Hot fuck at school | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“Can it be that you would like to fuck me?“Rainer woke up from his daily dream and felt the redness shot into his face. He looked at his teacher completely disturbed. Unable to answer had no choice but to lower his eyes and to endure the laughter of his classmates and classmates.

He needed a few seconds to make it clear that the question he believed to have heard could actually have been put in this way by his teacher.

These words had to come from his dream. So he looked up and looked at his teacher questioningly.

“Please excuse Ms. Schönenberg, unfortunately I didn’t understand the question. I have to admit, I didn’t pay attention.”


Rainer could not have reacted more skillfully.

Ingrid Schönenberg had to admit that Rainer had once again proven with this answer that she rightly considered him as her favorite student. Hardly any of her students worked as intensely in their lessons as he did. Now, in retrospect, her suffering was to have exposed him a little with her question in front of the class.

Because he would have deserved it as the very last. But when she asked him if he wanted to replace her at the front of the board, she didn’t think about the consequences.

She also couldn’t know what thoughts he was dealing with when she caught him in one of the very rare moments, where he did not follow her lessons.

If she had known it, then her cheeks would certainly have no less reduced than that of her favorite student.

Rainer had dreamed again how he stroked and kissed his beautiful biology teacher everywhere and finally did what a real guy used to do with such a dream woman, namely to…..

. However, since he was still very shy despite his eighteen years and his dazzling look, such thoughts were not only included in his teacher, but in general in the realm of his imagination. In the process, he had Ingrid Schönenberg. It even went so far that she was absolutely taboo for him when it came to satisfying himself.

He did that quite often, but either he used a corresponding magazine, an exciting film or imagined to do it with one of his countless, attractive admirers. However, he never thought of his teacher. That would be for him Angel seemed far too dirty. Also in his ideas of a fuck together with her, he never went so far that she was his tail In the mouth, or did “dirty” things to do something similar.

No, it always remained with very tender, normal sex in the missionary position.

But this dream was first dreamed of, because when the class had calmed down, Ingrid Schönenberg continued with her lessons as if nothing had happened. When it finally heralded and the last sleepers noticed that the hour was over, all their things packed together. In the whole building they had the only one in the entire building anyway and everyone now wanted to go home as soon as possible.

“Rainer, Sabine, you both stay there still ?!“The two mentioned people took questioning looks, packed their things together and strolled forward to the desk, where Ingrid Schönenberg expected them to expect them.

Apparently she wanted to talk to them alone and Rainer used the time until the last of her classmate had left the hall to briefly patter both his teacher and his classmate.

Or rather, to admire. Because Sabine was also one of the girls who had often used Rainer in thoughts as a meal template. In contrast to many other girls, she didn’t seem to find anything special about him. Sabine wore her dark blonde, smooth hair about shoulder long with a sweet pony cut at the front.

Their at most fifty kilos were distributed in a perfect way in about one -fisted sixty -to -one and gave her an impeccable, exciting figure. As petite as it was physically, she could appear so confident about it. Maybe that was also one of the reasons why you had never seen them together with a boy. Many boys are a little shy about girls who not only appeared by the girls, but also clever and confident.

Sabine wore a red mini skirt that brought her slim thighs into their own and a white blouse. Both emphasized their crunchy figure to one extent that in Rainer’s pants at this sight and the thoughts accompanying his eyes, a little started to rain.

Finally they were alone in the classroom. Ingrid Schönenberg went to the door, closed her and came back to her two students.

Despite the fifteen years of age difference, her figure was in no way after Sabine. On the contrary, where Sabine’s body appeared young and crunchy, Ingrid’s also slim dream body looked very ripe and female.

It was Summer And accordingly, her teacher decided this morning for just a little summer skirt and a beige blouse. Both very airy and ideally suited to stimulate the dirty fantasies of their male students and colleagues.

“Please apologize that I asked you to stay here.“She knew most of the students for a long time and so she stayed now, shortly before graduating from high school at the confidant you as a salutation.

The students didn’t care. On the contrary, the salutation, which many teachers used at once, just because you were now in the upper level and were just before the Abitur, most of them found only annoying.

“With you Rainer I just want to apologize quickly. I’m sorry that I just just put a little. I did not want.

I just want you to know that I am already aware that hardly anyone works as carefully as you do. So please excuse that the others have laughed at you.” “No problem. I actually hadn’t paid attention. Will not happen again.

And what the others think doesn’t matter.“Mrs. Schönenberg visibly breathed up. “Well, I’m happy that you will take it so easily. Thank you. So you would be released.“With a smile that Rainer seemed to take a second longer than necessary, she said“ Up to the next hour.

Bye.“Rainer also looked in her eyes strikingly long before he also turned with a“ bye ”and made it on the way home.

As he closed the door behind him, he heard as Sabine said “Well finally. I thought … “Rainer didn’t hear more. Nothing approached him either.

Even if he found these words from his classmate to her teacher a little strange.

Slowly he went down the stairs. Nobody seemed to be in the entire building anymore, because one could have heard a pin drop. Rainer stopped abruptly on the last stage.

His sports bag was still under his desk. If he hadn’t needed her at noon, he wouldn’t have been. But so he made his way back up.

He felt a little uncomfortable, because he didn’t know what his teacher had to talk to Sabine and he definitely had to disturb this entertainment.

He was only a few steps away from the door, when he heard strange noises from the classroom. He crept quietly to the door, barely breathed and listened.

At first, as during the biology lesson, he believed that he was again dreaming. So he straightened up again, took a deep breath and then tried to concentrate on the noises behind the door again.

No, there could actually be no doubt that he hadn’t deceived himself. Still, it just couldn’t be true.

This classroom was in the old part of the school and the equipment was accordingly outdated. This also included the doors.

Also the one he was pressing against his ear. Fortunately, because as was the case with such old doors, a large, shape key fit into the keyhole, which, like all other key, hung on the fret of the caretaker. A big keyhole also needed a big key and through this Rainer now took a look into the classroom, where his teacher had apologized to him a few minutes ago.

He looked through and his breath punched him.

The door was at the front in the hall, at the level of the teacher powder. Exactly on his side, Rainer looked at one of the windows through which you had a wonderful view of the garden of the residents in the background.

Everything is normal, Rainer thought. Everything if your teacher was not on the teacher desk.

She lay on her back, slowly moving back and forth on the table top and had spread her legs wide. Her feet in the shoes with the high -heeled heels that she always weared stood at the outermost edge of the screaming. Rainer at least suspected that it had to be Ingrid Schönenberg. Who else should it be.

At first glance, he could not recognize it, because Sabine stood exactly between the door and the desk. She was bent in front of it, her slim legs slightly spread, her back tilted almost to the horizontal to the front and thus wide -spread legs between Ingrid Schönenberg. While she had grasped her own thigh with her right hand and unambiguously massaged her pussy, the movements of her head also made a male Virgo How Rainer realized at first glance what she was doing. She licked her teacher’s pussy.

Now Rainer also understood her hasty words when he had just left the hall.

Apparently she could hardly wait to get her teacher.

Wow!. Rainer had to digest that first. The bump in his pants was more powerful from second to second to second.

He fluctuated between running away and watching further. The sight of the two women who enjoyed their lesbian game to the fullest made him as horny as he had never been in life. He couldn’t help massage his ever stiffer tail than through the fabric of his jeans and watch the lusty hustle and bustle inside.

He couldn’t have had a better view. Sabine pressed her back wonderfully in her efforts to get her teacher as horny as possible, so that her sweet Knackarsch Rainer’s look literally stretched out.

Under the long slipped, red mini skirt, he also discovered a red, very scarce tanga, which was pulled to the side by the ring finger and index finger of the right hand, so that her middle finger had free travel. And this took advantage of this in order to slide through her certainly moist column and what rainer particularly healed to disappear deep in her cunt again and again.

The faster she edited her own pussy, the more violent rubbed Rainer his cock.

With the free left hand, however, Sabine did not remain idle, but massaged Ingrid’s breasts.

The blouse of the beautiful teacher was only held together at the top and bottom of a button, so that Sabine’s hand could easily spoil the bare skin of her teacher and her great tits.

Just as Rainer estimated the hustle and bustle of the two, the two were so deepened into their game that he could watch out of here safely and get one down. So he opened his pants and pulled them out together with his panties to have it more comfortable. His gem of a tail, which he had always withheld from all the pussies of this world, had a powerful up like a lance.

Immediately he closed his right fist around the thick trunk and started to jerk him in mind when looking at the two pussies.

The moaning of Sabine and Ms. Schönenberg became louder and tortured. Rainer had no practical experience yet, but in theory he knew and therefore knew that the two orgasm were already very close. The thought of cuming out at the same moment as the two made his stiffener get even tougher.

A minute later a new, unequal thought came. Why should he come out here and the two in there? If so, he said himself.

Contrary to his habit, he had to admit that, he switched off his mind during this train of train. Otherwise he would have weighed this and then decided that the risk of an embarrassment was far too high.

But the thoughts of a full -time cock are not to be compared to those of a highly intelligent brain and so Rainer opened the door very quietly and carefully. First he stretched his head and convinced that the two main actors of the lesbian fuck in front of him only concentrated on their lust. Then he pushed his whole body into it and closed the door just as silently behind him. Now he was only about two meters behind his classmate with a high -towering tail and naked abdomen, who was still so much busy with her own cunt and who was busy with her teacher’s love gap, that she did not perceive his presence.

Ingrid Schönenberg kept her eyes tight so shortly before her orgasm and also enjoyed her student’s caresses to the fullest, so that she too did not notice him.

Literally on quiet soles, Rainer crept to. Now he almost touched Sabine’s Knackarsch with his cock. He still hesitated to make himself felt.

Instead, he fascinated how Sabine’s tongue was increasingly wilder and passionate about the shame of her teacher. Her tongue plowed through the dripping wet, licked on her clearly protruding clit, her lips nibbled on Ingrid’s pleasure bud. Like senses, Sabine fucked the cunt of her fifteen years older teacher and lover with her tongue.

“Oh yes, honey, that’s awesome,” moaned Ingrid Schönenberg, audibly tortured.

“Yes, it comes to me right away. Oh, yes, yes, keep on, now, now, now, Jeeeeeetz! Auuuuuuh!“For the first time in his life, Rainer experienced the orgasm of a woman and it almost caused his cock to burst. While Ingrid threw her head back and forth wild and kept rearing up her abdomen, Sabine looked at her with a satisfied smile, a little exhausted in the face to delight for a moment for which she was responsible for a moment. Then she lowered her head and completely focused on taking her hand to orgasm.

“Oh god, I’m also so far. Is that cool!”

There couldn’t be a better opportunity for Rainer.

“Then I will help you,” he heard himself as in a trance before his classmate registered, what was going on and turned his head to him, Rainer pushed into the right position, went slightly on his knees and placed his lanceinstinctively exactly in the right place. Sabine still involuntarily helped him how it couldn’t have done it better.

She still kept her labia far apart with a show and ring finger. So a beginner like Rainer could easily see where there was the entrance to their paradise between these pink, so delicate and sweet -looking labia.

When his glans repressed her middle finger and in the next second, Sabine crashed out loudly into her hole in her hole.

“Oh my God!”She shouted out.

On Ingrid’s face, this horror scream only called a knowing smile. She didn’t even bother to open her eyes and enjoyed the last foothills of her orgasm undisturbed because she thought that Sabine’s scream was just the starting shot about her own orgasm.

“Oh no, that mustn’t be!“Rainer’s classmate called next. But this exclamation came from her surprise.

Surprise about the outrageous attack and surprise that after two years of cock abstinence, she immediately got horny when you first touch with such a thing.

When Rainer pressed his mighty thick nille between her tight vaginal muscles, Sabine was already amazed at why she had given up for this horny feeling in favor of female tenderness for so long. After initial, wild birds with inexperienced, the youngsters of the same age, she had lost the lust very quickly and faced the same gender. On a school trip a year ago, it turned out that her attractive teacher confessed to her to have similar sensations.

Although she fucked, albeit rarely, sometimes with her husband, but she only felt real fulfillment with a woman. So they have met again and again since then and brought themselves to breathtaking orgasms with tender games.

The moment Rainer’s giant started his attack on her neglected cunt, she knew that she had to have both again in the future.

Rainer’s plump Eichel had hardly passed her gate, so she almost regretted her decision, because what was inching in centimeters by centimeters into her moist, tight lust grotto had nothing to do with the pimples of her earlier plays.

It felt like a baseball bat that was pushed into her pussy. So hard, thick and so long could be a normal tail. She turned around and convinced that it was actually the tail of this boy who has always been so shy and inhibited. He was still pushed deeper and deeper.

Finally he came up with resistance and stopped his propulsion. Sabine took a deep breath and tried to cope with the feeling of being posted. This giant was pulled out just as slowly and carefully. Again it seemed not to want to take an end.

Only when only the mighty glans stuck in it did this torpedo remain back in her pipe. This time he hardly gave her time to air, because now he penetrated her back into her, faster, but no less careful. Back and back in. A little faster again.

For the first time she felt his plump eggs clapped against her column. They grabbed two strong hands on their wasp waist and held their abdomen like in a vice. With the thumb, this outrageous guy now pressed her back down and finally brought her sweet ass into the best possible fuck position. We went in and out at a changing pace.

As surprisingly as she had come to this fuck, it suddenly came so surprisingly quickly.

Rainer had this opportunity well exploited. He put on his glans and pressed them in it. At first he believed he had to cum, because Sabine’s hole seemed so incredibly narrow. When his glans had passed her entrance gate, the pressure at least subsided a bit.

Incredible feelings suddenly spread throughout his body. For the first time in his life, his cock was in the pussy of a woman and he had to admit that he had to be the biggest idiot in the world because he had avoided this horny feeling for so long.

Sabine’s cunt enclosed his thick trunk like his fist when he got it, only that it was much more beautiful here. He slowly penetrated her.

Careful not to hurt her because he already realized that his penis seemed to be very thick for her tight cunt. He pulled it out just as slowly and then began to fuck her, as he had often seen in films. When his hands closed around her wasp waist, he felt a certain feeling of power that he had at this moment over this beautiful, young woman.

He fucked for the first time in his life.

He cleverly began to vary his bumps. An outsider spontaneously described him as a natural talent, because at every moment he did just the right thing to give his partner the highest pleasure in pleasure.

Sabine had to support herself in front of her with both hands on the desk. Ingrid had completely forgotten she in her cunt, whether this gigantic feelings. Then she hit the orgasm like a flash.

The eighteen-year-old student did without a great warning.

She threw her head back, closed her eyes and screamed out loudly her lust. “Oh yes! Geiiiiiiil!“Finally Ingrid opened her eyes and stared at the scene that offered her there. Had she expected that her young lover would enjoy her orgasm as so often and get involved in some tender tongue games with her, so she didn’t know what to think.

Sabine stood there, now supporting with both elbows on the desk, lying his head on the neck, your eyes closed and the sweet face distorted lustfully.

Behind her, clearly the tail in Sabine’s cunt stuck her favorite student, who undoubtedly was responsible for Sabine’s cries of pleasure. How he could creep in so unnoticed, she was in no way interested. It was more important that he had discovered her secret. But he would betray her? Hardly, because his facial expression believed that she was very clear that he liked this situation extremely well.

Ingrid only needed a few seconds before she had finally grasped the situation and only a few more seconds to feel that her pussy really wanted a tail for the first time in many months. What her husband organized with her always referred to them as marital fulfillment. That was asleep, no sex and certainly not a real fuck. Not least because of this she had tried the opposite sex and enjoyed it.

But now that this young Adonis, whom she had always found very personable, stood here in front of her, she was immediately weak.

Banned she waited for what would happen next.

Rainer experienced the first orgasm in these seconds, which he had taken care of a woman and he was enthusiastic about limitations. Sabine reacted breathtaking. At first she had screamed loudly, now she whimpered softly, she breathed in the tumbling, gasped after air and her pussy shrugged so violently that he initially believed that he had to cum immediately.

But then he noticed very quickly that he obviously did not need to worry about his potency. Because even if it was his first fuck at all, he was able to control himself without any problems. He waited until Sabine had the most violent moments of her orgasm behind him, then he continued to fuck her, because after all he also had to cumshot. And he didn’t think of his teacher at all in this context.

Even if she offered him a very exciting sight.

So while he fucked Sabine in the pussy again, he let his eyes hike over the body of the beautiful, married teacher. In the meantime the thirty -three year old Mother Supported two daughters on the elbows and watched the action with a benevolent smile on the subtly blown lips.

She just looked horny.

Another word, Rainer found, did not exist for that. She lay there, the curly mane slightly disassembled, as she had always intervened in her orgasm. The beige blouse was now completely buttoned, two round, firm, not too large boobs were only partially tamed by a bra that was also colored. Thanks to Sabine’s caresses, the right breast had come loose from her tight prison and her nipple stood upside down.

She had pulled her skirt up to the waist and her panties lay on the floor. So she offered Rainer’s still inexperienced eyes the wonderful sight of her bare pussy with the sparsely hairy venus hill. Her slim, firm thighs showed just as traces of Sabine’s work as her pubic hair, who shimmered damp and temptingly.

Ingrid’s horny sight Rainer had his cock only harder in the dripping wet grotto of his classmate hammer.

Even if Rainer had been aware of how sensitive a pussy was after such an intense orgasm that because of his almost boundless lust, he would not have allowed a mercy.

Sabine also proved to be extremely nymphomaniac, because she was now completely clear again and drove Rainer with clear requests to get it right again.

“Oh yes, baby, fuck me! Come on, fuck me harder! Oh god, how I need it! Push to you horny sow. Fuck my whore cunt! Yes, that’s soooooo cool!“Rainer’s eggs clap against Sabine’s wet column that Ingrid already feared they would burst.

He fucked her young lover’s tight pussy so hard.

The faster he fucked her, the hornier also became Ingrid and she couldn’t help massage her pussy with her right hand and keep going two fingers deep in her cunt.

“Yes Rainer, fuck her. Show her what you learned in my biology lessons!“With a smile, Rainer Ingrid’s joking remark acknowledged and took her as an opportunity to get even harder.

“Oach! I’m dying. I think – Ah – not – oh no – more – Ah -! Auuuuuuh ! Not already. No, oh no, God, it comes to me Wieeeeeeder!”

In fact, Sabine’s pussy started to move up again in ecstasy and Rainer also felt how any tension from her body joined with one fell swoop. She literally sagged together.

They rank after air.

Rainer pulled his cock out of her. Ingrid enthusiastically registered what kind of gem her loved one had just ram into the sky again and she looked at how Rainer Sabine put tenderly and carefully on her chair, where she leaned back totally exhausted and enjoyed her second orgasm within a few minutes.

Rainer was motionless for just a few seconds and made sure that everything was fine with his classmate. He unconsciously jerked his stiff giant, who still took over the thinking for his brain.

That is only why he suddenly turned to the teacher desk without any shyness, on which his biology teacher was still laying.

He stepped next to her at head height and kept his mighty cock to her face. Ingrid smiled at him expectantly.

“Hello my little Adonis” She tried to make him believe that she had everything under control and the roles were clearly distributed.

Finally she was the teacher and he was the young student. But secretly she knew that she was so keen on him that she had done everything he had asked for from her.

Rainer provoked his mighty trunk with his left hand further. Suddenly he reached into her red -brown lion mane with his right hand.

“So now I want to see if you are as good in practice as in theory. “He took his mouth very full for a beginner. But she didn’t even suspect that he had never done this before and he had just proven that he had no concerns about his cock because of his cock. Everything else came by itself.

“Get rid of my cock in your mouth and show me how well you blow!“Ingrids played confident smile gave way to a serious facial expression, signs of her limitless lust for this young super cock, which she had to let you run wild now.

She turned to his side, now supported herself on the left elbow off packed with the right hand of Rainer’s powerful pleasure donor. With slight pressure, Rainer pulled her head completely to his cock and in the next second her lips practiced by countless fucks closed around his thick shaft. She still tasted Sabine’s cunt juice on his cock and that made her even hornier.

“Oh yes, that’s good,” Rainer groaned as Ingrid began to suck his fat one in her mouth. He disappeared deeper and deeper in her throat. Finally she released him again. But she also brought her tongue into the horny game and what she organized about his glans, asked him to do everything he could offer with his natural talent.

Sometimes her tongue circled his glans lovingly, then she struck wildly like a colibri against it. In addition, she also sucked on his pipe and pushed her tongue a bit into his piss hole.

“Wow, you blow like a sex goddess. I absolutely have to fuck you now.

Do you want?“Ingrid believed to have interrogated. As much as she enjoyed her to blow this super cock, her cunt needed him even more urgently.

“Oh yes Rainer. I want you to fuck me.

I’ve been keen on you for a long time. In some hours I was so horny that I had to get it in the toilet afterwards. And now I want to be fucked by you like a dirty whore. Go fuck me! I need your cock in my cunt!“He did not let his teacher say that eighteen-year-old’s eighteen-year-old students.

He was quickly around the table and was now at the head of the head between Ingrids still temptingly spread legs.

Rainer grabbed, grabbed her back with both hands and pulled the body of the beautiful, hot -flowered teacher up to him. Only when her ass was on the edge of the table was he satisfied. The scent of her wet, excited pussy rose to him and fogged his senses for a moment.

Then he was the master of the situation again.

Ingrid Schönenberg, who had already nibbled more cocks in her life than Rainer could ever have imagined, now had to see how her young student took over the initiative. No, or rather, she was allowed to do it, because after everything she had experienced in the last few minutes, she could be sure that he would do exactly what she needed with her. And so it happened.

Without much adopt he pushed his cocks between her labia, searched and found the entrance to her grotto and remained there for a moment there.

Then she felt packed again when he wrapped her slim thighs straight over his knees with his hands and spread her legs as far as possible. Now he could penetrate unhindered.

How many times had he seen such scenes in porn and wished to be able to experience this once.

Now it was so far. Again he felt the feeling of power about this beautiful, horny woman for a few seconds. Then he concentrated again on what had to be done and pressed his cock for the second time in his life in a woman’s pussy.

Ingrid pushed her loins towards “Oh God, how thick he is.

Craziness!“Whisished it impressed and was literally piled up by this monster.

She lifted her pelvis and tried to take him even deeper when he had already penetrated.

“What kind of horny you are,” said Rainer to her while he was only slowly starting to fuck her. “You sit in front of you for years.

Ah- yes- uh! What for – ah – a cunt! You always think that you have an innocent angel in front of you that only drives it under the covers with his husband. And then you learn that this angel is a small, totally dirty nymphomaniac. Ah – and how – ah – horny it is!“Ingrid Schönenberg began to breathe and audibly difficult to breathe.

“So what?”She replied to him” just say – ah – you don’t like it – Auh – what you are doing with your biole teacher?“Rainer fucked her faster and faster and delighted the sight of her up and down tits.

“And whether you horny sow. You are a goddess of pleasure. You were born for fucking. If you – ah – were my wife, then you would do nothing else than – ah to rest between our fucks.

Oh yes baby, what kind of teacher you are. This is – ah – crazy – the best organic lessons of my life!”” Now maul!”She interrupted him” and fuck me even harder. Come on ! fuck ! Yes, fuck! Push to you horny goat! Yes that is nice. Yes, drill it into me.

Yes, hit him into my wet cunt! Oh yes baby, that’s crazy!“And Rainer fucked her even harder. Sweat stepped on his forehead, dripping to the ground. Welding beads also appeared on Ingrid’s brown -burned, flawless skin.

In tremendous steps, her second orgasm raced up.

Every ram at her young student quickly drove her towards her orgasm. Rainer saw her suddenly killed her lips. Her face distorted from tension, her chest began to move up and down suddenly quickly. Even Rainer knew that she had to come every second and fucked faster and harder again.

“Come baby, let yourself go!“If he whispered to her as if he had done nothing other than pussies in his whole life.

That was the last impetus she had needed.

“Aaaaaah” she started with a quiet whimper. Then her whole, pent -up lust broke out of her.

“Yeahaaaah! I comeeeeeh!“She was there motionless for a few seconds, probably wanted to delay it for as long as possible, but then it couldn’t be possible. She no longer seemed to get air, suddenly threw herself back and forth on the table. Her abdomen, in which Rainer’s cock was still stuck, reared up to sink together again at the same time.

She groaned, gasped and whimpered that the only sufficient to finally accelerate Rainer’s first orgasm.

Then there was her violent, twitching cunt.

Rainer couldn’t say anything more. It was all a little too much for the beginning. Now he finally had to get rid of his load.

Ingrids twitching cunt had contributed to this. That’s why he pulled his cock out of her and just wanted to start jerking himself off to the end.

But he still lacked experience. Otherwise he would have known that “you”, if you fucked with two pussies at the same time, didn’t have to do anything yourself if you didn’t want to.

As soon as his best piece was in full size in the air, there were already two petite hands from the side.

“Now I want to see whether this thing can not only be hard as steel on the outside, but whether it also has a few surprises for us inside.“Sabine’s whispered words rainer gave goosebumps with lust. They sounded so tender, so loving and did not match what their small, skillful hands did with his gem. While she clung to his naked buttocks with her left hand, she let her right hand slide and back on his shaft at breathtaking pace.

They increased the pressure more and more and every time his sperm seemed to be sucked a bit higher. It could only be inches from his cock and what would happen then, he already suspected that.

Sabine also seemed to feel how far her wanking skills had already driven her classmate, because suddenly she leaned down, without interrupting her milking movements, and also brought her mouth to his cock.

Rainer looked down and this sight almost had it injected.

To be more comfortable, Sabine had now kneeled in front of him and jerked it off wildly. Just a few seconds later, his teacher grinning next to her student. Now two hands jerked him at the same time. It was simply no longer to be endured.

Sabine’s left and Ingrid’s right hand jerked his stiff, who had to explode every view.

Her lips were less than five centimeters in front of his cannon tube. The two women kept up with their free hand on the waist.

Then the time came.

Rainer wanted to warn her, but it was too late. His own hands rested on the head of the two horny beauties and whether they were wanted or unintentionally, he kept them tight as his volcano broke out.

Never in life he literally felt so relieved than at this moment when a first, huge sperm beam shot a plug from his glans. He hit his teacher exactly into the wide open mouth and she had to fight hard with the huge amount to be able to swallow her without choking.

Sabine caught the second shot, who quickly pushed her teacher aside and greedily swallowed every drop. The two werked on without interruption and one sperm beam after the other unlocked Rainer’s so much stressed pipe to the two women. Ingrid had cleverly stripped her blouse and so Rainer’s sperm covered only her bare tits and her bra. Sabine got his love juice fully on her white blouse, but that was afraid at that moment.

She had the hottest fuck of her life behind her and wanted to enjoy this reward to the fullest.

Rainer stood there and delighted this horny sight. Despite this crazy departure, his penis was still barely sloping and stood even more than he hung. The last sperm droplets that formed at the top licked Sabine greedily.

“What a fuck,” said Ingrid after Rainer’s hose was finally sucked in empty. Now the time would have come when all three should have cleaned themselves to some extent, put on and go home.

But at Ingrid’s remark, a surprising reply sounded.

“Indeed, what a fuck. You got really hot when you watched “Oh god, Rainer suddenly came to mind. The janitor. He looked at his clock.

With all this horny birds they had completely forgotten the time and at three o’clock the caretaker Dieter Woll made his round to complete.

Ingrid and Sabine looked at the door and it seemed a little strange how they crossed her arms in front of him to hide her breasts from the greedy eyes of the about -five-year-old, married caretaker.

Dieter Woll came closer. He threw a respectful look at Rainer’s cock.

He said “boy, you have a great thing in your pants. I would like to have one too. So you can probably push every cunt in the world into heaven, or?“The two women got up. It was noticeable that this situation was more than uncomfortable for them.

Ingrid tried to flee forward. “You should be ashamed to talk like this.“How ridiculous this sentence was considering the situation did not even come to mind. But want their uninvited viewer.

“Well, na Ms. Schönenberg.

Do not find that you should be ashamed? Or what do you think is worse? When you use words as a man who also use them during sex or if you as a teacher with two students in the classroom. I think you know the answer.“There was an unbearable silence for a few seconds. Then Ingrid asked, became much more insecure.

“So nice, what did you think now? What should happen now?”

Dieter Woll grinned her in outrageous.

Instead of answering, he opened the zipper of his pants and took out his half -erect penis. Significantly smaller than that of the eighteen-year-old, who looked at all this without a word, he could still have an amazing thickness that certainly did not have to be uncomfortable for a woman.

“Well, watching three horny were great. But my friend here is not of bad parents either and he literally screams to be able to play along.

So if you don’t want the Mr. Schuldeklerk to know what his biology teacher likes for sex, then you should let me play with me.“He looked at the teacher and the blood boy girl expectantly. How did some look, which Rainer felt as if they were still doing this solution to the scandal. In addition, Dieter Woll was not a greasy, age, horny buck, but not only looked well -groomed but also quite well, apart from the small abdomen.

After a few seconds of superior, the two nodded in agreement.

However, Ingrid could not avoid telling him her opinion.

“So nice, you horny goat, you blackmail. Then let it get it behind.“Ingrid and Sabine got up.

It was Sabine who suddenly took over the initiative. “But Ingrid, what’s the point? Maybe the little one is good enough to offer us a satisfactory dessert.

Rainer got us the best festival meal of our life. You can see if he can at least deliver the dessert here.“With these words, she overcame with the hips that kept two meters around her arms around the caretaker’s neck, pushed him against a table in the first row and pushed her tongue in his mouth.

Dieter Woll surprised that so much that his small but thick cock, who looked forward from his open pants stable, immediately stiffened.

He only tentatively put his hands on the young student’s delicate back and let her kisses quickly get her mind.

Sabine drove it so well that Rainer’s cock, who was sleeping with terror, slowly but surely upgraded himself again.

Ingrid also seemed to be able to suppress her anger more and more and lust won the upper hand again.

So she joined the two and knelt on the floor in front of the caretaker. Without long hesitation she pushed her cock into her mouth and had to admit that his thickness was not without.

Rainer looked at her for a while how she moved her head back and forth. Then he couldn’t help it and started to slowly massage his best piece.

The longer he observed the horny hustle and bustle, the more it asked him to participate.

“Come Mr. Woll.

If so, because already ”he suddenly said to the caretaker. He opened his eyes a little and had to let the muscular student get on the table.

Now he was there, like the rabbit in front of the line. He, who just had all the trump cards in his hand shortly before – and of course still did it, even if he might no longer knew it – could now and only needed to react not to act anymore.

So he was lying flat on his back, his tail stretched out of the trouser stable and waited for what should now follow.

That was now like Rainer’s taste. As has often been seen, he had seen such or similar scenes in films. Now he was right in the middle of it. And to add another one, he had the feeling that he now had the direction in his hand.

His impressive potency seemed to have brought him in this position.

“Los Sabine, what do you think of it when our neglected wife licks your pussy really juicy here?“His young classmate immediately understood and beamed. “Oh yeah, I’m sure he can lick his tongue as well as people blackmail.“Before Dieter Woll got up, Sabine had now finally got rid of all the clothes and sat over wool with spread legs. Looking at his cock.

First of all, she let her cunt float over his face to some distance.

“Man, how it smells,” said Dieter Woll, who literally ran in the mouth. Sabine played with him, let her bottom slide down again and again, in order to lift him back at the last moment before his tongue could touch her labia. Rainer stepped towards her, looked lustful between her legs from behind.

“I have to say a horny sight. It’s a shame that I haven’t discovered it early.“And turned to her smaller blackmail:“ Well, what do you think of a sample at least once?“The person mentioned nodded without knowing what Rainer meant by that.

“Well,” said Rainer patronized and grabbed Sabine between his legs from behind. Her pussy was still wet.

E pulled out his hand, but kept her in the mouth of Dieter Woll, who greedily licked Sabine’s cunt juice from Rainer’s fingers.

“Well, you probably like you horny pig?“Sabine wanted to know provocatively.

“And whether, but now I want to lick your cunt, you little whore. Let go of your sweet crack butt!“In order not to go too far, Sabine came after his request.

But now her cunt also asked for a hot tongue at least. So she knelt in a real position over his face and a second later she felt his tongue, who initially licked her whole shame wildly and greedily before he then demonstrated that his age and his experience with women also had something good. Because he licked her labia and clit very skillfully and fucked her with his tongue that she started moaning very quickly.

“And you sweet teacher seems to have already got a taste of” Ingrid replied his words with a broad grin, which she obviously fell with wool’s cock deep in her mouth.

“And what am I doing now? he asked mischievously.

Ingrid gave him the right answer. But not with words. Rather, she stretched out her butt, as Sabine had done at the beginning of this totally fucking in the afternoon. She also spread her legs and now Rainer knew that he would not be superfluous.

So he stood behind his teacher, who had now also dropped all the covers, but before he used his cock, he wanted to get to know a different feeling first. That’s why he quickly pulled out his shirt and then nested his body very closely to Ingrid’s naked skin. His eggs rubbed in Ingrid’s ass furrow and goosebumps with lust covered his body. Rainer took the scent of her perfumed skin, let his lips hike over her neck and pleased that these caresses also heated Ingrid’s lust.

She groaned louder and louder, as well as that with a stiff in the mouth. When he also nibbled on her earlobe, Ingrid couldn’t stand it anymore. She had to get wool out of her mouth for a second.

“Listen to you Schuft” she whispered to him “and fuck me.

Otherwise I will go. I’m so horny for your cock again!“Which man could refuse such a command? Rainer broke up slightly again and led his glans to Ingrid’s dripping wet cunt. He pressed it through the narrow entrance and then stayed.

One thought came to his mind.

If already deflowering, then correct. So he pulled his cock out of her damp grotto again and put him back on a few centimeters higher. Ingrids Fotzenleim stuck so lavishly on his glans that there were no problems.

Before Ingrid knew how she happened, it was already too late to protest.

Only once in her life did a man did that with her.

Unfortunately. Her husband would have rejected something indignant. Now this eighteen-year-old was on the tuning of fucking her, the experienced lover, in the ass. Incredible.

But she already felt the plump acorn on her rosette, luckily felt how well lubricated she was, because her rosette was already stretched there. At that moment she couldn’t blow cocks, but had to concentrate on what Rainer did with her. But Woll also had enough to do with care for her young lovers pussy.

The young stallion pressed his huge spanking into the almost virgin anus.

She felt like her ass split in half, but that didn’t happen. When his thick glans had overcome the entrance, Ingrid still felt like it was batched, but quickly the desire quickly prevailed the initial pain.

The boy also knew what he was doing. He did not ram up wildly, but pushed his giant with an incredible amount of feeling and caution in her ass back and forth.

A horny feeling, Ingrid said to himself and completely focused on Rainer’s ass fuck. He captured her butt like in a vice and fucked her in slow, gentle rhythm.

Rainer seemed great. He almost had to call himself to order. He had stayed for longer than any other “virgin” and then he experienced such a gigantic deflation.

Not enough that he was allowed to do it with two dream women, now he was so far with his first sex experience that he even fucked his dream woman in the ass. He had heard that it would be unequal there, but as narrow and horny it was, he could easily suppress all the signs of an approaching orgasm.

A short time later, Dieter Woll looked up after Ingrid could no longer blow his stiff. “What are you doing horny there ?“He asked unnecessarily. Rainer and he looked into his eyes for a short moment.

Then both knew what to do. Without pulling his cock out of Ingrid’s ass, he made her to climb onto the table. He behind. Fortunately, the student tables here in the old school were very wide and very stable.

“What do you have to do both horny bucks?“Wanted to know Ingrid Schönenberg, the married biology teacher. “No!?”She said with incredulously amazed” That can’t be your serious.“She suspected what the two whores were up to and she hadn’t seen anything like that since her student days.

But Rainer conducted her abdomen with his pile deep in her ass into the right position. Sabine, just climbed off the table, took hard cock in his hand and made sure that he would make his goal at the first attempt.

“Wow !”” She said excited “I only know that from films. That’s cool.“Ingrid said nothing more. Only when Woll’s cock penetrated into her cunt while Rainer’s giant is unimpressed by her asshole, working out her feelings loudly. “Oh yeah, that’s the biggest.

Yes you two fucks me at the same time. Fill my two fuck holes and give me your juice!”

When Wolls Latte Ingrid bored, Rainer also felt the intruder on his cock. He said nothing, but found this feeling to be sensational. As if the two had banged a hundred women in the same way, they found a common rhythm very soon.

“My biole teacher fucks really nice! I like it when teachers get what they earn. “” You little nymphomaniac also get a further rubbing off. Warts off!“Rainer replied to Sabine’s request.

But basically she was right and the two men did her favor between them and of course her playmate between them.

The three kept a moan and gasped that a less nymphomaniac eighteen-year-old had driven the blush in the face. But Sabine was just more horny at every tone of lust. That she couldn’t different than massaging her pussy inevitable.

“Oh God your pigs !“Ingrid Schönenberg suddenly came out.

“It comes to me!“And there she was actually so far. Rainer felt her pussy shrugged. To his surprise, Dieter Woll remained completely calm and fucked her in the same rhythm. Ingrid sank to his chest and tried to breathe back while Rainer carefully pulled his giant out of her anus.

Woll fucked Ingrid’s pussy without mercy and Rainer turned up to his classmate again highly raised cock.

“So now you get what you deserve !“With a transfigured look, Sabine returned“ Yes, give me it. I’m so horny that I already come after two bumps. But I want that too and need it.

Go fuck me!“Rainer pulled her to herself, kissed her first and then put her on the table in front of woolen feet. He thought a prelude is absolutely unnecessary, especially since his tail urgently screamed for emptying.

With gentle violence he made Sabine lie on his back and quickly spread her thighs. A second later he had sunk his torpedo in Sabine’s narrow pipe and began to fuck her immediately and quickly.

Shortly after Rainer started, the other couple came to the end.

Ingrid, who had now recovered somewhat from her orgasm, came incredibly quickly and this time the ecstatic twitching of her cunt was too much for the caretaker. When she sank to him again, he sprayed his full load in her cunt and brought her to scream loudly before she finally got ready and fucked on him. Dieter Woll also had to digest this superfick, which was absolutely surprising for him. So he also did not notice what was going on at his feet.

“You are the best rainer.

The absolutely best. Yes – fuck me – yes – yes – yes – yes – yes – jaaaaaah – fuck on! Good this way! Oh yeah! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Now! oh God! Now! Yes jeeeeetet!“At the same time, Rainer also had his juice injected into her pussy. Sabine cried out.

Rainer couldn’t help but let his cock be stuck deep in her and pump every drop into her cunt.

Only when really nothing came he pulled it out and took a seat in a chair next to the table.

Sweat dripped from his forehead to the ground when he laid his head on his arms and tried to digest the last few hours.

“Incredible” he stammered again and again stunned.

Ingrid and Sabine also climbed off the table and leaned exhausted against the teacher desk. Only Dieter Woll, the caretaker, who had come to a very lively working day through this happy coincidence, looked reasonably fresh and already stowed his cock in his pants.

Then he climbed down and came to the exhausted eighteen-year-old.

“Thank you for the nice invitation. I mean that honestly. You are really a great stallion.

You almost want to have a pussy.“Smiling, he patted him on his shoulders before he went to the two ladies who looked at him unsafe.

“Hey you two. I would also like to thank you. I hope you didn’t find me too uncomfortable.

It was a lot of fun for me and you can be sure that this will remain our secret. Quite apart from what my wife would say if she learned from you that I drove it to you.“Then he kissed Ingrid on the cheek, but she didn’t want to leave it.

“Hey, not so fast. You wanted to blackmail us, but I think we somehow paid you home.“And with a mischievous grin, she added“ And besides, your cock in my cunt was very pleasant.“Then she pressed her lips on his mouth and gave him a long, passionate kiss of tongue to say goodbye, which then let him snap at breathlessly.

“Phew, I think I’m probably too old for that.“He confessed sniffing.

“Then got off,” said Sabine and pulled him to himself. “I was also very satisfied with your work on my cunt. I also owe you to a thank you, ”and before Dieter Woll could defend himself, the little student also pushed her tongue deep in his throat.

But she was not satisfied with this, but rubbed her petite hand over his pants, where his little friend suddenly woke up to life.

But Dieter couldn’t stand even more that afternoon. That’s why he pushed her away from himself.

“Wow! You are the three most dirty trio that I can imagine.“At the door he turned again briefly and said with a grin on his lips and a demonstrative look at the clock“ But you should now slowly see that you will be ready, because in exactly ten minutes the cleaning column comes hereDoor in.

That means if you are still awesome to have two sixty-year-old aunts participate in your games.“Then he disappeared and the three hurried to get dressed and put everything in order. When they went down the stairs together, the two cleaning women came towards them.

The three looked at each other with meaningful looks. Because of two sixty-year-old aunts.

These were two beautiful poles, in the mid -twenties. The looks that the three were clear. But there is no lifted off.

However, the views that the two cleaning women were also clear to the three were also clear.

The traces on Sabine’s blouse and also on Ingrids Rock did not allow many different conclusions.

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