The hot woman next door | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

When I come home from a walk, I see that my neighbor Rita jogged me. Rita is just over 40, she pays great attention to her body and loves sport. Whether jogging, cycling, swimming inliners, Rita is there. And you can see that too.

She has nice slim legs, a really crisp butt. Your breasts are a nice solid B cup, and (as I know from previous experiences) are wonderfully in the hand.

Since it is already autumn, Rita is wearing blue running gings today and a black windbreak. When she sees me she waves to me. I stop and wait for you.

When she wants to come to me on the sidewalk, it happens. She gets stuck and bends her foot. I can catch it but kinked over. “Au, so n shit” she escapes.

I hold her tight. “How bad is it?”Oh, I kept bend over and over again, it is probably stretched again” “Come in but let’s put ice cream on it” I offer her to her. “You could also support me to me and then put ice on it,” she says to me. “No problem either.

I pack Rita on my arm and accompany her to her the last few meters. She closes. “Where do Madame want to be managed?” I ask. “Please in the kitchen, James” she replies with a laugh.

Once in the kitchen, she sits on a stool. “Ice pack is in the fridge, James. Would you be so good?”But like Madame” I say grinning grinning. I get the ice pack out of the freezer and kneel in front of you.

I carefully open her shoe, pull it off and patron her socks from “Autsschhh” it escapes Rita. The ankle is already swollen. Quickly a towel around the ice pack, then I put your foot on my thigh and carefully press the ice pack against the ankle. “Now it should get better” “Oh yes, the cooling is very good” I look up at her and she gives me a smile.

She leans back and pulls out her jacket. Below is a tight running shirt. her nipple are hard and are characterized by the fabric. “Was cold while running?“I ask grinning.

“no, why?“Asks Rita and looks down at himself. When she sees her nipples she laughs. “Oh you schelm” she tinkhers me. I turn my ice pack around and pett your calf with my left hand.

My eyes wander along her leg. The legging is very closely pressing on her step. When Rita notes where my eyes wander, she spreads her legs briefly and her sweetness is even more clearly emerging.

“Ah Madame seems to be doing much better,” I say grinning. “Oh yes, I can hardly feel it anymore” she takes my hand and pulls me up.

When I stand in front of her, she was time to her, her hands are lying on my hands and she controls her over her thighs and then slowly to the inside side of the thigh. “Mmm ( something like that leaves you pains forgotten “sighs Rita. Now my hands move by itself and Rita starts to push my shirt on me. When I stand in front of her with a bare upper body, she caresses my nipples and starts pampering her mouth.

I go through a shower. I start to take off your shirt and at the same time I free her from bra. Then I kiss her long and passionate. Her fingers crawl my nipples and my hands also caress their horny breasts.

First stroke then press and then gently twist your nipples.

While we kiss further caress ritas hands over my stomach open my pants and push them down. Jeans and shorts in one go. My little friend stretches out to finally have more freedom of movement. Rita lets her fingers crawl over the shaft, gently massages the eggs and then she touches the shaft more firmly.

I gasp. “Well James, you like that?”Oh yes Madame” I grin and look into her eyes and stroke her breasts. Slowly she catches mine tail on too jerk off, Nice slow and full of feeling, the more drops of pleasure come, the further it pushes it foreskin. I put your breasts properly with lust.

“Can you stand on one leg rita?”” Yes on one leg “I pull her from the stool to her knees in front of her and pull the leggings and slip downwards. There is her horny sweetness. A thin strip of hair at the upper end and then only horny delicate lips shine the damp. When I help her out of her pants she gets swayed.

She can still caught in which she leans against the dining table.

“everyone’s like.K?“I ask worried. “Yes, of course, don’t stop now,” she says and leads my head to her sweetness with her hands. I know exactly what she wants. First my tip of the tongue gently lends over the column.

Then I give the two hot lips tender tongue kisses and nibbles them slightly. Your fingers come from above and spread the lips for me. My tongue now licks through her column until I meet her Klitperle “Mmmjaa daa” she breathes. My tongue dances around this pearl and then touched it carefully.

Rita shivered. Now I’m trying to enclose the pearl with my lips and nibble it on very gently. Then Rita encompasses my head and pulls me up. We kiss passionately and she lets herself sink back onto the table.

I’m half on her and my hard Schw.. Presses itself closely to their sweetness. Your lips easily enclose the shaft. I let my pelvis circle gently.

Rita pushes me up and right on the table.

She spreads her legs far and attracts them, she has her hands in her knees for support. “I want to feel you” she breathes. “Gladly Madame” I say with a smile. I stand close to the edge of the table and put my plump acorn on her sweetness, very slowly I penetrate, only the tip to the foreskin wreath.

rita tags “ today..“I encompass her hip, pull her to me and at the same time my pelvis bumps hard. We both moan. I am in her until it was stopped. This horny tightness and heat.

just crazy. “Again” she says. Very slowly I pull it back until only the tip is in her and again I push deep and firmly too. She rears up a bit and I repeat the game a few more times until I don’t stand it anymore.

Now no longer slowly goes back but I birds you with beautiful deep hard soulful pussies. It just looks horny as it lies in front of me, shaking her breasts with every bump and we enjoy the closeness.

“Wait a moment,” she says. I stop briefly, now she puts her legs on my shoulders. I gasp.

her pussy This makes it even narrower. “Oh rita you feel so horny” “Mmm I also feel very deep, now please keep going.“I stick to her legs and let my pelvis pour again nicely. This tightness is just cool. Rita kneads her breasts herself and then a hand glides over her belly and she fingers the clit.

Your pussy pulsates more violently and I now put more strength in my bumps. We moan and bustle both. It’s incredibly intense. ( “not… brake…” she begs.

“Can … I … even … not … more” I pour out. She fingered even faster, I now spread her legs a little and can see her eggsey sweetness. With your finger on the clit and my Schw … who you fi …Our pelvis moves again and again in a wild rythm. Then the sweetness becomes even narrower and my Sch..pulsed..Then we fall..She screams quietly and I will pick up loudly..My whole pelvis contracts and twitches wildly.

I pump my whole hot juice deep into them. My legs tremble. I have to stick to her so as not to fall over. I gently lie down on her and kiss her tenderly, I don’t want to get out of her … We enjoy this closeness until the last orgasm wave is passed ….

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