Stand fuck in the football stadium! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Every Saturday my friend goes to football. I don’t mind, especially when his club wins. Because after a win we celebrate the success of the team in bed immediately after his return – with a super fuck.
“What do you think, we couldn’t even fuck in the stadium?“I asked him in bed one evening after he had really taken care of it again and fucked me through really well.
“How do you imagine that?“He asked me entirely.
“Let that be my concern, it is only important that you put on the trench coat and a wide trouser. You should also do without the slip, ”I replied, because my plan was already clear.
The next day I made myself ready for football in time.

I pulled my black French-knickers, so a panties with wide legs, on, black, overknees and long red boots reaching over my knees. I packed my plump boobs in a black -silk bra, above it came a black blouse with wide arm excerpts. Then a black knitting mini skirt and above my long coat, which has a slit that has almost reached to the bottom.
“Are you ready?“Thomas asked at the moment when I buttoned the coat.
“We can go from me,” I replied and reached his pants. “There’s something there,” I said when I felt his half -tire cock through the fabric.

“But now there is nothing, because fucking is only after the first goal,” I explained to him.
In the stadium we had chosen standing room, we were in the middle of our team’s fan block, I in front, Thomas behind me. After a few minutes there was the first goal.
“So, my darling, now button your coat and hold it around my shoulders,” I asked. Immediately he did, as I said. Under the protection of his coat, I reached back, opened his pants and picked up his half -tire cock with the plump sack.

With both hands I started to stroke him tail and sack, the latte too jerk off and knead the plump bag.
“Oh, that’s cool, keep it up,” he whispered to me as he watched the game. I took a hand between the Legs To my clit, I immediately got wet in the crotch. I already felt his cock through the slit of my coat on my buttocks, then I said to him: “Do you want to fuck me, here in front of everyone?”” Yes, I want, “he moaned close to my ear and pulled his coat together in front of me.
“Now, now fuck me,” I whispered, although nobody could hear us in the noise. I grabbed his hard latte with one hand, jerked hard a couple of times and thirty his glans between my legs, which I had spread something.

With a small flood, his cock had disappeared between my labia.
“Great, as it fits,” shouted Thomas, not knowing whether he said his cock in my cunt or a passport of a player. Slowly I moved back and forth, first carefully, then faster, because I saw that football fans around us only paid attention to the game, but not on the neighbors.
“More pressure, more movement,” he called again quite ambiguously.
“Super horny, if you bird me like this,” I moaned and baked my lover strongly towards my lover.
“I’m so incredibly horny, you feel how hard my latte is?“He whispered again and started hidden by his coat, mine Tits To knead and massage.
“I could unpack your tits now,” he said, while he was blouse and bra stroked.
“Then TuS, nobody pays attention to us anyway, get off, take them out of the bra,” I groaned, because lust had made me inhibited. At that moment I didn’t care whether someone discovered our fucking or not. I just wanted to fuck and one orgasm have.

His team was just before the opposing goal when he screamed: “Yes, right away, the time has come!“Again I heard the ambiguous words, but right now really happened: a goal fell and at the same moment he pressed my tits and sprayed off. A horny splash after the next fueled my horny cunt, I couldn’t stand it anymore and also came very huge.
“Great, keep it up, more, more,” I was now shouting loudly, which the surrounding fans certainly fought on the goal yield, Thomas but differently, because his seed was still bubbling into my cunt, mixed with my horny juice and let me the huge orgasmenjoy.
“You splash my cunt full, and thirty thousands of people cheer, that’s not crazy?“I asked my lover while he was still gently pushing his dick into my cunt.
“I feel so good, I think there will be another goal shortly,” he said and I felt that his cock was still stuck and hard in me.
“Keep it up, again the whole thing,“ I called cocky and ambiguous. The pounding and fucking continued, my lust still left as little as the tail hardness of my fucker. We had now found a wonderful rhythm, his cock was well lubricated and literally fucked me from one orgasm to the next.

I didn’t see anything about the game anymore.
“Yes, yes, again, horny, great,” I heard my fucker scream when he hunted his hot cum in the can with the next goal again. He had sprayed, so a goal had to have fallen again, I hadn’t noticed that in my limitless lust.
With the final whistle, the last goal scored, whereupon my fucker sprayed again, of course, of course, no longer the amount as in the first time. The game was finally over. I felt like all the players had birded through me, because for over half an hour my fucker had flashed around with his hard latte.

Now his cock became limp, slipped out of my cunt.
“Pack it quickly so that he does not get a cold,” I joked and pressed my legs together because I felt the juice flowed out of my cunt. That was the reason why I put on the woolen leglings: they sucked up the tons of juice before everything ran into my boots.
Thomas stowed his cock in my pants, I buttoned the slot on my coat at the back and closed it at the front, because my tits dangled in the open blouse without holding my tits.
“Let’s quickly go home, I have to finally fuck with you,” said Thomas and pulled me towards the exit. Well, I was excited to see what else would happen to me.

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