came indirectly. “Hello darling,” said Sabrina her friend, “We are talking about you right now.

“” Only the best, I hope. Is he it?“Asked Anita, Bernd Curious viewing. “Yes. Clearly. He admitted it. “” Then you won, “replied Anita, nested 100 euros out of her handbag and gave her Sabrina. “Your win. “” Did you bet about me?“Asked Bernd. “Yes,” replied Sabrina. “She didn’t trust you. “” The little shy Bernd turns porn, “Anita shook his head. “I admired your, uh, hanging, but that the one down there shows so much effort … no, I really didn’t expect that from you.

“” I hope it stays among us, “made Bernd,” Slowly too many people know about it for me. “”No worries. Your, uh, ‘little’ secret is in good hands with us, ”laughed Anita. “Is it also a secret that you live together?““ No, everyone can know that. Anita married Jan at the time and was about the time when I was divorced. We had that Contact never lost to each other and suddenly both had to see how we would get along.

So we saw the realities, she packed her child, I mean blessing and then we got together. A large species -appropriate apartment can be used as a single one Mother otherwise do not afford. “” It happened at some point “, Anita Sabrina smiled happily. “We fell in love with each other, also thanks to our lesbian previous experiences. “” It was rather the other way around “, Sabrina corrected her. “At our first joint lesbian experiences we fell in love with each other.

“” Great story “, commented Bernd. “What do the children say about it?“” “It doesn’t matter to the younger ones, the older ones are already looking strange. You are just in puberty and are currently discovering your sexuality yourself. “” Don’t be afraid that you will be lesbian?“Asked Bernd, and at the same moment came himself stupid. “No why?“, Anita laughed,“ we even expect it to the three boys and our oldest can hardly hold their legs together, so much the boys are after her.

“”How old is she then?”” Definitely. “” They are always, “Bernd took the answer loose. “With fifteen?““ Well, that’s really a little early. But so 20 % have their first experiences, even if the legislator does not want to admit it. “”True. That’s why she gets the pill on her sixteenth, but until then she should wait until then. “” Or limit yourself to Petting, “grinned Sabrina. So the conversation went back and forth all evening.

In between, of course, they also talked to the other fellow sufferers, but whenever they came together, the main topic next to the old memories was sex. Bernd was certain that nothing would run with the two of them, even though he would not have pushed the two out of the edge of the bed. But in his experience, women who talked about fucking did not certainly want to fuck. They separated the knitting;Talk about it and spread the legs were two completely different worlds.

If they were on fuckers, they wanted to hear compliments (which should have nothing to do with tits and ass), maybe be gently touched when dancing, in other words seduced become. Rederei about it was completely out of place. So Bernd wasn’t angry when he fell alone in the hotel bed around two in the morning. He had received the address and cell phone number of both to stay in touch via Whats app.

He was just finished with brushing your teeth and forced himself into his pajamas when his cell phone came as a surprise. “Do you don’t feel like visiting two old friends? Room 205 ”, stood unambiguously. Bernd could hardly believe it. They wanted to fool him? They were lined up, meanwhile from the other bank, what did that have to do with him? On the other hand – they had had the pleasure together a long time ago, at least in part, maybe they wanted to refresh their memories.

“Do I have to put on something?“As a precaution, he asked back. A misinterpretation would have been too embarrassing. Lust to empty the minibar or something like that, he would have just lacked that. “If you had a condom,” was the answer, “we don’t take a pill. “Okay, that no longer allowed scope. He inevitably got dressed again and set off. First of all to the toilet of the hotel bar, where the condom machine was hung, then to room 205, where it was obviously urgently needed.

The first thing Bernd noticed after Sabrina opened the door was Anita. She had placed exactly in the direction of view, in the middle of the bed, long stretched out in a black negligee, opaque, but with a large neckline but without cleavage and narrowly covering the shame. She kept her legs closed and grinned at him. Behind him, Sabrina closed the door and whispered in his ear: “It doesn’t look cool?“Bernd turned to her and thought of having an Anitas reflection in front of him, at least as far as the clothes were concerned.

Sabrina was wearing the same outfit, just one or two clothes sizes less. With her, too, the fabric barely covered her butt. “You both look horny”, Bernd hurried to confirm before starting Seibern. In his hand he captured the condoms when Sabrina wanted to take him away from him. “We don’t need them yet,” she drove on the packs and put them aside. “Was it at all in your size?“, She grinned.

“No idea,” Bernd admitted, “I have never worn any of the machine. There was loose on the set, in the dozen cheaper. “” Well we will see, “replied Sabrina,” in an emergency Coitus Interruptus. As a professional you should know how to do it. “When Anita realized that his attention was again, she put on her legs in slow motion, put her feet flat on the sheet and slowly spread her knees. Little by little her pussy came into view, hairy with bikini hairstyle.

Sabrina pressed her arms around him from behind. She started to open his shirt buttons leisurely while Anitas slid down hands on her own body. She stopped on the breasts, rubbed her through the fabric, licked her lips exaggerated. Sabrina now pulled his shirt out of his pants and freed him from the unnecessary fabric. With a naked torso, Bernd Anita continued to watch the woman stroking her stomach on the bed with her fingers, continuing to the pubic hair and finally scratching her pussy.

Sabrina continued to press Bernd, opened his belt buckle, the zipper and reached under the waistband. “Ready?“She asked quietly. “Yes. “At the same moment, when she freed Bernd from his leg dresses and his lust newt was quick, Anita sank his first finger in her pussy. She began to spoil herself tenderly, while Sabrina, still standing behind him, reached his crossbar and began to jerk him. They watched each other, Anita on the bed spoiled her pussy and Bernd, who was not a meter in front of her and got the rod polished by Sabrina.

Nobody spoke a word, only the quiet smacking noises of Anitas and the rubbish of Sabrina’s fabric can hardly be heard on their bodies. Bernd was now fully extended, twice as big and as thick as many other men. He could see on Anita’s eyes what impression he made on her. Astonishment, delight, fear, everything was reflected in her face. Sabrina had started to stroke Bernd’s chest hand, while the others are always more furious with his happiness.

Sometimes she slid over his bare glans with the palm of your hand, sometimes she quickly pushed the pelle, then slowly up and down again. She seemed to watch Anita, because her rhythm was similar to that of her friend, who sometimes introduced three fingers, then only rubbed her pearl and then turned out like wild in the pussy. Finally the time had come, she tore her eyes open, stuck on his cock and with loud moans she came, spanned the thighs, raised the butt and slammed it back onto the sheet.

Bernd watched her, knew what was expected of him, let himself go and thanks to years of practice, he too came. Sabrina jerked him faster, wilder, simply let his sperm clap on the floor, pressed the last drop from his urethra. “Oh my god,” she whispered, “you know how long I wanted to do this?””Since then?”, Advised Bernd. “You liked our little introduction?“, Anita grinned from bed. “You should write scripts,” replied Bernd.

“How does it go?”” You have a break, “explained Sabrina, who wiped off the last sparrow residues that stuck on her hand for the sake of simplicity on her Negligé,” Anita will cuddle with me for that. “‘Funny’, thought Bernd, ‘when women talk about sex, it means fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking. If you are in bed, it’s cuddling or cuddling. ‘He said: “Well, agreed. I see you have everything under control. “He lay down on the free bed side and was amazed when Sabrina, who had completely undressed, cuddled into his arms.

“Hey …” he wanted to complain, but Sabrina closed his mouth with a kiss. Then she turned, slipped deeper and lay on his stomach with her back so that her head came to lie under his chin. With poor arms, Bernd reached exactly to her still firm breasts and of course he took the opportunity. While he was stroking both boobs, Anita, now also undressed, clamped himself between Sabrina legs and began licking up the back of the back of the back of the back.

In contrast to Anita, Sabrina hadn’t changed much since then when she unknowingly deflowered him, of which she still had no idea to this day. She had stayed slim, was still wearing the same hairstyle, just a little shorter and now she cozy in his arms, let the breasts crawl and lick the pussy. Bernd couldn’t see what exactly Anita did, except that she moved her head between Sabrina’s thighs up and down and back her arm in front of and back.

Fantasy and experience were enough to present what happened down there. Sabrina groaned softly and he believed that the two would end it in this position, but then Sabrina surprised him. She suddenly turned, knelt over him and kissed him passionately. Bernd had thought that she would whistle his lümmel and go into the saddle, but the women had other plans. He couldn’t see it, but according to the movements to judge Sabrina was just fisted by Anita.

‘Not bad,’ he thought, ‘the two are not just a well -rehearsed team that have fun and imagination. That can be a fun evening. ‘He kissed Sabrina’s breasts, sucked on the stiff nipples and held them on his hips. Anita, who suddenly had his glans in her mouth, surprised him down, while Sabrina continued to feel her fist. But it was just a short episode, then Anita had realized that Sabrina’s attention had to apply.

A faster handle with the other hand on their clit, two fingertips at the same time from the right and left, a quick rotation handle and already shouted Sabrina. “Oh damn, aaaaaaaahhhhh,” she groaned and bite Bernd suddenly the lips bloody. “Sorry,” grinned Sabrina without feelings of guilt. “You can tell that you have both known each other for a long time,” commented Bernd. “Do you find?“Anita cuddled in his arm on the left, while Sabrina took the right side. “Yes. One knows exactly what the other one wants.

“” That actually went very quickly with us, “Anita gave the best. “Sabrina actually went much better than with her predecessor. “”Predecessor? As a widow you didn’t feel like men anymore?““ No, I had wrongly expressed myself. Before I got married, there was a girl. “” You tell you as if it is a matter of course that a woman has lesbian experiences. “” Maybe not, but we don’t find it as difficult as men. Since we have a lot more physical contact in everyday life, we are more open.

“”What do you mean?““ Go across the street and hold hands, for example. You will rarely see that in guys, often in women. When we shop, what do you think we’d rather have with us? Who will probably advise us better? It doesn’t matter to us to show us in front of a friend in underwear or completely undressed. “Bernd thought for a moment. She was right when he got new clothes, then usually without accompaniment.

Asking another guy of how the things stated to him didn’t get into the bag. And when moving he didn’t need any spectators. “That’s right,” he grinned, “the 175 has been abolished for thirty years or more, but he is still in the mind. Homosexuals are Bäh, lesbians are awesome. “” Well, you men are a bit restricted, “smiled Anita. “Biste bi has more of life. Did you actually have something with a man in your films?””Never.

I’ve always found it uncomfortable when group sex was on the program. It took me a long time to get to command. It was not a problem alone. “” “You probably don’t like it if another guy watches you. “” It will be. “” And another woman?“Asked Sabrina asleep. “It looks like that would bother me?““ So Anita, I think he should prove that to us. “”How come?”, Bernd asked,” I already have that.

“” Wanking doesn’t count, “Sabrina stated the rules. “You have to really fuck with us. “” “Nothing better than that. If you want, I’m ready again. “” Bauer “, Anita blasphemed, but took her hand, which she had kept warm between her thighs and checked his statement. “Well,” she commented, “maximum expandable. “Both women refused every remark that Bernd had more to offer in a half -slim state than some men fully excited.

They simply accepted it as a given. Sabrina watched her friend when she spoiled Bernd’s Lolli with her tongue and smelled his chest to him. She had buried her other hand between her thighs. Anita sneaked one floor lower and checked the quality class of Bernd’s eggs by taking it alternately in the mouth and rolling on the tongue. Then she slid up with her lips on his shaft, finally put her mouth over the plump acorn as far as possible.

She sucked and sucked, looked at her work, looked briefly at Sabrina and held her up the rod. But Sabrina silently shook his head. Then Anita got up and climbed on Bernd, kept the joy donor to her love tunnel and slowly let himself sink down. After sunk for about two thirds, she started a cautious ride. She came up to the glans, then let her slide back. Up and down, up and down.

Both spectators could clearly see how Bernd’s member became more and more damp and shone. Nevertheless, Anita interrupted her work after five minutes. “Now you,” she asked her girlfriend. Sabrina made it easy and just put on his side, offered Bernd her back front, who quickly led his wet dödel to his destination and braid from behind. At Sabrina he pushed his limits a little earlier, did not come as deep as Anita.

She too was fucked more comfortably than passionately, it was much too early for the final sprint. She did not scratch, remained almost motionless, while Bernd worked on her cave and Anita kept her hand warm between her thighs and gently spoiled himself. Sabrina now pulled a leg something that resulted in Bernd could penetrate even less. As a professional, of course, he paid attention to such subtle hints and birded it a little faster, but not as deep.

For this he felt a hand on his nuts and when he accidentally slipped out of Sabrina’s grotto, this hand accessed lightning speed and led his spear to the mouth. Anita sucked him briefly, freed him from her friend’s juices, then knelt down and demanded the dog position. This time Sabrina robbed under her and began licking Anita the clit while Bernd fucked her pussy. Again and again he hit his bag in front of Sabrina’s forehead, but it didn’t seem to bother them in any way.

On the contrary, the more violent Anita groaned and the more Bernd increased his pace, the more furious she sucked and licked the red and plump clitoris. “You make me Waaaaahhnsiiii …” Anita suddenly called and Bernd felt her muscles cramped. After all, she couldn’t anymore and just dropped forward. Bernd took the opportunity and hit Sabrina in the open throat, who willingly started her tongue and licked him again cleanly.

But the position was not quite in her mind and so she lay on her back and ordered Bernd under a 90-degree angle below. So he was able to fuck her comfortably while Anita snatched her girlfriend’s pussy and at the same time licked her nipples. “Mmmh, that’s good,” said Sabrina, “there is hardly a better position. “It didn’t take long, then she was ready too and screamed her orgasm into the night. The triple irritation was just too much.

Only Bernd hadn’t come yet, but the two women knew advice. From both sides they sucked on his bar, scratched the nuts, alternately took his glans into their mouths, sucked and licked what the mouths gave. With hand, lips and tongue they gave their best and a few minutes later they had the pleasure of seeing Bernd again. “Phew,” he commented exhausted, “nice to have met again. “” Nice, yes?“, The two flashed him.

“Yes, without you I don’t know what to do tomorrow. “”Morning? With us?”, Sabrina asked suspiciously,” with us old women?”” “I could imagine continuing where we have just stopped,” Bernd did not go into the old women. “I think we can leave our dildo in the suitcase,” laughed Anita Sabrina. “Waiting”, the grinning replied, “first look at how long the old sack lasts. Maybe his dirty film directors also threw him out because he no longer performs any performance.

“Bernd made a rarely stupid face. He hadn’t stayed with doubts about his potency for a long time. The three had no idea that a friendship for life had formed here. Only the women’s doctor of women was amazed at why two lesbians suddenly asked for the pill.

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