Sex in the car | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Since we haven’t seen ourselves for a long time we arrive and one evening for a coffee. I put on a jeans and my black shirt and make myself on the way to coffee, consciously a little earlier because I am happy to see you. When I arrive you are not there yet but I put myself in, order a coffee and grab the current Maxim with an article how to best bring women to orgasm. While I read the article, I get pretty dirty thoughts, since the last sex is some time ago, one or other imagination goes through my head.

You can already come in your short skirt and a cream -colored blouse and I put the booklet before you see me, after all, don’t have to know everything. We order an Appletini and entertain and amuse and the longest time. Without consciously taking it consciously, we sit almost 3 hours and some Appletiis there. We look at the clock and decide to pay and drive home.

Somehow a shame because the evening was pretty funny but probably the best for friendship. I still accompany you to yours automobile and say goodbye. You get in and want to drive home but your car is on strike at once. Since it is already late in the evening I offer you to bring you home, a little angry about the breakdown but happy about my offer you agree.

We get into my car, I put on good music and drive off. While we’re on the Highway I have to think about this stupid article again and again and since I no longer have myself under control, because of the Appletiis, I get a stand. I look over to you inconspicuously to check that you have not noticed anything anyway, but I catch you how you stare at my stand. I ignore this for the time being and you also do nothing, we go on and a few seconds seems to be complete silence when I suddenly notice how your hand my thigh up to mine tail wanders and strokes it begins.

I look over to you and see your sparkling eyes but I don’t say and try to concentrate on driving. Somehow you managed to open my rice closure and now have my cock in your hand. This hard stand makes you so horny that I notice that you start to stroke yourself. You pull your skirt up a little, push your patch to side while you stroke yourself so I have to look over again and again.

That makes us so horny that we decide on the next opportunity where nobody sees us to park the car. It takes a few minutes that seem like half a eternity until we find a suitable place, but after all it worked out. We tend to each other and start kissing. I can’t help but drive under your blouse with my hand and start stroking and massaging your breasts.

In the meantime, your hand plays constantly on my cock. Just wow. We are both so horny that we climb the back seat right away before I sat down correctly I can already feel yours Tongue on my tail and a hand on my eggs. It doesn’t take long and until I get in your mouth.

When you are called sperm In your mouth you feel to suck my cock properly and gave me a hemonial look at which the question arises in the room whether that was already all. Not that simply. I straighten up and turn around so that you kneel in front of me. To see your sweet butt like this is simply the madness but I try to keep myself and first start your wet with my hand pussy to stroke and when I realize that you are already totally horny, I start to circle your clitoris with my tongue.

I notice that this is going crazy and your pelvis begins to circle more and more. I don’t want to let you wait any longer, after all I am so horny that I don’t want to wait anymore.I kneel behind you and with a strong jerk I push my hard cock to you. You moan out loud and pack my butt and print it on you. This is so horny that I pack your hips and press them firmly while I fuck you.

It doesn’t take long for you to get a loud outcry. I can feel a slight vibration in your pool that almost drives me to the edge of madness. We don’t stop, keep going and I notice that I don’t keep it long anymore. Now a good time would be for a change of position so I sit down and jump on myself immediately and put my hard cock in your wet pussy.

You ride me while I am on your breasts with my hands gaming and with my tongue yours Nipple circuit. I feel that it makes you incredibly sharp and realize that your hands try to tighten my chest. We I think you should be shortly before the orgasm I hear loud moaning. You press yourself tightly when you come and press your butt so tightly that it comes to me immediately.

I pump my hot juice deep into your pussy and hold on while we remain in this position for a while. Completely exhausted you climb down from me. We pull and put on and put the trip home while we and us keep looking in our eyes at short intervals, but nothing but say you look at that, we have to repeat that

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