Married lamp makes her husband a Cuckold | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

How I made my husband unintentionally made the Cuckold [by Thomas Diener] I didn’t think much of it. Stefan and I had planned a long weekend at home. It should be a special weekend, just for us two. So I want to make myself particularly beautiful for him and after working I strolled into the large department store to get a few things for this occasion. On the way to the cosmetics department, where I want to buy a new lipstick, I stumble across a bathing towel in the SPECIAL BOW, which I quickly acquire as a replacement for our old.

In the women’s fashion department, my view of a divine -looking dress, black, tightly and short, with a tempting neckline. The little black one. I in this dress – at the sight of Stefan would be out of the eyes, I’m sure of that. When I see the price tag, I have to swallow. I don’t want to be petty and buy a really nice and erotic dress in the money, but this price is far from. Nevertheless, I take it into the changing room and try it.

It’s done for me. As if a tailor had done his masterpiece. I think about, calculate, remember my poorly filled account and decide with a heavy heart that I will not afford this heavenly piece of fabric. But I also think of Stefan, our weekend together, how he will admire me in this dress and the upcoming nights with hot sex. A tingling sensation goes through my body in these thoughts. Without thinking, I let the dress disappear in the large bag with the bath towel and leave the cabin inconspicuously.

I avoid all attention and sought slowly but purposefully towards the exit to leave the place of my theft behind me. “Sorry, the lady!“A hand grabs my wrist hard, just behind the outcome of the department store, when I think I have managed and being safe. The hand belongs to a big man, he is almost a head bigger than I am with my 1.70 meters. “I think you forgot to pay the dress in your bag.

“No doubt possible, the man must be the department store detective. My thoughts lawn. Tear off and run away? Fearless, its handle is iron hardness. Protest and scream? Then all the attention is pointed to me, but I am also there as a thief, because in my shopping bag there is demonstrably the undressed dress. “I think we clarify this inconspicuously in my office,” says the man while he pulls me back into the department store and I do not make any resistance.

With the personnel elevator we drive into the office wing, it opens the door to a shabby office and pushes me inside. “Sit down!“Why does he do me? I obey and he puts the bag on the desk and searches it. The bathing towel, the lipstick, two receipts and the Corpus Delikti come to light. “The third bon is missing,” he says. “Give me your ID card! I have to record your data. “I cope with my wallet, but before I can open it, he took it away from me with a quick movement.

“Hey, what’s that?“I push out. He ignores my objection, opens the stock exchange and searches it and studies everything he can find in it. “So, Susanne, so you are a seller with an expensive men’s outfitter how I can take from your papers. What do customers say when they find out that the lady who serves them in this noble scales is a common thief? I watched you all the time. From the moment when you spotted the dress.

You are all stupid, you lousy little shoplifts. “I want to protest, but it comes to me beforehand. “And now? Actually I would have to call the police. I am committed to this. But maybe we can regulate it differently. “I had to. He has a strong physique, not thick, only strong. He has a striking face that is once gray to be gray to be gray to the temples. I appreciate him in his mid -fifty and thus twice as old as my 27 years.

I have a bad suspicion of what he means with “different rules” and therefore ask him “and how could we regulate it differently?“He looks at me and says“ You should show yourself clearly, then I could do without a theft display and the police. “So I really advised. Nevertheless, I want him to tell me with his own words and ask him “How should I show myself in concrete terms?“He succeeds me with a lustful look and replies“ I want to fuck you! And before you blown one to me.

You can keep the dress and a few more clothes afterwards. ” “Never!“I reply. “As you wish. Then I call the bulls now, they write an advertisement and I send a copy of it anonymously to your employer. It will definitely be interested in what his employee is so criminal. And I hang up a few more copies around your workplace. “His hand is already picking up the phone, but I prevent him from doing so.

“Okay, you won. If you open your pants, then we can quickly get the whole thing behind us. “I steer a. “But not here, girls!“He replies. “We’ll do that at your home tonight. Here someone can come into the door at any moment. ““ That doesn’t work, I live with a man, he will be there tonight. “I clarify it. “I don’t care. See that you are ready tonight, with or without a man, otherwise there is a complaint.

I have your address at 6 p.m. If nobody opens, I pass on the case to the bulls. You can go now, your wallet and the bag stay here, I’ll bring it with you afterwards. “He says perch. I leave the office with a headed head and make my way home. Stefan comes home at 5 p.m. I give him pure wine under tears.

He will surely find a solution to my problem that has become ours now. “When they experience the theft in the shop, I lose my job! You can still remember that I told you about theft from the coffee cuff, someone has made long fingers. If they experience the theft in the department store, but everyone thinks I was, even though I have nothing to do with it. Then nobody wants to work with me anymore.

And the certificate will be accordingly, so I could not apply anywhere!“I summarize. Stefan also does not know any real advice. “You won’t fuck with this department store detective! I don’t allow that to!“He calls angry. “We offer money. Such a shabby department store detective doesn’t deserve much. We buy you free. “The doorbell rings. 17. 58 a.m., it is more than on time. We look at and wait. It rings a second time.

This time I go to the front door and let the uninvited guest in, who has the well -known bag with him. “You know?“He asks Stefan. “Yes. And we are not ready to go into your offer. Tell us your price and we pay it!“Stefan replies. “You know my price: I am not interested in an hour with her, your money. “The man makes it clear. “From me you can watch or go away until I finish with her, I don’t care, but now decide between an ad that has washed or fuck for an hour with the Kleptomanian bitch.

“Stefan looks at me at a loss, he obviously doesn’t know what to do. “I … I do it. But my husband stays here!“I press out. “Should I be right for me. You sit down there!“Says the department store detective to Stefan and points to a chair in the corner of the living room. No protest from his side. “The sofa is extendable?” he asks. “J … yes, is a sofa bed. “Answer Stefan. The visitor is enough for me with the words “Here you have your dress and a few other things, put them on and put on a little makeup,” the bag and send me into the bedroom to change.

“Meanwhile, you will flee the sofa,” he orders Stefan, which he does immediately. In the bedroom I look into the bag and, in addition to the dress, also find a sinfully expensive top panty and matching bra, as well as a few high heels with black paint, safe to the 12 cm high and a few holding nylons. I spread my things and slip into the new clothes, which will certainly cost a monthly wage overall and should now belong to me.

The new dress still sits outrageously good, but is so short that it briefly covered the lace hem of the nylons. I still apply make -up in front of the mirror, matching the outfit. The heels are so high that I find it difficult to go to Grazil in them. My highest are 8 cm, these are good and like 4 cm higher. Surprisingly, I feel good in these expensive clothes when I look in the mirror.

A shower runs down my back. I feel a little slutty and notice how I will lust. I am immediately taken against my will by a stranger while my Stefan has to watch, and I feel lust with this thought? This can not be right! When I step into the living room, I harvest gaffing looks from two directions. Stefan stops his mouth open, so he has never seen his Susanne. And the department store detective also takes admiring looks at me, in his face the lust is reflected in the upcoming fuck.

“You look beautiful and sexy!”Says the detective and it sounds honest. He comes to the point without wague: “Blow one of me. kneel down. “I avoid eye contact with Stefan, go to the stranger, let myself fall on my knees in front of him and open his pants, on which a huge bump is already emerging. Be tail Just jump out and rock in front of my face. I swallow because this piston has a considerable caliber.

It is at least 20 centimeters long and very thick, I appreciate six centimeters. I put my hand around the shaft and start it carefully jerk off. The damp glossy glans touches my lips and my tongue drives automatically, as if I had no control over it, out of my mouth and lick it carefully. I grab his eggs with my other hand and massage them tenderly. My tongue circles its pleasure center and I realize how the wish grows in me to get this thick, long part with the mouth.

I open my lips and slowly slide over his bolt until it fills my mouth. Nevertheless, I only create half of this huge part in me. Then I feel how he puts his hands around my neck and head and first gently, then with more emphasis my head presses on his stake. But his request does not need it at all, in me the desire burns his cock as deep as possible in my mouth and to give him the maximum pleasure.

Slowly I let his strap slip into and out while my tongue continues to circle. I hear a lustful moan above me, which just drives me further. I am moving my head up and back faster and back to show this common blackmail with the aim of what a real one Blowjob is that I am the brass bitch that will make its cock mercilessly to explode! His moan is getting louder and I notice how he inevitably heads to the climax because I want it because I force him to do so.

Just when I decide to release his piston out of my mouth to see how he sprays and his hot sperm distributed all over my face, he frees himself from me with a step back. I look up at him and our eyes meet. He looks very excited, but also a little confused. He probably did not expect that the woman he had to force to sex in the meantime whore has become.

But he feels quickly and challenges me with the words “Lay on your back and make your legs wide!“To go into fuck position. I want to put the conducted condom into his hand, but he rejects. “I never fuck with rubber. Throw the thing away, we do it as I want it!“I think briefly after. Without rubber? I didn’t expect that, but he sits on the longer lever.

And I am now too horny to contradict his command. “Okay, but don’t inject in me, pull it out beforehand,” I say and he promises me. I am willing and full of anticipation, I strip my panties and dress, I let myself fall on the folded down sofa and do as ordered. He kneels between my spread legs, takes my legs and presses it, so that his head is between my feet, the paragraphs of my high heels roam his hair.

I feel his giant oak on my wet cunt, with light pressure it opens my labia and be thick tail Glide with a push completely into me until his eggs touch my ass. He starts to fuck me with slow bumps. His big tube stretches mine pussy Quite different from Stefan’s average cock, I feel it much more intensely in me. His bumps become stronger and I start to lose myself in my desire. “The poor Stefan! Must watch his wife banged by a stallion.

I shouldn’t moan, at least not so loud … ”I still think and can’t help but moan my lust out of full neck. He now fucks me faster and harder, almost violent, his testicle strikes rhythmically against my buttocks. He is now groaning loudly and gasps, I see his delayed face as far away. My orgasm approaches and I enjoy this state, unstoppable to the climax. Shortly before I come, this scoop of department store detective pulls out his cock and ruins my orgasm.

“On all four!“He briefly commands and as in a trance I obey. Immediately the pleasant feeling appears again when he penetrates me from behind and takes me hard. His loins beat violently against my ass, with his strong hands he holds my hips to strengthen his hard bumps into me. He grabs my brown medium -length hair, pulls them vigorously on them and forces my head in an upright position. Again I feel my orgasm, while his big piston spoils my opening intensively.

He too has to moan and gasp and I hear that he is heading to his climax, like me, his bumps become a bit faster and more violent. “Hopefully he won’t pull it out before I came! Please, please don’t! Only then pull it out and spray your cum on the ass and back “I think, then the orgasm overwhelms me, my muscles pull together and twitch, I notice how I cannot suppress a cry as my body is shaken.

His bumps become slower, he almost pauses, only moves slightly. With a loud throaty wheels he injects his sperm into my cunt, I feel like his hot juice flood me. With small bumps he pumps everything into me except for the last drop. Because he pulls it out beforehand! But I don’t care at that moment. I have never had such a divine fuck. I feel like a mare that was insembled by her stallion.

With a sigh he pulls out his stalliontail. When I come back to reflection, I have to think of Stefan. I still have a stealthy look at him on all fours between my legs. He sits in the armchair with a red head, has his stiff cock in his hand and jerked! He doesn’t even notice that I look at him. He stares at my ass. But why? Then I notice it. The white creamy liquid of the man is slowly running out of my cunt and drips onto the sofa, a stain that is getting bigger ever.

“Wait, you Jamslome Cuckold,” I think and tense my pussy muscles to press the last drops out of me. In small batches, the sperm pours out of my cunt on the sheet. Stefan cannot take a look and pursues every drop. The man is still biting next to me, his half -wire tail still has a considerable size. When the last cums are dripped out of my cunt, I take the man’s increasingly sagging tube in the hand and start jerking it off.

He looks at me in astonishment. He had probably thought that the end of our fuck came here. Far from it, Stefan still needs a decent lesson that he never forgets again! The big piston rises hesitantly, but has not quite reached the old splendor yet. So a case for my fuck mouth. I thoroughly lick his whole tail, starting from the glans, over the shaft down to the root, his eggs get a special treatment. I lick his testicles intensely, suck on the eggs while my cheeky middle finger is looking for and finds his buttock.

I gently massage his ring muscle and take his piston as far as possible. I let my head slide up and down and feel how its whole splendor develops. So, Stefan, now you will get something to see! I swing over the detective pelvis and conduct his big cock to my sperm smeared cunt. Slowly I let myself slide down and feel like the magnificent piece of man enters into me.

I let my pelvis circle while I ride it gently at the same time. His hands overturn my breasts and knead them tenderly. I feel the same incredibly intense desire to rise in me, like a few minutes beforehand. That Stefan watched us wanking makes me even more sharper! And the department store detective also gets his money’s worth, which I can undoubtedly read on his face. Our roles have reversed, now I’m fucking him! I use it for my lust, want to steal his love juice.

And he will not be able to do anything against this theft, the detective cannot protect his seed from me. My ride has switched from a light trot to the gallop, my wet pussy circle around his cock faster and faster and faster. He has closed his eyes and enjoys the ride that I make on him, my stallion is among me! I feel like his hands my tits knead more strongly, he rides to orgasm.

And I’m also ready, I get into the quick gallop and feel the pulsating pistons quickly and hard into me and push into me. Then the climax flows through my whole body, my muscles surrounds its cock tight and he too is at the goal, I feel his warm cream in several bumps in several bumps, while we both let our pleasure run wild. When the orgasm dies off, I let myself slide down next to the man without a name.

I lie down on my back exactly that Stefan can look between my wide -spread legs. He is still sitting on the armchair with a red head and jerking hard. He looks at me, our eyes meet, then he looks back between my legs, where a trickle from strange sperm pours out of my cunt for the second time and treacherous spots leaves on the bed. Then he is ready too. He groans and sprays his sperm, with a clap it hits the living room floor.

When he’s done, he sinks back into the armchair and looks into my eyes. The man has already dressed unnoticed by us and says goodbye. “Take care, was nice with you!“He first looks at me, then Stefan and finally the stains on the floor. Laughing he says “I think you two have something to clarify. “Then he goes, we hear his steps in the hallway and the front door falling into the castle.

We are alone again.

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