The new neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The shape of a woman became visible, from the dark -haired guy, with large, soft breasts. In addition, a characters appeared, namely the request to type a message to the beautiful unknown person. Romeo leaned over the keyboard and started writing. He made the mini-stable participant 102264583 known for sleeping outdoors, with his weakness for top bra and with his dimensions.
In two or three seconds, the answer would have to light up on the mats.

The new PC, equipped with sophisticated software, was really the ideal solution when a man wanted to have clean sex. Gone are the days when you at least shave and move fresh, where you have to host the girl and flatter with gentle music. “Minitel” made cumbersome accessories superfluous. With code numbers that the participant number was pre -switched, you could contact women who preferred very specific sex techniques.

For him, who had only had to do with prudish girls until recently, was a computer sex like a land of milk and honey, where all the wishes were fulfilled, and also at the savings rate. A sweet sense of what the further action with NR. 102264583. He was just about to press the image button and conjure up the moving picture of his desired partner on the monitor when the doorbell sounded.

He rose sigh. He crossed the room and opened.
She was 18 or 19, blonde, tall, with smooth, wonderfully round thighs that emerged under her black mini skirt. Which did not change the fact that Romeo found the disturbance extremely embarrassing and annoying. “I don’t buy anything,” he said and scored the monitor where NR.

102264583 from her bra peeled. “I don’t subscribe to a newspaper either. Good evening.”” “My name is Juliette,” she said with an imposed brittle voice. “Would help me with a little sugar?“He was amazed.

“You live here in the house?”” A floor above them. I moved in this morning.“Romeo came back from the kitchen. “Sugar, please.“She had crossed the threshold and stroked the blond strands out of her forehead. A gesture that brought movement into her t-shirt.

“Then I would need some coffee. Ground.“The red signal button had started to flash, and Romeo also knew why. His minitel friend wanted to know how he was judged by her bust size, which had now been freed by all covers. He hastily filled coffee into a filter bag.

“Would it be?” asked he. “Do not have a coffee machine?” “Why?““ Mine is not yet unpacked.“She looked at him from great, innocent eyes. “You don’t mind if I use your device.“He had an answer to the Tongue, the Juliette would not have liked very much. There will soon be nothing more in this apartment, which the uninvited visitor would not used would have.
My God, the PC! What would the beauty think of him with the super pussies? He hurried into Living room And wanted to type in a few tender words when Earthie discovered spaces on the monitor.

He pressed the “Disorder” button “. The information came: Connection canceled. The curse that came over his lips was of the way he always complained as “obscene and spiritless. And then the apartment smells of coffee.

The blonde visitor had stepped behind him, she held a cup in her hand and drank. When he was the interference button with the fist edited, trembled their long eyelashes. But what came about her full, soft lips was a question that would have brought him to hundredth -time. 102264583 was busy.
“Are you not 100 % satisfied with your PC?”” “I,” said Romeo, “I am satisfied with my PC Hun.

The problem is, I had a connection that was interrupted by her visit.““ If you knew how sorry I am doing.“She put his hand on his arm, and Romeo, who somehow found it unlisted, made a defensive movement that let the coffee spill over. The warm splash seemed to be unable to turn out to the blond girl. She closed her eyes while the coffee soaked her T-shirt. Romeo was unsettled because the strange spectacle put him in an equally strange state of excitement.

It took a while to open her eyes again.
“If you just help me open the zipper.“She put her hand on his shoulder. The computer game that he had been looking forward to was suddenly wide, far away. Monotol? Manatal? Minite? Fucking the program was called the creature, the warm nudity of which looked like a fragrant tropical wind, now seemed more important to him than joys that could be brought in at the push of a button. Juliette had stripped the black pumps.

Her hand stroked his hairy chest. “If you would hook my skirt now?“She whispered.
A tickle flooded him when she said that. But then he remembered that she had actually only come because she lacked the sugar to the goddamed midnight coffee. And now she wanted him to take the mini skirt out of her.

“Why?” -” You can’t imagine that?”Said Juliette. He could imagine a lot when the girl rubbed her exposed buttocks on his masculinity. Half of the zip of your T-shirt was open, just enough to clear the view of the delicate breasts. Why did he hesitate? The monitor was recognized behind Juliette, with an orange characters that he informed him that he had been from NR for minutes.

102264583 was selected. Juliette stretched to reach the device’s keyboard with his foot. “What happens,” she asked, “when you press the green button?” -” Don’t please, “said Romeo, but it was too late.
Juliette had switched off the computer with the big toe. The pressure she put on his thighs became stronger.

He felt that the whole thing became more dangerous from second to second to second. What the girl wanted from him was exactly the pre -floody kind of love he actually wanted to avoid. He winced when he felt her hot breath on his ear. She had pulled out the T-shirt, and her slim, smooth body was a challenge to which there was only one answer.

He had to prove that he had other things to offer apart from Guatemala coffee. He tore her on himself. His mouth found her opened lips, and then he felt how she started playing with his tip of his tongue. She opened his belt with a trembling hand, and then there was no obstacle.
He was still taking him, as she put him in the red leather armchair with a gentle desire, and the last thing he felt was a collision as if by fire and water, as her body merged, yes.

He woke up when Juliette moved. His gaze wandered through the room, recorded the two coffee cups, the high -heeled women’s shoes that lay on the carpet, the blind square of the monitor and the keyboard, the keys of which was covered by a fan blond hair. She was naked and held her arm around his neck. When he kissed her back, she opened her eyes.

She was startled when she noticed her nakedness. “You won’t draw the wrong conclusions from this situation,” she breathed. “I gave up to want to understand women,” he said. Juliette pinched him into his shoulder.

“I really just wanted a little sugar.“She stroked the dark triangle of her lap. The girl had upset herself, in her eyes a mysterious smile lured. When I came in, you said something about a connection that was interrupted by my visit. What do you mean by that?“He pointed to his PC.

“A business matter. I am an analyst for stock exchange courses. A customer had chosen me.“Very shy and really by chance she touched him with her already hard breast tips. “We love and, and I don’t even know how you are called.”” Romeo.““ Just like that, or are you really Italians?““ Just like that, and I am also Italians.”” How do you like it in France? I mean if you like the French.”” The French women?”” For example I.““ You are the most beautiful that this apartment has ever entered.“The pout she made was so proven that he had to cover his masculinity with his hand.

“And there is no girlfriend who checks in for relaxation massage?““ You are the first, I swear to you.”” Meineid at midnight, “said Juliette. “Why can men never say the truth?” “The truth?“She was lying on her back. “That you waited for a woman when I came.” “What makes you think that?““ If you have a little experience, you will notice when a man is hungry on sex.“He leaned forward and touched the buttons of the PC. “As I said to you, I was in the middle of a consultation.“Your hand pushed herself and caressed his loins.

“With such a computer you can only analyze share prices?”” It depends completely on the software, “said Romeo and annoyed how stiff it sounded. Her mouth had reached his loins. Juliette’s tongue games were neither demanding nor greedy, but infinitely tender. He had difficulty concentrating on a conversation now, and when Juliette noticed that, she straightened up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Promise me that you will never do computer sex with another woman in life. I know how the rabbit was going … “He nodded.
She sat down on him. “We will try again whether you can keep your promise.“She took his hands and led her to the most sensitive points of her breasts. She offered him the tempting soft hemispheres of her butt, trembled uncontrolled when he stroked her.

She groaned in front of delight when his tongue caressed her palate. Romeo was on the other hand to freak out. It was finally clear to him that he had been on the wrong steamer with his search for electronic pats. Then Juliette used the break to switch on the PC.

Three words, yellow on purple, appeared on the monitor. “Want sex?“It didn’t take long to type in her answer:“ Positive.“A nine -digit number was visible, followed by the request:“ Start.“Juliette was not long asked. She typed her fantasies on the keyboard and she did not put any reins on. When she always described more uninhibited varieties, the device failed her service.

The PC was overwhelmed, gave up against the shoots of a human sex machine. A cloud of smoke from the monitor wallet, then all functions expired.
The blonde girl, who had become wet because of sheer excitement and had been pounding, leaned back with a pure. She looked at her new friend, who had buried his head deep in her lap. If he didn’t seduce me so badly, I could feel sorry for him.

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