Surely couple fucks outdoor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In his view, my husband originally wrote this story. It gave me a lot of fun to rewrite it in my view. 🙂 ******** “We want to drink something, or let’s end for today?“Questioningly, Sam looked at his old buddy. “In any case, I don’t enjoy sitting dry here. “” No, I don’t think, “replied Andreas after being thrown at his partner, and who had grown confirming. “Better let’s pay! It’s late enough.

“I looked at the clock. Yes, there was something about it, because we now had after two in the morning. After a long time, my husband and I had again met with Irina and Andreas, our best friends, had strolled through the old town all evening, were eating, nice conversations had held a drink here and in the end and ultimatelyWe landed in a Bavarian restaurant where I had treated myself to the last wine.

“Okay,” replied Sam and waved The waitress approach, which was just finished at the neighboring table with the cashier. We paid the bill and left the restaurant a short time later. We said goodbye to our friends in front of the door because they had parked their vehicle in a completely different point. “Well, then let’s go too. “Sam looked at me. “You actually know that you look fantastic?”I smiled. “Do you know that you have already asked me that x times today?“I triumphed internally and smiled.

I basically like to style myself and especially for such evenings and already found that I had succeeded with the gray checkered costume with the particularly short skirt, the black, extremely high pumps and the equally black, wafer -thin nylons that are equally blackwere held. Sam knew exactly what was to be found under my skirt and that had probably done him nervous all evening. Actually, it would be a good time to go home as soon as possible … although … As a precaution, I was gone shortly before our farewell to the toilet and had prepared something … “We want to take a little walk?“I asked him, even if I didn’t think of a walk that way.

I had a lot more desire for something else, the night was unusually warm and why not? Maybe my plan opened. Anyway, my husband agreed with me. Shortly afterwards we strolled poorly shortly afterwards in arm the pedestrian zone. It was amazing what was still in the middle of the night, I thought, and what people all lost here at this time. I stopped and considered. So it won’t be … “You darling …” I smiled temptingly, whereby I hid my disappointment for a non -taking solution.

“I would like to go home now. “Sam had to have looked at the previous anticipation for me, because he grinned mischievously. “I know what you are going to do. But let’s do it here. “”What?“I felt caught. “Here? In the middle of the city? Do you see all the people?”” Of course not here on the street, “replied my husband and shook his head laughing. “But there has to be a quiet place somewhere. “I couldn’t imagine that, but it was very appealing to me, and maybe we were lucky.

I noticed how my pussy juice gradually ran down on my legs, my string – yes, now I will reveal it – I had already moved out in the restaurant in the restaurant on any coming. And my clit also started to itchy too. We just stood a little away from a shop window and at that moment nobody came towards us. So I could dare. I took Sam’s hand and led her under my skirt so that he could feel my suspenders.

“Here you have the answer. “I beamed at him. Rounded, he quickly took his hand away. “Until you crazy? If one had seen that. “” But nobody has. And if … “I couldn’t help but grin a cheeky grin. A little later – my husband still had to struggle with his excitement – we had left the main area of the pedestrian zone and looked for a suitable place. Fewer and fewer people also came towards us, so that the chances looked good.

We reached a playground that was only sparsely illuminated. ‘Bingo’, it shot into my head. Sam probably thought something similar and accelerated his step. But the moment we had reached the sand, a panicked voice sounded: “occupied!“We stopped rooted, turned around without a look without looking up. We quickly removed ourselves and after a few steps we both had to laugh first. “Cool!“, Said Sam when we had calmed down again.

“Have you ever experienced something like this?“I rubbed my eyes out of my eyes. “No. Really funny, but also cool. “” Well, it doesn’t really help us, “he replied a little disappointed. Slowly we went back and considered where there could still be a good place. We had unconsciously went towards the underground car park, where our automobile was standing. And when we approached the square, we both had to grin. That was the solution: the park over the underground car park.

Why didn’t it come to mind immediately? We are not in the city for the first time. There was a great place in this park: a way that was covered with any tendril plants and a bank below. From there you could also look over the way if someone approached. We went to the point in purpose, but as soon as we came closer, we suddenly heard noises. It was clear noises and disappointed we found: already occupied again.

But we were not completely discouraged yet. There was still a suitable place that we remembered and headed for it. To make it short – there was no place for us there either. Full of frustration, we then went towards the entrance to the underground car park. Sam obviously wanted to get the ticket out of his wallet when he stopped and looked around again. Except for the two couples that we almost shook, there was no one to recognize that more people were here.

He was obviously horny and really wanted to do it at home normally. And frankly, I felt the same way. I could hardly walk with lust and mine pussy Was pitsch wet. He looked thoughtful. “Let’s go in this direction. “Sam pointed into a small street where one of our regulars at the time was. “If we don’t find anything, we just go home. “” What I would find very, very bad “, I added.

“The night is so beautiful and it’s still warm. “And if I don’t have his soon tail I get, I flipped out, I added in the thought. We had just left around 30 meters behind, my impatience was hard to endure, Sam pointed to a building in a light curve in front of us. It was an older building with massive columns in front of it that was illuminated hidden. “We finally have something there,” said Sam and went straight to the pillar in the middle.

“I’m sorry, what?“I was disturbed. “Where do you see a suitable place here?”” Well there. “My husband pointed forward with my free hand. “Behind the column. “I stopped and held Sam on my arm. “You are not serious, we are hardly hidden because. “Well, we won’t be able to lie down, but the pillar is wide enough. There is also behind shadows. And as it looks, nobody runs around here anyway.

“Sam beamed at me. To judge his face to face it just like me. I thought for a moment, but my pussy screamed for a cock after his tail. Now. “Let’s go!“As soon as we had reached the shadow behind the pillar when we fell into our arms and kissed. Our bodies trembled with excitement when our tongues touched. Shivering I opened his pants and quickly picked up his swollen tail very swollen.

It was good to finally have freed him and since I had been waiting for this moment for so long, I immediately crouched. I refrained from any teasing delays, only enjoyed the sight of this already very damp glossy glans and slowly took Sams already fully erect tail very deep in the mouth. I started sucking violently while my tongue greedily circled the glans. Sam slipped a loud groan.

“Pssst,” I blamed, had released his cock briefly, looked at him, and held a finger in front of my mouth while I jerked his shaft with the other hand. Sams Blick spoke volumes. Obviously, he had noticed that my skirt had slipped a little, so that the stocking edges and stockings were clearly visible. It was too clear to me what this meant for him and immediately felt it on his twitching testicles. I greedily pushed his cock into my throat until the attack.

“Ooooh … ahhhh … honey … so slowly …” he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up carefully. A little reluctantly, I let his cock slide out of my mouth, torn back and forth with the thoughts of wanting to taste his seed, or would rather be fucked and followed his grip. He didn’t wait long either. Immediately when I was standing, he got to my skirt. When he had him at the top and wanted to put his hand in my slip.

“Where’s your panties?”” I took it off in the bistro on the toilet, “I replied and licked my lips. “Aha …” Sam grinned briefly and then fingered my wet pussy. I grabbed his extremely swollen and twitching tail and led him to where he belonged. Slowly but without hesitation he penetrated me until the stop. I groaned loudly, whereupon Sam was startled by the pillar. Fortunately, no other passersby in this corner had apparently been seen, because he relaxed and now pushed back and forth with slow movements.

It didn’t take long either than my body from one orgasm was shaken. He pressed his lips on mine because I became unusually loud. Well, I thought in his mouth, would be stupid, now caught to become, because … my body was still quake. But I really wanted more. I loved my lips and looked at it. “From behind!“My tone was almost too strict, but I didn’t want a contradiction.

I pushed him away, turned around, leaned a little forward and supported me on the column. I spread mine Legs. Whether that will get him around the mind? I was full of anticipation. Sam said nothing, he got his knees slightly and tried to introduce his cock, which, like almost always, failed. I am still surprised to this day, why that the natural, innate position is actually, because without help my husband rarely came where he should go.

But since I knew the problem, I helped him accordingly. Arrived at the place of happiness, he covered my hips with both hands and fucked it. It came as I guessed: Sam had to fight because he continuously changed the rhythm so as not to cum on immediately. My desire did not detract from it. I had to throw my head back one time or another and moaned loudly. I was driven from one climax to another, supported by supporting myself with one hand and working with the other my clit.

I realized that he was just about to twitch my husband’s tail. Actually I needed something in my mouth now, but didn’t want to bother him. So I let off my pussy and took his hand, led her to my mouth and sucked on one of his fingers. That was obviously too much for him. “Treasure…!”” Yes, let it come!”, I answered. He pushed again vigorously, then he left his cock as deep as possible and only rotated a bit with his hip.

I replied the pressure, leaned through my upper body and threw my head back, so that the tips of my long hair almost landed on my bare rear part. And then it came. This great feeling when you think that you are being pumped out, you notice how the man’s muscles tense and suddenly relax in the next moment. Be Sam with a huge pressure sperm In my pleasure cave, which, to my joy, gave me something like a little orgasm.

He climbed a few more times while more splashes followed. Then he let his cock slip out, supported the pillar and ran for breath. “Wow!”” You can say that loudly, “I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek while I pulled my skirt down. “Oh, oh, it runs down. I think I have to wash the stockings quickly afterwards. “I smiled at the custody. “But it feels cool. “” You don’t have enough yet?“Asked Sam while packing his shrinked partner.

“Yes, yes, of course. I am totally exhausted. Let’s drive now. “Arm in arm we walked the way to the underground car park. Apparently our action was noticed by nobody, because we did not meet a single person. Only at the cash register machine did we come across an older couple in whom the man was quite drunk. On the way home I thought about what I just experienced and slowly it started in my pussy, which was still dripping and free of some slip was free to itch again … ********.

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