Pervers tanged in the forest | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I am DWT and sometimes feel like it Outdoor to have fun.

On a spring day I drove to a place I know, where men and occasionally dwt are to get around with each other. I’m not gay, rather light BI. I had a skin -colored fine tights, a black tulle patch and a black bra. I wore a sweat jacket, jeans and sneakers.

I got out of my car and went towards the forest.

In this way, a somewhat older gentleman came towards me in suit trousers and head shirt. His physique was strong, but not fat. He stopped, looked at me and rubbed himself slightly in the crotch. Clearly the signal, I want to rum with you.

I also reached between my legs to signal him that I want too. We approached each other and went next to each other until we were a little deeper in the forest. He knew himself very well, because where we stood you couldn’t be seen. We introduced each other and then he opened his pants and picked up his half -stiff cock, which already had a respectable size.

I reached for the cock and jerked it off slightly.

My counterpart put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me down. I understood, now bubbles were announced. With a wide open mouth I stuck it tail of the guy in. It filled me out strongly, but I blew and he became tougher.

In addition, I crawled him Egg, which seemed very filled to me. After some time of the bubble he pushed me away and pulled me up. My cock had become tough now and pressed against my pants. The bump could not be overlooked.

Manfred, that was the name of the man, stroked it, pressed against it to let go of me again. He reached the zip of my sweat jacket and opened it. “Aha, what do we have here? Are you a tranny? pants down!“I did as I was told and climbed out of my jeans. I was now only in bra, panties and pantyhose in front of Manfred and my cock pounded through that nylon.

“Horny, I like DWT sluts as you are one. I can live out my fantasies with them, ”he said. Manfred stood on the side of me and at the same time grabbed my cock in nylon wrapped and fingers on my asshole. His cock touched my nylon legs.

What a great feeling, a shower came over me. Manfred grabbed harder and now rubbed my cock faster. It came as it had to come I sprayed into the slip. Manfred distributed my fuck juice by hand.

“Oh the little one injected into the panties,” he said mockingly and fingered on mine rosette.

I looked down at myself and saw my damp panties and the wet tights.

The hand that had just weaned me went up to my bra, Manfred reached in and twirled my nipple with a little harder hand. “LOW DU DWT-******** jerk me the spank?“I replied:“ Yes, I am a horny sperm-DwT-******** and like your horny juice in my panties!“I picked up his extremely hard cock and jerked him. You were a horny hammer.

He let off from me and stood in front of me and took my cock out of my hand and ordered me: “Pull your tights and your panties forward!“With my thumbs I kept both forward and I saw my stiff tail of sperm lubricated. Manfred jerked his cock more and more violently and shortly before he sprayed he held his cock very close to mine. His cock hit my cock and covered him. To my own sperm Now the cream by Manfred was in my panties.

Manfred spat on it twice and I couldn’t use my cock to grasp and over again jerk off. While I jerked it off, Manfred stood behind me and rubbed his cock to me. After a short time I injected back into the panties. In the meantime, my cums out of my pantyhose.

Manfead rubbed himself on and after a while he turned me over and sprayed me again on my cock in the panties. He left me so fully. So far I haven’t known my submissive streak, but it made me horny.

I put on my jeans and the sweat jacket again and drove home. There I pulled out jeans and the sweat jacket again and looked in the mirror.

What did I look like and got a stiff again. In front of the mirror I jerked again. What a horny experience.

I fictitiously invented this story! The fantasy buzzed around in my head and I wrote it down.

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