Horny silvster | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

New Year’s Eve, a new decade is just around the corner. What would it bring me? It still dawned when I woke up and first came to mind this question. Only then did I realize where I was. I felt skin between Stefan and Viktor and smelled it. It smelled of sin. According to the sins of two days and three nights. The whole room was filled with sperm huch and pussy juice. It doesn’t just smell.

Everything stuck, the traces of sperm Were everywhere. In my hair, my face, all over my body. And not only that, I had the taste of ‘cum on my tongue, in my saliva. No wonder with the crowd that I had swallowed in the past few days. I lay on my back, close between Stefan and Viktor. Both still slept. Stefan was stacked, half on me, his beard on my face, one hand firmly on my right breast.

His whiskers, who brushed my face so soft two days ago, were hard and shaky, glued with pussy juice and cum. On the other hand, Viktor slept. He too is close to me. He had pushed a hand of him between my labia, was firmly on my cunt. Immediately it was back, this great feeling and I wish that his fingers would penetrate me immediately now. I didn’t dare to move and didn’t want to pick up this tension.

Blinking I looked into the ceiling, where a mini camera was hidden in this guest room, which transferred everything to a screen in my husband’s study. The certainty that my husband watched or recorded my wild hustle. I knew how keen he got on me. This time he couldn’t let off steam with me, but at Lisa I knew him in the right hands.

It was still quiet in the house and so I was hung of my thoughts, let these nights and days with Stefan, Viktor and Michael pass me. Three nights and two days that could only be described with “eating and fucking”. Lisa had always caused culinary replenishment. For these three starved land strings, it was not just the food that was a pleasure. She spurred herself out for a woman like me, a lady from society.

And I enjoyed it, was in ecstasy and for her whore become. Willingly, I gave myself uninhibitedly, offered them all my holes again and again. With my mouth I put her darling back to life every time. In retrospect, I was now surprised how fit I felt after these three nights despite my many orgasms. My three men, which I had taped under a bridge, were still in the sleep of exhaustion.

I also didn’t want to wake her up and preferred to enjoy her physical closeness and her hands on my breasts and my pussy. In a floating state of inner satisfaction, I let the past decade roll past me. What was I for a good and decent wife at the turn of the year for 2010. We have been married for over ten years. If only with my husband, but I already enjoyed this wonderful sex there.

It was my husband who wanted to bring more pep into our life. With porn films that he showed me, everything started. After all, I even overcame my sense of shame and let him persuade me to the sauna and finally to the nudist vacation. Then I felt how proud he showed me, as if he wanted to say the other men, see what kind of a great woman I am married. So the pleasure was awakened for me, so I met Alexis.

I still think back to you with melancholy today. What a beautiful young woman. Alexis, who seduced me and manipulated me. And I thought of Dominus, who offered me as a bored housewife in sex magazines. So Walter could blackmail me and I was listened to him. He had had me used by our tennis friends. I had such a guilty conscience because I cheated on my husband. Only later did I find out that Walter made me a marriage hooker with my husband’s consent.

As a result, he finally got a willing companion for sex parties and for visits to the couple clubs. It has been five years since Lisa met me at Walter and brought me into her house. Lisa, my girlfriend, My lover, my goddess, My mistress. With her I like to share my husband. Our daughters, the same age and the same man, my spouse, have inseparably connected our band. We are a wonderful family. Today, at the threshold for a new decade, Walter, with the consent of Lisa, is again a guest in our house.

I’ll be listening to him again? In addition to Lisa and my husband, I have another gentleman who offers me to others as a sex game? What surprises this new year maintains me? I will only be there for my family, my friends or keep a goodbye life? I was suddenly interrupted in my thoughts. Certainly my husband wanted to dismantle his pent -up sex lust with me. Not even close. It was Walter who fell into the room that early morning.

Suddenly I realized that Lisa had threaded again. During his steps from the door to bed, he had already stripped his pants together with his underpants. He stood in front of the bed with pulled fuck bolt. Regardless of my sleeping bed comrades, he said loudly. “Lisa has not exaggerated. You have actually become a really dirty whore. Get the homeless from the street and fuck with them like a dirty bitch.

Look at. So dirty you can pull under the bridge right away. “As pejorative as his words were, his tight giant piston spoke a different language. His desire also showed his words. “I think it’s really cool that you have become such a dirty hooker. “Already knelt on the bed and crowded between my legs. He pushed the half on me to the side and Viktor’s hand from my cunt.

Banned I spread my legs and offered him the tremendous lust cave. My two bed guilds on the right and left hardly knew anything, he was already above me. He didn’t button, he just tore up his shirt and he rushed on me with a bare breast. Neither the men nor that I was totally smeared with a cum and the bubble nor ran out of the whores’ grotto, it bothered him. With a targeted push, he immediately penetrated my love cavity again.

I fully cried out when his staff bored deep into me. Walter, the man who made me a marriage hucker years ago, took possession of me again. I gave myself without will. It roared in my ears and each of his bumps caused me showers of the lust that rest through my body. We didn’t let ourselves be disturbed when the door opened. I heard Lisa like through a veil. “Good morning your hot guy.

If you feel like breakfast, then get out of bed and off to the bathroom. As long as Hanna is busy here, I will take care of you. Or do I prefer to watch Walter recovered his former mare and participate?“Certainly the view of breakfast had more effect on my three asylum seekers after they had worked out with me for three nights. In any case, they followed Lisa and left me Walter. One last resistance stood in me and fearfully I whispered “Where is Horst”.

“Don’t worry, my dollar, your knight does not come. Lisa banished him to his studio. From there he can now watch how I enjoyed myself in his home with his marriage woman. “The thought that my husband was now watching over the minispion increased my excitement. Countless men had brought me to my climax in recent years. It is not on the tails, but always counts the situation and my thoughts.

Walter was the prince who had woken me out of my Sleeping Beauty. He had me seduced, Made me to his slave and demonstrated this wonderfully unrestrained sex life. My husband had gratefully accepted it and now I fell into Walter again. As in the intoxication, I agreed with him, knowing that my husband heard everything. With every push deep into my twitching, demanding grotto, I screamed my answers to his questions. “You belong to Me”.

“Yeah, do what you want with me”. “You will do everything I ask. “” Yeah, everything you want “. “You will be used by every horny guy”. “Yeah, everyone should use me”. “You will offer you all your holes”. “Yes, my holes are there for everyone”. “You will be offered and used in Frankfurt like a street nurse. “” Jaaaaaaaaaaa, everyone who appeals to me can use me. “Then I felt his twitching, spraying tail.

It was also about me and a wave tore me away. I got still dazed, Horst, my husband suddenly stood in the room. Shame attacked me because I had submitted to Walter again. I just stuttered. “I’m sorry”. Horst laughed and threw herself to my bed. He already took me naked. “But my sweet, passionate woman, that’s exactly how I love you. Wonderfully horny to look at how you drove these three nights and days again so uninhibitedly.

Oh god, I would have loved to fall over you every time. Nice that Lisa was there. “The world sank around me in my husband’s arms and in a long tongue kiss. Three nights without him now seemed like an eternity. After these hot nights I was happy to be united with him again. While our tongues played lovingly together, his best piece found the place that was entrusted to him by law. Enjoyable and moaning he pushed his cock into my ranged cunt, which now completely overwhelmed.

I experienced boar with Walter this uninhibited lust. Now it was this tender tongue game and my husband’s love donor in my pleasure grotto that let me shake. An infinite feeling of happiness grasped me. His tongue in my mouth, his fingers on my nipple and his cock deep inside me, let me float. A lot had also been thawed at Horst. In the rhythm connected to me we quickly reached our climax. I felt his seed flowed into myself and he experienced my paradise with him.

The waves were passed. His villain was still in me, his tongue still played tenderly with mine. Happy I whispered to him “My loved man was so wonderful with you again. Are you not disappointed if I also vouch for other men so lustfully?”” My love, on the contrary. The more uninhibited you do it, the more desirable you seem to me. It is always the most beautiful when I can watch it and then sink my staff in you.

“He looked at Walter, who was still in bed next to us and had watched us. “Walter, she is my beloved woman. I owe you that it is so open -minded. Take them as often as you want. Take them now. I want to feel how you come to her. “Horst kept me firmly in my arms and rolled on the bed with me until he lay on his back.

His staff was still in me when I was lying on him. With his hands he put to my buttocks and pulled my buttocks apart. His spanking became hard again when he asked Walter, “here Walter, take her, I want to feel you in her”. It was an insane feeling. Walter moistened a finger, pushed it into my hole, it prepared his hard spanking. I groaned voluptuously. I pushed out more cries of pleasure when he now put his sword into my back and drilled and drilled deeper and deeper.

This tight, two cocks that, separated only by a thin cutting, rubbed together. I had experienced it often, trapped between two men,. But so with my husband to be offered and used Walter was a new sensual experience. Lusters I called “Oooooohhh is awesome. Ooooh, my darling, you always have to offer me everyone. “Fueled by my enthusiasm both were wilder. Not only I cried out, Horst also groaned.

“Oh is that good. Oh, what kind of horny marriage are I. Thanks to Walter. Yes, tonight I’ll offer you with my cock in you all of our male guests. “Walter withdrew his spanking. I wanted to cry disappointed, when he pushed it back with full swing. Until the stop. His testicles popped against my butt. “No my dear,” he called, “today it belongs to me. I’ll use it like a whore tonight.

I will lie below her and you will watch how I offer everyone the butt of your woman. “Horst groaned. “Yes, yes, it belongs today. Offer her, do what you want with her. I will delight on my wild, uninhibited woman. It should be used by everyone like a whore. As the last I will climb them from behind and introduce you to all as my marriage shore. “” And you will announce that I can have your woman always and at any time “, Walter pushed out moaning.

In doing so, he rammed me again his villain deep into the intestine. Walter and Horst not only put each other with their obscene talking, but also me, but also me. To submit me to my husband and Walter unconditionally, I stimulated me even more. Squeezed between the two, a tail from the front from behind, it was a intoxication of the senses. And so I shouted at them “Yes, yes sells me, makes me a whore. “Horst groaned” Yes Walter, sell them, offer them everywhere “.

“Don’t sell, I will offer you free stinking bums on the street. Some of them have already brought you into the house, ”moaned Walter. Almost simultaneously we discard ourselves in a firework of sensations. Finally we were on the bed exhausted. My husband was the first to take reason to do reason. “But now out of bed and in the bathroom. Everyone is already waiting for us with breakfast. “In the bathroom we surprised Lisa. Then she got out of the shower naked with my three homeless people.

She saw my amazed look and laughed. “Hanna you look at me so amazed. After all, I had to see Horst for days how wild you do with the boys. I had to test these active men once. “And how it was, they passed the test and were able to do them again?“The men also reacted amazed. Viktor Frug. “Did you watch us all the time”. Before she answered, Stefan also contacted my question.

“With attractive women as with you, we can always”. Lisa smiled. “Of course I watched you through a spy. I don’t leave my partner three strangers. But her was excellent. Therefore you can also fall through our female guests this evening. Before that, I will also transform you into handsome men externally. “And turned to me” to answer your question, all three filled me out fully. So I also promised them that we will take care of it so that they no longer have to go back to their place under the bridge.

“While I was soaped by Horst and Walter in the shower, Lisa was now trying for my three homeless people. She cut her hair, put her beards, shaved her and helped with the manicure. Meanwhile, Walter washed my vagina intensively and excited me again. Nevertheless, I couldn’t leave my eyes from my inseminates from the last nights. It was striking to see how Lisa made three attractive men from three rag and polluted individuals.

It was already in the morning when we all dressed well together. Of course, the children had long since had breakfast when we came into the living room. Luela had served the most delicious things for us on the dining room table again. She lovingly greeted me with a tender tongue kiss. It was a stroke of luck that I had brought her to our house with her husband. The two were not only the servant spirits in the house and garden. She was the pearl and he was the diamond who crowned our house.

They took care of our children together when we were amused with others and indulged in Lautust. But they were also our lovers. Luela was the black pearl for our guests and Bacary’s giant penis had already delighted many of the female guests. Even before Bacary could greet me extensively, our children had discovered me. From their play corner, “Mom is back” rushed to me with loud calls and covered my face with kisses.

Not just my two daughters. Also from Lisas Daughter and Luela’s children I was greeted with tender kisses. They missed me. Of course they had been kept for them that I was in one of the guest rooms of lust. For them I came back from a trip. Lovingly how we adults dealt with each other, so our children were too. And daily kisses were of course part of everyday life. Happy I shot her into my arms and replied her wet tongue kisses.

After an extensive breakfast, our guests tell us how they got into their situation. Divorce, loss of job, rent residue, it was like many of the homeless people. Michael had lost his parents through an accident and had ended up in a children’s home. There he was built up several times. Lisa held word. You shouldn’t just be released onto the street. But every regulation that provided a separation of the three rejected them. The result was that Lisa wanted to take care of a social housing for her and I should regulate everything necessary with the authorities.

While the men were still discussing together, I was already looking forward to the evening. What I had experienced with my husband and Walter earlier did not get out of my mind. The two had only talked that in the frenzy of lust or they actually meant it seriously? Would really leave me to Walter? And would offer this with his rod in my tube my buttock to our guests? I would start my new year? Who were our guests in the evening.

Lisa could not be softened and silent silently. My little demon didn’t care who would fill my holes. He was already dancing like a dervish in my understate.

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