Family history | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In contrast to some others of my stories, this story is pure fiction. Everyone involved, as well as the described actions, originate from my imagination. Similarities with real people and/or events, in the past, present and future are random and not intended. I still wish you a lot of fun.

Sonja and Ingoingo was angry! And how!!! Just had his Mother Eva told him that she would marry her friend Roland. Of all things this damn philistine! The worst was that the guy was also a BU …, uh, police officer, whose only purpose of life seemed to be, by “well -meaning advice” Ingo to spoil all the fun in life!Sonja, Rolands Daughter, Wasn’t better in Ingo’s eyes than her Father.

He found a snooty, little bitch,. One thing was already certain as soon as he had his journeyman’s letter in his pocket, Ingo would immediately move out. Six months later: Ingo had still not got used to the “family growth”.

Well, with Roland he got a little better now. But only after he had said some, polite, but very suitable bars. However, he would have loved to strangle the sixteen-year-old Sonja every day. The little beast had made it a habit to plunge Ingo into the thickest trouble on the slightest opportunity.

When he, for example, made a round in a friend’s car, she promptly ran to her father and had flipped.

Ingo had no driver’s license at the time. It was in cleaning. In Flensburg … but soon there were events that should change everything. And that came like this: Eva and Roland had decided to drive away for a week.

Ingo knew how he would normally have used this fact. He would have invited a few friends to a nice party. And of course also the village of Tanja, this horny piece, to get through her again. But no, he absolutely had to take care of his stupid stepsister!When he came home from work a little earlier than usual this Friday afternoon, there was a strange, sweet smell in the air that appeared to him.

If his friend Bernd and a joint whistle from time to time, it smelled the same way.

As quietly as possible, he sneaked up the stairs and carefully rushed through the door gap in Sonja’s room. She was sitting on her bed in the tailor seat and at that moment she smoked a mega bag from joint. Ingo grin. Now he had her! He quickly whizzed into his room, got his digital camera and shot a few photos of Sonja while smoking smoke.

Only then did he notice that Sonja was almost naked. Except for a tiny tanga, she was not wearing anything. So the pictures were not only worth seeing in terms of smoke!Sonja’s beautiful tits had of course noticed earlier, but today he saw the things unpacked and in Natura for the first time.

Wöhl -shaped and more than a handful. And the rest of Sonja was also not to be despised.

A pretty face, a slim figure and legs to the neck. jnett! If things were just a little different, I would definitely not push you off the bed edge. ^The thought shot through his head suddenly. And already this thought led to the next.

How about if …^why not? After all, she was only his stepsister. It was very worth a try. Ingo picked up the door and stormed into the room. “Well, Sonja, a joint every day and the world is your friend? What do you think happens when I tell your old one that you smoke smoke?“Sonja sat terribly on her bed and didn’t move.

Ingo was now pleased with her beautiful boobs up close.

That was really a few nice solid hems. She noticed his eyes and quickly crossed her arms in front of her breasts. “What how…

I … ”Sonja stammered helplessly. “And you can’t deny it. I took a few really good photos … ”Ingo grinning the camera up and Sonja panicked Sonja. “Please, Ingo doesn’t betray me! Please! What do I have to do so that you don’t tell it?“Ingo let his eyes slide over her slim body.

In his step, a large bump was very clear. “Hm …, I think something will come to mind, my sweetness.

Not true? With your nice physique … ”With a dirty grin, he directed his gaze very openly and unabashedly on her thin tanga, which clearly let her shimmered cunt hairs shimmer through. Sonja couldn’t believe what Ingo wanted to go out. He actually tried to blackmail her for sex!”No!!!”He shrugged his shoulders.

“Also good, sister heart, then you have a really big problem on Monday. “Ingo left the room. At the door he turned grinning again. “But as I said, you will already come up with what you can satisfy me …” When Ingo left the room, Sonja broke out in tears.

Such a crap! Why did he have to come home earlier today! Now she was in the Zwickmühle.

First: Paps would only give lectures for hours and then, with absolute security, put them in drug therapy. Second: she was still Virgo. Third, and that was the worst thing about the whole thing: it was crazy in Ingo from the first moment. But that was exactly what she, at least towards him, did not want to admit.

That is only why she had annoyed him so much all the time. For a long time she thought back and forth until she heard Ingo to go to bed. Then she came to a decision. She wanted to avoid the expected anger with her father, under all circumstances.

And she wanted to lose her innocence a little longer.

Then why not with Ingo? The fact that she was in love with him was a point that spoke for it. The other was that she had also played easily with the thought of seducing him. Or rather, try to try it. So she would do it.

However, she wasn’t quite comfortable … Sonja did not show up all evening. Ingo didn’t care, either way, he would get his revenge on her. When he switched off the television and went to bed, it was dead in Sonja’s room. He almost had pity with her, but now he would do it to the end.

About a quarter of an hour later it knocked softly on Ingo’s door.

“What is?!“, He called with a tortured annoyance and switched on the light. He heard hesitantly Sonja’s voice. “I … I think that I think ..

May I come inside?““ To my sake let off your saying!“She built herself in front of his bed, only dressed with a light bathrobe. Her nipples were erect with nervousness and fear and stamped through the thin fabric. What Ingo liked of course very much … “I hear …” Sonja took her entire courage together. Then she said shyly: “Maybe ..

I mean if … if … I would sleep with you … “While she spoke, her voice became more and more quiet.

Ingo cheered inside. Done!!! On the outside, however, he did not show anything.

“You want to sleep with me?! And for what reason?““ So … so that you don’t tell dads about the joint. “This is your offer? We both get to bed, push a nice horny number and in return I am silent?”” Yes … “, Sonja whispered Leise. “This is my offer.

I also promise you to never piss you again or to betray one of your extra tours. “” Somehow I’m not quite convinced … “” Please Ingo … “Sonja hesitantly opened the bathrobe and let it slide to the ground. She stood in front of him completely naked. She didn’t even try to cover her nakedness.

“Please…! I’m serious.

“Ingo let his eyes strip over her young, slim body. Just to increase the tension, he waited a few more, worried for them, seconds and then said: “Ok! But only under one condition! The game runs according to my rules. “Sonja nodded silently and intimidated. He grinned wolf.

That would have fun!“So, let go! Off to the bed and stroke yourself!“Sonja did as said. Ingo sat next to it and watched them. Slowly she let her hands slide over her body. In doing so, she looked at him with a red -red head.

Her breasts, or even the pubic area, did not even come close.

Ingo looked at it for a while, then he growled unwillingly: “Damn, girl, I really want to see something! So again, finally start!”” Say … tell me what to do … “” Knead your tits!“She obeyed. With both hands she comprised the boobs, pushed it together, lifted it, massaged her and circled her nipples with her fingers.

“Come on, twirble the nipples!“She did that too. Certainly for two minutes she only dealt with her breasts. Ingo enjoyed the sight of what was easy to see from his half -up pint. Although he noticed that Sonja’s nipples had stiffened, he thought nothing thought of.

Otherwise he would certainly have noticed that their fear was slowly swearing.

“Now spread the legs and let me pussy see!“Sonja followed the new command. She bent her knees and slowly opened her thighs. She had now closed her eyes. Not because she would not have endured Ingo’s looks.

No, the matter started to enjoy her now. Some time ago she had noticed that she literally enjoyed the boys at school or at the disco, Of course, quite “unintentional” to give some deep insights. Although enjoying was not quite the right wording. Rather, it excited her, made it horny, as the guys tried to catch the next look into her blouse or under her mini skirt inconspicuously.

Just last week she had pulled out such an action at a party.

After that she came home with clap -eating panties, immediately moved to her room and grated her plums to orgasm. And now this situation! Craziness! She felt excited from second to second to second. Ingo could see her exactly in her kingdom of heaven. He liked what he saw.

Except for a tiny little thing … “You have far too many hair on the cunt! How does that look? I think we will have to remedy the situation ”, went to his closet, and brought out a hair clipper, a towel and a shaving mirror.

Sonja’s excitement rose. What did he have before? Should she ..?“Shaving your cunt very smoothly takes too long for me now! But you will at least a little clear this jungle between your legs!“Ingo threw Sonja the things too. She spread the towel on the floor, sat on it and built the mirror so that she could see her can. Then she switched on the machine and started conducting it through her bush.

The vibrations that were created were not that uncomfortable for them. On the contrary. The curls quickly fell and their rosy labia came to light under the remaining fluff.

All the time over it felt Sonja Ingo’s eyes burn on her skin, which continued to contribute to her increasing lust. When she was finished, Ingo ordered: “Back on the bed with you.

Then put your legs wide and try out how your jar now feels!“As if she still needed the second part of the command! Because, to be honest, Sonja was curious himself!She immediately climbed back on the bed, lay down and began to stroke her pussy with one hand. Theanders wandered to their breasts as if led by ghosthand. Sonja was thrilled with how her plums felt now.

The fact that Ingo had started to grate his crossbar kut it even further. One of her fingers automatically lowered the already damp hole.

Ingo saw it with pleasure. Finally she offered him the show he had imagined!”Yes exactly! Keep going! Rub your clit!“She (and) did his favor. She couldn’t suppress a quiet groan. She fingered her faster and faster.

In the meantime she was completely caught in the situation. She would have wanted to stop nothing in the world now. Ingo grinned quietly. Time for the next surprise.

Thank God his mother had not changed her habits after the wedding.

Your collection of dildos was still hidden in the same place. In the upper right compartment of your closet, under the lingerie. So it was not difficult to “borrow” one of them for the evening “. He reached under his bed and brought out the part.

“And now you play with it!“Sonja got big eyes. What he held her under her nose was a small vibrator of about 10 centimeters in length, with approx. 2 centimeters diameter. She reached hesitantly, switched on the engine and rubbed it over her labia.

As soon as the dildo touched the clit, it shot through her head: Joh my God, this vibration! The thing is even better than the hair cutting machine!^Another, somewhat louder groan, her lips are stirred up.

For a while she only enjoyed the horny thing to let her clit circle or slowly pull it through the outer labia. Craziness! Then she pushed the art curtain into her pussy as far as possible. The feeling was even better, found Sonja and groaned again. After a short time, Ingo’s next command came.

“Push him deeper into your pussy!“Sonja shook his head and whispered:“ No, Ingo, please not ..!“However, she did not stop playing on her plum with the dildo. “And why not if I can ask?!“At some point she had to confess it.

And now the time had come. She took herself together and said shyly: “I … I ..

Ingo … I’m still a virgin … “Ingo was flat. He hadn’t expected that. Then he laughed quietly and said: “Ok, the fun, personally with mine tail To remove it, I will not miss.

“He thought briefly. “Then you blow me now!“He now kept his crossbar in front of her face in front of her face. Sonja caught her breath. With this giant thing he wanted to penetrate her little pussy? She was already too tight to just push herself in when she secretly masturbated!“I said you should blow me a blow! What are you waiting for?“Sonja replied hesitantly:“ I’ve never done that before … ““ Just imagine it would be an ice cream you lick.

The rest follows on its own … ”She carefully approached his pint, opened her mouth, hesitated briefly, took all of her courage and…

pushed her lips over the pleasure bolt. Ingo groaned. He let her try it around for about five minutes. Sonja “worked” just according to the motto “Attempt and error”.

Whenever Ingo moaned, she knew that she had to do something right. Soon she fell out of it enormous. So she licked up and down the shaft, let her tongue circle around the glans and sucked the tail deep into her mouth. When she finally slid over his eggs with her tongue again, Ingo held her head.

“You do that quite properly! But now you lie back on your back, spread your legs and show me your pussy.

“Weared what followed, Sonja did what he said. Ingo lay over her so that his prengel hung in front of her face and his face over her cunt. “Blas on!“She grabbed the pint and so -called it back into her mouth. Suddenly she felt something warm, moist, soft on her can.

For a moment she was a bit surprised, then she understood. Ingo licked it! It was just awesome how the tongue played tenderly around her clit!Ingo had, in the first second, the taste of cunt juice in the mouth.

Just to confirm his suspicion, a finger easily pushed into Sonjas Punze. “You’re very wet, you little bitch!“Sonja released his prengel out of her mouth for a short moment. Her voice was very rough with excitement when she poured out: “Just keep going ..

Please go on…! Lick my little pussy ..!“Then she sucked again like an obsessed in Ingo’s tail. Ingo could not be asked for long. He lowered his head again between her legs and divided his labia with his tongue and then sinked deep into Sonja’s hole.

Her pelvis rolled now, she groaned, whimpered and wailed under his treatment.

And when Ingo finally let his tongue whirl on her clit, Sonja came. Her fingernails clawed tightly in his back. “Yeahjajajajaja … Yeah ..!!! Jaaaaaaaaaaah ..!!!! Jaaaaaaaaaa;hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!“The intensity of her departure surprised Ingo.

That, and the immediately afterwards, even wilder sucking on his pleasure bolt was too much. He also came and chased his entire load in Sonja’s horny fuck mouth. “It comes to me! Oooooh ..! Here you have the horny juice, you spicy bitch!“Dangled as she was, she had no choice but to swallow the whole juice. Surprisingly, both for Ingo, but probably even more for her, she got the next orgasm.

Since the first had not yet subsided, she overwhelmed the feeling and she started screaming uncontrollably.

“Iiiiieeeeeejaaaaaah ..!!!! Jaaaaaaaah!!!!!! Jaaaaaaaaa/Ingo rolled down from her at lightning speed. Sonja rolled on the bed under ecstatic pleasure sounds, completely caught in the wild orgasm, until she finally buried her head in a pillow. She remained twitching and breathing heavily. Ingo was only happy that the next house was at least 200m away, otherwise the neighbors would have had something to whisper during the next few days.

While he looked at the completely exhausted Sonja, he somehow sorry for the extortion.

He came to a decision. He waited until Sonja had finally calmed down and said: “I think I can declare our deal for completed. I will not tell Roland a word of death. “”How…

How … how do you mean that?”” As I said. You paid and I will also stick to my part of the agreement. Go to your room…!“After throwing a strange look at him, Sonja followed his last command and left the room with tumbling steps.

Back in her room Sonja sat on her bed and started to swear silently. Such a goddamned dirt! She was just floating on cloud seven, was looking forward to having long been leaning to finally get his cock deep into her wet cunt! And now that!Unconsciously, a hand pushed between her thighs and rubbed her tingling punch with excitement.

When she finally noticed what she was doing, a large damp spot had already formed on the sheet. She gently stroked her through the fluff of her short -cut pubic hair. It felt really good.

In Sonja a plan started spontaneously. Shortly afterwards she got up and went into the bathroom. An hour later: Ingo has already slept. He dreamed of how he nibbled Sonja.

Not just licking her or getting a blown from her. No. He dreamed of pulling them through according to all the rules of art. To fuck her really horny, to penetrate her pint deep into her little wet cunt and to give her a similar departure as the one she had earned earlier.

Suddenly he woke up.

Something was wrong. Sonja had sneaked into Ingo’s room silently, had raised the duvet and got to work on his prengel.. Ingo seemed to dream nice things, because the thing was almost stiff. jut! That is an advantage … £ under your gentle touch, the prengel soon became a stick.

She put her lips over the pint tenderly. When Ingo became awake and the light was switched on, he looked directly into Sonjas sparkling eyes. She soulful soul -sitting on his crossbar. Ingo was totally confused.

“What the…!“Wentfully wanking his hard lust bolt, she said:“ If you ask yourself what I do here, I can only answer you: You may think that I would have fulfilled my part of the agreement.

I don’t agree with this ..!””What?!“” You have already forgot what you said earlier? That you would not miss the fun of unifying me personally with your cock?“Meanwhile, your body slid over him. She smeared his eggs tenderly. Ingo, like her erect nipples, gently felt his groin, his stomach and finally stroked his chest. His tip of his tail touched Sonja’s flat stomach again and again.

Then their faces were at the same height. Sonja smiled at Ingo Lasciva, leaned down her head and whispered in his ear: “So, sweeter, what is now? Do you miss the fun ..?“She let herself sink infinitely slowly.

She rubbed her pelvis with her pelvis on his prengel, which was trapped between her two bodies. Ingo didn’t need to think long. He had just dreamed of fucking her and now could the dream become reality.

“Nothing in the world I would miss it ..!!””Good to hear. Then let’s start, ok?” “OK!!!“Ingo wanted to push Sonja down, but she was faster and gave him such a wild tongue kiss that he heard and see. For a few minutes they rolled up on the bed with smooching and rubbed their bodies together. Then Sonja Ingo looked deep into the eyes.

“But before…

Before that, you absolutely have to lick my horny pussy again!“Ingo knew nothing that he would have preferred at that moment, except natural … Sonja lay on his back and spread his thighs invitingly. A sparkling blanker shaved pussy came to light. “Earlier you didn’t want to take the time to shave me. Well, then I just took her before I came back … ”Ingo was just amazed.

At the beginning of the evening he would have expected everything, just not that Sonja will enter the game out of free will. “Don’t you want to try what it feels like?“Ingo drove through Sonja’s freshly depilated cunt.

A slight moan answered him and she raised her pelvis of his gently stroking hand. “And, I did it right?“Ingo couldn’t otherwise. The sight was just too cool.

Instead of saying something, he sank his face between Sonja’s thighs and started licking her. His tongue played with the clit, stroked through the labia and bored deep into her hot hole. Their reaction was to fragrance loudly with excitement and press his head even more firmly against her pussy with both hands. “Yeah ..! Lick my horny cunt ..! Suck them out ..!“Sonja was almost in full swing again.

Her hands hiked over her body, she caressed everywhere, rolled and kneaded her tits, gently twirled her nipples and tried to lick it.

The wild moan that came out of her mouth heated Ingo. He pulled her labia apart with both hands, nibbled on Sonjas clit and fucked her with his tongue. Then the time had come, Sonja couldn’t stand it anymore. She literally tore Ingo’s head away from her pussy.

“Come on, I want to know! Push your pint into the plum!““ I just get a Parisian. ““ Shake something on it! I’ll take the pill anyway! Finally fuck me! Now!“The lust won.

Ingo crawled over Sonja, put the acorn on her column and tried to penetrate her carefully. As I said, he tried. But as soon as he had touched her punch with his cock tip, Sonja pushed the pelvis forward with the pelvis.

She was so horny and wet that the prengel immediately slipped into her without difficulty. Sonja felt a short jump -off, but then the slight pain was displaced by something completely different. She was finally no longer a virgin!!! In her young can there was a real pleasure bolt and filled it completely. With her sweet butt, she drained a little back and forth.

An insane feeling spread slowly, first in her pelvis, then in her whole body,.

Sonja wanted more of it. Much more…!Ingo felt Sonja’s impatience and started pumping into her with slow, uniform and soulful bumps. Her growing groan told him that he was on the right track. He gently increased his fuck rhythm.

Sonja gasped and louder. “Yeah ..! Fuck me…! More quickly…! Push deep into my wet cunt ..! Yeah ..! Yeah ..!“In the end he literally rammed his pint into the hot tight cunt. Her cunt juice smeared his cock, his eggs clapped against Sonja’s Knackmar and sweat flocked over his body.

Sonja held his pelvis with her legs and gave them the speed with which he should penetrate wildly into them. And she no longer groaned.

She screamed with lust!“Jaaaaah… ü! Jaaaaah … ü! Jaaaaah … ü! Jaaaaah ..!!!“It was even better than being licked. If she had previously floated to cloud seven, she was now hovering on cloud ten. At least! Again and again and again the hard cock pushed into her cunt, massaged her innermost and gave her never known delights. Waves of pleasure flocked through their body and beat together in their wet pussy.

She felt that another giant orgasm built in it.

Ingo couldn’t get out of amazement. If Sonja was already, just fans, was such a horny piece, what might experience the boys that they were allowed to fuck in five or ten years??? But then he winced his shoulders inside. No matter … he was inspired by the loud cries of pleasure of his steps sister to more and more tougher and deeper fucking. He leaned down his head and began to nibble on her stiff nipples as he continued to fuck her.

Sonja’s nails bored into his back and scratched the skin. After some, two infinitely long and yet much too short, time broke out Sonja’s orgasm.

Ingo was simply carried away and also sprayed. “Ooohhh … !!!!! Jaaaaaaah ..!!!!!!!! Iiiiiiiieeeeeeeee-jaaaaaaaah ..!!!!!!!!!!!!”” You are such a horny piece ..!!! I KOOOOOOOOM-MEEEEEEE ..!!!!!“They remained heavily breathing for a while, still united.

For almost a quarter of an hour they did nothing more than kissing and caressing. Then she slowly overwhelmed her sleep. They slept closely together in Morpheus. The next morning they still woke up closely.

Both were absolutely clear what had happened. And it was also clear that with absolute certainty it would not last last time that they shared a bed. Her parents were surprised at how well the two got out of now.

Sonja and Ingo held together like bad luck and sulfur. The only one who was not surprised was Sonja’s grandmother.

She knew that from her Barbara cartary novels!“You see, the two just had to pull themselves together! And now you can even speak of a brave love!“Sonja and Ingo looked at each other with a grin grinning. Everyone knew what the other thought at that moment: (sibling?! Sure, grandma! Just a little different than you imagine … start.

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