A violent extortion | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Sliped, wanked and fucked we had enough that day, Christl’s horny pussy dripped from the excesses and her clit was almost sore – my comedy pier had finally withdrawn and we were hungry.

When I said goodbye after dinner, my Christian: “What should I do when the neighbor reports?” -” Grip under your skirt and let her over it … you liked it, or?” -” And if it is stubborn?” -” She won’t be that if she sees your pussy, invite her to reconciliation for the evening, I’ll not come tomorrow … “The next morning the neighbor was already on the mat at Christl,With a handful of money: “I want to get it out of the world” she and the Kluge Christl took the money with one hand and grabbed her with the other hand under your skirt – there was no panties and as a Christian with the outstretched middle fingerWithout long warning drove directly into the wankloch, right to the attack, the neighbor danged the neighbor on its own. “PFFFFF HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” could still moan before it was fingered into a rapid orgasm. The two agreed for the evening, in the neighbor’s house, so that Christl’s drunken man could not disturb – I had other plans.

On the way home in the evening I had thrown a note in the neighbor’s mailbox: “You: Tomorrow with the money at Christl – and without panties! – Your niece: tomorrow evening with me, but with panties and school certificates.”

In fact, the little one stood in front of my apartment door, dressed with a very cute, with a lot of braids, tartan skirt, white blouse and tie! With satchels and certificates – and lay something. I asked her in very perfectly, closed the door and raised her Scottish skirt. Below was a flower -white cotton panties – only the bra was missing, but it really didn’t need it. However, their little nipples stiff stiff and emerged on the blouse.

“Mine aunt Has returned the money to her neighbor today – that’s the good thing?” – “I do not know yet.“I reached very business for the telephone and called Christl. “Do you have the money?“ – she giggled into the telephone:“ Yes, I have the money and now I go to the neighbor and let myself be licked.” -” Good thing, do it.“Then I turned to the small, failed extortionist:“ Yes – the thing is done. Never get involved in something like that … I mean, you can do it with your aunt, as much as you want, but don’t be so futile, then everyone has something of it.

And don’t talk too much, otherwise your aunt gets problems … how old are you really?” -” I have been 18 since today!“Well, that was a very gratifying message, because she looked like a few years younger – I told her that too. “Yes, that’s my problem. I want older people, but everyone is afraid that I will be too young.” -” And since when has it been possible with your aunt?” – “Long time…

I watched her masturbating a few years ago … then I also masturbated until she saw me. But I think she wanted to be caught. In any case, we first masturbated together and she showed me how to make it hornier ..

And then she licked me … and I too … ” -” And since then you have been doing it … you’ve already had hair on your toy?“My pleasure bringer reported unmistakably. “No I do not think so…

But I’ve always played around it … also with friends, only with no boy – unfortunately.”

The conversation already went in the right direction. But I wanted to take my time – also her to get her entirely. So I changed the subject and let me show the certificates.

The grades were surprisingly good – it couldn’t only be the short skirt. So I told her that she should bring me copies of the certificates. “With these grades we can certainly get a scholarship, so you no longer need to try lousy tricks. I’ll make myself smart … ” -” You would really do that?” -” Yes, sure, but it means “you”.

But it will be a church scholarship, you then have to lead a decent lifestyle.” – “Just like you?“Now she grinned cheekily at me again. – “Certainly like me …” I gave her a slap on the butt and left her hand on it. “And when you look for the scholarship, please at least get under the blouse at the interview in the Bishop’s Chancellery if you don’t want a bra.“I was staring at her tittchen and began to butt the blouse. She groaned softly and gripped into the crotch.

As I took the tie and pulled out the blouse, she opened my pants and began to take me out horny. My tail Stand up steeply, stretched towards her and while she bent down to pull my pants down, I pulled her gently on my braids to my bed, pulled her on my stand and willingly opened her lips toto absorb in her little mouth.

She started licking it very gently, only with the tip of the tongue, then a little more and soon she sucked on my pleasure spider like on a lollypop. In between, she kept interrupted and pulled out me naked.

She still stood in front of me in the tartan skirt, with an exposed upper body. I grabbed her tender under my skirt, stroked the inside of the thighs up, very slowly until I arrived in her crotch and felt the moist of her virgin column through her panties. I carefully rubbed the column with my finger. She groaned again and bent back to again on my cock suck.

“I will lose my virginity today?” -” Yes, I think … everyone.“She squinted up to me with her tail in the mouth …“ All?” -” I want you to get out of me ..

Do you do that?”I asked back. She straightened up, very close to me, and began to pull down the panties … very slowly. “You like that, that’s right?“Yes, I liked that very much, I like it when the panties are pulled down half over the knees and the girl plays on her column.

She climbed it, raised the skirt and began to play around her pussy while I was slowly and enjoyable in front of her. In between we kept struggling, she explored my plump egg sac, massaged mine Egg, With a finger in her column … When she reached for my thick, stiff cock, comprised it with her little fist and now slowly jerked me, I grabbed her in the wet gap, completely gently … explored the column and carefully let my finger slide in.

She immediately spread her thighs so that I got her pussy better and when my finger found the entrance to her virgin grotto, she slowly let herself down on my finger, slowly pushed her little wanking lift on my finger, keeping on, keeping on,Until my finger had disappeared in her tight, wet hole. With my finger in her wank pussy I pulled her over myself, she let go of my cock, supported herself on the bed and walled horny groaned on my finger, came closer and closer … I pull my finger back and took it to the armpits to aroundto put them on me. She pressed her column on my cock, but did not let him in, but rubbed herself on my stiff – she had put it on my stomach and so she could rub the column along my stand.

I pulled the Scottish skirt over her head – now she was naked … her panties had long since struggled. And now she reached down, took my cock in my hand and conduct the glans between her futlippen. Very slowly she rubbed up and down with my glans in her column, kept playing around the entrance into her wanking and then ..

Then I felt the pressure of her little fist around my thick stand when she conducted it exactly into the tight hole. My glans had disappeared between her futlippen, I felt the heat of her future on my tail tip and very slowly she settled down on my stand.

She really piles up on my stiff cock … very slowly, quietly moaning ..

I felt the heat of her hole, her horny cunt juice ran down my cock along the shaft, tickled me on the eggs until she was sitting on my cock. “Ahhh – it is doing … it doesn’t hurt … It’s soooooooo guuuuuuuuuut.

I was a little afraid.“She was sitting calmly on my cock, I didn’t move either, I wanted her to get used to it – even if it was difficult for me to stay calm. But it was worth it. First she tried carefully to squeeze her fut on my cock. She succeeded quite well – let it go and pressed again.

“Uhhiiiiahhhh – but that’s horny … Ahhhh” carefully tried to ride her … raised a bit, let himself down, lifted himself down, let himself down again, and stayed back to press her future for my cock again. This time I tried carefully to fuck something into her.

Submitted her with pressing, I pressed my cock in a little deeper, pressed her, I had a little pressed out. Then I took them on my hips and started to slowly fuck them from bottom to top. “Hoppe Hoppe Rider” – she leaned back and reached the egg sac behind her back behind her back. But she rushes her future even more and now we started to powder really! My cock filled out her tight hole completely and the bumps coming from below made them quickly forgotten all the reluctance – I felt that I couldn’t endure it for long than she was moaning: “I think it comes to me, it comes to me.Fickloch pulled himself together around my cock by itself, I just managed a few bumps and then I started to spray into her orgasm.

I do not know if she felt the pushing of my injecting orgasm … she started to romp like crazy on my cock, turned back and forth, shook her head, drummed my fists onto my chest while I was on my hips on my sprayingTail pressed and held there … when she calmed down, quoll sperm and cunt juice from her column, in which my cock was still stuck.

For a while we left my cock in her future, in her hot, pulsating tight pussies … she was still sitting on me until my bedding tail slipped out of her höchlein.

She slid onto the bed next to me and lolled, purring satisfied. Then she turned to me and only said: “I’m staying here tonight.“Then she slid down and took my flaccid cock in her mouth to lick it … she fell asleep.

I must have fallen asleep too. When I woke up at some point at night, I first felt her lips on my half -tire tail.

She didn’t just suck it, she was leaving me – and how! The tip of one of her braids tickled me on my egg sac, while she jerked my cock with one hand and drove up the shaft with her mouth. Her lips sucked on my pleasure, playing her tongue on my glans … I was cheerful and had no choice when I continued to blow me – and I needed it! When I stroked her head, she became even more hardworking. She looked up to me in the dark: “I want you to spray you in my mouth ..

Knips the night light so that we can see something … is that my second virginity?“ – I turned the bedside light on. “Yes” – “then I also know what my third is … but you won’t do that anymore.“Like a lust götting, she knelt between my thighs, my stand in the fist.

She looked really good – the pointed tits wobbled a little back and forth over the fine lökchen of her horny young people when she put the middle finger of the other hand into the wankloch provocative and ordinary. “You really have a hot cock and so plump eggs! Comes from Jerk off? You often wank yourself?“ – My wanking swept in her fist, she immediately pressed more firmly, pressed tightly. “I jerk myself every day … how often do you wank – say already.” -” Yes, I also jerk myself every day, sometimes twice ..

And if you don’t blow any further now, then I have to wank again right away.“She leaned over my cock again well. “But you have to jerk off again – that was cool!” -” Yes, I do, like to have eeehheeee ahhhhhhhh “she sucked tight. With one hand she jerked my shaft up and down, with the other hand she massaged my eggs … and sucked and sucked ..

My cock began to twitch back and forth in her mouth, uncontrollably … she took my cock in her mouth very deeply – let it out and … and finished me! She had learned quickly. Pressing the eggs with one hand and with the other hand the shaft of my wanking bruise, she sucked so tightly on my thick! “MPPFMMPMPFF” The sperm shot into the brass in long bushes.

She tried to swallow, but did not do everything – I fucked in a splashed manure in her mouth … I still felt how she released me from her mouth, looking for a handkerchief to wipe the full injection mouth … felt the tips of her horny titsleaned over me to turn off the light … but then I fell asleep again.

When I woke up the next morning, the sun was already laughing in the room. The little one was lying next to me in bed, covered half, on the stomach – one hand over her head, the other hand under her stomach. She had pushed the head cushion under her stomach so that she was lying on the upholstery with her pussy – a upholstery tip was up between her slightly sprayed thighs. Obviously, masturbating and fell asleep.

I should often find them like this, this little naturally mouse. Somehow I had been committed to having the little one – but when I now pushed the blanket to the side to look at this miracle, I couldn’t turn my gaze from this horny knack ass, which protruded on the upholstery into the morning sun. I grabbed her between the thighs – indeed, my fingertips rested in the slit … my cock touched her bare thighs – I was horny.

Without waking her up for a long time, I knelt over her thighs, pushed her together, so that there was only a small gap between her thighs, and tried to put my cock into her future from behind. Went quite well – and was extremely cool … she growled something and slept on – my cock pushed deeper into her pleasure grotto. She was hot – and wet, wet and slippery.

I started to fuck her in this position from behind – she pressed her ass towards me and continued – at least I thought that.

The ass made me even hornier – she had a small, really firm, tight cracked button and a very tight asshole. I pulled my stiff cock out of her Ficklöchlein – man, he was slippery – and put the glans on her etch. In doing so, I pressed her cheek baking apart so that I can better ran this cracking butt – put on my comedy pier again and began to sink it in her ass. When I had the glans in her asshole just half inside, she pressed my ass up! The glans sat in the asshole.

“Keep it up” she mealed at once, half turned my head to the side. So she had been cheerful. “Keep on, fuck me in the ass! Fuck my virgin asshole … powder into my cracking butt!“But she quickly learned the worst words, I thought when I felt that she started jerking off by hand under her stomach.

Slowly I pressed my fuck bribch in her eye … deeper and deeper – I felt her hand on my egg sac. She clung to power and pulled him down. “Fuck me in my asshole! Take the third virgin disclosure to me too ..

Fuck in!“I pressed a little more – my cock was sitting in her virgin cracking butt – very deep inside. I knew a little back and forth – she groaned and jerked back under my stomach. With the cushion under her belly, she was really wonderfully banging into her butt – and I did that now. I fucked this crispy tea ass, powdered her tight buttocks, nailed her arm onto the upholstery ..

Ruthlessly I fucked in her ass and fucked and fucked – suddenly she started to pinch her ass cheeks fets, pressed the ass together – obviously she just came in her weighty young. I powdered her through with all my might, fuck her really down and Ahhhhhhhhjahhh began to spray … Injected my sperm into her cracking butt ..

Then I stayed a little more on her – the slowly slacking cock in her ass until I rolled down and was breathing heavily next to her.

She turned on her back ..

“I didn’t think that you take all the maids in one night … I fuck me in all holes until cumshot …” – “I don’t either! But you are really a horny mouse. We will probably have to repeat that often … ”

This day she fled the School – I fled the Viktualienmarkt and Christl’s cunt (which her didn’t matter, because the neighbor got it anyway that she could hardly go anymore) … but we didn’t need sex that day either.

The matter of blackmail was finally ended.

But my horny fuck evenings with Christl also became less – she had now discovered the gap and was constantly with her horny neighbor, while I couldn’t get rid of the little blackmailer. After a few months I moved to another city – a new apprenticeship was waiting for me. It was a stroke of luck that my little blackmailer got a place of study there. She also studied well if she wasn’t sitting on my cock or gave way in front of me – but that’s a different story.

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